ESL Podcast #12 Well, I love going out to restaurants to eat. One of the best experiences I’ve had recently was at a place here in Los Angeles called Il Fornaio. It’s an Italian restaurant in a very nice part of Beverly Hills. I don’t go there very often—I can’t really afford it, but every once and awhile I’ll treat myself. The last time I went, I walked in with a friend and I was greeted by the hostess. She asked how many people were in my party, and I said, “Just two.” “Right this way! I’ll show you to your table” she said. She was very polite. When we reached our table by the window, she asked us, “Is this all right?” We said, “Of course!,” and then she handed us the menus, along with the wine list. The place setting with the silverware was very complete. There were two forks (one for the salad course, one for the main course), a spoon, a knife, a dinner plate, a dessert spoon on top, a wine glass and a water glass, a cup and saucer for coffee, and a bread basket. I was already getting hungry! “You’re waiter will be with you shortly,” the hostess said. So we looked over the menus—so many choices, especially for a lover of Italian food like me. The waiter came up to the table a few minutes later and said, “Good evening. My name is Giorgio, and I’ll be your waiter this evening. Is there anything I can get you started with—a cocktail, a glass of wine?” Well, my friend and I are not exactly big drinkers, so we just ordered a couple of iced teas. “Would you like a few minutes to look at the menu?” he said. We nodded our heads, and he went off to get our drinks. As I was looking at the appetizers, I spotted one of my favorite dishes—crab cakes! I told my friend that the crab cakes were a must. Just then the waiter returned to our table, with our drinks on a large tray. I was ready to order. ESL Podcast #13 I love coming to this Italian restaurant. The appetizers and desserts are to die for. When the waiter came to our table to take our order, my friend ordered a lobster ravioli dish, and I asked for my favorite, lasagna. The waiter then asked us, “Would you like a soup or salad with that?” My friend said yes; I passed on both. The vibe in the restaurant is pretty laid back, not at all uptight like you find in some of the ritzier restaurants in Beverly Hills. The wait staff is courteous, although sometimes the hostesses can be a bit snooty. Anyway, when our meals arrived, everything was cooked to perfection. Since I didn’t order any appetizers, soup, or salad, I was starved. Even though I was really hungry, I tried not to gobble down my food too quickly. I didn’t want my friend to think I was a pig! But even though I tried not to, I still overate. When the waiter asked if we wanted any dessert or after dinner drinks, I just couldn’t resist getting the apple-filled crepes. They are the best. When we got our check, my friend and I split the bill, as we’re accustomed to do. I frankly prefer to go Dutch when I eat out with friends. So that was the end of a really great meal. Now I have to hit the gym if I’m going to loose any of this extra weight I gained from eating that lasagna! ESL Podcast #14 I heard on the radio this morning that my favorite band was going to be in concert here next month. I was so excited. The first thing I did was to call my friend Ben who is also a big fan of the band. Not only was the band playing in town, they were going to play at a bar called the Whiskey. The Whiskey is known as a small, intimate venue so we’d be able to get close to the band. It’s not a big amphitheater where you can’t even see the band from the nose-bleed section. This would be the ultimate concert experience…if only we can get tickets. I was sure that the tickets would sell out fast when they went on sale on Saturday morning. So, Ben and I decided to camp out in front of the box office on Friday night. That way, when the box office opened on Saturday morning, we would definitely get tickets. We grabbed a bite to eat on Friday night, then we got dressed in our warmest clothes and took our sleeping bags to the ticket office. This was around 8pm. When we got there, I couldn’t believe it! There were already about 15 people in line! And, I was sure we’d be the first ones. Oh well. Ben and I got into the back of the line and we barely got any sleep all night. We talked to the other people there and we just hung out all night. Nothing got out of hand, though, so we didn’t get hassled by the cops. By morning, there were more than 50 die-hard fans in line. Well, it paid off. When the box office opened at 9 am, we filed up to the window one by one and got our tickets. It was all worth it. I heard afterwards that the concert sold out in less than a half hour! I’m so glad we braved the elements and camped out. I really can’t wait until next month! ESL Podcast #15 My friend Ben and I have been waiting a month to see our favorite band in concert. This was the night. We were so excited. In a small venue like the Whiskey, there wouldn’t be a bad seat in the house. So, we get to the Whiskey really early to find street parking and snagged a spot about four blocks away. Then, we got in line which was already about 20 deep. There were two bouncers outside of the bar and they weren’t letting anybody in yet. We waited and waited in line. Finally, the line started to move. When we got to the head of it, one of the bouncers checked our tickets and one of the other employees of the club put a wrist band on each of us. I guess this was to let the employees in the bar know that we belonged there and we weren’t crashing the party. Anyway, we got inside and tried to get as close to the stage as possible. There were already a bunch of people standing in front of the stage in a special roped-off section. These were probably VIP’s or maybe they were groupies. Who knows? Anyway, I just know that security wasn’t letting anyone get that close. Before too long, people started to cheer and I knew that the opening act was about to come on. This was a band I’d never heard of before so I wasn’t that excited to hear them. They did come out and they started played a set. I couldn’t believe it. They were really horrible. The people standing next to Ben and me started boo-ing the band. Other people started throwing things on the stage, like their drinks and their food. After a little while, the boo-ing got so loud, you could hardly hear the band. Finally, they finished their song and left the stage. The concert-goers were pretty rowdy by this time. Some were yelling, others were getting up on top of the bar and dancing. Just when I thought there was going to be riot, someone got on the microphone and started to introduced the headlining band. All of a sudden, everybody calmed down and started cheering. The band came on stage and started their first number. Then, the room was full of happy campers. Ben and I were both a little nervous for a second there. We didn’t know if things were going to get out of hand. But when the band started playing, we knew that everything would be ok. This was turning out to be a great night, just like we’d imagined. ESL Podcast #16 I think the best summer vacation I’ve ever taken was when I went out East a few years ago. Two of my friends and I went on a two-week road trip. At the time, I was living in St. Paul, Minnesota, in the Midwest of the United States. Anyway, we started off by camping every night, but that got real old, real fast. So we started checking in to hotels after about the third day. We were headed for Washington, DC first. Checking in at the hotel was always a bit of a hassle. I wanted to sleep in a double bed, my friends wanted to get a king to share. Lodging is more expensive at a hotel than in a campground, but its much, much more comfortable! We went to the major tourist attractions in Washington, D.C.—the capitol, Lincoln’s Memorial, the White House. We then headed north, passing through Boston headed towards Canada, to Quebec City. When we arrived at the Canadian border, we had to pass through customs and immigration. Customs was easy—we had nothing to declare. Immigration more of a pain. We were ask the standard questions. How long will you be staying in Canada? What is the nature of your visit? Finally, we were permitted to enter, and we drove on to our destination. Quebec City was beautiful! Unlike many cities, there were no tourist traps to sidetrack you. We spent two days there, then drove on to Montreal. Of course, we had to pass customs and immigration again when we re-entered the United States. Our bags were searched in customs, but other than that we got through fairly easily. A few days later, we were back in Minnesota--home sweet home ESL Podcast #17 I love watching movies. I like a lot of different genres. No matter what my mood is, I can always find something that fits the bill. When I’m feeling down, I sometimes like a good comedy. My favorite are romantic comedies. The plot is pretty simple. A boy meets a girl and there are road blocks to them getting together. The lead actors are usually likable people, the supporting cast give comic relief and villains are people we love to hate. In the end, though, there is usually a happy ending. Romantic comedies, or comedies in general, can be predictable but they’re also pretty entertaining. I don’t go out of my way to see slapstick or physical comedies that much. But, once in a while, I catch a good one on TV. I like dramas, mysteries, and action and adventure stories, not to mention documentaries. My favorite are movies that have surprise endings that throw you for a loop. Just when you thought you had the whole thing figured out, there’s a plot twist. Good screenwriters or directors can pull it off. One type of movie I don’t like that much are horror movies. Scary movies just don’t do it for me. But, there is one exception. I like movies by the director Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock was born in England but made most of his films in the U.S. Before he died in 1980, he made a lot of movies that are now considered classics. Most of them are nail-biters; some are mysteries and some are horror stories. The scariest movie I think he made and that I’ve ever seen was a movie called Psycho. The movie is set in a seedy motel called Bates Motel. The main character owns the motel and lives there with his mother. Strange things happened at this motel. People check in, but sometimes, they don’t check out. One day, a very pretty woman checks in to the motel. We know something bad is going happen to her. Sure enough, we see her get murdered. At the very end, we find out who the murderer is. It’s one of those surprise endings. Just when you thought you have it figured out, it turns out to be a shocker. I won’t spoil the ending for you if you haven’t seen it. I recommend it though and give it a big thumbs up. But, be warned. It’s not for the faint-hearted. ESL Podcast #18 Getting around in the United States is sometimes not very easy. Most people own their own cars, but not everyone can foot the bill for the car, plus the insurance, gas, and maintenance. Most big cities have buses, but they are much slower than a car. Several cities in the U.S. have subway systems, but many do not. There are even fewer trains that transport daily commuters. In cities such as Los Angeles, public transportation is much more limited than in other countries. If you take some form of public transportation, you need to pay a certain fare. In most big cities the fare is anywhere from 1 to 2 dollars. But don’t expect the bus driver to change a bill for you. You usually need exact change if you’re going to ride a bus, train, or subway. Whatever you take, you always have to pay for it! My friends here in Los Angeles all have different ways of getting to work. One friend, who lives out in the boonies, rides the train everyday. He takes the train because it’s easier for him than driving or taking a bus. Another friend I know who works close to where he lives rides a bike everyday. Still another friend drives his car. I don’t know anyone who rides the bus, but I’ve taken it once or twice when my car was in the shop. Worse comes to worst, you can always hop in a taxi. Taking a taxi is expensive here, though, so be prepared for a big fare—not including the tip! ESL Podcast #19 Believe it or not, I don’t own an iPod. I know, I know. I’m really behind the times, but I have an excuse. I’ve been so busy at my work lately, I haven’t had time to take a break. So finally yesterday I went shopping for an iPod down at the mall in Santa Monica. I walked into the Mac store there and was immediately greeted by a salesperson. He asked, “Can I help you find something?” “No,” I said, “just looking.” I don’t like the feeling of high-pressure salespeople. Anyway, I looked around the store some more, and finally made my way to the iPod section. Then I decided to ask the salesman a question. “Excuse me, can I ask you something?” “Sure,” he said. “Go right ahead.” “I’m thinking of picking up an iPod, but I’m not sure which one is right for me. What do you recommend?” He replied, “Are you going to be using it for running, jogging, working out, in your car?” “Yes,” I said, “all of those, except the running, jogging, and working out.” He laughed at my somewhat lame joke. “Okay, well, I recommend you get the iPod Mini to start.” “How much is that?” I asked. “Well, it just went on sale, so I think we can offer you a good price on it.” “I’ll take one,” I said, and we made our way to the cash register. “Will that be credit or debit?” he asked me. “Credit card,” I said, as I swiped the card through the reader. I waited, and nothing happened. “Could you swipe that card again? It didn’t go through.” “Sure,” I said, and swiped it again. Finally, the card processed and he handed me the charge slip to sign. “I’m sure you’ll be very happy with your purchase.” “Oh,” I said. “It’s not really for me. It’s for my wife!” ESL Podcast #20 My computer has been acting up on me. It’s a pretty old model, and I need to replace it. So I decided to call up my friend Kevin to ask for his two cents. Kevin is a computer whiz. He knows PC really well since he worked on them for years, but in his heart of hearts, he is a big Mac fan. So, I thought he would be good person to ask. I have always used a PC. I do mostly word processing so I don’t need anything fancy. But, I see people I know doing cool things with photos and video, so I’d like to take a crack at some new programs in the future. Well, I called up Kevin to tell him what I needed. He immediately started throwing out specs: “You need at least a 2 Gigahertz processor and 1 Gig of memory, and make sure it has a writable DVD drive.” “Whoa,” I said. “All of that is way over my head. Let’s back up for a a minute.” Then he laughed and said he had gotten carried away. “Okay,” he said. “Let’s start at the beginning. Now, the processor determines how easily and how fast you can use the programs on your computer. Got that?” I said that I did. Then he continued, “How much RAM memory you have is very important, too. Your computer will go faster the more you have. So, I recommend getting at least 1 Gigabyte of RAM memory.” “I think I’m following you so far, “ I said. “Great,” he said. Another thing you want is a drive that handles both CDs and DVDs. Some drives can just read DVDs and some can record onto blank ones. If you want to burn your own videos, you’ll want a writable DVD drive. Remember though, that’s just the computer itself. Don’t forget that you’ll need a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, and speakers.” “OK,” I said. “I think I’ve got all that. Now, here’s the burning question: Mac or PC? He said: “Now that’s a whole different thing. Do you have a couple of hours?” ESL Podcast #21 Well, I was born and raised in Minnesota, in St. Paul, Minnesota, to be exact. I won’t say how long ago that was, but let’s just say I’m no spring chicken. I grew up there with my rather large family of 8 brothers and 2 sisters. (I was the baby of the family, but I swear I wasn’t spoiled!) We were 13 in all—probably the biggest family in the neighborhood, maybe in the state. I had a mostly happy childhood. My father and mother didn’t have a lot of money, but we were never worried about keeping up with the Joneses. I wasn’t much into sports like my brothers were, but I enjoyed reading and listening to music growing up. I went to grade school near my house, and then to a high school about 2 miles from where I lived. After graduating from high school, I went on to the University of Minnesota to get my bachelor’s degree. It took me a while to learn the ropes at the university, but I finally graduated nearly 6 years later. Better late than never, as my father used to say. I then went to Mexico for a couple of years to teach English and to study Spanish. When I returned, I decided to become a teacher, so I went back to school to get my Master’s degree. After teaching for a few years, I was offered a job in California, so I moved to Los Angeles in 1991. After working here a few years, I went back to school—again!—to get my Ph.D. I was starting to become a professional student. Well, I finished up my degree in four years, and then taught at the university for several years. Now, I work at a small research organization here in L.A. I am happily married, and I still enjoy reading and listening to music, and, of course, hosting ESL Podcast. ESL Podcast #22 This is turning out to be a month for seeing old friends. I got an email a couple of weeks ago from a old friend from graduate school. She and her family are visiting L.A. for a week. They plan to see family and to visit old friends. Since she moved out of the country, I hadn’t seen her in ages. I’m looking forward to meeting her new kids and seeing her again. Another old friend called this week. She and I were buddies in our undergraduate days. She plans to swing by L.A. on her way to San Francisco. We’ve made plans to have lunch. She works in Washington D.C. as a political advisor and is usually very busy. I’m glad she could make time for us to get together. When we say good-bye to our friends, we always hope to keep in touch. But, what with this and that, it’s sometimes hard to do. With friends that I’ve fallen out of touch with, it’s sometimes hard to meet up again and pick up where we left off. We’ve both moved on to a different phase in our lives. Some of my old friends have become very successful, living lives in the fast lane. Other friends are struggling along and are just making ends meet. But, no matter how they’re doing, it’s always nice to touch base again. I’m really looking forward to seeing these old pals of mine and catching up after all this time. ESL Podcast #23 Spring cleaning is suppose to take place before summer, not after it. But, as usual, I procrastinated and now I have to finally get rid of all the junk I’ve accumulated over the year. But now there are no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it—the cleaning must be done! I start in my bedroom. I have a king bed, with a sheet on the mattress and a top sheet, with pillow cases on the pillows. Atop all that I have a down comforter. Well, they all need to be washed, so into the machine they go. Next I start in on the closet. What a mess! I’ve got boxes and bins full of stuff that need sorting. Finally, I have to vacuum the carpet and dust. Whew! Quite a job! Good thing I don’t have any drapes, just shades on the windows. But I’m not done yet. It’s time to move on to the kitchen. I have a combination stove and oven, both of which I need to clean. I start with the fridge, though, which needs the most work. I take out the shelves and rinse them all off. Then I dump anything which has a passed its expiration date. Then its back to the stove, which I need to scrub clean of the grease and stains, and the same for the oven. Finally, I wash all the dirty dishes and put them in a dish rack next to the sink. Spring cleaning is always a mixed bag for me. It’s a lot of work, but I also find things I’ve been missing for the past year! Maybe next time I’ll manage to do my spring cleaning in the spring. ESL Podcast #24 Driving in a big city like L.A. can be so stressful. It sometimes feels like I’m doing battle just to get to the grocery store, much less across town. What is it about getting behind the wheel that brings out people’s aggressive side? The most mild-mannered mother of three turns into a race car driver when she gets on the road. In L.A., people rely on the freeway to commute to their jobs or just to get around town. I think driving on the freeway has it’s good and bad. On the one hand, there are no stoplights and the speed limit is over 55 miles per hour so you can get somewhere in a flash. But, on the other hand, there are drawbacks, too. People like to gun their engines and cut off other cars to get ahead. The other day, I saw a guy in a Porshe get into the passing lane, race ahead of the Honda that was in front of him, and cut that person off. Then, the guy in the Honda tries to catch up to the Porshe. They’re both zipping in and out of traffic, almost causing an accident. They were speeding and changing lanes without looking or signalling. I was sure they were going to cause a big pile up. As an alternate to the freeway, I sometimes take surface streets. Of course, surface streets have their drawbacks, too. If you have a long commute to work or school, it can take you ages to get there. There are stop signs, stop lights, and crosswalks to deal with. And, people sometimes tailgate if they think you’re not going fast enough. Now that I think about it, there’s sometimes even more congestion on surface streets than on the freeways! There’s no getting around it living in L.A. We need better public transportation and more people to walk, bike, or rollerblade to work. But as the famous song goes, “Nobody Walks in L.A.” [by the Missing Persons] SL Podcast #25 Lucy: Hey Jeff, can I pick your brain for a minute? Jeff: Sure, what’s up? Lucy: Well, I have a sticky situation at work and I wanted to get your input. You’re always so tactful. Jeff: Thanks. I’m not sure I can help but I’ll give you my two cents. Lucy: Well, it’s like this. There’s this guy I work with who is always making jokes about the boss. Don’t get me wrong. I like a good joke now and then, especially about the boss. But, sometimes he goes too far. Jeff. What do you mean? Lucy: Well, just the other day, he got a picture off the Internet and cut and pasted the boss’ head onto it. Let’s just say it was a very unflattering picture of him. Jeff: Hmm. That’s really unprofessional, but it sounds harmless enough, if he kept it to himself or just showed it to a few friends. Lucy: That’s just it. He didn’t keep it to himself. He attached the picture to an email and sent it to the entire company, including the top brass. Jeff: You’re joking, right? Lucy: No, I’m not. This is what I mean when I said he goes too far. He just doesn’t know when to quit. Jeff: Is he a friend of yours? Lucy: No, not really. But, I don’t want the guy to get fired. He’s actually a good person. He’s just clueless, that’s all. Jeff: Well, that’s a tough one. Let me think about it. Maybe there’s a way to get him to cut it out before he gets fired. Lucy: Thanks. I appreciate it. Jeff: Oh, it’s no big deal. Let’s go get a bite to eat. Lucy: Sure. Sounds good to me. ESL Podcast #26 I’ve had a really busy day today. I rolled out of bed at around 7:00 AM, like every morning, and jumped in the shower. After brushing my teeth and shaving, I picked up my morning paper from the front sidewalk and started reading it. I like to eat breakfast when I read the paper, so I poured myself a bowl of cereal. At around 7:30, I went into my office and sat down to go over my to-do list. First, it was off to the post office to check my P.O. box. Then I went to the public library down the street to check out some books I’ve been meaning to read. Next stop: the supermarket. My wife had given me a grocery list as long as your arm of things to pick up. I grabbed a shopping cart and got down to business. After I checked off everything on my list, I headed to the check out stand to pay for my items. But I wasn’t done yet. I zipped over to the bank, where I had to make a deposit and withdraw some money from the ATM. Fortunately, the line wasn’t too long and I was able to get in and out quickly. My next stop was the pharmacy, where I needed to pick up my prescriptions. Finally, I headed home again. Now, I have to go to my real job! ESL Podcast #27 I came across some good advice while reading this week. If you’re like me, you spend most of your time thinking about all of the things that are on your “to-do” list and you try to figure out how you’re going to do them all. Or, sometimes, I think about things that have already happened. Maybe I messed up my presentation at work or had a fight with my boyfriend. People dwell on these kinds of things all of the time. The book I was reading made a very good point. If you’re constantly thinking about the past or the future, how can you enjoy the present? In other words, you’re making yourself unhappy by stressing out about things that you can’t control. At the same time, you’re missing what’s happening right now. I know I do this all the time. For instance, I was at the movies this past weekend. I was with my good friend and we were seeing a movie we’ve had our eye on for weeks. I was looking forward to it and my friend and I were both in a great mood. Then, I saw someone across the theater who looked like my co-worker. It wasn’t her but it got me thinking. I thought about the report I had to do on Monday and how much I hated working on it. Then, I thought about my co-worker who wasn’t pulling her weight. The more I thought about it, the more angry I got. By the time the movie started, my mood had changed completely. I was stressed out. Where did all of that thinking and worrying get me? Nowhere. My new resolution is to try to stop obsessing about the past and the future so much, and to just enjoy the here and now ESL Podcast #28 I admit that I’m not very good at small talk. When I’m with friends, I can just shoot the breeze all day long. But when I talk to a stranger or someone I don’t know very well, I’m always casting about, searching for something to talk about. Politics and religion are definitely taboo subjects, at least here in the United States. But you have to chat about something, otherwise there are these uncomfortable silences. So we end up talking about—what else?—the weather. This usually begins with something like, “So, nice weather we’ve been having!” or “It sure is a warm one out there today.” Of course, we have to comment on the temperature. My favorite is, “It’s not the heat that’s so bad, it’s the humidity!” Actually, I think that’s true—I hate it most when it’s muggy outside. Back in my home state of Minnesota, everyone is obsessed with the weather report! Every TV station has it’s own meteorologist with a high-tech radar giving you the 5 day forecast. They tell you when the temperature is rising or falling, what kind of clouds are moving in, and how cold the wind chill is. My favorite quote about the weather comes from Mark Twain, who once said, that everybody talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it! ESL Podcast #29 Yesterday, I was talking to an ex-colleague of mine who, quite frankly, has something of a big mouth. I bumped into him at the beach, where he was walking his dog. Anyway, as I was saying, he’s the kind of guy that’s always bad mouthing his co-workers. So he comes up to me and says, “Hey, Jeff. Long time, no see. What’ve you been up to?” “Ah, not much, “ I said. “Well, guess who I saw yesterday? John Robeson, the guy from accounting at Firth Industries. You remember him, the guy with big ears and and an ego to match.” It takes one to know one, I thought, but I kept it so myself. “Oh, really. How interesting,” I replied. “Yeah, well, I hate to talk behind someone’s back, but ever since he and I had that falling out last year, I’ve never really cared for the guy.” “How come?” I asked. “Well, he’s a bit of a backstabber, always trying to outdo the other guy.” “I know what you mean,” I said. I knew at this point it was time to make my exit, otherwise, this guy would go on about John Robeson for the next 10 minutes. “What time do you have?” I asked him. “It’s quarter after five.” “Geez, already? Man, I’ve got to hit the road. I’m supposed to meet my brother at the pier in a few minutes. But, hey, it was sure good to see you again. You take care!” With that, I made my exit. I’ve got better things to do than to listen to him gripe all day. ESL Podcast #30 I stopped by the drugstore last night on my way home from work. I had a few toiletries to pick up, as well as my prescription. Fortunately, the chain pharmacy where I go has a little bit of everything: food, greeting cards, magazines—it’s almost as big as a regular supermarket. To begin with, I needed to get some medications for my allergies. I’ve got hay fever, so I’m sneezing up a storm every morning when I wake up. While I was at it, I also got some antacids and some Band-Aids. Now it was on to pick up my refill. I stood in line for a few minutes before being waited on. Since it was not a new prescription, the pharmacist didn’t have do a consultation with me. I just gave the clerk my insurance card and she rang up the sale. Fortunately, I have a low co-pay, so my HMO foots most of the bill. ESL Podcast #31 I fell into the habit of reading the newspaper every morning when I was a kid. Back then, there used to be two daily newspapers—a morning edition and an afternoon edition. Nowadays, of course, many cities in the U.S. have just a morning paper. I’m not too picky about which newspaper I read, although when it comes to national newspapers, I prefer reading the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal over USA Today. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a news junkie. I just like browsing the different sections, reading the headlines, and checking out the classifieds. I usually skip the sports section and the funnies, and only flip through the food and health sections, but I always read the front page and the editorial page. On the weekends, I’ll skim the entertainment section for the movie listings and reviews. I’m sort of old-fashioned in that I still like reading a real, paper newspaper. Sure, I also read some of my news online, but nothing beats lounging around on Sunday morning reading the big, thick paper. Don’t worry, though: I always recycle my stack of newspapers. ESL Podcast #32 For me, things never go very smoothly at my local post office. I’ve learned that if you want to mail a letter, you’ll have no problems. But if things get more complicated than that, well, watch out! Yesterday I went there to mail a small package and to pick up a book of stamps. I waited my turn in line, and when I get up to the window, the clerk asks me, “What can I do for you?” “Well,” I said, “I need a book—no, make that a roll of stamps. And I need to send this package priority to San Francisco.” “You want insurance with that?” he asked me. “Uh, I don’t know, what do you recommend?” “Well,” he said, “you can send it priority with tracking if you want to see when it gets there, you can send it insured if the contents are valuable, or you can do both.” “Okay, I’ll take the insurance.” “Then step aside to fill out the insurance form,” he said, “and bring it back up to me when you’re finished.” With that, I was waved aside to fill out my form. “Next in line!” the clerk called. When I finished filling out the form, I waited patiently until the gentleman being waited on in front of me was finished, and then stepped back up to the window. “Sorry,” the clerk said, “I’m on break now. She can help you at the next window.” Maybe it would be quicker just to drive my package to San Francisco. ESL Podcast #33 Would you want to have a special talent in something? Maybe as a musician or an athlete? I’m of two minds about this. Sometimes I watch TV or read about someone who has a special talent. This was true during the Olympics. Some of those athletes I saw were very talented. Whether it was playing soccer, running track, ice skating, or doing gymnastic routines, you could see how gifted they were and how well-trained and focused they were. I get the same feeling when I see musicians who can sing well or play an instrument easily. Watching or listening to them can take your breath away. I sometimes wish I had an special gift like theirs. On the other hand, I also read about stories of children who are singled out as having talent early in life. Some of these kids begin training or practicing at the exclusion of other things kids do, like hanging out with friends or learning things in other subjects. Some of these kids don’t go to school but are taught at home with tutors instead. They may be sent away to teachers or trainers in other cities, sometimes even without their parents. And, sometimes they spend so much time developing their talent, they don’t have much time to develop other parts of their lives. These kids often live under a lot of pressure to perform. I envy these kids’ talent, but I don’t envy their lives. I guess maybe it’s not so bad being mediocre after all. At least that’s what I’ll keep telling myself when I practice this week. ESL Podcast #34 One of my favorite hang-outs is a caf? near where I live called Bolivar in Santa Monica. It’s only five minutes away, and its never too busy to find a table. Sometimes it can be bustling, but that’s usually just in the morning during rush hour or at lunchtime. The owners are from Venezuela, and always have some cool music playing in the background. Yesterday, I decided to take my New York Times and my laptop and kill a few hours there. I ordered the usual—as a regular, the folks there know I want a Vanilla Latte with a double shot of espresso, hold the whipped cream. Sometimes I’ll order a coffee cake if I’m feeling a little hungry. The caf? also has soup and sandwich menu you can order off of. Cafes are great for people watching. Sometimes I just sit and watch the people come and go. You get all types at this caf?. Yesterday, for example, a mother comes in with her three daughters, and one of the little girls ordered a latte! This being Los Angeles, you have your typical mix of screenwriters, out-of-work actors, and various Hollywood wannabes. They make for a colorful mix most of the time. Me, I just sit and read my paper. I’m no actor, but someday I would like to direct… ESL Podcast #35 I was so glad it was Friday afternoon. I’ve been thinking--TGIF--all day. I was on my way out of the office when I saw Nick sitting at his desk. Even though the office was nearly empty, he didn’t look like he was ready to leave. In fact, he looked like he was still swamped with work. Linda: Hi, Nick. You’re here late. Nick: Yeah, it looks like this may be an all-nighter. I just got a project dumped in my lap. Linda: You’re kidding! On Friday afternoon? What happened? Nick: Well, the person who was put in charge of this project went on maternity leave this week and the person who was supposed to take it over just resigned. Linda: I can’t believe that. When is the deadline? I hope you’re getting some extra help. Nick: The project is due first thing Monday morning. And, with the lay-offs recently, I think I’m on my own on this one. Linda: Why don’t you bring me up to speed? Maybe I can help. Nick: No, it’s Friday. You look like you’re about to head home. I can’t ask you to do that. Linda: I don’t have any big plans for tonight. So, I’ll tell you what. I’m having some trouble finishing the budget on my proposal and I know you’re a whiz at numbers. Why don’t I stay and help you with your project for the next few hours and you can give me a hand with my budget next week. Nick: That’s really nice of you. It would be a big relief. I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed and I know you’ve done a project like this before. Okay, you’ve got a deal! Linda: Good! Now, let’s see what we’ve got. ESL Podcast #36 I needed a new dress for a wedding I was attending next week so I went to the mall during my lunch hour. The mall had a big variety of stores, including two department stores so I was sure to find something that was just right. I found a space in the parking structure and entered the mall through the main entrance. This was right next to the food court. Okay, where to start? I headed to one of the two department stores. On the way there, though, I saw a nice dress in a window display of a women’s clothing store. I decided to go in. As I walked in, I saw a sales clerk hanging some shirts on a rack. She said, “Hi, can I help you find something?” “Oh, I’m just browsing,” I said. “Okay. Let me know if you need any help.” I told her “thanks” and started looking around the store. There were some nice sweaters folded on the shelves and some dress pants on the racks. I made my way toward the back of the store and found the same dress I saw in the window display. And, it was on sale! It was 50% off. I started looking for my size. There were plenty of smalls and larges, but no mediums. The sales clerk was walking by just then so I asked her, “Do you have any other sizes in the back?” But, I was out of luck. This was all they had. “But,” she said, “I have this dress in a medium and it’s been marked down, too. Would you like to try it on?” I said I did and followed her to the dressing room. She said, “My name is Cheryl. Let me know if you need anything else.” I tried the dress on and it fit perfectly. I liked the color, too. I took the dress to the register. The sales clerk asked, “Are you ready?” I told her I was and she started ringing me up. The clerk told me the total and asked me, “How would you like to pay for this?” “With my MasterCard,” I said and handed her my credit card. She processed the card and asked me sign the credit card receipt. She handed me a copy and a bag with my new dress in it. She said, “There you go. I hope you like the dress. Thanks for coming in.” I thanked her and left. I couldn’t believe I got my shopping done so quickly. There’s a first time for everything. ESL Podcast #37 My niece is turning 8 next week and I decided to buy her a new pet. She had been asking her parents for a pet for a long time. But, they were worried about taking care of a pet. I told them I would go to the pet store to see if I could find a pet that wouldn't be too much of a bother. I walked into a big pet store and looked around. I saw cages with dogs and cats. There were also bird cages with birds of every color. I even saw some snakes! I saw a sales clerk and asked him for help. I told him that I was looking for a pet that was easy to take care of. He suggested a cat or a kitten. But, I told him that my niece was allergic to cats. Then, he suggested a puppy. I walked over to the rows of dog kennels and asked the clerk how often they needed to be walked. He said that usually, they needed to be taken out three to five times a day. That was much too much work, I told him. He then showed me some birds, including a parrot. Then, I asked him how often the cages had to be cleaned, and when he told me, I nixed that idea. Finally, he took me to the back of the store. I have the perfect pet for you, he said. I looked around and saw acquariums full of fish. There were about 20 different kinds. The clerk said that they were very easy to take care of. With the right equipment, you don’t have to clean the tank regulary and all you have to do is feed the fish. That was it! The perfect solution. The next time I visited my niece, she told me she loved her fish. She had named them all. She even named one after me. It was called “Jeffish.” Get it? Now, she’s happy and so are her parents. Just before I left, my niece asked me: When can we go to Disneyland? Ah, the work of a an uncle is never done. ESL Podcast #38 I moved into the new apartment last month and decided to invite a few friends over for a house-warming party. I didn’t want to spend the day cooking, so I decided to have a barbeque. The food would be easy to prepare and I could cook it when my friends got here. But first, I had to go get a few things at the supermarket. I got to the store and got a cart. I started out in the meat department. It wouldn’t be a barbeque without hamburgers so I bought some ground beef. I also picked up some chicken breasts and hot dogs. I skipped the seafood counter since I didn’t want to bother with fish. Then, I was off to the produce department. I got some corn on the cob and a lot of vegetables for grilling for my friends who are vegetarians. Then, I was off to the bakery section. I needed buns for the hamburgers and hot dogs, and I also bought some cookies for dessert. Then, I was almost done. I went down each aisle looking for the condiments--the ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise. And, just before wrapping things up, I went to the liquor department and got some beer, wine, and soda. Nearly everyone I invited asked if they could bring something for the party and but I told them no. I would have plenty of food and drink. That was it. I stood in line at the check-out stand, staring at the magazine rack full of tabloids, until the cashier rang me up. The shopping went off without a hitch. Now, all I have to do is clean my messy apartment. That’s the hard part. ESL Podcast #39 It’s hard to watch TV these days without seeing reality shows. Some nights, it’s hard to find a scripted drama to watch. There are so many different kinds of reality shows, too. The most popular one in the U.S. has been the “American Idol” show. This is a singing competition where amateurs try to impress the judges and the audience calls in to vote off a contestant each week. The last person left standing gets a recording contract. I think many countries now have a reality show like this. This show starts its fourth season this year and I think it’ll be more popular then ever. Another popular reality show is “Big Brother.” In this show, a group of people live together in the same house for about 15 weeks. They’re not allowed to leave and they can’t have visitors. The people chosen to live in the house are usually very different. This way, there is sure to be a lot of conflict. Some people form alliances and other people try to go it alone. The contestants compete in games and each week, the other contestants vote off one person from the show. Why would anyone want to be on “Big Brother?” The answer is easy: money. The last person remaining gets a huge prize—in the U.S. show, a half a million dollars. Even I’d live in a house full of strangers for that kind of cash. ESL Podcast #40 Fall is once again upon us, and that means that homecoming celebrations are just around the corner. Homecoming is an American tradition each September and October for high schools and colleges where they celebrate their school spirit with a football game and other celebrations. I remember the homecoming events when I was in school. First, there was the election of a homecoming king and queen. Each class had its own representative, one boy and one girl, usually the most popular jock and the cutest cheerleader. Needless to say, I was neither, so I never stood a chance of being elected! The king and queen, though, were always from the senior class. All the events led up to the big game, played on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon, always a home game for the school celebrating their homecoming. In my school, we had a pep rally the day before the game, where the cheerleaders and dance team would do their thing on the stage. We also had a small parade before the game, where all the homecoming royalty and the marching band would go around the track of the stadium where the game was held, cheered on by alumni, parents, and students. Then we would watch the football game, which at my school, we usually lost. ESL Podcast #41 I’m not what you would call the world’s best negotiator, but sometimes it’s necessary to engage in a tough negotiation. Take, for instance, the time I had to renew the lease on my apartment. This was back in college, when I was renting a small studio in the Miracle Mile area of Los Angeles. When my lease was up, the landlord and I sat down to hammer out the terms of a new lease. “I’ll tell you what I’m going to do,” he said. “I’m going to give you a break on rent if you sign a two-year lease instead of just a one-year lease.” “Well,” I said, “I don’t know. What sort of break are we talking about here?” “I’ll give you a 5% rent increase instead of a 10% increase in exchange for you signing a two-year lease. It’s win-win situation: you get a cut in rent, and I get the security of a two-year lease.” At this point, I decided to make a counter-proposal. “How about this,” I said, “You give me a one year lease with a six percent increase.” “No, I can’t make that sort of deal,” he said. “But here’s what I can do, and it’s my final offer: I’ll pay for your electricity for the first 6 months of the lease, along with the other terms I mentioned before.” “You drive a hard bargain…okay, it’s a deal,” I said. I guess I could have tried to bargain him down a bit more, but I was happy with our agreement. Now all I had to do was sign on the dotted line. ESL Podcast #42 Dear Dr. Lee: I don’t know if you’ll remember me, but I introduced myself to you after your keynote at last week’s conference. As I mentioned to you, I have read all of your journal papers and I am a great admirer of your research. Your article in the top journal Language Learning was groundbreaking. The reason I am contacting you is that I would like to come to your university to study with you. I met some of your students at the conference and they couldn’t stop singing your praises as a professor and as an advisor. I don’t know if you are accepting any new students for the next year, but if so, I hope you will consider me. I have included two attachments to this email. I am sending a copy of my CV, and I am also including a research paper I completed this year. I hope that these will give you an idea of my qualifications and experience. Please let me know if you need more information or more samples of my academic work. It was a pleasure and a privilege to meet you at the conference and I hope to hear more about your research at a future conference. Sincerely, Lucy Hocevar ESL Podcast #43 I've finally landed my first interview. Well, actually, that’s not really true. I have been on many interviews for part-time jobs. This was my first interview for a full-time job. In less than two months, I will graduate from Arizona University. After a lot of back and forth trying to decide on a major, I finally decided to double major. I would study both political science and marketing. These are not majors that usually go together. In fact, most people thought I was crazy. But, after a lot of soul searching, I decided to combine my two main interests: 1. politics and 2. getting a job! Those are my two priorities. I thought that if I get degrees in these two fields, I could cast a wide net when going job hunting. And, that’s what I’m trying to do now. Since I don’t know if I want to work in the public or private sector, I’ve applied for jobs in both. In the public sector, I could work for the government. Maybe one day, I could even be a speech writer for the President! Okay, maybe I should shoot a little lower. In the private sector, I could work for private organizations such as museums, schools, or programs. Some of those are non-profit. Or, I could work for a company. Everybody tells me that that’s where the money is. I haven’t decided yet. I’m planning to apply for a lot of jobs and will see what happens. What I want now is just to get some job offers. Then, I can start being picky. ESL Podcast #44 My interview is today. It is with a marketing company. It is a large corporation with its headquarters in San Francisco, CA. It also has satellite offices across the U.S. and in Europe. I’m not sure if this would be the right fit for me, but I’m keeping an open mind. I got some sound advice from my aunt. She said that I should be confident but not cocky. That means I have to look for opportunities to talk about my qualifications, but don’t make the mistake of boasting or worse, making things up. I do that sometimes when I get really nervous. My brain stops working and my mouth takes over. I need to be respectful but not meek. I want to be professional with everyone, my co-workers and my bosses. But, I don’t want them to think that I would let my co-workers walk all over me. I should show them that I’m a team-player. Nobody likes a person who tries to grab the limelight all of the time, especially if they’re new, like me. Okay, I think I’m ready. I have my resume, my transcript, and the address of the office where I’m going for the interview. Now, all I need are my shoes… ESL Podcast #45 Going to the doctor is never particularly pleasant for me. But I couldn’t put it off any longer. It was time for my annual physical, and there was no getting around it. So I picked up the phone and called for an appointment. “I’d like to see Dr. Shimoya next week, please, if that’s possible,” I said. Of course, it wasn’t possible. The doctor was booked until next month, the receptionist told me. “Okay,” I said, “let’s schedule it for next month.” When the day arrives, I drive over to the doctor and check-in at the receptionist desk. I have to present my HMO card and pay the co-pay of $15.00. The receptionist instructs me to go to waiting room B, down the hall, first door on the right. So I go there and take a seat to wait. And wait. And wait. Finally, my name is called and I go into see the doctor. The nurse weighs me, takes my temperature and blood pressure, and asks me why I’m there. I tell her it’s time for my yearly check-up. She tells me to follow her to the examination room, and then to strip down to my underwear. Now I’m sitting on the exam table, half-freezing, waiting for the doctor to show up. Finally, he walks in, looks at my chart, and begins his examination. “Breathe,” he says, as he places the stethoscope on my chest. “Breathe in and out slowly,” he says. I do so. Then he checks my throat and has me lay down to check my abdomen. Finally, he orders a blood test and says, “Well, you’re good for another year, Mr. McQuillan.” Thank goodness, I think to myself, and get dressed to leave. ESL Podcast #46 Jeff: You’re not going to believe what happened? Lucy: Oh, is the big meeting over? What happened? Jeff: Dan tried to take credit for our idea for the new campaign. Lucy: You’re kidding me! I thought he might try to pull something like this, but I didn’t think he’d have the nerve to do that. Jeff: Yeah, and to top it off, he said that he did it all by himself. Lucy: He’s unbelievable. What a jerk! He slacks off for the last two weeks and doesn’t lift a finger to help on any part of the project. Jeff: Well, he’s not going to get away with it. I’m going to talk to the senior vice president. I think she’ll listen. Lucy: Are you sure? I think she’s fair-minded, but maybe she thinks we should work it out with Dan ourselves. She might not want to step in. Jeff: Well, can you think of another way to handle this? Lucy: I wish I could. I don’t want to just blow it off, but we have to think of the fall out. Maybe the senior VP will end up thinking we can’t fight our own battles. Jeff: Yeah, you’re right. I’m just so ticked off right now I can’t think. Lucy: That’s probably the problem. We both need to cool off so we can think straight. Let’s get some coffee and see what we can come up with. Jeff: That sounds good. But, if I see Dan on the way out, I’m going to floor that guy. Lucy: Yeah. That makes two of us. ESL Podcast #47 A Trip to New York City (The phone rings.) Lucy: Hello. Jeff: Hey Lucy, it’s Jeff. Lucy: Hey, welcome back. How was your vacation? Jeff: Oh, it was great. The seven days in New York was a blast. Lucy: Oh, yeah? Did you do any sightseeing or just visit with friends? Jeff: I got to do both, actually. First, I saw my friend Edmundo who just moved there. He hadn’t seen much of the city himself so we went to all the tourist spots. We got a guidebook and went to the major museums, saw a play, went to a concert in Central Park, and took the Staten Island Ferry. We did all of that in a day and a half. It was a whirlwind, but we got to see a lot. Lucy: A day and a half?! You guys must have been exhausted. Jeff: Yeah, we were. But, the rest of my trip was pretty low key. My friends Pat and Billie rented a car and we took a road trip to Upstate New York to visit some other friends of ours. Lucy: Did you have to stay over in a hotel along the way, or did you drive straight through? Jeff: We didn’t bother with booking hotel rooms so we just drove straight there. It wasn’t that far. Lucy: How long did you stay there? Jeff: We were only there two days and we drove back and got back last night. My flight was this morning at 8 a.m. The worst part of the whole trip was that my flight was cancelled. I was rebooked onto another flight that had a three-hour layover in Chicago. That was a major pain. Lucy: It sounds like it. Well, I’m glad you made it back okay. And, you even have the weekend to rest up before work on Monday. Jeff: Yeah, I’ll need it. I’ve got to catch up on my sleep! ESL Podcast #48 At the Movies My friend Jim and I decided to see the latest blockbuster this weekend. I like a good action movie once in a while. We decided to meet at the movie theater after work. When I got the theater, I looked around and didn’t see Jim. So, I thought I would get in line to buy tickets. There were two different lines so I asked a woman standing in the first one, “Is this the line for Mission Impossible 4?” and she said, “Yes, I’m afraid it is.” I turned around and saw why she said that. It was really long and had about 20 people in it already. Oh, well. I went to the back of the line and waited. About 10 minutes later, I saw Jim coming up the escalator. He looked out of breath. He said, “Hey, sorry for being so late. I hit a lot of traffic on the way over.” I told him, “Don’t worry about it. As you can see, we have a long wait.” We finally got up to the head of the line. The clerk behind the ticket window said, “Can I help you?” and I said, “Two tickets for MI-4, please.” We weren’t children, students, or seniors, so there were no special discounts for us. The clerk handed me two tickets and we headed inside. There was a ticket taker just inside the door and he took our tickets, handing back to us our stubs. Coming straight from work, I was really hungry. Jim and I went to the concession stand and got a couple of Cokes, a tub of popcorn, a hotdog, and a box of candy. We were set. We went into the screening room and it was packed. Lucky for us, we found some seats together that weren’t too close to the screen. We sat back and waited for the movie to start. While we watched 10 minutes of previews we wolfed down our food. By the time the movie started, I was feeling pretty good. I don’t know which was better: The movie or the great junk food! ESL Podcast #49 Car Trouble I was driving down the Santa Monica freeway yesterday, headed towards downtown, when all of a sudden I see my engine light come on. Needless to say, that’s not the sort of thing one likes to see. So I immediately pull over to the side of the road and park on the shoulder. I pop the hood and look to see what the problem might be. I’m no mechanic—I barely know how to change the oil and the wiper fluid—but perhaps something would pop out at me. The car didn’t overheat, since there was no steam coming out of the radiator. I checked the battery cables, and the battery was definitely not dead. I didn’t know quite what else to do, so I pulled out my cell phone and called AAA for a tow to the nearest repair shop. I started worrying about all the things it could be—the fuel pump, the transmission, the electrical system. Who knows? I just had new brakes put in a month ago, so I knew it couldn’t be that. The tow truck finally arrived and we went to a nearby mechanic. He checked everything, and then told me that he had found the problem: the engine light sensor was broken! I now had to take it into the dealer to get it fixed. Well, at least it didn’t end up costing me an arm and a leg ESL Podcast #50 Cashing a Check The local branch of my bank is located just a few blocks from where I live. It’s very convenient, since it has four ATMs open 24/7. Today I had to go in to make a deposit, but since I wanted to cash a check as well, I needed to go inside to talk to a teller. Inside the bank, I got in line for the tellers. All the tellers are behind a large piece of bulletproof glass, so you have to speak up when you are talking to them. Anyway, when I got to the head of the line, the cashier said, “How may I help you?” “Well,” I said, “I’d like to deposit this payroll check into my checking account, and cash this cashier’s check.” “Certainly,” she said, “just endorse the back of both checks and put them in the tray.” “Sure. And, I can get that in small bills—10s and 20s?” I waited for her to process my checks. Then she said, “Here you are,” and counted out the cash and put it in an envelope. I said, “Thank you!” and walked away. Now that I have some money burning a hole in my pocket, I guess I better spend it! ESL Podcast #51 Staying In It’s Friday night and my roommate and I feel like staying in. We’ve both had a tough week at work and decided to have a low-key evening. On my way home, I stopped at the video rental store and rented a couple of movies. I got a new release and a classic. I thought I had left my membership card at home but found it at the last minute. I like going to my local rental store because it doesn’t charge late fees. That’s handy when I don’t have time to return the DVDs the next day. My roommate and I were feeling too tired to go out to eat so we decided to order in. We mulled over the take-out menus from restaurants that had delivery service and couldn’t decide which restaurant to order from. The trouble was that we had never eaten at the two restaurants nearby. Ordering from either one would be crapshoot. In the end, we just decided to order a pizza. I called the restaurant and placed our delivery order. About a half hour later, the delivery person came to the door. I asked him if I could pay with a credit card and he said, “Sure.” I handed him my card and he wrote down the number. Then, I signed the slip and I added a tip to the total. He gave me a copy of the slip as a receipt and then handed me the pizza. I was really glad to get it. I was starving. With our movies and the pizza, we were all set. There’s nothing like a night at home vegging out to get over a hectic week ESL Podcast #52 At the Art Exhibit I really wanted to see the new exhibit at the art museum and invited Lucy to come along. We both like contemporary art and this was an exhibition for an artist that we’ve both liked, ever since she was an up and coming artist 10 years ago. This was a retrospective so there was going to be a lot of different types of work by the artist. There would be some of the artist’s paintings, her early work. There would also be some of her sculptures. Her most recent work is mixed media. This is very versatile and that’s one of the reasons I like her work so much. We were going to the opening of the exhibition, with a wine and cheese reception for the artist. When we arrived in the main gallery, there were already a lot of people there. Looking around, I could see that some were artists themselves and some were art critics. I’m sure there were collectors there, too. I knew the curator and looked around for him. I spotted him talking with a group of people in the corner, probably trying to talk up the gallery and the artist. After a little while, the curator said a few words and then introduced the artist. We got a chance to meet her briefly and she was very gracious. I’m glad that someone with her talent has made it in the art world. That’s not easy to do. And, I think her best work is still to come ESL Podcast #53 Understanding Men and Women Lucy: Jeff, here’s a question. I was just talking to Dawn. You know, they had their first wedding anniversary last week. Guess what her husband gave her as a present. Jeff: I don’t know. What? Lucy: He gave her a vacuum cleaner. Jeff: Didn’t she want a vacuum cleaner? Lucy: Yes, the old one was broken, but that’s not the point! It was their wedding anniversary, their first one. Dawn was really upset that he wasn’t more romantic. He really let her down. Jeff: Oh, great. Women are always saying that men aren’t romantic. But we are! Just not in the way that women want. Lucy: What do you mean? Jeff: It’s a man’s job to protect his wife and family. When something goes wrong, they want to fix it. That’s the mark of a good husband. Lucy: I can see that, but that’s not romantic in my book. Jeff: That’s because you women have this idealized view of romance that you get from a lifetime of watching chick flicks and reading romance novels. Even if a man wanted to, he could never get into the head of a woman and guess what she wanted. That’s why women have to just tell us what they want. Lucy: That’s the problem. We women think men should just know what we want, without us having to tell them…that is, if the man really loved and understood us. That’s why we don’t want to tell you. But, I see your point, too. Jeff: So, I guess it’s really true. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Lucy: Yeah, that’s what makes life interesting, right? Talking to the Professor [A knock on the door.] Jeff: Come in. Julie: Hi, Dr. McQuillan, I’m Julie Taylor. I’m in your 2 o’clock class on Thursdays. Jeff: Hi, Julie. Have a seat. What can I do for you? Julie: I wanted to come see you during your office hours because I missed class last week. I had a family emergency. Jeff: I’m sorry to hear that. We went over a lot of material so make sure you get the notes from another student in class. Julie: Thanks, I will. Did you give any assignments? Jeff: Yes, I assigned an essay on the topics in chapter 3 of your textbook. Julie: Oh, I see. Are there guidelines for the essay? Jeff: Yes, it should be 8-10 pages and it’s due in two weeks. Take a look at your syllabus. It has more details. Julie: I will. Thanks a lot. I’ve also been meaning to talk to you about the trouble I’m having keeping up in class. I’m having trouble understanding the lectures. Is there anything you would suggest? Jeff: Some students tape record the lectures and listen to them afterwards. That seems to help. Julie: That’s a great idea. I’ll definitely try that. I’m wondering if you give extra credit in your class? Jeff: No, I don’t give extra credit assignments. But if you’re worried about passing, there are still two more tests to pull up your grade. Julie: Yes, I’ll study hard for those. Thanks a lot for your time. Jeff: No problem. See you in class. Julie: Okay, Professor McQuillan, see you Thursday. ESL Podcast #55 A Trip to the Library I read in the local paper that a new public library had just opened two weeks ago in my neighborhood. I wanted to check it out. But first, I called the library to check the hours of operation. The librarian told me that they were open Monday through Saturday from 10 to 6 so I decided to see the new library for myself. I parked my car in the library parking lot and walked in. There were two library clerks behind the counter and a librarian at the reference desk. I walked around and spotted the non-fiction section and moved onto the fiction stacks. There was a pretty good collection in both of these areas. I wanted to see if they had a book I’ve been wanting to read so I went over to the computer to check the online catalogue. As it turns out, they had one copy and it had not been checked out. I wrote down the call number and went to the stacks. I found it right away. When I walked in, I also noticed that the library had music CDs, videos, and DVDs that could be checked out. I looked briefly at the collection but decided not to check out any right then. I had my book and I was all set. I stood in line and waited to check my book out. The library clerk said, “Next please,” and I stepped up to the counter. I asked her what the loan period was for the book. She told me that the due date was three weeks from today. I gave her my library card. She scanned the bar code on my book and stamped the due date on the back of it. It was quick and easy. I was so glad to have a nice new library so close to home. ESL Podcast #56 Hiring for a Job Last week, my administrative assistant gave notice that he was quitting in two weeks. It couldn’t have come at a worse time. It was a very busy time of the year, but there was nothing I could do. Right away, we put a want ad in the classifieds and received several applications for the job. I called in four of them for interviews and I had narrowed it down to two candidates. The first was Claudia Trujillo. From her resume, I knew that she had had four years of experience working at a telecommunications company. She looked promising and when she arrived for the interview, she was dressed professionally and seemed personable. When I asked her about her experience, she answered my questions with confidence. She sounded like a hard worker and showed a lot of perseverance. The only drawbacks were that she was a little chatty and she also seemed a little disorganized. The second candidate was Alex Mayhew. Alex had more experience than Claudia, but in different capacities, and only had one year of experience as an administrative assistant. When I met Alex, he seemed a little rough around the edges. He was earnest and eager, but didn’t have the air of someone who had worked in a corporate environment. Still, he seemed bright and easy to get along with. He did strike me as being a little shy, but I think that was because he was nervous. So, those are my two options. Now, which one should I hire? I need to give it some more thought. ESL Podcast #57 A Camping Trip My friends and I decided to take a trip to Yosemite National Park to do some camping and hiking. We all like the outdoors, but we all live in the city. We have all been griping about feeling cooped up so we decided to take a road trip. This trip would give all of us a break from the traffic, noise, and smog that we all deal with in L.A. Before we left, I went to the sporting goods store to get some new gear and equipment. I had a tent, but I needed a new sleeping bag, one that was waterproof. I also needed some new hiking boots. Lucky for me, I found everything in one stop, and by the time I left the store, I was really psyched about the trip! Early on Saturday morning, my friend Rachel came to pick me up. None of us had a camper but Rachel had an SUV that fit all of us comfortably. I was the last one to be picked up and I put my backpack and other gear in the trunk. I was about to get in to the car when realized I had left my sunscreen in the house. I rushed back in and grabbed it, and then we were off. I couldn’t wait to get some fresh air and plenty of exercise. Yosemite, here we come! ESL Podcast #58 Getting Ready to Go I guess I’m just like everybody else. I could do without Mondays. On the weekend, I can kick back and relax, but I dread going back to work when the weekend is over. This morning was particularly hectic. On weeknights, I set my alarm for 7 a.m. That’s what I did last night. But, when I woke up this morning and looked at my alarm clock, it was 7:30! The alarm clock was on the fritz and it didn’t go off. Oh no, I was going to be late again. I washed my face, put on my make-up, got dressed, and ate a small bowl of cereal. I had one foot out the door when I realized I didn’t have my keys. I went back into my bedroom and looked on the shelf where I kept them. No luck. Maybe I left them in my purse. I hunted around for them. Finally, I just dumped out everything from my purse onto my bed. I had my wallet, sunglasses, compact, lipstick, eye drops, aspirin, tissues, and my PDA. But, no keys. I looked around the living room. Maybe they fell behind the couch cushions. I picked up each one and looked. No keys. I went into my closet and checked the pockets of my coat. Still, no keys. By this time, I was pretty frantic so I tried to calm myself down. I decided to get a drink of water. I opened the refrigerator and what did I see? My keys. They were sitting on the shelf right next to the milk. I must have left them there when I got the milk for my cereal. It served me right for being so absent-minded. Oh, how I hate Monday mornings! ESL Podcast #59 Teamwork Jeff: So, does that sound okay with you? Lucy: What? Oh, I sorry. I didn’t hear what you said. Jeff: You seem preoccupied today. What’s up? Lucy: Oh, it’s this guy I know from this class I’m taking. His name is Richard. I think I’ve mentioned him before. Jeff: Yeah, sure, the guy you’re working on a project with. Right? Lucy: Yeah, that’s him. The four of us are supposed to be working as a team on this project and I’m having a lot of trouble dealing with him. Jeff: What do you mean? Lucy: Well, he doesn’t know how to express his opinion without putting other people down. And, he always has to be right. Jeff: He sounds a little immature. Lucy: Yeah, I think it’s partly that. He doesn’t know how to be diplomatic with people. Jeff: He doesn’t know how or he doesn’t want to. Lucy: I don’t know, but I do know that sometimes he really gets the better of me. Jeff: Well, he sounds pretty hard to get along with. Are the other people in your group feeling the same way? Lucy: Yeah, in fact, they’re fed up with him. I keep having to run interference when our discussions get too heated. Actually, I feel really sorry for the guy. He doesn’t seem to have too many friends and he always seems so unhappy. Jeff: Well, I think you’re helping just by putting up with him. Lucy: Thanks for trying to make me feel better. Ok, now what were you saying? ESL Podcast #60 Getting a Haircut I have an appointment with my hairdresser today. It has been too long since I had my hair cut. My bangs were too long, I had split ends and my roots were showing. I was a mess! I arrived for my appointment and I told the receptionist that I was there for an appointment with Mark. She told me that he was finishing up with another client and that he would be with me soon. About 10 minutes later, he came over to where I was sitting and took me back to his station. Mark: Hi, how have you been? You’re looking good. Lucy: Thanks. I’ve been great. Thanks for fitting me in today. Mark: No problem. So, tell me, what do you want to have done today? Lucy: I need a trim. Mark: Okay. Let’s see…how short do you want me to cut it? Shoulder length? Chin length? Lucy: I’d like to take it up about two inches in the back and the bangs should fall just under my eyebrows. Mark: Okay, I really think that’s a good length for your face shape. Just as I had hoped, Mark did a great job with my hair. I paid the receptionist and made sure I gave him a big tip. Anyone who can do wonders with my crazy hair definitely deserves it! ESL Podcast #61 Preparing a Paper Student: I wonder if I could ask you some questions about our paper, professor. Do you want us to cite our sources in the footnotes? Professor: You should use endnotes for longer explanations. Otherwise, just follow the style sheet I passed out for citations in your paper. Student: I see. And what about the cover page? Is there a special format for that as well? Professor: Do you have the handout I passed out with you? If you look at the bottom of that, you’ll see that that you should follow the format of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition. Student: Okay, I guess I missed that. ESL Podcast #62 Reading Magazines I’m the first to admit that I’m hooked on reading magazines. I’ve been this way as long as I can remember. I love picking up magazines about different topics. Currently, I subscribe to about six or seven magazines, although when I was getting professional journals during my days at the university, I probably had 15 or 20 coming to my box every month. Now I read mostly for pleasure. I like to read the New Yorker, because it is so well-written. I also get a copy of Atlantic Monthly and Harpers every month, because they have good coverage of cultural, political, and social issues. My latest is to read book reviews. There are a couple of really good book reviews published in the U.S., including the New York Review of Books. But the best reviews for my money are the Times Literary Supplement and the London Review of Books, both of which come out of England. I have to thank my friend Gustavo for turning me on to those two. I prefer to read the non-fiction reviews over the fiction ones, but that’s me. Ah, the joys of reading! Podcast #63 Eating Fast Food My friend Julia called me the other day. She wanted to grab some lunch and asked me if I wanted to go to the local fast food place down the street. I said sure, even though I knew it wouldn’t be good for me. I hopped in my car and swung by to pick her up at her work. When we got to the restaurant, there was already a long line at the drive-through. It was the lunch hour, so that is to be expected. We inched forward in the driveway and finally reached the order station. “Welcome to McApple’s Restaurant. How can I help you today?” I leaned over to shout into the little box, “Uh, I’ll have a cheeseburger, and my friend will take a regular hamburger.” “Would you like anything to drink with that?” she asked. She had a very low voice. “Two diet Cokes, please,” I said. “And would you like any fries with that?” she asked again. “No, just the hamburgers, thanks.” “That’ll be $8.75. Please pull forward.” We drove up to the pick up window and paid the cashier. Our food was ready about 30 seconds later. “Thank you!” I said as we drove away. We pulled over to the side of the road to eat our hamburgers. I knew I was going to regret it, but it sure did taste good! Podcast #64 Preparing for a Business Trip I’m going to a conference this weekend back in my home state of Minnesota. I am going there to address a convention full of librarians, believe it or not. For me, the worst part of going on the road for business is not the traveling; it’s all the preparation you have to do. I created a whole checklist of things I have to do when I travel. First, I confirm that my flight will be on time departing from LAX. Next, I call to double-check on my reservation for the hotel and the rent a car. After that, I pull out my suitcase and start packing. I’m a light packer, so I bring only the pants, shirts, socks, and underwear I’m going to need, nothing more. I throw in my toiletries bag with the usual stuff—shaver, shaving cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss—and then I’m just about done. Finally, I go through my briefcase to make sure I have all the things I’ll need for the conference—my badge, my laptop, my overhead transparencies, a notepad, and some pens. Now I’m ready—off I go to my old home. Podcast #65 Picking a Wardrobe I’m one of those people who doesn’t have much of a fashion sense. I mean, I know that you shouldn’t wear a pink shirt with green pants, but beyond that I’m pretty much a basket case when it comes to picking my wardrobe. I have plenty of short-sleeve and long-sleeve dress shirts, some have a button-down collar, and some have a shirt pocket in them. I also own some more casual shirts with a collar, and a ton of t-shirts with just about every logo you can think of. I have a couple of good pairs of black slacks for formal occasions, along with khakis and jeans for more informal events. Naturally, I have one nice suit to wear to weddings, funerals, and job interviews, with a suit coat, tie, a belt with a nice-looking buckle, and pants. I also own a sports coat, but I don’t use it much. Well, I better stop talking and start dressing. I’m late for work Podcast #66 At the Jewelry Store My wife’s birthday was coming up and I wanted to get her a special present. She always tells me to not to splurge on gifts for her but for once, I decided to pull out all the stops. I went to the jewelry store and began looking at all of the display cases. I started by looking at the bracelets. The sales clerk asked me if I was looking for a bangle or a chain bracelet. I told her that I wasn’t sure and she showed me some in yellow gold, white gold, and platinum. None of them seemed like my wife’s style so I moved onto the rings. The clerk asked if my wife liked diamonds and I told her that she did, but that she also liked other stones, like emeralds, rubies, or sapphires. I looked at a lot of anniversary bands but none really fit the bill. Finally, I walked over to the display case with the necklaces. There was a pearl necklace with a really beautiful clasp. I had never seen anything like it before and I was sure my wife was going to like it. I told the clerk that I would take it. The clerk placed the necklace in its box and gift-wrapped it. I have to say that when I left the store, I felt pretty proud of myself. I knew my wife would like the present and I picked it out all by myself. Now, I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she opens it! Podcast #67 A Family Party I visit my hometown about once a year. This year, I was in town for about five days and there was a family get-together. It wasn’t a family reunion since it was just my immediate family, but still, there were a total of about 45 people who showed up. Our family parties are always held at the home of one of my brothers or sisters. It is always a potluck. We never have formal dinner parties and so we never need catering. At the potluck this past weekend, some people brought casseroles, some brought chips and dip, and some brought cookies and cakes for dessert. I usually don’t have to bring anything since I’m the guest of honor. There is always a lot of talking and laughing at our family parties. Someone always brings up old childhood memories or a funny anecdote from the old days. A family get-together as big as ours can be overwhelming for some people. When they ask me what it’s like to be part of such a big family I always tell them one thing: It’s noisy! Podcast #68 Noisy Neighbors I live in a quiet neighborhood. At least that’s what I thought until last week. I live in a cul de sac in a residential neighborhood in Los Angeles. There is a nice retired couple that lives kitty corner from me. They have always been very friendly and we have gotten along very well. About three months ago, they decided to renovate their garage and turn it into a guesthouse. Since they didn’t have a lot of money, they wanted to rent out the unit to help make ends meet. A new renter moved in three weeks ago and that’s when the trouble began. She was a student at the local university and she liked to invite her friends over. The trouble was, they kept very late hours, and they liked to play loud music. My neighbors were at their wits' end. They talked to their tenant several times about the noise but nothing worked. Finally, they asked her to move out. Fortunately, she was on a month-to-month lease and they didn’t have any problems. Now that my neighbors have learned their lesson, their new tenant is a nice widow with two cats. I’m so glad that everything worked out in the end! Podcast #69 Giving a Presentation I don’t normally get stage fright, but the thought of getting up in front of my colleagues to give a presentation always gives me butterflies. But I have no choice; my boss asked me to do it, so I will. I set up my projector and PowerPoint program on my laptop. Clearing my voice, I stood up and addressed the 10 people present at the meeting. I started off by saying, “Good afternoon. I want to thank you for inviting me to talk to you today.” I had a clicker in my hand to advance the slides. “Today I’m going to talk to you about our new product, Provasic. Please feel free to ask questions as we go along,” I said. I then flipped through the slides showing pictures of our product, and concluded by summarizing the main points of my talk with bullet points. I finished by saying, “Thank you for your attention today. My contact information is on your handout.” Whew! I was glad that was over! ESL Podcast #70 More Car Trouble As I was driving home from work, my car started acting up. It was making a strange noise and the engine was running roughly. When I got home, I popped open the hood to see if there was anything wrong. After looking around for a few minutes and not seeing anything, I decided to take my car to the shop. I took it down to street to Manny’s Car Repair. I’ve never had luck finding a really honest mechanic, but Manny was no worse than most. I explained to Manny the problem and he took a look at it right away. Finally, he narrowed it down to the fan belt. I asked him how much it would set me back and he said $80, with parts and labor. I usually feel like I’m getting ripped off when I go to a repair shop, but for once, I thought Manny was being straight with me. I asked how long he needed to keep the car and he said at least until the end of the day tomorrow. He said he would order the part right away and he’d call me when it was ready. Oh well. I guess it could have been a lot worse. I better dust off my bike to take to work tomorrow. It’s about time I got some exercise! Podcast #71 Opening a Bank Account I decided to switch banks recently, and after looking at my options, I went for Mar Vista National Bank. I drove over to the bank, parked next to the drive-through teller lanes, and walked inside. I made my way to the new accounts desk, and was greeted by John, one of the customer service representatives there. I told him I wanted to open a new checking and savings account. He said he’d be happy to help me, and gave me a form to fill out with my personal information, including place of employment, home address, and so forth. I had to show him a government-issued ID and give him my Social Security number. John asked if I wanted an interest-bearing account with overdraft protection. Technically, he said, the savings account is a money market where I can earn interest daily. The checking was free if I had direct deposit, and my checks were also free. I signed on the dotted line, gave him the minimum deposit to open the account, and thanked him for his help. I’m glad I got that out of the way. Now all I need to do is make some money to put into my accounts! Podcast #72 Calling Tech Support I recently signed up for a new ISP for my office, using DSL. I managed to get the modem and the router configured properly, but now my email won’t work. I dug out the manual that came with the modem and called the toll-free line for technical support. I’m not a big fan of most IT departments, but if something doesn’t work, they’re the only game in town. I explained to the tech support person that I couldn’t get my email to send or receive. He asked me if I had checked the Ethernet connection from the modem to the router, and I said I did. Then he asked if I had run any diagnostics on the email software, and if I was able to connect to the web. I said no to both of these questions. He told me he would submit a ticket and have the problem escalated to the next level. Someone should be calling me back, he said. I won’t hold my breath! ESL Podcast #73 Halloween As a kid, I always liked Halloween. I liked dressing up in a costume that I pick out at the store or, more often, we made out of odds and ends at home. The best part was going trick-or-treating. Some years, I went with my brothers and sisters. When I got a little older, I went with my friends. We would go to the houses in our neighborhood and knock or ring the doorbell. When the door opened, we would yell, “Trick or treat!” We never played tricks and always got treats. The neighbor would put some candy and chocolate bars in our bags. We would go home at the end of the night and eat them to our hearts’ content. To get ready for Halloween, my parents would buy pumpkins from the market or from the make-shift pumpkin patches on the side of the road so that we could make jack-o-lanterns. We took each pumpkin and cut off the top, scooped out the seeds from the inside, and carved faces on the front. At night, we would put candles inside the jack-o-lanterns and put them on our doorstep. Sometimes we carved scary faces and sometimes they were funny ones. I remember that one year, we had a Halloween party. Our friends came over dressed up as witches, ghosts, superheros, cartoon characters, and anything else you can think of. We would play party games like bobbing for apples, and we even created a haunted house in our backyard. It was a blast! Halloween is truly a holiday for kids. ESL Podcast #74 Reserving a Rental Car I will be in Chicago next week and needed a rental car. I called up Bargain Rental Cars and made a reservation. After I got through the phone tree, I spoke with a reservation agent. Agent: Welcome to Bargain Rental Car. Jeff: I’d like to reserve a rental car. Agent: What city will you be picking up from? Jeff: Chicago. Agent: Which airport location? O’Hare or Midway? Jeff: Hmm…I’m not sure. Is there a downtown location? Agent: Sure. We have an office at 401 State St. Jeff: Is that near Prairie State College? Agent: I really don’t know. Jeff: That’s okay. I’ll go ahead and make a reservation for that location. Agent: For what date and time? Jeff: For November 11, around 7 p.m. Agent: Returning to the same location? Jeff: No. I’d like to drop it off at the Chicago O’Hare airport. Agent: Okay. On what date and time? Jeff: It’ll be that Sunday, November 13, around the same time. Agent: What size car would you like? A compact, mid-size, or full-size? Jeff: I’d like the most economical. Agent: That would be the compact. The rental fee would be $32.25 a day, giving you a grand total of $62.50 for the two days. Jeff: Does that include taxes and fees? Agent: No. With all applicable taxes and fees, you grand total comes to $77.40. Jeff: Okay, that’s fine. Agent: Your last name? Jeff: McQuillan. M, C, Q, U, I, L, L, A, N. Agent: And your first name? Jeff: Jeff. Agent: J, E, S, S? Jeff: No, J, E, F as in Frank, F. Agent: What credit card will you be using? Jeff: I’ll be using a MasterCard. Agent: Okay, I have a compact reserved for pick up at our downtown location on November 11 at 7 p.m., returning November 13 at 7 p.m. at Chicago O’Hare. Is there another reservation I can help you with? Jeff: No, that’s all. Thanks. Agent: It’s my pleasure. Have a good afternoon and thank you for calling Bargain Rental Car Podcast #75 Getting Childcare My friend Susan is an engineer and she’s also a single mom. She has been working some odd hours lately and was having a tough time finding childcare for her 4-year-old daughter and her 8-year-old son. Her daughter, Kimberly, is enrolled in a preschool and Susan is able to drop her off on her way to work. But, the preschool closes as 6:00 p.m. and sometimes Susan can’t get there in time to pick her up. Her son, Paul, is in the second grade and goes to a public school near their house. Paul gets out of school at 3 p.m. but Susan never gets off work before 6:00 p.m., and sometimes later. So, what can she do with the kids after school? I went with Susan to check out a latchkey program at the local community center. It seemed like a good idea. Paul would be picked up from his school and he could stay at the center to do his homework and to play in the center until as late as 7 p.m. The tuition was fairly low and there was rolling admission. The trouble was, there was very little supervision of the kids and the staff seemed inexperienced. Now, Susan is considering hiring a nanny. The nanny would pick both kids up from their schools and bring them home. The nanny could make dinner for them and stay with them until she got home. This would be ideal, but a good nanny is hard to come by and is very expensive to hire, even the ones who don’t live in. I don’t envy Susan. Single moms—and dads—have it tough. SL Podcast #76 Asking for and Giving Instructions The supervisor at my work asked me the other day to help out one of the new employees. She needs some basic orientation on how to login to our network. So I made an appointment with her to come to my cubicle for a little training session. Jeff: Hi, Lucy, how are you settling in? Lucy: Just fine thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to help me out with this software. May I ask you what we will be covering today? Jeff: Sure. Before I do that, could you tell me if you’ve worked with this program before? That will help me figure out how to proceed. Lucy: I’ve done a little work with it, but not much. Jeff: Well, it’s a good idea to have the manual ready, since it can get a bit hairy. You should start by logging in with your username and password. Lucy: How do I do that? Jeff: You can just click on the button in the corner. Be sure to enter the password you created. You can write it down until you memorize it, but you might want to keep it in a safe place. Lucy: Okay. Then what? Jeff: Well, then just select the network you want to work with, and you’re all set. Lucy: Great, thanks for your help, Jeff. May I trouble you to show me how to print reports out from the program? Jeff: Sure. I’ll do what I can to help. ESL Podcast #77 Taking Pictures My nephew’s wedding is coming up this Saturday, and I thought it would be nice to take some candids for the happy couple. My wife, who’s the photographer in the family, wasn’t around today, so I decided to strike out on my own and head off to the camera shop. I love to shop for new gadgets. When I got to the store. I was blown away by all the options I had! There were disposable cameras, digital cameras, cameras combined with camcorders—it was making my head spin. I finally asked one of the sales clerks what he would recommend. “It depends if you want a point-and-shoot type, or are looking for something more fancy,” he said. “I’m looking for something that will take a good shot and not be too complicated to operate,” I replied. “Well, this one here has a built-in flash and takes good pictures. When you’ve finished shooting the roll, just bring it in and we’ll develop them for you.” “Do you make enlargements of the prints if I’m interested in doing that?” “Sure,” he said, “we can do 4 x 6 or 8 x 10 glossies, if you’d like.” I decided to go with the camera he recommended. Now all I have to do is justify the new camera to my wife. ESL Podcast #78 Seeing a Play I ran into my neighbor, Dennis, yesterday afternoon. He asked if I wanted two tickets to the theater. He had season tickets but couldn’t go to this performance. It was opening night of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. I jumped at his offer and invited Lucy to come along. We arrived at the theater a half an hour before opening curtain. We had the tickets in hand and didn’t need to pick them up at the will call window. The doors to the theater were open and we handed our tickets to the ticket takers standing in the doorway. We looked for our seats and were pleasantly surprised to find that we had some of the best seats in the house! I thought we would be sitting in the balcony, but we were in the orchestra section in the center. This was great! The lights dimmed and the curtain went up. After the second act, there was an intermission. Lucy and I went into the lobby and bought drinks from the bar. After about 15 minutes, the lights flickered and we went back to our seats. After the last act, the audience gave the actors a standing ovation. This was the best play I had seen in ages. The acting was superb, the staging and direction were fresh. I couldn’t have asked for a better theater experience. I owed Dennis big time for giving me his tickets Podcast #79 Disagreeing Politely in a Business Setting Audio Index: Slow dialog 0:50 Explanation 3:00 Fast dialog 13:03 Lucy: I don’t think this is going to work. This plan calls for the new office to open by July and I think that’s too ambitious. I don’t see how the groundwork can be done any earlier than September. Jeff: I understand your concern. I don’t want to rush the opening of the new office either. But, as I see it, a lot of the preparations were made last year when we considered opening an office in Miami. Even though the site is different, a lot of the cost projections are the same. Lucy: That may be, but remember that one of the reasons we scrapped the Miami plan was because the budget was too big. Jeff: That’s not how I saw it. I think the major reason we didn’t go ahead with the Miami plan was a problem with timing. But, I know that the budget was a concern, too. As you can see, though, this plan has a lower budget than the Miami plan. Lucy: I don’t agree. If you add in all of the extras, the budget is the same, if not higher. I think we need to go back to the drawing board on this. Jeff: I have to disagree. This plan is the best we’ve come up with and is workable. Lucy: I’m afraid we just don’t see eye to eye on this. Let’s call a meeting with the rest of the team and see what they think. Jeff: Okay, let's do that. Podcast #80 Asking for Directions Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:40 Explanation: 2:55 Fast dialog: 13:25 I went to Vancouver for a meeting this week. I have always liked Vancouver, and on top of that, my cousin Dominick just moved there. I got in touch with him and he invited me over to see his new place. On the way over, though, I got a little lost. I knew I was in the right area, but I was turned around. He lived in an apartment over an old bakery and I couldn’t find it. I stopped a man who was walking by to ask for directions. Lucy: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Cross Bakery building? Man: The Cross Bakery building? Oh sure. You’re actually walking in the opposite direction. Lucy: Oh, you’re kidding! I thought I was heading east. Man: No, east is the other direction. To get to the Bakery, you need to turn around and go three blocks to Broadway. When you get to the intersection of Broadway and Elm, you hang a left. Go straight down that street for half a block and then you’ll see the building on your left. Lucy: Okay, let me see if I’ve got that. I need to go down Elm until I hit Broadway, then I make a left and the building is on my left hand side. Is that right? Man: Yeah, you’ve got it. Do you want me to show you the way? Lucy: Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ve got it. Hopefully, I won’t get lost again on my way there! Podcast #81 Airplane Announcements Audio Index: Slow dialog: 3:09 Explanations: 6:28 Fast dialog: 21:24 I had to fly from Minneapolis to Los Angeles recently, and like most travelers, I’ve almost memorized the standard safety announcement made by the flight attendants. It goes something like this: Good afternoon and welcome to Flight 345, service to Los Angeles International Airport. We appreciate your full attention to this important safety announcement. This 747 aircraft is equipped with four emergency exits, two in the front of the plane and two in the aft. Be sure to identify the nearest exit to you, which may be behind you. If the plane should loose pressure, an oxygen mask will drop from the compartment above your seat. Reach up, pull down on the mask until the tubing is fully extended. Place the mask over your nose and mouth, secure it with the elastic band and breathe normally. Passenger seat cushions on this aircraft may be used as a flotation device and detailed instructions may be found on the safety information card in the seat pocket in front of you. Smoking is not permitted at any time while on board this aircraft. Also, federal law prohibits tampering, disabling, or destroying these detectors in the lavatories. Your compliance with all crew member instructions, all placards, and lighted seat belt and no smoking signs is required. The following electronic devices may not be used during takeoff or landing: portable compact disk players, portable computers, and cellular phones which should be in the off position and stowed. Now in preparation for takeoff, please fasten your seatbelt, return your seatback and tray tables to the full upright and locked position. Your carry-on luggage must be stowed in the overhead compartments or underneath the seat in front of you. On behalf of all Mar Vista Airline employees, we'd like to thank you for selecting us today. We hope you enjoy your flight. Podcast #82 In a Rut Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:06 Explanations: 3:35 Fast dialog: 14:33 Woman: What do you want to do tonight? Man: I don’t know. What do you want to do? W: I have no idea. Do you think we’re in a rut? M: What do you mean? W: Well, we do the same things every weekend. We go to the same restaurants. We see the same friends. You know what I mean? M: Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day to day, and forget to change things up once in a while. Let’s break out and do some thing completely different tonight. W: Okay, I’ll look in the events section of the paper to see what’s going on tonight. Hmm, we could go to a concert. There is a good one tonight. I bet it’s not sold out. But, we’ll have to drive an hour to the venue. M: An hour? That’s a bit of a bummer. Let me take a peek and see what else there is. How about going dancing? We haven’t done that in a while. There’s a club in Silver Lake that’s supposed to be hopping on Friday nights. Eddie from work told me that they have a really good DJ and a big dance floor, and the cover charge isn’t bad. W: I’m not really in the mood for dancing, actually. You know what? I just feel like staying home tonight and vegging, after all. How about you? M: Yeah, I was hoping you’d say that. It’s nice to have the option to go out but I’d rather stay in. Maybe we can go out tomorrow night. W: Yeah, definitely, tomorrow night. odcast #83 Planning a Business Luncheon Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:55 Explanations: 3:55 Fast dialog: 14:25 One of my co-workers, Betty, was retiring this month after working for the company 23 years. I was put in charge of planning a retirement lunch in her honor at a restaurant nearby. The company was picking up the tab and it was up to me to set a day and time. After asking the people in the department and finding out their availability, I called the restaurant to make a reservation. Manager: Bruno’s. Jeff: Hi, I’m calling from Nika Corporation. We would like to hold a business lunch at the restaurant. Manager: Oh, certainly. I’m Linda, the manager. I can help you with that. How many will there be in your party? Jeff: There will be about 18 people. Manager: Okay. For a party that size, we have a separate banquet room in the back. Jeff: Is there an extra charge to reserve the room? Manager: No, as long as you can guarantee at least 15 guests, there is no extra charge. Jeff: That’s great. I’d like to go ahead and reserve the room, then, for Friday, December 2, at around noon. This is a retirement party and we’d like to bring a cake for the guest of honor and some bottles of champagne. Will that be acceptable? Manager: The cake is no problem at all, but we do charge a corkage fee of $15 a bottle for any alcohol not purchased from the restaurant. Jeff: Oh, that’s fine. Manager: Great. I have the banquet room reserved for a luncheon for Nika Corporation on the 2nd of December. May I have your name and contact information? Jeff: Sure. I’m Jeff McQuillan and my number is 323-555-6840, extension 42. Manager: Thanks, Mr. McQuillan. I’ll give you a call a week in advance to confirm the arrangements. Jeff: Sounds good. Thanks for your help. Manager: Thank you for choosing Bruno’s. We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd. Podcast #84 Bargaining with a Seller Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:32 Fast dialog: 14:11 It was Saturday afternoon and I was shopping in the garment district in downtown L.A. If you want to find good deals on clothes, shoes, and accessories, this is the place to come. To get the best deal, though, you have to be ready to bargain. I walked by a stall and saw a purse I liked. The owner had just finished making a sale. Lucy: Does this come in any other colors? Man: Yeah, we have this one in white and blue. I also have this other style in green. Lucy: How much is the blue one? Man: It’s $32. Lucy: $32? What about the green one? Man: That’s $30. Lucy: That seems a little high. Can you do better on the price? Man: This is a designer bag and it’s good quality. It’s a bargain at that price. Lucy: Is that your best offer? Man: That’s the best I can do. Lucy: Well, I don’t know. I think I’ll shop around. Man: Okay, how about $28. Lucy: That’s still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take the blue one and the green one? Man: I’ll give you both of them for $55. Lucy: That’s not much of a break on the price. How about $50 for both? Man: You drive a hard bargain. The best I can do is $54. You won’t find it cheaper anywhere else. Lucy: Why don’t we split the difference and make it $52? Man: Okay, okay. You’ve got a deal. Podcast #85 The Blind Date Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:44 Explanations: 3:18 Fast dialog: 14:15 I broke up with my boyfriend last month. We had gone out for a year and I was ready to settle down. But, I could tell that he still wanted to play the field before getting married. I don’t think Don ever cheated on me, but I finally realized that he wasn’t the marrying type. My friend Sheila was thrilled to hear that we had split up. She never liked Don and she was anxious to set me up with some of her single friends. I told her that I didn’t want to go on any blind dates. But, she kept telling me about this guy Alan. She thought he was my soul mate and she was sure that he would be my Mr. Right. According to Sheila, he was good looking, he had a good sense of humor, he was bright and witty, and was kind and considerate. In the end, I told Shiela to give him my number. He called and we agreed to meet for coffee. I walked into the caf? and looked around. I saw a nice looking guy sitting by himself near the window. Lucy: Hi, are you Alan? Alan: Yeah. You must be Lucy. Lucy: Did you have trouble finding the caf?? Alan: No, I’ve actually been here before. I’m really glad you could make it. Sheila has been telling me all about you. Lucy: Well, Sheila likes to play matchmaker. But, it’s nice to meet you, too. Alan: To tell the truth, I’m not big on blind dates. Lucy: Yeah, me neither. But, I’m glad I came. Alan: Yes, so am I. Podcast #86 Asking About Jobs Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:42 Explanations: 3:22 Fast dialog: 15:04 I was at the store the other day. I saw a former co-worker, Michael, across the room. He used to work at my company until he quit a few months ago to start a new job as a public relations officer at Missouri University. It’s a job he’s been working toward for years. He wasn’t happy working for a corporation and wanted to get into either a non-profit organization or a university. I wanted to see how he was doing. The truth was, I was thinking of making a move myself. Becky: Hey, Michael. Remember me? I’m Becky. We used to work at Lekmans together. Michael: Oh, sure. How are you? Long time, no see. How are things at Lekmans? Becky: It’s about the same. I’ve been thinking of making a change myself. Do you mind if I ask you a few things about your job at the university? Michael: No, not at all. Go ahead. Becky: Well, I was wondering what the salaries are like? I mean…are they much lower than the corporate world? Michael: Well, I can’t speak for all universities, but my salary is a definitely lower than at Lekmans. I just don’t think the salaries are comparable when you leave a major corporation. Becky: Yeah, that’s what I thought. But, I’ve heard that the perks are better. I was wondering if that was really true. Michael: I’d have to say yes and no on that. I don’t get a big end-of-the-year bonus like I did at Lekmans but I get to take classes for free if I want to. I’ve always wanted to get a graduate degree so I’m taking classes now to do that. Becky: Oh, that’s great. It sounds like you’re really happy with your move. Michael: Yeah, I guess I am. Working at a university is the really suits me Podcast #87 Hotel Housekeeping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:44 Explanations: 3:18 Fast dialog: 15:38 I’m so glad that the hotel I booked didn’t turn out to be a dump. The last time I went on vacation, I booked it online sight unseen, and it turned out to be a run down hotel. This hotel was completely different. The decor was tasteful and updated, the staff was friendly, and the rooms were well-maintained. Well, that is, until my second day there. When I left my room in the morning, I had removed the “Do Not Disturb” sign from my door so that housekeeping would know I needed my room made up. When I got back in the afternoon, though, it hadn’t been done properly. The maid had made the bed, cleaned the bathroom, and re-stocked the mini-bar, but she hadn’t vacuumed the carpet and didn’t leave any soap or clean towels. I called down to the front desk to make a complaint. “Front desk. How may I help you?” “Hello. I’m in room 1201 and housekeeping didn’t leave any soap or clean towels. And, the floor still needs to be vacuumed.” “Oh, I’m so sorry. Let me connect you with housekeeping.” I waited on hold. “Housekeeping.” “Yes, this is room 1201. The maid who cleaned my room didn’t leave any soap or clean towels, and the floor needs vacuuming.” “Okay. I’ll get someone up there right away to take care of that.” About 10 minutes later, the maid knocked on the door. I stepped out of the room and she left the toiletries in the bathroom and vacuumed. That was pretty quick service. I’m glad I didn’t get the run-around Podcast #88 Socializing at a Reception Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 2:25 Fast dialog: 14:02 Man: Hi, it’s a bit crowded in here. Woman: Yes, it’s always like this on the first night of the conference. Is this your first time attending? Man: Yes, it is. By the way, I’m Dan Morimoto. Woman: I’m Gwen Renault. Were you here this morning for the opening keynote? I thought the speaker was excellent. Man: No, unfortunately, I didn’t arrive to the venue until late morning. Luckily, I pre-registered and just had to pick up my registration packet, so I was able to catch the luncheon speaker and she was very good. Woman: You know, I attended a really interesting session this afternoon on ethics in the profession. It was a panel discussion and there was some lively debate. The luncheon speaker, Stephanie Morse, presented some of her findings from her new ground-breaking study. Man: I’m sorry I missed it. It sounds interesting. Do you plan on staying for the duration of the conference? Woman: No, I’m afraid I have to leave early tomorrow. Will you excuse me? I see a colleague of mine over there and I’d like to say hello. Man: Oh, sure. It was nice meeting you. Woman: Yes, you too Podcast #89 A Good Listener Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:40 Explanations: 2:38 Fast dialog: 11:18 Woman: Hi, long time no see. How have you been? Man: Oh, I’ve been fine, but I’m having some trouble with my son. Woman: Tell me all about it. Man: Oh, he’s 14 and in the past few months, he’s become quieter and a bit secretive. He locks himself in his room and I think he’s running around with the wrong crowd. Woman: Oh, I see. What makes you think that? Man: Well, he’s become friends with a couple of older boys who are in a band. And one night last weekend, he came home really late, way past his curfew. Woman: Really? What happened? Man: He told me that his friend’s car broke down and they had to walk home. Woman: I see what you mean. I understand why you’re concerned. Have you tried talking to your son about it? Man: I haven’t yet. I just keep hoping it’s just a phase he’s going through. Woman: You may be right, but it doesn’t hurt to find out more about what’s going on in his life. Man: You’re right. I should talk to him. Sometimes, it’s not easy being a parent. Thanks. It helps to get it off my chest. You’re always so easy to talk to. Woman: I don’t know about that, but my door is always open. Stop by anytime. Podcast #90 Room Service Audio Index: Slow dialog: 2:54 Explanations: 5:08 Fast dialog: 14:00 I was staying at a nice resort hotel in Arizona on a short vacation. I had been out on the golf course playing a round of golf. When I got back into the room, I was feeling pretty hungry. I was meeting some friends for a late dinner around 8:30. I wanted a snack. I took a look at the room service menu and called their number. Woman: Room service. What would you like to order? Jeff: Hi, I’m in room 1201 and I’d like an order of the calamari and a slice of cheesecake. Woman: Do you want the calamari appetizer or the entr?e? Jeff: I’d like the appetizer. Woman: Anything to drink? Jeff: A diet Coke. About how long will that take? Woman: It’ll be about 30 minutes. Jeff: Okay. Thanks. There was a knock on my door about a half hour later. Jeff: Who is it? Woman: Room service…Hi, where would you like me to put the tray? Jeff: On the desk would be fine. Woman: The total is $16.75. Jeff: Oh, that’s higher than I’d expected. Woman: There’s a 12% service charge for room service and there’s also the usual food tax. Jeff: Oh, I see. Can I charge it to the room? Woman: Sure. Just fill in the total here, write in your room number, and sign at the bottom. Jeff: Okay, there you go. Thanks. Woman: Thank you and have a nice day. The calamari and the cheesecake really hit the spot. Podcast #91 Thanksgiving Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:32 Explanations: 3:43 Fast dialog: 15:14 Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful, but for a lot of people, the holiday also means a weekend of eating a lot and watching football. And, my family is no exception. My family likes to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner each year. We invite people from our extended family. We also invite close friends, especially those who don’t have family in town. When it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, our motto is: The more the merrier. Our dinner, of course, starts with a big turkey, baked in the oven. I always carve it before it’s served. Then, we have the fixings. We always have mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, cranberries, and corn on the cob. Some years, we go wild and have other vegetables and sides. And, for dessert, we have pumpkin pie. My wife is not a big fan of pumpkin pie so for her, we also have ice cream. After we have a really big meal, we usually watch football on TV. Things usually get pretty rowdy since there are always fans on both sides rooting for their own team to win. Last year, my uncle almost got into a fistfight with my nephew. Luckily, no one—and no furniture—was harmed. That was a relief! Podcast #92 Types of Work Audio Index: Slow dialog: 6:12 Explanations: 9:00 Fast dialog: 20:45 I got a call yesterday from Amy, a co-worker from the office. She and I work in the same department. We’ve had lunch at work a few times but I really didn’t know her that well. I was really glad she called. Kevin: Hello. Amy: Hi, could I speak to Kevin? Kevin: This is Kevin. Amy: Oh, hi, it’s Amy from work. Kevin: Oh, hey, how’s it going? I didn’t recognize your voice. Amy: Not bad. Listen, the reason I’m calling is that I’m having a dinner party a week from Saturday at my place around 7:30. I wanted to see if you could make it. Kevin: So it’s not this Saturday but the Saturday after that. That would be the 17th. Amy: Yeah, that’s right, the following Saturday, the 17th. Kevin: Let me just check my calendar…Yeah, I think I can make it. Are you inviting anyone else from work? Amy: Yeah, I am. Jennifer from marketing already RSVP-ed so she’ll be there for sure and I’m waiting to hear back from James in accounting. I’ve also invited a few other friends. Kevin: Just out of curiosity, are they in finance, too? Amy: No. My friend Janis is in the medical field. She’s an orthopedic surgeon. She’s bringing her boyfriend, Tim, and I think he’s an engineer in the automobile industry. Then, there’s Megan. She works part-time in retail and moonlights as a tour guide on the weekends. She’s been wanting to get into the hospitality industry for a long time. Kevin: Wow, that sounds like a great group of people. I’m looking forward to it. Can I bring anything? Amy: No, that’s okay. Just come and bring your appetite. Kevin: Sounds great. Thanks for the invitation. Amy: No problem. I’m glad you can make it. See you in the office tomorrow. Kevin: See you then. Bye. Podcast #93 Diversity at Work Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialog: 12:33 Jeff: What were you and Richard talking about earlier? It looked intense. Lucy: Yeah, Richard said something to me that I didn’t appreciate. Jeff: Oh, no. I know how insensitive he can be. What has he done now? Lucy: He asked me how long it took me to learn English. Jeff: But, you were born and raised in California! Lucy: Yeah, but I get that sometimes. It doesn’t matter how many generations my family has lived in the U.S., we’ll always be foreigners in their eyes. Jeff: What a racist! How can you stand working with the guy? Lucy: You know, Richard isn’t such a bad guy. He made the comment out of ignorance, not malice. Jeff: So, what did you say when he asked you how long it took you to learn English? Lucy: I told him 28 years. And, he knows I’m 28 years old since I just celebrated my birthday last week. He was puzzled for a minute, and then he got it. Jeff: Are you sure he really got the message? Lucy: Yeah, I’m pretty sure since I then asked him how long it took him to learn English. Jeff: That’s hilarious! What did he say? Lucy: He said, “36 years,” and we both laughed about it. He apologized and now, it’s all good. Jeff: I’m glad. I bet he won’t make that mistake again Podcast #94 The Nervous Interviewer I Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialog: 14:26 I was on my way to an interview and there was a lot of traffic on the road. I got to the office in the nick of time for my appointment. I walked into the lobby of the building and looked at the directory. I saw that Casey Enterprises was on the penthouse floor and headed to the elevator. The door was just closing. David: Could you hold the elevator, please? Thanks a lot. Woman: No problem. What floor? David: I’m headed to the 18th floor, the top floor. Woman: Oh, so am I. David: Do you work there? I have an interview today with Dale Mendoza. Do you know her? Woman: Yeah, I know her pretty well. David: To tell you the truth, I’m really nervous. I had a dream last night that I was being interviewed by a three-headed monster that kept trying to bite my head off. Oh, wow, my palms are sweaty just thinking about it. I just hope Ms. Mendoza won’t be able to hear my teeth chattering. I just hope I get though this in one piece. The elevator doors opened just then and we both walked out. I don’t know why I poured my heart out to a perfect stranger, but it actually seemed to help me chill out a bit. I didn’t feel quite as nervous. We were in the reception area and I headed to the reception desk. The woman started walking in the other direction. She turned and called back, “Good luck” with a smile Podcast #95 The Nervous Interviewer II Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 3:28 Fast dialog: 11:11 I was just in time for my interview and I was very nervous. I walked up to the receptionist. She was talking into a headset and typing on her keyboard. David: Good morning. I’m David Laso. I have an appointment with Dale Mendoza at 10 o’clock. Could you please let her know that I’m here? Receptionist: Please have a seat and I’ll tell her. About three minutes later, a man came out of the office and approached me. He introduced himself as Ben, Ms. Mendoza’s administrative assistant. He told me he would show me to her office. I followed him and we stopped in front of an office door with a placard on the door with the name “Dale Mendoza” and her title “Vice President” written on it. Ben knocked on the door and opened it. By this time, I was feeling more confident and was actually looking forward to the interview. Then, I saw Dale Mendoza. She was the same woman who was in the elevator on my way up. I had been so nervous that I just couldn’t stop talking. I had told her how nervous I was about this interview. I had even told her about my nightmare with a three-headed monster interviewing me for a job. And now, here she was, my potential new boss. Dale: Hello, you must be David. It’s nice to meet you. There was a frog in my throat. My heart was beating a mile a minute. David: It’s nice to meet you, too. Dale: Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. You see? I only have one head and I don’t even bite. Needless to say, that was not my best interview. But, you live and learn. I’ll know next time to keep my mouth shut! Podcast #96 High School Reunion Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialog: 16:12 When I got home from work, I opened my mail. The letter turned out to be a bombshell. I held in my hand an invitation to my 10-year high school reunion. It was a shock because I couldn’t believe it had been 10 years. The first thing I did was to call my oldest and dearest friend, Maria. We had gone to high school together and we had been best friends. Maria said that she had received her invitation in the mail, too. I told her that I was leaning against going. After all, why live in the past?, I thought. But, Maria convinced me that it would be a trip to see some of our old friends and to find out what had become of them. At the very least, we would get a chance to see each other and to talk about old times. And, Maria said, Jeff McQuillan might be there. Ah, Jeff McQuillan. He was a senior when I was a sophomore, and I had a big crush on him. I thought he was so cute and he was smart, too. He was at the top of his class. He wasn’t the class clown, but he had a great sense of humor and was voted most likely to succeed. He never gave me a second look, but I always made sure I sat next to him in class. I wonder what he’s doing now and whether he’ll be there. Hmm… Maybe this reunion will be more fun than I thought. Podcast #97 Checking into a Hotel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:50 Explanations: 4:10 Fast dialog: 13:08 I flew into Atlanta the afternoon before a big meeting. I hailed a taxi at the airport and told the driver the name of the hotel. I asked him how long it would take to get there. He said it would only be 20 minutes. I sat back and relaxed. We got to the hotel and the doorman helped me take my luggage to the check-in desk. I said to the front-desk employee, Rob: Hi, I’m checking in. The last name is Rama. Clerk: Yes, here is your reservation. You have a standard room reserved for two nights. Is that right? Rob: Actually, no. It should be a suite. I had booked a non-smoking king. Clerk: Oh, my mistake. The reservation is for a suite and it is a non-smoking room with a king bed. I’m sorry for the error. Rob: That’s okay. I’m here a little early. Is it possible to check in right now? Clerk: Sure, that’s no problem. May I have your credit card? We need a credit card on file for your room charges and incidentals. Rob: Here it is. Clerk: Okay, now if you could please verify the room rate here, initial next to the X, and sign right here. How many keys will you need? Rob: Oh, just one. Clerk: Okay, you’re all set. You’re in room 1201. Take the elevators to the 12th floor and it will be on your left. Do you need any help with your bags? Rob: No, I’m fine. Thanks. Clerk: Enjoy your stay Podcast #98 Winter Weather Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:36 Explanations: 3:13 Fast dialog: 16:56 I grew up in Minnesota where the summers are hot and humid and winters are bitterly cold. Living in Los Angeles now, it’s sometimes hard to describe to people how winter weather can be in chillier climates. In L.A. most of the year, the weather is sunny, clear, and warm. In one of my favorite movies, LA Story, the weathercaster pre-recorded his weather forecasts because the weather was the same everyday! Well, that’s an exaggeration, because even in L.A., it can sometimes be quite cool in the winter and some areas around the beaches can have dense fog and occasionally drizzling. But, that’s nothing compared to Minnesota. In winter, they get snow flurries and blizzards, when as much as 3 feet of snow can fall. As I kid, I would build snowmen and make angels on the ground. That part was fun. But I also froze my buns off! And, of course, one thing that Minnesota has a lot of in the wintertime is snow. Sometimes, we get so many inches of snow, we have to shovel and plow our way out of our houses. The worst is when there is freezing rain and sleet and the roads are slippery. Needless to say, there are a lot of fender benders on the road with this kind of weather. Luckily, Minnesota doesn’t get any hurricanes that far north, but other parts of the country are hard hit by those every year. Well, I have to say that it’s nice not to have to scrape ice off my windshield in the mornings, but I do miss the white Christmases. Podcast #99 Sitcoms and Game Shows Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:05 Explanations: 3:00 Fast dialog: 17:01 When I want to kick back and relax, I usually flip on the TV and see what’s on. Primetime begins at 8:00 PM on the coasts in the United States, but there are plenty of reruns and shows in syndication between the time I get home from work at five and eight o’clock. I like to watch quiz shows like Jeopardy or Who Wants to be a Millionaire? I actually tried out once to be on Jeopardy, thinking I could be the next Ken Jennings! But I didn’t pass the test. So much for trivia. The national news is on at 6:30 in LA, and there is lots of local news before and after that. Between six and seven there are Hollywood gossip shows like Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight, as well as some sitcoms. One of my favorites is Seinfeld, the ultimate comedy program about nothing. Of course, there are some old favorites, too, such as MASH and Friends. When I’m feeling really bored—or really desperate—I’ll turn on Wheel of Fortune and watch somebody buy a vowel. Podcast #100 An Interview with Dr. Jeff McQuillan This is a special version of our podcast. There's no script for the podcast, because it is an unscripted interview with the host, Jeff McQuillan. Here are the questions that he is asked: - Why did you decide to start ESL Podcast? - How do you decide what topics to include? - How long does it take you to complete each podcast? - Do you speak any languages other than English? If you do, how did you learn them? - You are the host of podcasts that have listeners all over the world. Which countries do you have listeners in? -You are the host for three podcasts: ESL Podcast, TOEFL Podcast, and English Through Stories. Do you have plans to start any other podcasts? - What do you like to do in your free time? What are your hobbies? These are the questions from American television program, Insider the Actor's Studio. - What sound or noise do you love? - What sound or noise do you hate? - What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? - What profession would you not like to do? Special thanks to Dr. Lucy Tse for hosting this podcast. Music from this podcast is from the Podshow Podsafe Music Network at Happy Birthday song by Craymo. Visit their website Podcast Special Edition English Questions Answered 1. None as singular or plural noun 2. Supposed to be 3. Having said that 4. Rough 5. Be + infinitive 6. Thick as a brick 7. Wanna, gotta, gonna 8. Using the 9. What the doctors says 10. Gosh 11. What it feels like for someone Podcast #101 Returning a DVD Player Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:51 Explanations: 3:40 Fast dialog: 15:12 I bought a new DVD player last weekend. When I got home and hooked it up, I realized that it was defective. I trudged back to the store to return it. Clerk: Next, please. Jeff: Hi, I bought this DVD player last Saturday and I’d like to return it. Clerk: What’s the reason for the return? Jeff: It’s not working properly. Clerk: What’s the matter with it? Jeff: Well, several things. First of all, the remote doesn’t work. Clerk: Did you put batteries in it? Jeff: Yes, of course, but it still didn’t work. I couldn’t change any of the functions on the display. It also doesn’t fast forward when I’m playing a DVD. It rewinds but it won’t fast forward while the picture is playing. On top of that, I couldn’t get the closed caption feature to work. Clerk: Okay, I see. Anything else? Jeff: Yes, as you can see, the casing scratches very easily. I just took it out of the box and put it on my entertainment unit and I got all of these scratches. Clerk: Oh, are you sure you didn’t scratch it with your keys or set some things on top of it? Jeff: No, I’m sure. Clerk: Well, I’m sure that it’s just a problem with this one player. I’ve never seen this with any of the models made by this brand. Do you have the receipt? Jeff: Yes, here it is. Clerk: Do you want to exchange it or return it? Jeff: I’d like to return it. Clerk: Okay, how did you pay for it? Jeff: With a credit card. Clerk: Can I see you card? Okay, I’ll credit it back to your credit card. Can you fill out this form with your name and phone number, and sign at the bottom? Jeff: Sure. Clerk: Great. Here’s your credit card back and $95 has been credited to your credit card. Anything else I can help you with? Jeff: Oh, there is one more thing. Can you tell me if you carry iPod Nanos? Podcast #102 Wait-Listed for a Flight Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:40 Explanations: 3:33 Fast dialog: 13:50 I can’t believe I made it into San Francisco, at long last! This morning, I went to the airport to catch my 10 a.m. flight. I got there early to go through security. The folks at the TSA can really slow things down sometimes. Since I had an electronic ticket, I didn’t have to wait at the ticket counter to check in, but instead used a kiosk. I then went straight to the gate. But, when I got there, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The flight was delayed--for two hours! I decided to look at the flight monitors to see if there was an earlier flight to San Francisco. I thought maybe I could either switch to that flight or get wait-listed. I saw that there was another flight leaving in 40 minutes and so I bolted for the gate. When I got there, I got into the back of the long line. When I got to the front of the line, I asked the gate agent if I could get on that flight instead and she said I would be wait-listed. She said that I needed to stay in the gate area and wait for my name to be called if they have a seat available. So, I waited, and waited, and waited. The gate agent began calling out names over the PA system and guess what? The last name called was mine. What a relief! The last seat left on the plane was a middle seat and I usually prefer an aisle or window, but I was just happy to get on board. I didn’t want my vacation to get delayed because of a late flight. When the plane landed, I went out to the curb to catch a taxi to my hotel. I only had carry-on bags so I didn’t need to wait in baggage claim. I was out of the airport and off on my vacation Podcast #103 Making a Sales Call Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 3:49 Fast dialog: 17:12 Last week, I was at a business luncheon and I met a woman named Dana Okri who was heading a new start up. I have been a sales rep for Eureka Corp. for three years now and our bread and butter is data management software. I told her briefly about our products over lunch and she had given me her card. I decided to follow up with a call. I dialed her direct line and fortunately, I got a hold of her on the first try. Dana: Hello, Dana Okri. Kevin: Hello, Dana, this is Kevin Abrahams from Eureka Corp. I don’t know if you’ll remember me but we met last week at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Dana: Oh, yes. Hi, how are you? Kevin: Great. Do you have a few minutes right now for me to tell you a little bit more about the data management tools our company has to offer? It won’t take long. Dana: Actually, I’m really swamped right now and I’ll be going into a meeting in a few minutes. Is there any literature you can send me? Kevin: Oh, sure, I understand. I’d be happy to send you a promotional packet about the programs that I think might best suit a company your size. Would it be okay if I called again to see if you have any questions? Dana: Let’s do this. Since I’m not sure when I’ll get a chance to read the material, why don’t I give you a call if I have any questions. Now, I’m really sorry, but I have to get going to this meeting. Kevin: No problem at all. I won’t keep you any longer. I’ll put a package to you in the mail and we’ll go from there. Dana: Sounds good. Kevin: Thanks for your time. Dana: No problem. Bye, bye. f @ 6:00 PM Tuesday, December 13, 2005 ESL Podcast #104 Bar Hopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:14 Explanations: 3:37 Fast dialog: 20:01 A bunch of my old college friends came into town for a few days and we went out last night bar hopping until closing time. We started around 9 p.m. and were on our third bar when we closed it down. Some of us were starving and the rest of us were peckish so we decided to get a late-night snack. We didn’t want fast food so we decided to try to find a 24-hour diner. We passed on a chain restaurant and went instead to a dive near downtown. The six of us went in and we sat at the counter. Since the place was dead, we had it to ourselves. One of my friends, Paul, got pretty rowdy and the waitress had to tell him to chill out. He was pretty hammered so we had to keep an eye on him. He was a lightweight and didn’t usually drink much, but he was bummed out about a fight he had had with his girlfriend and decided to get smashed. I felt sorry for the guy, especially since I knew that he would have a terrible hangover in the morning. I tried to get him to drink some coffee, but he just wanted to stay buzzed. After we left the diner, I dropped everybody off at Paul’s, since I was the designated driver. They were all crashing at his place. I made my way home and fell into bed. It was good to see my old friends. But I’m definitely getting too old to party like we did in college. As the old saying goes: The mind is willing, but the body is weak Podcast #105 Driving Directions Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:31 Explanations: 4:20 Fast dialog: 19:57 I was getting into my car at the mall when I noticed a man standing nearby with a map. He looked confused and I asked him if I could help. He looked up and was clearly relieved. He was from Houston, Texas, he told me, and he was visiting his daughter. She was at work that afternoon and he wanted to take the opportunity to buy her a present before she got back. But, he wasn’t accustomed to driving in L.A. and he got all turned around. His daughter lived near the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and he needed to find his way back. I was familiar with that area so I gave him some directions: “When you drive out of the mall, turn left and get into the far right lane. You need to get on the 10 freeway and the on-ramp will be on your right. Go about two blocks and you will see a sign that says 10W right after you cross under the bridge. Once you are on the freeway, look out for the exit for La Brea Avenue. Get off at that off-ramp and you will be heading north on La Brea. Go straight up La Brea, past Venice Boulevard, and keep your eye out for Wilshire Boulevard. If you get to Beverly Boulevard, you’ve gone too far. A good landmark to look for is the big Samsung sign on the corner, at the intersection of La Brea and Wilshire atop an office building. Make a left on Wilshire, going west. Go about six blocks and you’ll see the museum on the right-hand side.” The man said that he knew his way from the museum and thanked me for the directions. I was glad I could help. I don’t envy anyone who has to drive the freeways in L.A. It’s not for the faint of heart! Podcast #106 High School Jobs Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:13 Explanations: 3:50 Fast dialog: 17:05 I got my first part-time job when I was 15 working at a car wash in the summertime. A friend of mine, Rob, worked there and got me the job. I think it paid $2.90 an hour, which I considered a fortune. There were no allowances in my family, so most of my brothers and sisters started working as soon as they could to get spending money. I hated working at the car wash, drying cars all day. After only about six weeks working there (though it seemed much longer), I up and quit one day. I felt badly about not giving a two-week notice, but I had it up to here with the job. Luckily, another friend of mine got me a job working at a nursing home, washing dishes in the kitchen. I started the day after my 16th birthday, qualifying me for a slightly higher minimum wage. Life scrubbing pots and pans was no picnic, let me tell you. I lasted there for only three months, working after school and on weekends while trying to keep up with my homework in high school. My next job was much better: Making keys at a locksmith. The working conditions were much better, and I had flexible hours around my school schedule. I stayed at that job for nearly seven years, right through my college years at the University of Minnesota. To this day I still know the names of all the common key blanks, but it doesn’t come in handy very often! Podcast #107 Going to the Dentist Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:54 Explanations: 4:38 Fast dialog: 15:08 I went to the dentist to get a check-up and cleaning. I showed up at the dentist’s office a few minutes before 10. I gave the receptionist my name and told her that I had a 10 a.m. appointment. She said that the doctor was running a little late and that I should take a seat. After about 15 minutes, a dental assistant came out and told me to follow her. She led me to a room and told me to take a seat in the exam chair, and then she put a dental bib on me. The dentist came into the room. Dentist: Hello, how are you today? Here for your six month check-up? Gary: I’m fine, Dr. Meecham. Yes, just a cleaning and check-up today. Dentist: Oh, fine. Let’s take a look. She probed my teeth and checked my gums. Dentist: Well, it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose. We need to fill that cavity before it gets any worse and the crown needs to be refitted. Make an appointment for next week and I’ll take care of them. Gary: Okay, I’ll do that, but my crown was just put on last year. Will my dental insurance cover the work? Dentist: Since you had that done here, we’ll take care of it. There won’t be a charge. And, your insurance should cover the work on the cavity. Now, I’m going to have the hygienist do your cleaning and I’ll see you soon for the other work. Gary: Thanks, doctor. The hygenist came into the room and had me rinse with mouthwash. She began her cleaning and finished by polishing my teeth. On my way out, I tried to make an appointment for the following week. Unfortunately, there were no appointments available for two weeks, and the time they had was an inconvenient one, but I said I’d manage. I have to say, going to the dentist can be a pain, in the mouth and in the butt. Podcast #108 Asking Someone Out Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:55 Explanations: 4:30 Fast dialog: 16:47 I walked into the coffee room and saw that Brad was writing something on a piece of paper. When he saw me come in, he slipped the note out of sight. Trisha: Hey, what’s up? Brad: Oh, nothing. Trisha: What were you writing? Brad: (Laugh) All right. You caught me in the act. I finally worked up the nerve to ask Diana out. I was just writing a note to put on her desk. Trisha: You mean you’re going to ask her out in a note? You big chicken! Brad: I admit it. I’m a wuss. I just can’t do it in person. Trisha: But, you work with her everyday. Brad: That’s different. When I’m working, I’m in a different frame of mind. But, when I even think about asking her out, I get tongue-tied. At least in a note, I can get the words out without turning beet red. Trisha: You’ve dated a lot. What’s so different about Diana? Brad: Well, for one thing, she’s gorgeous. She’s so upbeat and sweet. Who doesn’t like her? Oh, I don’t know. All I do know is that I think we have great chemistry together. But, what if I’m wrong. Maybe she’s just been nice to me out of courtesy and doesn’t think of me that way. Oh…forget it. This was a bad idea. Trisha: Well, I guess you don’t want this note, then. Brad: What note? Trisha: I was looking for you to deliver this note from Diana. She wants to know if you want to go to the office party with her tomorrow night. Brad: You’re kidding! I can’t believe you’ve been standing this entire time and didn’t say anything. Trisha: Sorry. What can I say? Now, do you want the note or what? Brad: Yeah, I want the note. Trisha: Have a great time tomorrow night. Brad: Thanks. I plan on it. Podcast #109 Being an Entrepreneur Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:53 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialog: 16:37 I had lunch today with my friend Sam. She recently quit her job with a large company to strike out on her own. She has always been an entrepreneur in small ways, but she decided to start her own business. The start-up she launched provided technology consulting services for small- to medium-sized companies. At first, she considered becoming partners with one or two of her co-workers. She wasn’t sure if she could raise the seed money she needed for the start-up costs. But, she was able to raise the capital by taking on a silent partner, her uncle who had a lot of investment capital but didn’t want to be involved in the day-to-day operations of a business now that he’s retired. One way that Sam is able to cut down on overhead is to make this a home-based business. She converted her garage into an office where she and her employees could work. Since most of the work would be done on site at her client’s office, she didn’t need a lot of office space. I asked Sam if she was nervous about quitting her job to start her own business. She said that it’s a big risk but that she was looking forward to the challenge. If she fails, she said, she can always audition for American Idol. Well, I thought, I’ve heard Sam sing. I really hope her business takes off! ESL Podcast #110 Hotel Reservations Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 4:21 Fast dialog: 14:53 I just finished a huge project at work and I needed some down time. I decided to take a short vacation. I liked the idea of a long weekend out of town. My friend Sara offered to let me crash at her place in San Francisco, but I decided to stay at a hotel instead. Sara has a couple of roommates and I thought it might be too crowded. I called the toll-free reservation number for a major hotel chain. The reservation agent was very helpful, after I got through the long phone tree. Agent: Dutton Hotels. How may I help you today? Jeff: I wanted to check rates and availability for your San Francisco location. Agent: Certainly, I can help you with that. Will that be the downtown or waterfront location? Jeff: The waterfront location. Agent: What date do you plan to check in? Jeff: I’d like to check in on October 12th and check out the 15th. Agent: Okay, let me see what we have. For how many? Jeff: One. And, if possible, I’m looking for a non-smoking room. Agent: Sure, we have a non-smoking queen with an ocean view for $189 or a standard room with a courtyard view for $139 a night. Jeff: I’d like to book the standard room. Agent: Okay, your last name? Jeff: Rama. Agent: Could you spell that please? Jeff: Sure, it’s R-A-M-A. Agent: And, your first name? Jeff: It’s Jeff. Agent: Okay, I have you booked in a standard non-smoking queen, checking in on October 12th and departing the 15th. What major credit card would you like to use to guarantee the reservation? Jeff: A Visa. Agent: The number and expiration? Jeff: It’s 7388-2424-3535-1818 and the expiration is 05/08. Agent: Your confirmation number is PD672. Is there anything else I help you with? Jeff: No, that’s all. Thanks. Agent: Have a nice day and thanks you for calling Dutton Hotels. ESL Podcast #111 Last Minute Holiday Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:40 Explanations: 2:41 Fast dialog: 13:39 Every year, I tell myself that I won’t procrastinate in doing my holiday shopping. And, every year, I end up with a shopping list as long as your arm and about 24 hours to get it all done. Waiting until the last minute means that I have to brave the crowds out doing their last-minute shopping. First, I have to find a place to park in the parking lot, which is always packed. Then, I have to fight off the bargain hunters who are there for the holiday markdowns. With so many shoppers, the shelves are usually a mess and a lot of items are out of stock. When I’ve finally picked out what I want to buy, there are usually long lines at the register. Just when I’m about to check out, I always remember that I’ve forgotten one last thing. It never fails! When I get home with the presents, I have to wrap them. Hopefully, I haven’t forgotten to get gift wrap, ribbons and bows, and holiday cards. By the time I’m finished, I’m exhausted and I feel like Scrooge. Ba humbug! Why do I do this to myself every year? Next year, I’m starting my holiday shopping in September. Then again, I said that last year. ESL Podcast #112 Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:10 Explanations: 3:46 Fast dialog: 16:56 The holidays in my family are very diverse. Our custom is to celebrate Christmas every year as a religious observance, complete with Advent wreathes and Midnight Mass. Most of my in-laws observe Christmas purely as a secular holiday, with the focus on exchanging gifts, stockings, a Christmas tree, and other traditional customs. There is a lot of listening to Christmas music—my favorites are the carols sung by Nat King Cole—and sometimes even some eggnog. My nieces and nephews enjoy the day the most, especially when they get to open the gifts under the tree from Santa Claus. One of my brother-in-laws is Jewish, and so he celebrates Hanukkah, the festival of lights, when he lights a candle each of the eight nights on the menorah. My niece gets a small gift each night of Hanukkah and of course spins the dreidal. With both celebrations in the same family, we sometimes call it Chrismukkah. But the holidays are no longer just Christmas and Hanukkah in the United States. More recently, there are some people who celebrate a new holiday, Kwanzaa. This is a mostly African-American event, with parades and other parties to highlight African-American heritage. Started here in Los Angeles, this celebration runs for 1 week after Christmas, and is a mostly secular celebration. Whatever tradition you celebrate, December is always a festive time of year ESL Podcast #113 New Year’s Party Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 3:52 Explanations: 5:56 Fast dialog: 23:23 I walked into the office and saw Rob with his head down on his desk. I tapped him on the shoulder. Christy: You look like you had a good New Year’s. Rob: Yeah, too good. I’m trying to catch up on sleep. Christy: Oh yeah? What did you do? Rob: I went to a New Year’s party at the Key Club on the Sunset Strip with a few buddies of mine. The fireworks at midnight were great. I met this great girl there, too. Champagne was flowing everywhere and I had a great time. Christy: Sounds like fun. What was the girl’s name? Rob: Uh…It was Rosa or Rebecca, or something. Christy: I see you really got to know her well. But, I thought you and Vince were going to the Rose Bowl Parade. Rob: Yeah, we did. After we left the Key Club, we changed and took our stuff down to the parade route. We managed to find a place to camp out. There were tons of people there already. We ended up striking up conversations with some out-of-towners from Cleveland, and a couple who knew the grand marshal for this year’s parade. Christy: How was the parade itself? Rob: It was great, I think. I fell asleep half way through it but the floats I saw were pretty amazing. Christy: It sounds like you need a few days to recover. Rob: Yeah, definitely. Wake me up when the boss comes in, will you? Christy: Yeah, right. Hey, heads up. Here she comes. ESL Podcast #114 Writing a Thank You Note Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:39 Explanations: 1:46 Fast dialog: 12:19 Dear Jake, I wanted to thank you for all of the help you’ve given me over the past several weeks. Being laid up with pneumonia really caught me off-guard, but you went above and beyond in taking care of me. Before I got sick, we had only known each other as neighbors and only for a short time. That’s why it’s so amazing that when I called you, you came running. You pulled out all the stops to help me in every way. You ran my errands, kept me company, and made sure I had everything I needed. Being on my own in L.A., I’m so grateful to have a good friend like you. You’re truly one in a million. Have a wonderful holiday and I’ll see you when you get back. Kate ESL Podcast #115 New Year’s Resolution Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 2:04 Fast dialog: 10:31 This is the time of year when people make their New Year’s resolutions. At the beginning of a new year, people take stock of their lives and decide to make some changes. A lot of people want to get into shape. They vow to go to the health club and work out everyday. Many people also decide to go on a diet. After overindulging at holiday meals, people feel the need to cut back and to shed some extra pounds. Many people also promise to quit smoking or drinking to live healthier lives. Whatever resolution you make, don’t forget the most important one: Promise not to have to make the same resolution next year. ESL Podcast #116 Holiday Travel Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:46 Explanations: 2:43 Fast dialog: 14:48 It’s hard to avoid traveling over the holidays but the experience I had last week really takes the cake. I flew back to Tucson, Arizona, to be with my wife’s family, as we do every Christmas. I got to the airport an hour and a half before my flight, which I thought would be plenty of time. When I got there, though, I saw that the security line was out the door. Because it was the holidays, people were traveling with a lot of extra packages. It took twice as long as it normally would to get to the front of the line. When I finally got to the gate, I found out that my flight had been oversold. The gate agent was looking for people to voluntarily give up their seats for a later flight in exchange for a $100 travel voucher. If she didn’t get enough volunteers, she would have to bump people from the flight. Luckily, several people took her up on the offer and the rest of us boarded. What a hassle! I love the holidays but I don’t love holiday travel. ESL Podcast #117 Impressions of LA Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:58 Explanations: 2:39 Fast dialog: 15:00 I was talking to my new friend Nicole about the differences between New York City and Los Angeles. Nicole just relocated from New York, where she lived all her life, and I’m a native of L.A. Dan: So, is L.A. all it’s cracked up to be? Nicole: Well, the stereotype in the movies is that L.A. is a frivolous town with a lot of flaky people. I guess, in the back of my mind, that’s what I expected. Dan: And, is it what you found? Nicole: Well, it is and it’s not. The city of L.A. is much bigger and more diverse than I had expected. There are people here from all over the country and all over world, like New York. I’ve heard people say that in L.A., everyone is from somewhere else. That’s partly true. So, I’ve met all kinds of people here. What I’m realizing is that the picture of L.A. that’s in movies only represents a small segment of the city. Dan: You’re right. Life isn’t always like the movies. ESL Podcast #118 Small Talk at a Business Lunch Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:04 Explanations: 2:44 Fast dialog: 11:48 James: Hello, are you Muriel Douglas? Muriel: Yes, and you must be James. It’s nice to meet you at long last. James: Yes, you too. Thanks for agreeing to meet with us about the new account. My associate, Susan Kim, should be here any minute. Would you like something to drink while we’re waiting? Muriel: No, thanks. I’m fine. Did you have a nice holiday? James: Yes, I did. My family and I went to Tahoe to ski and the weather was great. How about you? Muriel: I stayed in L.A. and it was sunny the entire weekend. We spent most of the time at home but we did go see King Kong on Christmas day. James: How did you like it? Muriel: It was better than I expected. But, you know, I think I would have enjoyed skiing in Tahoe even better. Do you go there often? James: No, not much. My wife doesn’t like to ski. She prefers vacationing where it’s warmer, like Hawaii. Muriel: I don’t blame her. I really enjoyed it there when we went a few years ago. I’d like to go back sometime soon. James: Yes, me too. Oh, here’s Susan now. Let me introduce you. ESL Podcast #119 Bad Pick-up Lines Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:57 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialog: 16:11 My friend and I were at a restaurant waiting for our dates to arrive. We sat at the bar and tried to get the bartender’s attention to order a couple of drinks. My friend, Tanya, is very pretty. She is always being hit on by men. So, it was no surprise that five minutes after we sat down, a guy got up from the other side of the bar and walked over to us. He sat down next to Tanya. He looked at both of us and said, “Hi, I saw you two beautiful ladies sitting by yourselves over here. Could I buy you two a drink?” Tanya looked at me and rolled her eyes and said, “No, thanks. We’re waiting for our boyfriends.” We both thought that he would take the hint and get lost, but he didn’t. Instead, he looked at Tanya and said, “Do you come here often?” Tanya tried to ignore him, but he wouldn’t give up. He said, “You look like an angel. Does heaven know you’ve escaped?” That pickup line was so lame that we almost burst out laughing. Luckily, we didn’t need to keep a straight face for long. Our dates walked in and the guy left. Charlie, my date, apologized for keeping us waiting. I told him that it was no big deal. We had plenty of entertainment. ESL Podcast #120 Employee Performance Review Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:42 Explanations: 2:17 Fast dialog: 14:51 Don: So how did your end-of-the-year review go? Becky: Oh, it was okay. I had my meeting with Mitch this morning and his bottom line is that he thinks I need to show more initiative. He thinks that I need to start being more creative. Don: Did he actually say that? Becky: Well, not in so many words. But I know that productivity is a big issue for him. Oh, he said the usual things like “Keep up the good work” and “Thanks for your hard work,” but he also said that he’s thinking about bringing some employees into my department. That, to me, means he’s not satisfied with what I’ve been doing. Don: Are you sure you’re not reading too much into what he said? Becky: No, I don’t. Either I shape up or my job is on the line. Don: Well, I think you may be overreacting. Mitch likes to give everybody constructive criticism and I think that’s what he was doing. Becky: Do you really think so? Don: Yes, I do. If you ask around, other people will tell you the same thing. Becky: Maybe you’re right. Thanks, Don. I feel better. Don: I’m glad to hear it. ESL Podcast #121 Cooking Dinner Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:43 Explanations: 2:18 Fast dialog: 12:35 I’m not a very good cook but I decided to surprise my wife by making a three-course meal. I went to the supermarket to get the dessert, and I stopped by the farmer’s market to get some fresh vegetables, my ingredients for the salad. The meal would start with a salad. I washed the vegetables in the sink, chopped them up, and mixed them in a bowl with a light dressing. That was pretty easy. The next course was going to be more difficult. The main dish would be salmon. I put the oil and the fish in the pan, but it was difficult to know when it was done, not underdone or overcooked. The last part of the meal would be the dessert. I decided to buy a small chocolate cake. The meal turned out pretty well and my wife enjoyed it. After dinner, we went into the kitchen and saw all of the dirty dishes that needed washing. I realized that cooking isn’t the hard part, it’s the cleaning up! ESL Podcast #122 Packing Toiletries for a Trip Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:40 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialog: 13:37 It was going to be my wife’s 30th birthday this week and I was surprising her with a trip to San Diego for the weekend. Since it was going to be a surprise, I needed to pack both of our bags before picking her up from work and hitting the road. Packing my stuff was easy, of course. I knew that the hotel would have shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion so I didn’t pack any. I packed her brush, comb, hair dryer, nail clippers and emery board. I made sure that I didn’t forget any of her make-up: foundation, mascara, eye shadow, blush, and lipstick. I had everything we needed for our little trip. I’m sure my wife will be surprised, and I know she loves surprises! ESL Podcast #123 Pop and Jazz Music Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:54 Explanations: 2:18 Fast dialog: 15:35 Abby: Hey, what are you listening to? Bill: Right now I’m listening to the Foo Fighters’ latest album. There are some really good tracks on this CD, including their new single. Abby: Let me see your iPod for a minute. It looks like you’ve got a ton of good stuff loaded up. I like Gwen Stephanie, too, and what’s this? Shakira? I had no idea you were a fan of hers. Bill: I think she’s a really talented singer and songwriter. And, well, she’s hot, too. Abby: Yeah, I bet. Let’s see. You’ve got some great jazz and blues standards here, too. Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, and Billie Holiday. This one is a live recording, and these are compilations. You’ve got their greatest hits and some bootleg stuff, too. I never knew you were such a jazz buff. Bill: Yeah, I like all kinds of music. Now, where are you going with my iPod? Abby: I thought I’d just borrow it for a little while. Bill: Yeah, right. Hand it over. I’ve got to download my favorite podcast. ESL Podcast #124 Asking for Clarification in a Business Meeting Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:54 Explanations: 2:29 Fast dialog: 12:46 I was negotiating a contract with a new business partner, and we had a meeting to clarify the terms. Bill: If I understand the terms correctly, the length of the contract would be one year with a one-year option. Is that correct? Ms. Samuels: Do you mean the contract for equipment rental or the one for training? Bill: I was under the impression that both contracts had the same terms. Ms. Samuels: Yes and no. Let me see if I can clarify that. The terms are the same except that the contract for training has a clause that allows for the cancellation after the first six months. Bill: Could you elaborate on that? Ms. Samuels: Sure. What I mean is that either side could cancel the training contract after the six months as long as it’s in writing. Bill: Let me see if I have that right. This contract is for six months of training, but if it isn’t cancelled, continues for another six months. Is that right? Ms. Samuels: Yes, that’s right. Bill: Okay, that’s clear enough. Let’s move on to the other terms… ESL Podcast #125 Moving Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:13 Explanations: 2:41 Fast dialog: 14:12 Edmundo: What are you doing? Ruth: Oh, I’m packing. My lease is up at the end of the month and I’m moving to Vancouver for six months while my boyfriend is finishing his degree at the university. Edmundo: Oh, wow, are you moving yourself or are you using a moving company? Ruth: I’m renting a U-Haul and doing it myself. I’m putting some of my furniture in storage since we plan to move back here after he graduates. Edmundo: Can I help? Do you need me to forward your mail? Ruth: Thanks for the offer. I’ve submitted a change-of-address form to the post office so I hope my mail will get forwarded automatically. One thing I have to remember to do is to shut off the utilities—gas, electricity, and phone—but I’ll have two more weeks to do that. Edmundo: Well, good luck in Vancouver. I don’t envy you. I hate moving. Let me know if you need any help with those boxes. Ruth: Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. ESL Podcast #126 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Award Show Season Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:01 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialog: 15:07 It’s that time of year again. It’s award show season. No, I’m not talking about the Nobel Prizes. I’m talking about the entertainment awards. This is the time of year when the TV shows and movies are nominated as the best of the year. Celebrities get together at an award ceremony and the winners are announced. My favorites are the Emmy Awards for television, the Academy Awards for the movies, and the Grammy Awards for records. But, I’m up for almost any award show—the Golden Globes, the SAG Awards, even the People’s Choice Awards. For some people, the best part of watching the award shows is the pre-show. The celebrities arrive on the red carpet and are interviewed. Sometimes what they are wearing, made by the top designers and jewelers, gets more attention than anything they say. But, it’s still fun to see all of the celebrities all in one place, and you never know what will come out of their mouths when they win—or better yet—when they lose. ESL Podcast #127 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Answering Machine Messages Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialog: 19:37 I got two tickets to a show at the last minute and I tried to find someone to go with me. First, I called Amanda. The phone rang and rang and then her answering machine picked up. “Hi, I’m not in right now. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.” Amanda wasn’t home or she was screening her calls. I didn’t want to leave a message and decided to try Celia. The phone rang about six times and then I heard, “This is the voicemail for Celia. Leave me a message after the long beep. Or, you can try my cell phone at 213-555-1212. Have a nice day.” By this time, I was starting to feel discouraged. I didn’t want to go to the show by myself, so I tried one last time. I called Leslie at work. “Hello, you’ve reached the office of Leslie Munroe. I am in a meeting or with a client. I’m sorry to miss your call. Please stay on the line and leave a detailed message. I will return your call as soon as I can. Thank you for calling.” I decided to leave a message. Leslie called me right back and we made plans for the show. We had a great time. ESL Podcast #128 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Hiring Contractors Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:02 Explanations: 2:50 Fast dialog: 15:11 My company decided that it was time to remodel our offices and I was put in charge of getting bids from contractors. The trouble was, I had heard horror stories from friends who did remodeling and I was worried about finding a company that would get the job done on time and under budget. No doubt there are many honest contractors, but some of the people I talked to had experiences with shady companies. Some of them weren’t on the level about being able to meet deadlines and some tried to get away with murder when they billed for a job. It was important that I found a company that was on the up and up. I got bids from six companies and checked all of their references. In the end, I picked a company that had done work for one of the biggest companies in the city. They seemed to be the best and our company hired them. I have my fingers crossed that everything will go smoothly. ESL Podcast #129 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse A Flaky Friend Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:00 Explanations: 2:23 Fast dialog: 13:05 Shawn: What’s the matter? You look like you’re about to blow your lid. Rick: Yeah, let’s just say I’m not happy. Shawn: That’s putting it lightly. What’s up? Rick: My friend Steve was supposed to come by here after work to give me a ride home. I lent him my car so he could take his girlfriend out for the day. I’ve been waiting 45 minutes and he’s a no-show. I should have known better than to count on a flake like him. Shawn: Maybe something came up. Have you tried calling him on his cell phone? Rick: Yeah, I have and there’s no answer. I can’t believe he’s left me high and dry. Shawn: Tell you what. I’m almost done with my report. If you can wait another 15 minutes, I’ll give you a lift home. Rick: Really? That would be great. Shawn: It’s no big deal. But, I definitely don’t want to be there when you find Steve. ESL Podcast #130 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Allergic to Cats Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:51 Explanations: 2:48 Fast dialog: 14:01 When I was little, we had a family pet. His name was Jupiter and he was a kitten. I wanted a cat more than anything else and finally, my parents gave in and said that we could have one. We went to the pound and saw dozens of cats of different breeds. We went from cage to cage until we saw a little kitten at the back of one of cages. He looked scared, but when I picked him up, he wouldn’t stop licking my hand and I knew he was the one we would bring home. When we got Jupiter home, I played with him all day. What I noticed when I played with him was that I would sneeze a lot and I started getting hives on my arm. My nose would also be runny and my eyes would water. I tried to hide these symptoms from my mother, but she noticed them eventually and told me that I was allergic to cats! Even worse, we couldn’t keep Jupiter! That was a tragic day in my young life. I thought I would never recover. Then, a lucky thing happened. Our neighbor down the street was willing to adopt Jupiter and I was able to visit him all the time, as long as I didn’t get too close. In the end, it wasn’t such a terrible tragedy after all. ESL Podcast #131 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Sharing an Apartment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialog: 17:31 I’ve shared a two-bedroom, two-bath apartment with my roommate for two years. He was moving to Austin and I posted a “roommate wanted” ad in the local newspaper. I got a few calls, a couple from some very weird people. Finally, I got a call from Andrew. He seemed normal on the phone and we agreed he would stop by today to see the apartment. When he got there, I showed him around. The apartment has a pretty large living room with a large couch and TV. It doesn’t have a dining room, but it does have an eat-in kitchen. My room is the master bedroom with a connecting bathroom. My roommate’s room was the guest room with the bathroom in the hall. I told Andrew that he could to use any of the furniture that my roommate was leaving behind. He was taking his bed and dresser, but he planned to leave his desk in the bedroom. I also told him that he could use any of the appliances—the refrigerator, microwave, and coffee maker. Andrew said he liked the place and we agreed on the rent and to split the utilities. It was settled. He would move in next month. What a relief I didn’t have to talk to any more weird people! ESL Podcast #132 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Getting Through on the Phone Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:57 Fast dialog: 13:41 I have been trying to get a meeting with the CEO of Medofact to talk about a partnership between our company and theirs. But I’ve had a hard time trying to get through on the phone. First, there was the phone tree. I had to go through three menus before I got the option to speak to an operator. Even after I got through, I got the run around from the receptionist. Receptionist: Medofact Limited. How may I direct your call? Thomas: I would like to speak to Maureen Kennedy. Receptionist: Please hold while I connect you with Ms. Kennedy’s office. (Pause) Secretary: Maureen Kennedy’s office. How may I help you? Thomas: Good afternoon. I am Thomas Guarini calling from Livatect. I would like to set up a meeting with Ms. Kennedy. Secretary: Will Ms Kennedy know the subject of the meeting? Thomas: Well, I would like to speak to her about a possible partnership. Secretary: May I put you on hold for one moment? Thomas: Yes, certainly. (I was on hold for a long time.) Secretary: Mr. Guarini, I’m afraid Ms. Kennedy is traveling on business the next two weeks. Would you like to call back? Thomas: Sure, I’ll check back in a couple of weeks. Thanks for your help. Secretary: It’s my pleasure. Have a nice day. Thomas: Thanks. You, too. I guess I’ll keep trying. ESL Podcast #133 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Going to a Wedding Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialog: 21:01 I got an invitation in the mail last month that really surprised me. My friend Ulrich was getting married! We went to college together and he always said that he’d never get married. I guess he found his dream girl in the end. The church wedding was going to be at 3 p.m. and the reception would start at 7 p.m. at the reception hall. I arrived at the church shortly before 3 p.m. and one of the ushers asked me if I was a friend of the bride or the groom. I told him that I was a friend of the groom and he sat me on the left side of the church. I saw Ulrich standing near the front of the church with the best man, and a few minutes later, the pianist started playing the wedding march. The flower girl and ring bearer walked down the aisle, followed by the bridesmaid. Then, the bride appeared wearing a beautiful wedding dress, walking with her father who was giving her away. The bride and groom exchanged vows and they were married. It was a simple and traditional ceremony. At the reception, there was a lot of champagne. The best man made a toast that really embarrassed Ulrich, but it was all in good fun. I got a chance to talk to Ulrich and he seemed really happy. In fact, he was try to set me up with the bridesmaid. I guess it’s true. All married people want to get all of their friends married. We’ll see about that! ESL Podcast #134 Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Dating Someone’s Ex Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 2:38 Fast dialog: 13:30 Marco: Hello. Claudia: Hey, Marco? It’s Claudia. Got a minute? Marco: Sure. What’s up? Claudia: I’m just wondering what’s going on with you and Beth. Are you guys still going out? Marco: We went out for a while, but we never got serious. Why all the questions? Are you interested in Beth? Claudia: (Laughs) No, I’m not interested but Shane is. He’s been asking me about you guys. He wants to ask her out but he didn’t know whether you guys were still together, or how you’d feel about him asking out your ex. Marco: Why didn’t he just ask me? Beth and I were casual and we haven’t seen each other in months. He should go for it. Claudia: Okay, I’ll tell him. So, if you’re not going out with Beth, who’s the new girl? Marco: Wouldn’t you like to know. Actually, I’ve been seeing a great girl. I’m bringing her to the party on Saturday. You’ll meet her then. Claudia: Great. I’m bringing Lenny so you’ll get to meet him, too. See you Saturday. ESL Podcast 135 - Scheduling a Meeting Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 2:40 Fast dialog: 11:28 I needed to schedule a meeting for the three departments involved in a new project. I called each one to find a date that would work for all three of us. Bruno: So, Nicola, would the day after tomorrow work for you? Nicola: No, I'll be out of the office all day. Could we do it early next week or a week from today? Bruno: I was hoping to schedule it as soon as possible. How about the end of this week? Nicola: Well, I think that's okay. We could meet late Thursday or Friday. I'm free Thursday from 3 to 5, and on Friday from 10 to 1. Bruno: Okay. Let me talk to Kumi and I'll let you know. . Bruno: Hi Kumi, can you make a meeting with Nicola and me this Thursday or Friday? Kumi: Oh, I wish I could but I'll be in the Boise office starting tomorrow. How about the following week? Bruno: I think we can do it early next week. Would Monday at 10 work for you? Kumi: Sure, that's fine. Bruno: Let me check with Nicola. You know, I think this would be much easier on email. I'll send Nicola a note and we can confirm on email. Kumi: Okay, I'll look for your email. You know, sometimes, I think scheduling a meeting is the hardest part of actually having a meeting! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse ESL Podcast 136 - Having a Baby Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:22 Fast dialog: 14:05 Patrick: Hey, congratulations! I just heard that you're expecting. How far along are you? Cindy: Thanks. I'm four and a half months pregnant. It feels like it! I feel huge. Patrick: You don't look it. I bet Carlos is excited. Do you know yet if it's a boy or a girl? Cindy: No, we don‚Aot. Not yet. We should be able to find out at my next ultrasound. I don't care what sex the baby is as long as it's healthy. Carlos is really excited about the baby. He has been going with me to every prenatal appointment and we'll be taking a Lamaze class together soon. Patrick: How was your first trimester? When my wife had our daughter, she had a lot of morning sickness . Cindy: Oh, it was horrible! I was nauseous all the time, but I'm better now. Did your wife have a natural delivery or a ceasarean? Patrick: She had a natural delivery, but she was in labor for 12 hours! I was in the delivery room the entire time and wish I had an epidural, too. Cindy: Twelve hours! I can't imagine doing that. Patrick: Don't think about it. I'm sure you'll have an easy delivery. Let me know when the baby shower will be. Cindy: Thanks. I will. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse ESL Podcast 137 - Meeting an Out of Town Friend Tags: Entertainment, Relationships, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:44 Explanations: 2:40 Fast dialog: 13:05 Lucy: Hey Jeff, have you met my friend? Jeff: No, I don't think I have. Lucy: Well, this is my oldest and best friend, Marlene. She's visiting from out of town. Jeff: Hi, I'm Jeff. Marlene: Hi, it's nice meeting you. Jeff: How long do you plan to be in town? Marlene: I'm here for the long weekend, staying with Lucy. We're doing some catching up and I'm getting a break from work. Jeff: Oh, what line of work are you in? Are you in the same field as Lucy? Marlene: No, I'm in medicine. I'm a doctor actually, a pediatrician. I enjoy the work but it's nice to get away for a few days. What kind of work do you do? Jeff: I work in the education field but what I really want to do is to become a professional singer. Lucy: Jeff has a great voice. He sounds exactly like Frank Sinatra. Marlene: Really? Jeff: No, she's just kidding and Lucy knows that I can't sing. We went to a karaoke bar once and people actually offered me money NOT to sing. Lucy: That was a lot of fun. We should do that again sometime. Jeff: Sure, anytime. Oh, I'd better go. It was nice meeting you Marlene, and Lucy, I'll talk to you next week. Marlene: Nice to meet you, too. Lucy: Okay, later . ESL Podcast 138 - Hotel Tour Desk Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:46 Fast dialog: 14:24 Sam: Hi, is this where I can get information on tours? Nan: Yes, I can help you with that. What type of tour are you thinking about? There are some great city tours that are half-day or full-day. Sam: You know, we've explored the city a lot since we've been here. I was actually thinking of a side trip . Nan: Oh, sure. We have excursions to nearby attractions . There are one-day trips or two-day overnight trips, depending on which one you pick. Sam: I think I'm interested in a hiking trip to the mountains. I'm big on nature. Are the overnight trips expensive? Nan: Not at all. They are very moderately priced, starting at $120 and up. Here's a brochure on the three hiking tours that are available. All three are guided tours, and meals and transportation are included. Sam: Do I need to book ahead? Nan: Yes, this company requires that you make a reservation 24 hours ahead. Sam: Great. I'll take a look at the brochure. Can I book that here at the hotel tour desk, or do I call the company directly? Nan: I can book that for you. Just stop by when you've made a decision and I'll take care of it for you. Sam: That's great. Thanks a lot for your help. Nan: It's my pleasure. Let me know if you have any questions. Sam: I will. Thanks. ESL Podcast 139 - Job Layoffs Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:42 Explanations: 2:27 Fast dialog: 13:37 Phillip: So, have you heard the news? Mary: No, what's up? Phillip: I just heard that the company is planning to lay off 20 percent of the employees in the next two months. Mary: You're kidding! I knew they were looking for some way to cut costs with the lower profits this quarter, but I didn't think that they would start laying people off. Phillip: Yeah, it's hard to believe. That'll be hundreds of people losing their jobs. It's not just the salary. It means losing benefits, too. You know, I hope it's not going to be Sebastian. With three kids and a wife who's sick, that would really be a blow. Mary: When will we know who's getting axed? Phillip: I don't know if we'll get any warning. We might just get a pink slip on a Friday afternoon. Well, I'm going to start job hunting right now. Mary: That's a good idea. The first thing I'm going to do is to call all of my friends and business contacts to let them know I'm on the market. Hopefully, I'll get a line on something soon. Thanks for letting me know. Phillip: Sure. If I hear anything else, I'll let you know. Mary: Thanks. I'll do the same. ESL Podcast 140 - Buying on the Internet Tags: Entertainment, Daily Life, Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 3:04 Fast dialog: 15:59 It's true that I don't like shopping. When I want to buy something, I do it online. I like buying on the Internet because I can easily do some comparison shopping and find the best price. It's easy, too. Last week I wanted to buy some new headphones. I did a search and found a pair on sale at a store in New Jersey. I read the product description and knew that this was the right one. I added it to my shopping cart and I was ready to check out. The screen showed that I had one item in my basket and that it was in stock. I had a choice of shipping and I picked standard shipping for $5.95, rather than the expedited shipping for $12.95. I clicked the "continue" button and filled in my shipping address and my billing address. Then, it took me to the payment screen and I typed in my credit card number and expiration date. I clicked the "Purchase" button and I was done. I got a confirmation page with a tracking number. I checked the next day and it showed that my item had already been shipped. Buying on the Internet is perfect for someone like me. Now, if only finding a girlfriend was just that easy ESL Podcast 141 - A Brainstorming Session Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:41 Explanations: 2:10 Fast dialog: 14:07 Judy: I've called this meeting so we can brainstorm some fundraising ideas. As you know, we're in danger of closing. Any thoughts? Stan: I thought that Juan was working on getting donors. Judy: He is, but we can't count on that coming through. Dominique: How much do we need to raise? What's a ballpark figure? Judy: We need at least $50,000 for next year. Dominique: That's a lot of money, but I think we'll come up with something. How about a benefit performance? Stan: That sounds promising . Who can we get to perform? Judy: It would be great to get someone like Barry Manilow. Dominique: I think we're shooting too high. I was thinking more like a local band or comedy group. Stan: I've got it. My brother works for The Improv. He knows a lot of comedians from this area. Maybe we can get a few of them to perform. Dominique: That would be great. Judy: I like how this is shaping up . We're out of time, but let's meet again on Friday to hammer out the details. Thanks everybody. ESL Podcast 142 - At a Nighclub Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: br />Slow dialog: 0:43 Explanations: 2:16 Fast dialog: 13:19 My friend Sabrina and I decided to go out dancing last weekend. We went to a club called the Fine Line and when we got there, there was long line outside. That's one thing I hate about L.A. clubs. The hottest ones have long lines and it's hard to get in unless you're on the VIP list. Sometimes, the bouncer will pick cute girls out of line and let them in. Sabrina always gets attention when we go out together and the bouncer noticed her right away. We paid the cover charge and got our wristbands. The first thing we did was to head over to the bar. Andrea: The music is pretty good. Hey, is that Jeff on the dance floor over there? He's so hot. Sabrina: Where? Over there by the stage? Let's go see. Jeff: Hey, did you guys just get here? Sabrina: Yeah. Who are you here with? Jeff: The DJ is a friend of mine. I came with him and some of his friends. We have a private room in the back. Do you guys want to come check it out? Andrea: Sure. ESL Podcast 143 - Fighting a Parking Ticket Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 2:28 Fast dialog: 14:01 Mindy: Hey, where are you going? Eric: I'm going to traffic court. I got a parking ticket and I'm going to fight it. Mindy: How much was the fine? Eric: It was only $40. But it's not the money, it's the principle of the thing. Mindy: Why? Weren't you parked illegally? Eric: No, I wasn ‚Aot. The street I live on has metered parking from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. After 6, you can park there with a permit. Well, I parked my car at 7:30 PM and I have a permit. But, I still got a ticket. Mindy: Did you display the permit clearly? It isn't expired, is it? Eric: Yeah, it's clearly displayed and it's good until June 2007. Mindy: Well, it sounds like you have a good case. Are you representing yourself or did you hire a lawyer? Eric: I'm going there by myself. Wish me luck. Mindy: Good luck. If the judge locks you away, I promise to visit you in jail. Eric: Thanks a lot. I'll remember that. ESL Podcast 144 - Who Pays? Tags: Relationships, Dining Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:43 Explanations: 2:34 Fast dialog: 13:03 David: Hey, Sally. Can I run something by you? Sally: Sure, what's up? David: Well, a friend of a friend wanted some help with her taxes and we agreed that we would talk about it over dinner. At the end of the night, when the check came, she expected me to pay! It was really awkward. It wasn't a date and I was doing her a favor! Am I crazy or was she taking advantage of me? Sally: It definitely sounds like she took advantage of your generosity. If she was asking a favor, she should have paid. No question. David: The thing is, I thought she was really pretty and I wanted to ask her out after I met her. But, now I'm not sure. Sally: Well, I think that unless you asked her out, you shouldn't have to pay for her. And, these days, a lot of people go Dutch even if one person asks out the other. Based on what happened the other night, I'd stay away from this woman. That is, unless you don't mind being her sugar daddy. David: Yeah, right. I'm too broke to be anybody's sugar daddy, even if I wanted to. I think you're right. That will be the last I see of her. ESL Podcast 145 - The Big Game Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:41 Explanations: 2:32 Fast dialog: 12:27 On my way home from class, I ran into Cara, a schoolmate that I have not seen in a few months. I stopped to say hi to her. Mark: Hey Cara! How's everything? Long time no see. Cara: Yeah! It's been a while. I'm doing alright. What about you? Mark: Great! I'm excited about the Big Game this weekend. Are you going? Cara: Uh, no. What Big Game? Mark: Are you kidding? This is the biggest football game of the season! And we're playing against one of the best teams in the state, so it's going to be really exciting. Cara: Wow, that sounds like fun! Who are you going with? Mark: A big group of friends Hey, you know what? One of my friends has to go out of town this weekend and he won't be able to make it to the game, so I have an extra ticket. You want to join us? Cara: Sure, I would love to go! I've never been to one of our school's football games before. Mark: Awesome! There's a bus picking students up in front of the dorms at 1pm. Meet us there at 12:30. Cara: Sounds like a plan! Thanks for giving me the extra ticket. I'll see you Saturday. Mark: Alright, see ya! ESL Podcast 146 - Suggestions at Work Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:48 Explanations: 2:50 Fast dialog: 11:31 Our company has been growing very quickly and I was put in charge of reorganizing our office space to accommodate several new employees. I asked my co-worker, Petra, for her advice. Fernando: I was thinking of dividing up two of the larger offices into four smaller offices. What do you think about that? Petra: Well, it seems to me that doing that would only solve part of the problem. Have you considered converting the conference room into offices? Fernando: I'm not sure that will work. We don't have another meeting space if we do that. What are your thoughts on turning the coffee room into one large office with cubicles? Petra: In my opinion, that's not going to be a very popular solution. Fernando: The way I see it, there are no easy solutions and that may be the best one. Do you have any other suggestions? Petra: No, none that would really work. In my opinion, the only solution is to divide up the executive offices. But, I know, I know. That's not going to happen. My suggestion is to ask a few more of the old employees. Maybe they'll think of something. Fernando: I think you're right. It's not going to be an easy decision and I can use all the help I can get. ESL Podcast 147 - Reading and Watching the News Tags: Entertainment, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 2:38 Fast dialog: 13:42 I'm a news junkie. I like to read two newspapers everyday. I don't just look at the headlines. I read most of the stories. I like the political news, the business news, the editorials, and the entertainment news. The only things I don't usually read are the sports pages and the classifieds. I also try to catch the local TV news each day. I like to watch Channel 4 for the news reporting, but I like the weather report on Channel 9 mainly because the reporter is not only good, she's beautiful! For the national news, I like all three of the network anchors, so it doesn't matter which one I catch. On top of that, I like to read a newsmagazine each week. I like the longer feature stories that give more in-depth coverage of that week's top stories. So, when I said I was a news junkie, I wasn't joking. When I travel to other countries, the first thing I do is look for an English-language newspaper. Then, I can relax! I also try to catch the local TV news each day. I like to watch Channel 4 for the news reporting, but I like the weather report on Channel 9 mainly because the reporter is not only good, she's beautiful! For the national news, I like all three of the network anchors, so it doesn't matter which one I catch. On top of that, I like to read a newsmagazine each week. I like the longer feature stories that give more in-depth coverage of that week's top stories. So, when I said I was a news junkie, I wasn't joking. When I travel to other countries, the first thing I do is look for an English-language newspaper. Then, I can relax! Friday - March 24, 2006 ESL Podcast 148 - Paying the Bills Tags: Relationships, Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:40 Explanations: 2:19 Fast dialog: 14:30 Grace: Did you already pay the bills for this month? Will: No, I haven't gotten around to it yet. Why? Grace: We got a late notice from the credit card company. The notice says that they haven't received the payment yet and it's past the due date. We are being charged a late fee plus a finance charge of 15%. Will: Let me see that. That can't be right. I paid the minimum payment on the last bill. I better call and talk to customer service tomorrow. I'm sure it's a mix-up. Grace: I really hope so. The last time we were late with the payment, I tried calling them and telling them that the check was in the mail, but they didn't buy it. Will: That's different. Don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll get it straightened out. Worse comes to worst, we're only a month late. They won't send the collection agency after us. Grace: I know I can count on you to take care of it. I just don't want this late payment to affect our credit rating. Will: Leave it to me. I'll take care of it on Monday. It's as good as done. ESL Podcast 149 - Watching Sports on TV Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:42 Explanations: 2:04 Fast dialog: 11:40 Laura: Oh, I didn't think I‚Aod make it home in time for the game. Jun: What game? Laura: The playoffs! Turn on the TV. I hope it's still in the first quarter. It is! Who's winning? What's the score? Jun: I don't know. You know I don't watch sports. Whao! That was a great shot. Did you see that? Laura: No, what happened? Maybe they'll show it again on instant replay. I wonder who the coach put in for the starting lineup. Jun: Geez. I think there's a player down on the field. Laura: It looks like he's walking off the field. He can't be hurt too badly. Jun: Look! They're putting your favorite player in. Oh, what a play! Laura: Wait a second. I thought you didn't watch sports. Jun: I was never a sports fan before I met you. I think you're a bad influence on me. Laura: Yes, very bad. Now, stop hogging the couch and pass the chips ESL Podcast 150 - Volunteer Work Tags: Business, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:48 Explanations: 2:42 Fast dialog: 14:54 Some people say that it's civic duty to "give back" to your community. That's true but for me, I want to do some volunteer work so that I can feel useful. I've been working at the same job for years and it's not at all rewarding. Yes, I make good money, but I never feel like I'm doing any good in the world. When I was in college, I had dreams of changing the world. I wanted to work in a non-profit organization that did relief work, that helped woman and children in need, or that had an impact on public policy. I've begun to think again about those dreams and thought I might take the first step of doing some volunteering. Then, I can see if I like that kind of work and make some hard decisions. I called an organization that helped homeless children. I told them about my education and experience, and they said they could use someone like me to do some tutoring. I filled out an application and was fingerprinted for a background check. A few weeks later, I met my student and I tutored her for the first time. It was a great experience. I wish I had done it earlier! ESL Podcast 151 - Eating at a Buffet Tags: Dining Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:40 Explanations: 2:47 Fast dialog: 13:46 I love eating at all-you-can-eat buffets. It doesn't matter what kind of food it is, I'm up for it. Last week, I went to a high-end seafood buffet with my friends. We walked in and the hostess seated us at a table. She asked if we wanted to order any drinks. Drinks other than water are not included in the price. I got up and got a plate. I went over to the soup and salad station first and then over to the hot food. They had a carving station and made-to-order omelets. They also had a great dessert table, but I wasn't ready for that yet. I sat down, ate, and grabbed a new plate for the second round. This time, I went for the seafood. I loaded up my plate and sat down again. After two more trips to the buffet, I was ready for dessert. I got a little of everything. I was so stuffed, I couldn't eat another bite . I really enjoyed the meal. I like being able to serve myself. Some people don't like buffets unless they're very high-end. Not me. Give me any high-end or low-end buffet and I'm perfectly happy. ESL Podcast 152 - Planning a Company Retreat Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:52 Explanations: 02:10 Fast dialog: 15:18 Sharon: So, Leo, how are the plans coming along for the company retreat? Leo: I've made most of the arrangements and I think it's going well. I'm planning to send out information about the two-day event to the managers at the end of this week. Sharon: What do you have set up for the opening day? There's normally a welcome dinner. Leo: That's what I have arranged. Then, for the following day, I've lined up several speakers and panels to talk about productivity, teamwork, and the other topics we discussed. Sharon: Good. What about recreation? We don't want it to be all work and no play. Leo: The hotel where we're holding the retreat this year has golf and water sports. I don't think the managers will be bored. Sharon: Well, it sounds like you have it all under control. Keep up the good work. Leo: Thanks. ESL Podcast 153 - A Complaint Letter to a Tour Company Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:48 Explanations: 03:03 Fast dialog: 20:20 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing regarding a tour that my wife and I took with your company on February 26, 2006. The brochure stated that we would see some of the most interesting sights of the city. Since we had visited the city before, we looked forward to seeing some new attractions. On the morning of February 26, our tour guide picked us up in a small van. It did not look like any tour bus I had ever seen. Our tour guide drove us to the waterfront area and said that we could explore the area on our own. The tour guide said that he had to leave for a short time to arrange for our lunch. By the time the tour guide came back, three hours had gone by! I was very angry and confronted him. I told him that this was the worst tour I had ever been on . I am asking for a complete refund of the price of the tour. Please send a check to the address above for $150.00 at your earliest convenience. I have enclosed a copy of the receipt for the tour. Sincerely, ESL Podcast 154 - Using Email Tags: Business, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:44 Explanations: 02:37 Fast dialog: 18:37 One of the first things I do each morning is to check my email. I open the email program on my computer and I check for new messages. It usually takes only a few seconds for my new messages to download from the server into my inbox unless there’s a large attachment. I can then click onto each new message to read it. I reply to messages or forward them to someone else. The important messages I save by putting them into one of my mailboxes. The unimportant ones I just delete. I really hate getting spam. Luckily, my email program allows me to set up filters so that spam messages are put into a separate mailbox automatically. I usually scan the messages to make sure real messages weren’t put into the mailbox by mistake and then I put them in the trash. I don’t know what I would do without email, but I’m constantly checking it for new messages. I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse. I suppose it’s both. ESL Podcast 155 - A Good Review of a Play Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:47 Explanations: 02:21 Fast dialog: 20:05 I invited Bruce to a play at the Mark Taper Forum and we got there a little early. We handed our tickets to the woman at the door and found our seats. Megan: I’m glad we got here early to find our seats. I know that this is a sold out performance. Bruce: The cast is supposed to be really good. I read a rave review of the play in the paper last week. The review said that the leads are perfectly cast and the directing is inspired. Federica saw it a couple of weeks ago and she said that the staging and the costumes were really something to see. Megan: I’m really glad. The last time I came to a play at this theater, it was a bomb. The two lead actors weren’t up to their parts and the whole production was amateur. It closed early after only two weeks. Bruce: That won’t happen with this play. Hey, they’re dimming the lights. The curtain should be going up any minute ESL Podcast 156 - Rumors and Secrets Tags: Business, Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:48 Explanations: 02:11 Fast dialog: 18:02 Jack: So, what do you think of the new guy ? Kate: Oh, you mean Bernard? He’s okay, I guess. Why? Jack: Well, I heard that he left his last company under mysterious circumstances. I tried to find out more from Libby, but she was very hush-hush about it. Kate: I’m not surprised. Libby doesn’t like to gossip, unlike some people… Jack: I’m not gossiping. I just like to know more about the people I work with. Kate: Okay, but don’t start any rumors. Bernard seems nice and I think we should give him a chance. Jack: Don’t worry. I’ll cut him some slack , but I want to know what skeletons are in his closet. Kate: Take it from me. You won’t find any dirty little secrets and you may make an enemy of Bernard in the process. Jack: You’re probably right but I wonder what Nathan knows ESL Podcast 157 - Taking the Bus in Los Angeles Tags: Travel, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:40 Explanations: 03:02 Fast dialog: 19:45 I just moved to L.A. and don’t have a car. Everybody says that you can’t get around this city without one, but I wanted to prove them wrong. I asked my neighbor to take me to the downtown bus station so I could try taking the bus home. She thought I was crazy but gave me a ride. When I got there, I went inside and got a bus schedule. I looked at the map and figured out that I needed to take three buses to get home. The fare was $1.75 per ride and I could buy a single ticket, a booklet of 20, or a bus pass. I would need transfers, too, to change buses. I took my map and went outside to wait at the bus stop for the Number 8 bus. Soon it pulled up and I got on. I gave my ticket to the bus driver and took a seat. At the stop where I needed to get off, I rang the bell, the bus stopped, and I got off. I waited for the next bus. I waited and waited. A man who was also waiting for the Number 14 bus said that it wasn’t unusual for the bus to be delayed. It finally got there and I found out that the bus had broken down along the route and they had to get another bus to take its place. By this time, I was getting pretty tired. Maybe getting a car in L.A. wasn’t such a bad idea. ESL Podcast 158 - Shopping with My Wife Tags: Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:44 Explanations: 02:28 Fast dialog: 13:22 One thing I dread more than anything else is going clothes shopping with my wife. It’s not that I don’t like helping her buy new clothes. It’s just that I have no fashion sense. My wife always asks me, “What do you think of this one?” and I always answer with something like: “That’s nice” or “That looks good on you.” That usually satisfies her but sometimes I get harder questions like, “Which one looks better, this one or the other one?” It’s a hard question to answer because whichever one I pick, she will follow up with the question I dread the most: “Why?” The truth is, I don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s because of the color, the cut, the hemline, or the fit. I might have an idea but I can’t put it into words. One question I do know the answer to, though, is: “Do I look fat in this?” The answer to THAT question is always, always, “No!” ESL Podcast 159 - Moonlighting Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:42 Explanations: 02:10 Fast dialog: 14:48 Robert: You look exhausted. You must have been out late last night having fun. Muriel: I wish. I’ve actually started moonlighting. I’ve decided to go back to school and need the extra money to make ends meet. Robert: Good for you. That’s great. Where are you moonlighting? Muriel: I’m working at the university library. At that time of night, it’s pretty dead. When there are no students around, I can use the time to study. It works out pretty well, except for the hours. Robert: Oh, yeah? What are they? Muriel: My work schedule is pretty good, actually. I work three days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But my hours are 7 to midnight. By the time I get home, I’m dead tired. Robert: No wonder you look beat . Here, have some more coffee. Muriel: Thanks. I just hope I don’t fall asleep in the morning meeting. Robert: It’s okay. No one will notice . Muriel: Thanks a lot! Robert: Don’t mention it. ESL Podcast 160 - A Flirt Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:44 Explanations: 02:03 Fast dialog: 17:52 Elaine: You look happy. Jerry: Me? Oh, I was just talking to Ling. Elaine: Oh, no wonder! You better watch out. She’s a big flirt . Jerry: What do you mean? Elaine: Did she make eyes at you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear? Jerry: Well, yes, she said she’d never met anybody like me before, and by her body language , I think she was serious. Elaine: Then she’s still using the same old line that she used with Kramer. She had him wrapped around her little finger. Jerry: Give me a little credit. I know when I’m being snowed and when a girl is really interested in me. Elaine: I hope you’re right, but she’s quite the heartbreaker. I just don’t want you to get hurt. Jerry: Thanks but I think I can take care of myself. Elaine: Okay. Suit yourself. ESL Podcast 161 - A Bad Boss Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:47 Explanations: 02:03 Fast dialog: 17:17 Tom: I wonder how much longer we’ll have to put up with Dennis. He is the most incompetent boss I’ve ever worked for. Katie: He’s not that bad, is he? I don’t have much contact with him. Tom: Are you kidding? He’s always sleeping on the job. The other day, he was supposed to keep an eye on the supervisors visiting from Salt Lake City. Instead, I heard that he went to a baseball game and the supervisors ended up stranded at the downtown office. Katie: It’s hard to believe that he’d fall down on the job like that. Tom: It’s not only that. He’s always passing the buck. Every time something goes wrong at the factory, he blames everyone but himself. Katie: If he’s as bad as you say he is, he must be on his way out. But, you know what they say: “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” Tom: Yeah, I know, but I’m willing to take my chances. ESL Podcast 162 - Training a New Employee Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:50 Explanations: 02:28 Fast dialog: 18:43 Even though I’ve only been on the job for six months, my manager asked me to train the new hire. She was starting today and when she arrived, we got down to business. Akira: So, the first thing I’ll do is to give you a run down of the duties of the job. Your main responsibilities will be to ensure that the reports are finished each week, make any adjustments that need to be made, and distribute them to each department. Is that clear so far? Frances: Sure. That seems pretty straightforward. Who do I report to? Akira: Your immediate supervisor is Ida Funck. We all work under her in this department. Okay, here’s the employee manual. Make sure you read it. Frances: Great. Thanks. Now, when do I get a break? Akira: A break? You’ve been here a half an hour. Frances: Has it been that long? I need some coffee. Needless to say, it was a very, very long day. ESL Podcast 163 - Saving and Spending Money Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:48 Explanations: 2:28 Fast dialog: 16:47 In my family, there are penny-pinchers and spendthrifts, and everything in between. My brother Frank has the reputation for being stingy with money. He likes to save up and only spend when he has to. I bet he has a lot stashed away. He's careful with money but he does spend it when he thinks it's necessary, and his wife and kids are very comfortable. On the other hand, my brother Jack is known as a spendthrift. It's not that he's a big spender or a high roller. It's just that he's not very careful with money and doesn't think it's that important. When he has it, he doesn't think twice about spending it. With his friends, he's generous to a fault . So, what am I? A penny-pincher or a spendthrift? I guess I'm a little of both. It depends on who's asking and how much they want to borrow. ESL Podcast 164 - Seeing a Specialist Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:48 Explanations: 02:19 Fast dialog: 20:42 I went to see my doctor because I had a nagging pain in my leg. After he examined me and ran some routine tests, he suggested that I go see a specialist. I made an appointment with Dr. Slope. Dr. Slope: Good morning. How are you today? Simon: I’m fine, Dr. Slope. My GP, Dr. Harding, referred me to you. He thought that you might be able to diagnose the problem with my leg. Dr. Slope: Well, let’s take a look…Hmm…I want to order some tests but I think you may need surgery. It’s a simple procedure and it will relieve your pain. Simon: So, it’s not a high risk operation? Dr. Slope: No, not at all. It’s quite routine. Simon: Are there any other treatment options? Dr. Slope: Not that I’d recommend. This is the best course of treatment in my opinion. I was really surprised by what Dr. Slope said. I really didn’t want to have surgery. I think I’d better get a second opinion before going under the knife. ESL Podcast 165 - A Practical Joke Tags: Business, Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 01:03 Explanations: 02:28 Fast dialog: 15:55 Joey: I’ve had it! I’m not going to take it anymore. Rachel: What’s the matter? Joey: I’m sick and tired of being the butt of Chandler’s practical jokes. One of these days, he’s really going to get someone hurt. Rachel: Oh, no. What has he done now? Joey: I went back to my office after lunch and sat down at my desk. After about a half hour, I got up to get some coffee. I walked out of my office and I hear Phoebe giggling behind me. Rachel: What was so funny? Joey: Chandler had put a sticker on my chair that stuck to my pants when I got up. Rachel: What did it say? Joey: It said, “I’m a Red Hot Mama .” Rachel: That’s terrible. I can see why you’re mad. You may be a red hot papa, but definitely not a red hot mama. Joey: Very funny. One of these days, he’s going to get it. I’m planning my revenge... ESL Podcast 166 - A Marriage Proposal I Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:14 Explanations: 03:04 Fast dialog: 15:04 I have been trying to get up the nerve to ask my girlfriend to marry me. We have been dating for almost a year and I think she’s the one. I went shopping for engagement rings and really hated the experience. I wasn’t sure what kind of ring she’d like and it took me a long time to decide. Finally, with the help of the saleswoman, I picked one. So, I’ve got the ring. Now, I’ve just got to find the right time to pop the question. I needed to think of a romantic way to propose. I’ve watched enough romantic movies with my girlfriend to know that the proposal has to be something special. I thought about taking her on a trip to Paris and asking her in the “City of Love.” But I spent all of my money on the ring so that’s out of the question. I thought about writing her a love poem and proposing in the poem. But I’m a terrible writer. I thought about serenading her outside her window, but with my voice, I’m sure the neighbors would call the police. I don’t know what to do. How do I ask her to marry me? ESL Podcast 167 - Marriage Proposal Part II Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 00:47 Explanations: 02:39 Fast dialog: 13:30 I had been stressing out about it for a couple of weeks. How do I ask my girlfriend to marry me? We were getting some dinner at a fast food restaurant before going to the movies. Fiona: Tell me the truth. What’s up with you lately? Doug: Me? Nothing. Why do you ask? Fiona: You haven’t been yourself. You’ve been quiet and distant. Are you seeing someone else? Doug: No! Of course I’m not. I would never cheat on you. Fiona: Then, do you want to break up with me? Doug: No way! That’s the last thing I want to do. You’ve got it all wrong . Fiona: Then, tell me what’s on your mind . Doug: I…well…it’s just that…oh, I can’t stand it anymore! I’ve been carrying around this ring in my pocket for two weeks trying to get up the nerve to ask you. Fiona, will you marry me? Fiona: Ah! I can believe it. Are you serious? Doug: I’ve never been more serious. This wasn’t the way I wanted to ask you, but will you? Fiona: Yes, I’ll marry you. And, I thought you wanted to break up. Doug: No, I don’t, silly. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives. Don’t you know that? ESL Podcast 168 - The Home Improvement Store Tags: Daily Life, Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 02:00 Explanations: 04:00 Fast dialog: 19:10 When you own a house, there is always something that needs work. I have been putting off repainting the garage and I decided that I would do it this weekend. I went to the home improvement store early in the morning to get the supplies I’d need. I walked into the huge store and began looking for the paint department . I walked through the garden center and the lumber department but couldn’t find the paint supplies. I tried to find a store employee to ask about it, but there was no one in sight. I walked down the plumbing aisles and finally found the paint department. I looked at the paint swatches and found the color I wanted. I took a number to have my paint mixed. When my number was called, I gave the employee the swatch of the color I wanted and he told me he would call me again when it was ready. In the meantime , I got some brushes and rags. After about 20 minutes, the employee called my number and I picked up my paint. I took the paint and the other supplies and got into a checkout line. After all of that, I was exhausted . And I hadn’t even started painting yet! Maybe I’ll do that next weekend. ESL Podcast 169 - Describing People’s Looks Tags: Relationships, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:50 Explanations: 2:33 Fast dialog: 18:44 Gilles: Hey, what are you looking at? Nora: Oh, these? They’re pictures from my trip back home last month. Gilles: Let’s have a look. So, who’s this? Nora: That’s my sister and that’s my cousin Keira. Gilles: Your sister looks nothing like you. You’re fair and she has dark hair and dark eyes. Now, you look much more like your cousin. Nora: Yeah, that’s true. Keira and I both have heart-shaped faces, thin lips, fat cheeks, and bushy eyebrows . Gorgeous! Gilles: You don’t give yourself enough credit. Why do you think every one of your guy friends is interested in you? Hey, who’s the little girl? Nora: Oh, that’s my cousin Adriano’s daughter. She’s seven. She’s very pretty as you can see and has the most beautiful wavy hair. That’s her baby brother who was just born in April. Gilles: Oh, man, he’s so cute. That pudgy face, curly hair, and big eyes! He’s adorable. Nora: Yeah, I think he looks just like me. Gilles: Hmmm…I think I’d better stop complimenting you. It’s going straight to your head ESL Podcast 170 - Questions and Answers at a Presentation Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:24 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialog: 19:32 Our company hired an outside firm to set up a computer system to help us keep track of the progress on major projects. The company gave us a presentation on how the new system worked. Afterwards, the employees got a chance to ask questions. Cecelia: So, in a nutshell, those are the features of the new system. Any questions? Yuri: Yes, I have a question. From your description, it sounds like the new system may be difficult to use. Can you speak to that? Cecelia: I understand your concern, but actually, the system is very simple to use. I mentioned a lot of features that the system has, but the typical employee won’t be using more than two or three on a daily basis. Yes, you had a question? Alessandro: Yeah, my biggest concern is that all of the employees in the company will have access to the system. How does this affect my projects that have sensitive information? Cecelia: That’s a good question. One of the key features of the program is that it allows the project manager to limit access for any of his or her projects. Now, if there are no other questions, thank you all for coming and we look forward to working with you in the future. ESL Podcast 171 - Buying a Used Car Tags: Daily Life, Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 2:34 Fast dialog: 17:19 Samantha: Hello. Terry: Hey, Samantha. It's Terry. Samantha: Oh, hi Terry. How's it going? Terry: Not bad. Hey, the reason I'm calling is that I heard from Veronica that you're looking for a used car. Samantha: Yeah, I'm hoping to find something reliable but cheap. Terry: Well, I have just the thing for you. My brother has a 2001 Ford he's trying to sell. It has low miles, it's in good condition, and he's in a hurry to sell it. Samantha: Your brother, huh? That's not the same brother who tried to sell me a stereo system that fell off the back of a truck, is it? Terry: No, no, no. That's a different brother. Listen, this is a really nice car. It has a leather interior, power windows and doors, gets great gas mileage, and the tires are practically new. And, it's a steal at $7,000. Samantha: How do I know it's not a lemon ? I don't want to end up with a piece of junk. Terry: Come on. Would I steer you wrong? Samantha: Well, it won't hurt to go see it and to give it a test drive. Terry: Trust me. You won't be sorry. Samantha: We'll see about that. ESL Podcast 172 - Legal Problems Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 01:02 Explanations: 02:28 Fast dialog: 20:08 I was reading the newspaper this morning and saw a story about a university student arrested and charged with burglary and assault. Last Monday, this student hit a security guard over the head, broke into his professor’s office, and stole the professor’s computer. He wasn’t doing well in the class and thought that he could steal the exam. When he was arraigned in court , the prosecutor said that the charges were very serious felonies and not simple misdemeanors. He also said that because the student was a flight risk , the bail should be set at $2 million. The judge agreed. If the student was found guilty of all of the charges, he could be sentenced to up to 15 years in jail. When I read this story, I thought, wouldn’t it have been easier for him to just study? ESL Podcast 173 - Buying Souvenirs Tags: Travel, Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 01:13 Explanations: 03:08 Fast dialog: 21:12 I was vacationing in Miami, Florida, and I went into a souvenir store to get some gifts for friends back home. Lydia: Could you show me where the T-shirts are? Clerk: Sure, they’re on the left, along the wall. Can I help you find something? Lydia: I’d like to get a T-shirt, but I’m not sure about the size. It’s for a friend who is about your size. Clerk: Well, in that case, you'll need a large . I only have these in medium or small, but I have these two in size large. Lydia: Do you have anything in another color or another style? Clerk: How about this one? Lydia: That’s great. Could you also recommend a gift for a young woman? Clerk: We have a lot of locally-made items. I don’t think you want a mug, a key chain, or a snow globe. But, how about some jewelry? Lydia: Oh, this bracelet is nice. How much is it? Clerk: It’s on sale for $36. Lydia: Okay. I’ll take the T-shirt and the bracelet. Do you have a box for the bracelet? Clerk: Sure, no problem. That will be $59.60 with tax. Lydia: There you go. Clerk: Here’s your change. Thanks for coming in! ESL Podcast 174 - A Potluck Tags: Dining, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:13 Explanations: 2:35 Fast dialog: 17:41 Mike: Thanks a lot for agreeing to help me plan the block party. Susan: Oh, I’m happy to help. I’m surprised you didn’t ask Bree. She’s so good at planning parties. Mike: I thought about it, but I was afraid she would turn it into a cocktail party or something. Susan: Yeah, I see what you mean. Well, I made a guest list to see how many people may be attending. We can put the invitations in their mailboxes this weekend. It will be a potluck so I’m asking people to RSVP and to let me know what they plan to bring. Mike: What kind of things do we need? Susan: Well, I’m asking people to bring a main dish, chip and dip, or dessert. It won’t be a BYOB like last year, so Lynette and Edie are bringing some soda. I can supply the paper plates and cups, and the plastic utensils. Mike: That’s great. It sounds like you have everything under control. Susan: I really can’t believe it. There’s a first time for everything! ESL Podcast 175 - Places to Live Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialog: 22:22 Finding a new place to live isn’t always easy. I have been living in the same apartment for nine years and I thought it was time for a change. I have always wanted to buy a condo or a townhouse, but I didn’t have the money for a down payment. But now, I have a little money saved up and I want to buy a place of my own. I didn’t want to go through a real estate agent yet so I started looking around the city on my own. I wasn’t sure if I wanted a townhouse or a single-family home. I didn’t want to live in a multi-story building anymore, not even if I had a penthouse unit. It was too noisy and I wanted a backyard for my dog, Shiloh. I looked at a duplex as well as some traditional houses. One of the last houses I saw was a two-bedroom, one-bath bungalow. It was small enough for one person, but big enough for me and my dog. When Shiloh saw the backyard, I think it was love at first sight. I’d like to say that I pick the house, but really, it was Shiloh’s choice. I don’t think he would ever forgive me if I didn’t buy that house. ESL Podcast 176 - Time Off from Work Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 2:38 Fast dialog: 21:03 My buddy from college, Jack, was getting married and our friend Rob was planning a bachelor party for him in Vegas. It was going to be the last weekend of the month and I wanted to go. The trouble was, I was scheduled to work that weekend. I needed to get the time off from work or I was going to miss out on all the fun. I have some vacation leave, but company policy requires that my boss sign off on any leave we take. I’ve heard of companies doing that for longer periods of leave —like maternity leave or a leave of absence—but our company does that even for vacation leave. I thought about just calling in sick that weekend—I do have a lot of accumulated sick leave—but I didn’t think my boss would appreciate me leaving him hanging. In the end, I just asked him straight out and, to my surprise, he said, “okay.” Now, I just need to get ready for a wild weekend with the guys. I can’t wait! ESL Podcast 177 – A Wild Driver Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 2:21 Fast dialog: 20:58 Yasmine and I were going to a show at the Staples Center and Yasmine was driving. My friends warned me about her driving, but they didn’t prepare me for this ride. Pedro: Whoa, slow down! You almost rear- ended that SUV. Yasmine: No I didn’t. Take it easy. I have everything under control. I’m not even speeding, that much. You’re the one who doesn’t want to be late for the show. Pedro: Yeah, but I want to get there in one piece. Hey, what are you doing? You’re not going to make an illegal U-turn across four lanes of traffic, are you? Yasmine: I have to. Pedro: Why? Yasmine: I was going the wrong way on a one- way street. Pedro: Oh, geez. I think you just took 10 years off my life. Yasmine: Don’t be such a wuss. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. We’re just getting started… ESL Podcast 178 – A Fight Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:02 Explanations: 2:33 Fast dialog: 17:37 Ginger: I can’t believe it. You’re late again! Fred: I got caught up at work. What are you so worked up about? Ginger: I’ve had it up to here with your excuses. If you knew you were going to be late, why didn’t you call? We’ve been over this a hundred times. Fred: There wasn’t time to call. And plus, what’s the big deal? I’m just a little late. Ginger: A little late? You’re an hour late! You are so inconsiderate sometimes…[sigh]…You look tired. Fred: Yeah, I am. Look, I’m late and I was inconsiderate. Let’s not let it ruin our evening. Ginger: Okay, I’m sorry. Maybe I overreacted. I know you’ve been really busy at work. Fred: I’m the one who’s sorry. I should have called. Will you let me make it up to you? Ginger: You don’t have to. I shouldn’t nag . Fred: You weren’t nagging. Let’s go get something to eat. We’ll both feel better with some food in our stomachs. Ginger: Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go. ESL Podcast 179 – Shopping for a Cell Phone Tags: Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:00 Explanations: 2:43 Fast dialog: 15:40 Salesperson: Hi, have you been helped? Greg: No, I haven’t. I’m looking for a new phone. Salesperson: Are you with our company right now? Greg: No, I’m thinking about switching. Salesperson: Okay, let me show you our most popular phone. This one has a lot of good features. It’s got a camera phone , a video recorder, instant messaging, and you can download music or ring tones. Greg: I’m really looking for a flip phone. Salesperson: Oh, in that case, this is the one you want. Let me tell you a little about our plans. With our $59.99 plan, you get 400 minutes, unlimited night and weekend minutes, and free mobile-to-mobile. Greg: Do the minutes roll over if I don’t use them all in one month, and do I need to sign an agreement? Salesperson: We don’t have rollover minutes, but if you think 400 isn’t enough, we have higher plans for 700, 1000, and unlimited minutes. The $59.99 plan requires a 1-year agreement. Greg: Okay, let me think about it. Salesperson: No problem. Just let me know if you have other questions. Monday - July 10, 2006 ESL Podcast 180 - Airport Layover Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:05 Explanations: 2:28 Fast dialog: 21:08 I was going to see a friend of mine in Oklahoma City and decided to use my frequent flyer miles. I booked a flight, but the only one they had had a long layover in Denver. I had three hours to kill and I decided to get something to eat at the food court. Unfortunately, I didn’t check my bags and had my roller bag and carry on with me. I lugged them with me, but when I got to the food court, all of the tables were taken. Man: Do you want to share my table? Ann: Oh, uh, thanks. That would be great. It’s packed in here. Man: Yeah, it’s always like this on Friday afternoons. Ann: You must travel a lot. Man: Yeah, it’s part of my job. It looks like you’ve got a lot of stuff with you. Do you want me to keep an eye on it while you get your food? Ann: Thanks, but I think I’ll take it with me . But, if you could save this seat for me, that would be great. Man: Sure. You got it. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Friday - July 14, 2006 ESL Podcast 181 – Company Profiles Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:56 Explanations: 2:39 Fast dialog: 18:28 Roberta: What are you working on? Lee: Oh, I’m writing the company profiles for the businesses participating in the meeting next month. Do you have a minute to give me some feedback? Roberta: Sure, what do you have so far? Lee: I’ve started to write the ones for Lundrun and Max Electronics. This is what I have for Lundrun so far: “A Fortune 500 company, Lundrun is a world leader in car manufacturing. Founded in 1936, Lundrun today is a $90 billion dollar company that sets a standard in the industry.” Roberta: That’s pretty good. Don’t forget to mention that their headquarters are in Chicago. Lee: Oh, yeah. I’ll make sure I add that. Okay, here’s what I have for Max Electronics: “Max Electronics is a Frankfurt-based company that has been a pioneer in the manufacturing of home electronics for over 75 years. The company has a global network of 1,500 distributors and has stores in 53 countries worldwide.” Roberta: That’s a good start. Why don’t you pass them by me when you’re done and I can give you some more feedback? Lee: Yeah, I’ll do that. Thanks a lot. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Monday - July 17, 2006 ESL Podcast 182 – A Star Trek Convention Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:19 Explanations: 2:53 Fast dialog: 21:39 Guido: Whoa, check you out! That’s a great costume. Are you going to the Star Trek Convention? Rita: Yeah, it’s in town until Sunday. Have you ever been to one? Guido: Me? No way! Don’t get me wrong. I’m a fan of the shows. And, no offense, but I thought only geeks went to the conventions. Rita: Yeah, I thought that, too, until I went last year with my friend Claire and we had a great time. Guido: Claire? Your gorgeous roommate Claire? That Claire? Rita: Yeah, there were exhibitions from collectors and we got autographs from two of the show’s stars. The highlight was when the stars came out and spoke to the crowd…Hey, do you want to come with us? Guido: It actually sounds like fun, but I can’t make it today. Rita: How come? Guido: Uh…well…I’m going to the comic book convention. Rita: Oh, I see. Well, maybe next year. Live long and prosper… Guido: Uh, yeah. You, too. Hey, tell Claire I said “hi.” Rita: Sure. See you later. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Friday - July 21, 2006 ESL Podcast 183 – At the Pharmacy Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:00 Explanations: 2:47 Fast dialog: 16:17 I went to the drugstore down the street to fill a prescription at the pharmacy. I have had some problems with my arm and the doctor prescribed for me a new medication. I waited in line and when it was my turn, I handed the prescription to the pharmacist. She told me to come back in 15 minutes and she would have it ready for me. In the meantime, I went to look for some over the counter stomach medication. There was some in tablets and capsules. I decided on the capsules and returned to the pharmacy. The pharmacist asked me if I had taken this medication before. I told her I hadn’t, and she pointed out the directions on the bottle. It had the dosage information: Take two tablets two times a day. There was also a warning to not take it on an empty stomach. The bottle also said that I should stop taking the medication if I had any serious side effects. The pharmacist told me to follow the directions closely so that I can avoid an overdose. I paid for the medication and thanked her for her help. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Monday - July 24, 2006 ESL Podcast 184 – Running a Meeting Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:00 Explanations: 2:42 Fast dialog: 17:21 Good morning, everyone. I believe we are all here. Please be seated and let’s get started. Please join me in welcoming Olivia Dansk, from Garland Corporation I’m afraid that Lionel Wu from Manatect can’t be with us today, but I’m pleased to welcome representatives from both Danforth and Boyent. We’re here today to discuss the progress of our joint venture project. Have you all received a copy of the agenda? Good. As you can see, there are six items on the agenda. If there are no objections, I suggest we take the items in order. Let’s start with number one… …… I think that takes care of the first item? Why don't we move on to item number two. I’d like to hand it over to Olivia, who will take us through the report. Olivia?... …… If there are no other issues to discuss, I’d like to wrap up this meeting. Our next meeting will be on Monday, November 20th. Before we end today, I’d like to thank all of you for coming. This has been a very productive meeting. ESL Podcast 185 – Ways to Pay Tags: Daily Life, Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:02 Explanations: 2:42 Fast dialog: 14:38 I was at the store, and when the clerk finished ringing me up, I had a few problems. Clerk: Your total comes to $79.42. Peter: Do you take credit cards? Clerk: Yes, we take Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Peter: Here’s my Visa. Clerk: Hmm…I’m sorry but your card has been declined. Peter: Oh, I can’t imagine why. I’m sure it’s just a mistake. Here, use my MasterCard. Clerk: Well, sir, it looks like this one is overdrawn, too. Do you have a debit card or cash? We also accept personal checks. Peter: Like I said, I think it must be bank error. Yeah, I have a debit card, but I think there’s a fee for using it, right? Clerk: Yes, I think the bank charges you a small fee. Peter: In that case, I’ll write a check. Oh no, I forgot my checkbook at home. Can you hold these items for me? I can run to an ATM to get some cash. I’ll come right back. Clerk: Sure. I can hold it for you until the end of the day. Peter: Okay, great. I’ll be right back. onday - July 31, 2006 ESL Podcast 186 – Dating a Younger Man/Woman Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:07 Explanations: 2:57 Fast dialog: 17:12 Tadashi: Was that Diane you were talking to just now? Helen: Yeah, do you know her? Tadashi: Diane and I used to work together. She looked happy. Helen: Yeah, she’s dating a new man. I just got the scoop. He’s not her usual type. Tadashi: What do you mean? Helen: Well, he’s a little younger than she is. Tadashi: That’s no big deal nowadays. How much younger? Helen: Diane is 42 and he’s 27. Tadashi: They’re 15 years apart! Talk about robbing the cradle! Helen: Hey, didn’t you just say that May- December romances aren’t that uncommon? From what Diane tells me, they have a lot of things in common. Tadashi: Yes, I did. But that was before I knew there was such a huge age difference between them. I know that my parents wouldn’t approve of me dating a woman 15 years older than me. Helen: Aren’t you being a hypocrite? After your parents divorced, didn’t your father remarry? And, isn’t your step-mother 18 years younger than your father? Tadashi: But, but…that’s different. Helen: How? Because Diane is a woman and your father is a man? Tadashi: Yeah. I don’t mind saying it. There’s a double standard. I think a lot of people would agree with me. Helen: You may be right, but I’m not one of them. Friday - August 04, 2006 ESL Podcast 187 – Enjoying the Outdoors Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 2:48 Fast dialog: 17:42 My favorite time of year is the summer. I like being outdoors, doing anything from hiking to going to the beach. One thing about working in an office all week is that I don’t get much fresh air. With summer here, I plan to take full advantage. Last week, I went to the beach with some friends. I was glad I brought sunscreen since it was a really hot day, and I’m sure I would have gotten a sunburn within 15 minutes! We set up our beach umbrella and beach chairs, and played some volleyball. A few of us went into the ocean for a swim , but most of my friends just lounged around on the sand. This weekend, I’m going hiking. I stopped by the store and got some insect repellent. The last time I hiked in the mountains, I came back with big mosquito bites all over my legs. This time, I’m going to be prepared. I was going to try a new trail and I wasn’t going to let a few mosquitoes get in the way. ESL Podcast 188 – Correcting Misunderstandings at Work Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:58 Explanations: 2:47 Fast dialog: 18:30 I work in our company’s Toledo office and I was meeting with my counterpart in our Raleigh office. I was trying to explain to her our new proposal to make some changes in the corporate structure. But, it wasn’t going very well. Rory: So, with the new plan, the managers would report directly to the CEO? Dean: That’s not quite right. The local managers would report to the regional managers, and the regional managers would be supervised by the COO. That would give the COO more oversight than he has now. Rory: You’re saying, then, that the managers aren’t being well supervised now? Dean: No, that’s not what I meant. We were actually thinking that the new plan would free up the CEO to work on attracting new business. Rory: So, you think that the problem is with the CEO. He’s not doing his job. Dean: No, that’s not it at all. What I’m trying to say is that we need this new plan because our office has expanded so much in the past year. Rory: Well, I don’t really agree with you. I think that both the CEO and COO are doing a fine job now. Dean: I think we may have our wires crossed. Let’s set up a meeting for next week to talk more about it. Rory: Okay. That’s fine with me. ESL Podcast 189 – Getting Home Late from School Tags: Relationships, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:01 Explanations: 2:42 Fast dialog: 17:49 Dad: Where have you been? Do you know what time it is? Caitlin: I’m sorry, Dad. I lost track of time. Dad: Lost track of time? We’ve been worried sick about you. You were supposed to come straight home after school. Caitlin: I know, but Janet was showing me something in her locker when a fight broke out in the hallway. The vice principal, Mr. Lopez, finally came out and broke it up. Dad: That still doesn’t explain why you’re late. And, I don’t want any excuses. Caitlin: Well, one of the guys in the fight was Dan, Janet’s brother. Mr. Lopez called their parents and I waited with her until they got there. Dad: I never liked Dan. He’s trouble. I don’t want you hanging around with him. Caitlin: I don’t. I’m friends with Janet, not her brother. I didn’t do anything wrong. Dad: Oh, really? You missed curfew last week and now you’re late again. Just wait until your mother hears about this. You’re grounded for a week. Caitlin: Dad! That’s not fair! None of my friend’s parents are as strict as you are. Dad: That’s enough. I won’t have you talking back to me. Now, go to your room. ESL Podcast 190 – Taking a Phone Message Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:57 Explanations: 3:42 Fast dialog: 21:10 I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. As soon as I walked in the door, though, the phone rang. Paolo: Hello. Evelyn: Hi, could I speak to Tony? Paolo: He’s not here right now. Can I take a message? Evelyn: Do you know when he’ll be back? Paolo: No, I don’t. Evelyn: Okay. I’ll call back later. Thanks. …… Ten minutes later, the phone rang again. Paolo: Hello. Pam: Hi, is Tony there? Paolo: No, he’s out. Pam: Could I leave a message? Paolo: Sure. Give me a second to get something to write with…Okay, I’m ready. Pam: Could you tell him that Pam called and ask him to call me back as soon as he can. Paolo: Does he have your number? Pam: He should, but I’d better give it to you. It’s 279-555-6347. Paolo: Okay, I’ll tell him. Pam: Thanks. ….. As soon as I put down the receiver, the phone rang again. I couldn’t believe it. Paolo: Hello. Susan: Hi, is this Tony? Paolo: No, I’m his roommate, Paolo. Tony’s not here right now. Susan: I need to get a hold of him. Do you have his cell number? Paolo: Uh, yeah, I do, but I’m not sure he wants me to give it out. Susan: Oh, I’m sure he’d want me to have it. Paolo: I'll tell you what. Why don’t I take your number and have him call you back? Susan: I really need to get a hold of him right away. Paolo: I’ll give him your message as soon as he gets home. Susan: Fine. This is Susan and my number is 742-555-3655. Please make sure he gets it. It’s important. Bye. Paolo: Bye. As soon as she hung up, I took the phone off the hook for the rest of the night. I’d had enough of being Tony’s answering service for one night! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse ESL Podcast 191 – Changing Money Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:57 Explanations: 2:54 Fast dialog: 14:34 I was at the airport to pick up my friend Sandra, who was visiting from Italy. Gustavo: Do you have everything? Sandra: Yes, I think so. But, I don’t have any U.S. dollars. Where can I change money? Can I do that here? Gustavo: You could, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The exchange rate is really high and so are the fees. I’ll take you to the bank tomorrow. ….. The next day, I picked Sandra up from her hotel and we went to a branch nearby. Bank clerk: What can I do for you? Sandra: I’d like to exchange some currency and to get some U.S. dollars. Bank clerk: Okay, how much would you like? Sandra: How much is one Euro worth? Bank clerk: The current rate is one dollar to .8 Euros. Sandra: In that case, I’d like 500 U.S. dollars. Bank clerk: Okay. That will be 400 Euros. Would you like that in large or small bills? Sandra: I’d like a mix of both, I’d like some change, too. Bank clerk: That’s no problem. Please sign here. That will be $300 in $20’s, $150 in $10’s, and $45 in $5’s and $1’s. And, here’s $5 in change: quarters, dimes, and nickels. Sandra: That’s perfect. Thanks a lot. Bank clerk: Is there anything else I can help you with? Sandra: No, that’s all. Thanks for your help. Bank clerk: It’s my pleasure. Have a nice day. ESL Podcast 192 – Winning the Lottery Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:09 Explanations: 2:45 Fast dialog: 19:26 Daniela: I got our lottery tickets during my lunch break. The jackpot is up to $168 million. Imagine if we won. Boris: Thanks for getting mine, too. When is the drawing? Daniela: Saturday at 6 PM. It’s being televised on channel 4. Boris: What would you do if you had $168 million? Daniela: The first thing I would do is quit my job! No more slaving away for me. What would you do? Boris: If I were rich, I would travel around the world. If I were younger, I’d learn how to fly a plane. I’ve always wanted to do that. Daniela: It’s never too late. You could still do that. Boris: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I’d probably just retire and buy myself a nice new house. Daniela: Yeah, that sounds nice. I suppose I’d have a lot of family and friends asking for money. Boris: I know I would. I can just see them coming out of the woodwork and pestering me. Maybe winning the lottery isn’t such a good thing. Daniela: You’re right. It’s a curse. When you win, you can give me all of the money. Boris: Yeah, right. Don’t hold your breath! ESL Podcast 193 – Placing a Business Order Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 2:52 Fast dialog: 17:50 Jessie: Good morning. This is Jessie Lipman calling from Wexman. I wanted to place an order. Rudy: Certainly. Are you ordering from our catalog? Jessie: Yes, I have the item numbers. But, before I place the new order, I wanted to check on some items we have on backorder. Rudy: Sure, let me pull up your account. It looks like you have two items that are still outstanding, but we should have that to you by the end of the week. Jessie: Can you give me a delivery date? Rudy: It should arrive no later than the 19th. Jessie: Okay. Let me give you the new order. The first item is 2456. We’d like 52 boxes. Last time, we were able to buy in bulk and got the wholesale price. I’m hoping we can negotiate that again for this order. Rudy: That’s not a problem. What are the other items? Jessie: The second item is 6849. We’d like 40 of them. Rudy: There’s a price reduction on that item of 10%. That brings the net price to $19. Anything else? Jessie: That’s it for now. There are a few things we need to order, but I still need to submit a requisition for a purchase order. Can you fax over an invoice for the items I just ordered? Rudy: Sure, I’ll get that to you by the end of the day. We appreciate your order. Jessie: No problem. Thanks. ESL Podcast 194 – An Unwanted House Guest Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 3:22 Fast dialog: 15:50 About a month ago, my friend Richard called me and asked if he could come stay with me for a couple of weeks. I usually don’t like having house guests, but Richard was a good friend. He’s an artist and he was thinking about moving to L.A. He wanted to see if he could get a job in the area. I told him, yes, of course, and he came down right away. As I said, that was a month ago. He’s been living in my guestroom ever since. I like Richard and we get along, but I just don’t like having a roommate. Sometimes, he gets in the way when I want to invite someone over, and he’s always hogging the couch. One of my pet peeves is a dirty bathroom and Richard is a slob. I finally decided to let him know that he had overstayed his welcome. But, how do you throw out one of your best friends? On the day I was going to talk to Richard, he came home with some big news. He had met some guy at the employment agency and he planned to move in with him. I was bowled over! He had just met him. I tried to talk him out of it, but he’d made up his mind. Richard has always been a free spirit so who am I to tell him what to do? I just hope he’ll be happy. ESL Podcast 195 – At an Amusement Park Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:05 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialog: 16:08 My brother, his wife, and their two daughters are in town and I had promised the girls that I would take them to an amusement park. I don’t really like roller coasters, but I knew the kids would like it. On Saturday morning, we drove down to the theme park. We parked and took a shuttle to the park entrance. We looked at the ticket prices and decided to buy a day pass for each of us. Maria, the younger of the two kids, is only 2-years-old, and children under three get in free. The first thing we did was stand in line for the biggest attraction in the park: a really big roller coaster. Actually, only Grace and I stood in line since Maria was too young to ride it. My brother and my sister-in-law took Maria to ride the Ferris wheel and carousel, and afterwards, we planned to meet near the concession stands so we could watch the parade at 2 o’clock. Grace and I finally made it to the head of the line and we got on the ride. I really don’t like roller coasters. When we got off, I felt queasy and had to sit down for a few minutes before I could walk again. All in all, we had a good day at the amusement park. But, it will be long time before I go on a roller coaster again! ESL Podcast 196 – A Business Plan Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:10 Fast dialog: 17:13 About a year ago, I came up with an idea that I thought would revolutionize the way people sell their goods on the Internet. After a lot of planning, I decided to try to attract investors by developing a business plan. I got some advice from my friend Steve who is a very successful entrepreneur. First, he told me I needed to figure out my business model. How would my investors make money? How long would it take for the company to be in the black? Steve said that the proposal would need to show revenue projections for the first five years, and that I should give an estimate of gross sales for that same period. Steve also said that I should include what I thought was the target market for the new service and my plan for convincing potential buyers that the new service would give them a competitive advantage. After working on the plan for a few months, I thought it was ready to show to some prospective investors. All I need is just one big investor to take a chance on it. Hopefully, this time next year, I’ll be well on my way to building a new business empire. ESL Podcast 197 – An Apology Download Podcast Tags: Relationships, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialog: 13:42 Becky: Curt. Curt: Oh, hi. Becky: Can I talk to you for a minute? Curt: I’m really busy right now. Becky: Just one minute. I promise it won’t take long. Curt: Okay. Let’s talk over here. Becky: Curt, I’m really sorry that I told Joyce that you had a crush on her. We were just talking last Friday and it just slipped out. Curt: But, I told you about Joyce in confidence. Becky: I know. It’s totally my fault. I really regret saying anything. I wish I could take it back. I just want you to know that I’m really sorry and I hope that you’ll accept my apology. Curt: What’s done is done. I was really pissed off when I found out this morning but I’m over it now. [cell phone ring] Hold on a sec. [long pause, muttering in background] Guess who that was? Becky: Who? Curt: Joyce. She wanted to know if I’d like to have lunch with her today. Becky: It was? That’s great, maybe… Curt: And, maybe not. Maybe she just wants to tell me she’s not interested in me. Becky: Or, maybe she likes you, too. Curt: Don’t let your imagination run away with you. Becky: I won’t but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. ESL Podcast 198 – Starting a Band Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:40 Explanations: 2:26 Fast dialog: 13:22 At work one afternoon, my friend Michael asked me if I wanted to help him start a band. I was really surprised because I didn’t even know Michael was a musician. As it turns out, not only was Michael a good guitarist, he was also a good songwriter. He wanted to get together a band and maybe start playing some gigs. I was interested, but I wasn’t sure if my voice was good enough to be the lead singer. After hearing me sing, Michael said that he thought I was. With me in the band, we still needed a drummer and a bass player. My sister wanted to be a back-up singer for the band, but we didn’t think we needed one yet. We auditioned a lot of people and found our other two band members. They had their own instruments and even had the sound equipment we’d need. We start rehearsal next week. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get a demo made soon and get hired as an opening act for another band. And, who knows? You may be seeing us as headliners in your city before too long. ESL Podcast 199 – A Love Letter Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:09 Explanations: 2:47 Fast dialog: 15:11 Vicky: What are you working on? Issac: If I tell you, will you promise not to laugh? Vicky: All right. What is it? Issac: It’s a love letter to Julie. Vicky: Isn’t it a little premature? You’ve only been going out for a month. Issac: Maybe, but I really want her to know how I feel. Vicky: Let me see it. “Dear Julie. I’m writing this letter to pour my heart out to you. When we met, it was love at first sight and I can’t get you out of my head. You mean everything to me. Now that we’re together, how can I ever live without you?” Issac: So, what do you think? Vicky: I thought it would have some simple sweet nothings. I didn’t expect it to be this heavy. Issac: Do you think it needs more terms of endearment? Maybe I should have called her “my love,” “my darling,” or “sweetheart.” Tell me the truth, do you think it’s too much? I don’t want to scare her off. Vicky: Well, I know you’re head over heels in love with her, but if I were you, I’d play it by ear. Give it to her when you feel the time is right. Issac: Okay, thanks. I’ll try to play it cool, for now. ESL Podcast 200 – Meeting a Deadline Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 2:43 Fast dialog: 15:23 Pam: You wanted to see me? Ed: Yes, I did. Have a seat. I want to talk to you about the Pulsen project. Pam: I know I’m a little late in getting that report to you, but I’ve been pulling out the stops to get it done. Ed: But it’s still not done, is it? You know that the deadline for the next milestone of the project was this past Monday. Pam: Yes, I know, but the scope of the project turned out to be a lot bigger than I had anticipated. And, they just didn’t allocate enough resources for something this size. Is there any way we can push back the deadline by a week? Ed: The time to ask that was last week, not after you’ve missed the deadline. I have the management breathing down my neck about this report. I’ve tried to stall them for the past two days and they’re not happy. Pam: I promise to have it on your desk by tomorrow morning. You have my word. Ed: All right. I’ll give you until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. I’m tired of taking the heat, though, and I don’t plan to do it any longer. Pam: You can count on me. Ed: Don’t let me down. Pam: I won’t. ESL Podcast 201 – Making a Bet Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment, Relationships, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:48 Explanations: 2:24 Fast dialog: 15:18 Suzanna: Hey, the back of the line is over there. Ivan: I was here. I just stepped out of line for a minute to get some cash. Suzanna: Yeah, right. I don’t remember you being in line ahead of me. Ivan: Come on. Let’s do this. We’ll flip for it. If it’s heads, I win and I get to get back into line. If it’s tails, you win and I’ll go to the back of the line. Suzanna: All right. I’ll take those odds. You’re on. Ivan: Here goes…Oh, it’s heads! I win. Suzanna: I guess it’s your lucky day. Ivan: I guess so. How about going double or nothing? Suzanna: What are the stakes? Ivan: If it’s tails and you win, I go to the back of the line and I have to buy you a drink when we get inside. If It’s heads and I win, I get in back in line in front of you and you buy me a drink. Suzanna: So, no matter what happens I have to have a drink with you? Ivan: That’s the idea. What do you say? Suzanna: Okay, you talked me into it. Let’s see if your luck will hold up. Ivan: I’ve got a good feeling it will. ESL Podcast 202 – At the Gas Station Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life, Transportation Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:42 Fast dialog: 18:22 It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my friends Steve and Liz, and I thought this would be a good weekend to drive up to Santa Barbara to see them. Gas prices have been through the roof, but I decided to take the short road trip anyway. Before getting on the road, I went to the gas station to fill up my tank. I drove past the full-service pump and parked at the first self-service one. I got out of the car and saw that there was an “out of order” sign telling customers to pay inside. I wanted to pay at the pump so I got back into the car and pulled up to the next one. Luckily for me, this one was working. I swiped my credit card and took the gas cap off. I pushed the button for the grade of unleaded gas I wanted and put the nozzle into my tank. There was a sign on the pump that read, “Do not top off.” After the tank was full, I replaced the nozzle and pressed the button for a receipt. Right when I was about to leave, I noticed that my windows were dirty, so I got the squeegee and some paper towels and cleaned them. Now, I was ready for my drive up north. ESL Podcast 203 – Text Messaging Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:16 Explanations: 3:34 Fast dialog: 18:21 I was supposed to meet Jenny at the library, but I was late. Jenny texted me: "I M @ lib wher r u?" I’m not very good at texting so I used a template to say I was going to be late. When I arrived at the library, Jenny laughed at me because she knew I didn’t know how to text. Richard: I don’t know how to use this thing. The phone kept making up words for me. Jenny: That's because you were composing in predictive text mode. You have to change your settings to normal tap mode so only the characters you want show up in the screen. Richard: Okay, but everything still shows up in capital letters. Jenny: You can change the option by pressing the button. See? The screen will show you what kind of letters or numbers you can get, and you keep pushing the button until the one you want comes up. Richard: What about the symbol you used in your message? Jenny: You press the 1 button or the 0 button for those. I use them as abbreviations to save time when I am texting. I always use the symbols "@" and "&" for "at" and "and." Simple words like "you," "are," and "be" can be spelled with the letters "u," "r," and "b." It saves time. Richard: Thanks. I think I’ve got it, but it’ll take some practice for me to get up to speed. Jenny: No problem. Each time I get a strange message that doesn’t make any sense, I’ll know it’s from you. ESL Podcast 204 – Using Visuals in a Presentation Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:06 Explanations: 3:31 Fast dialog: 17:35 Rosa: Thanks a lot for offering to give me some pointers on how to use visuals for my presentation. I’ve never given a presentation like this before. Milo: I’m glad I can help. What do you plan to use? Rosa: Well, I plan to show these slides for the first part of the talk. First, I have this pie chart that shows the types of services our company provides. Then, I have this bar graph to show how the company has grown in the past 20 years. But, I’m not really sure how to talk about them. Milo: Okay, first, when you’re using a chart, make sure you explain what each part represents. For example, on this pie chart, I would explain that each slice of the pie represents a percentage of the business. Then, for this bar chart, I’d make sure to tell the audience what the X-axis and Y-axis stand for, and what each increment represents. That way, the trend that the company is following is clear. Are you planning on using this line chart, too? Rosa: No, I changed my mind about that. I think it’s a little confusing, but your tips on the other charts are really helpful. I have this flip chart, too, that I’m supposed to use but I’m not sure how. I don’t want to turn my back on the audience during the presentation. Milo: The second half of the presentation includes some audience participation, right? Then, I think it’s fine to use it during that part of the talk. Any other questions? Rosa: I don’t think so. You’ve been so helpful. I hope you’ll let me take you to lunch as a token of thanks. Milo: You don’t need to treat, but I’d be happy to have lunch together. Let’s go. ESL Podcast 205 – Shopping for Shoes Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life, Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:41 Explanations: 2:20 Fast dialog: 14:12 Clerk: Can I help you find something? Alissa: Yes, I’m looking for some dress shoes for work, something with a low heel. Clerk: Have you tried this brand? They make really comfortable shoes. This company makes several styles of dress shoes, including a sandal, a low boot, and a loafer. These right here are open toe and those over there have a strap in the back. Alissa: Oh, I like these slip-ons, but they seem too narrow. My feet are pretty wide. Clerk: Those actually come in three widths: narrow, medium, and wide. Do you want to try them on? Alissa: Sure. Do you have them in a 6-and-a-half or a 7, in black or brown? Clerk: I’m not sure. I’ll have to check in the back… Here you are. How does the 6-and-a-half fit? Alissa: They’re a little too tight in the toe. Let me try the 7. Oh, that’s better, but now the heel is a little too loose. Clerk: Keep in mind that since they’re leather, they’ll stretch a little. Alissa: In that case, I’ll take the black pair in the 6-and-a-half. Clerk: Great. I can ring you up over here. ESL Podcast 206 – A Generation Gap Download Podcast Tags: Relationships, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:16 Explanations: 2:46 Fast dialog: 16:53 Carlos: Belinda, maybe you can explain it to me. My parents still don’t get me. I got a couple of tattoos and they freaked out. Belinda: Why are you asking me? I may be a few years older than you are, but I don’t understand parents any better than you do. They’re hopelessly behind the times. Carlos: I don’t really expect them to keep up with what’s going on right now or to know anything about what’s in and what’s out, but I thought they’d understand if I wanted to express myself. They were hippies in their day. Belinda: Yeah, but being a hippie isn’t the same thing as being a hipster. Most of them just don’t keep up with pop culture. You know, now that I think about it, I’m not sure that’s such a bad thing. Carlos: What do you mean? Belinda: Can you imagine going to the same clubs as your parents, or you and your parents reading the same blogs? Carlos: Oh, that would really suck. Okay, you’ve made your point. Things could be a lot worse. ESL Podcast 207 – Giving Birth in a Hospital Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialog: 14:10 It was 2 o’clock in the morning when my wife woke me up. She is eight-and-a-half months pregnant and she told me that her water had broken. She said that she was having contractions and she was sure that she was in labor. I paged our doctor and drove to the hospital. When we arrived, we went straight to the maternity ward. I went to the reception desk, and told the clerk that my wife was in labor and needed to be admitted right away. The nurse asked me for my insurance card and gave me three forms to fill out. She said that someone would take my wife into the birthing suite soon. The doctor arrived and she examined my wife. She told us that this wasn’t false labor and that my wife was pretty far along. After a lot of pushing, the baby came out head first, not breach, and it was healthy. I was so relieved I couldn’t stop hugging my wife. Then, I hugged the doctor, and the nurse, and the janitor! ESL Podcast 208 – Corporate Image Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:04 Explanations: 2:30 Fast dialog: 16:33 Adam: With our expansion into these new areas of business, I think we need to think seriously about changing our corporate image. We’re much more than just a paper company now. Eva: I think you’re right. Our brand has changed, and if we want to keep brand loyalty, we need to think about protecting and improving our product image. Adam: I agree that that’s a key issue as we reposition ourselves in the industry. We can never lose sight of our end- users. Eva: And, even though we have registered trademarks on some of the new prestige products, we need to have a plan if we want to turn these new products into household names. Adam: I suggest we think about hiring a public relations firm. They may be able to help us update our corporate image and logo, and to shape our new corporate identity. Eva: Why don’t I contact a few PR firms and set up some meetings? Adam: Yes, do that. That seems like the logical next step. ESL Podcast 209 – Extreme Sports Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:05 Explanations: 2:39 Fast dialog: 13:40 Celeste: I’m so glad it’s Friday. Are you doing anything this weekend? Ryan: I’m going snowboarding with James. Celeste: Didn’t you guys go bungee jumping last weekend? Ryan: Yeah, and we plan to go cave diving in a couple of weeks. Celeste: I didn’t know you were into extreme sports. I guess it’s a big adrenaline rush. Ryan: It is. But for me, it’s about pushing myself to the limit. Celeste: Aren’t you afraid of getting hurt? Ryan: Sure. There’s always a danger of getting hurt, but we don’t do these sports competitively. It’s just for fun. I like trying new stunts and seeing how far we can push the boundaries of the sport. Do you want to come with us sometime? Celeste: Me? I’m not really the adventurous type. Ryan: You never know. You might like it. After cave diving, we’ll probably try climbing. Celeste: Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad. I’ve done some climbing before. Ryan: I should tell you that we plan on going ice climbing. Celeste: Oh. In that case, I think I’ll pass. Have fun this weekend. Ryan: Thanks and let me know if you change your mind. ESL Podcast 210 – A Family Road Trip Download Podcast Tags: Travel, Transportation Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:04 Explanations: 3:13 Fast dialog: 15:02 Our family decided to take a road trip across the country this year. The kids were really excited and my oldest son wanted to help navigate. Before the trip, we looked at the road maps and decided on our route and the points of interest we would try to see. Since we wouldn’t be taking a camper, we needed to make hotel reservations along the way. After a little planning, we were ready to go. The kids were behaving themselves the first day. My daughter was a little car sick in the morning, but we made it to our first stop without any major problems. On the second day, though, the kids were really acting up. They kept asking, “Are we there yet?” and they wanted to stop at every rest stop. My youngest son, who is only four, kept calling out the mile markers as we passed them, and I thought my head would explode if he didn’t stop. On top of that, my wife wanted to stop every few miles for a photo op and I thought we’d never get to the next town. By the third day, I was really questioning the wisdom of taking three young children on the road for 10 days. I suspect that after this vacation, I’ll need another one to recover from it. ESL Podcast 211 – Giving Bad News and Condolences Download Podcast Tags: Relationships, Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:22 Explanations: 3:10 Fast dialog: 16:02 I was at the hospital at with my friend, Wendy. Her father was in an accident and she was waiting to talk to the doctor. Doctor: Hello, I’m Dr. Johnson. How are you holding up? Wendy: Oh, I’m fine. Is there any news? Doctor: Yes. I have examined your father’s test results and I’m afraid the news isn’t good. His condition has deteriorated rapidly, and I want you to prepare for the worst. Wendy: You’re not saying that he won’t recover, are you? Doctor: We can hope for the best, but your father may only have a few days. I’m very sorry. Wendy: Can I see my father? Doctor: Yes, of course. ....... The worst did happen and Wendy’s father passed away the following week. At both the wake and the funeral, we all tried to console Wendy by saying things like, “I’m sorry for your loss,” “Please accept my condolences,” and “My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.” The funeral director made sure that the funeral service went smoothly. The eulogy was short and I went with Wendy to the burial. It was a difficult time for Wendy but hopefully, having her family and friends with her made it more bearable. ESL Podcast 212 – Asking for a Raise Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:07 Explanations: 2:49 Fast dialog: 14:30 Patty: Alberto, can I pick your brain for a minute? Alberto: Yeah, sure, but you’ll have to make it quick. I’m going into a meeting at 3. Patty: Sure. Hopefully, this won’t take long. I’m thinking about asking for a raise. I’ve been working here for a year and half, and I now have a lot more responsibilities on my plate than when I started. I think I’ve earned a raise, but I don’t know how to broach the issue with Wayne. I can’t just go into his office and say, “Give me a raise!” Alberto: You’re right. It’s not an easy thing to bring up. One thing I did when I asked for a raise last year was to remind Wayne of my qualifications and all of the work I do around here. I tried to convince Wayne that I was indispensable. Patty: Obviously it worked. You got a raise and a promotion, too. All I want is a bump in pay. Alberto: The trick is to sell yourself without seeming self-serving. And, you don’t want to give any ultimatums ESL Podcast 213 – Buying a Bicycle Download Podcast Tags: Shopping, Transportation Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:30 Fast dialog: 14:40 I went to the bike shop on Saturday morning to buy a bicycle. Clerk: What kind of bike are you looking for? Lance: I’m really not sure. Clerk: Well, let me show you what we have. We carry road bikes, mountain bikes, beach cruisers, and racing bikes. Lance: I’m going to start biking to work. I’ll be riding mainly on the road, but I want something versatile enough for anything. Clerk: Well, the road bikes are for everyday use. They have heavy frames and tires. The seats are comfortable and so are the handlebars. The mountain bikes are very sturdy for off-road cycling and have wider tires. Beach cruisers have just one speed, so you won’t be shifting any gears. Lance: Okay. Are the brakes hard to handle? Clerk: No. You either have foot brakes, like on the beach cruisers, or you have hand brakes. They’re very easy to get used to. If you want to keep it simple, I would either go for a road bike or a mountain bike. Those are the most popular. Lance: If I get a bike, what other things do I need? Clerk: I usually recommend an air pump, a bike lock, and a helmet. Lance: Okay, I’ll take a look around. Clerk: Sure. Just let me know if you have other questions. ESL Podcast 214 – A Jealous Girlfriend Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 3:36 Fast dialog: 17:15 Sarya: Hey Dom, I haven’t seen you in so long. Where have you been? Dominick: Oh, I’ve been busy. Sarya: I’ve missed hanging out together. How’s Leslie? Dominick: She’s okay, but things haven’t been that great between us. Sarya: I’m really sorry to hear that. What’s up? Dominick: Leslie is great, but she’s so jealous of my friends, especially my female friends. She doesn’t like it when I see them or even if I talk to them on the phone. To be honest, that’s why I haven’t called you lately. Sarya: I got the feeling that you’ve been avoiding me. Now I understand that it’s the green-eyed monster at work. Have you been doing anything to make her jealous? Dominick: No! I go out with my friends sometimes but I’m always up front with Leslie and tell her what I’m doing. But, she’s so possessive. Even when I go out with my guy friends, she flips out sometimes. I don’t know why she won’t trust me. Sarya: Maybe she’s just insecure about herself, or maybe she feels insecure about your relationship. But either way, I’d stop this in its tracks before it gets any worse. Have you talked to her about it? Dominick: Not really. We usually get into a big fight and then we make up, but we don’t ever get at the root of the matter. Sarya: I wish I could help. Dominick: You already have. Talking about it helps. Whatever it takes, I’m going to get this under control. Other than this jealousy problem, we have a great relationship. I don’t want anything to jeopardize it. Sarya: Good luck with everything and let me know if I there’s anything I can do. Dominick: Thanks. I will. ESL Podcast 215 – Getting a Men’s Haircut Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:30 Explanations: 3:53 Fast dialog: 16:23 It’s been almost three months since I got a haircut and I went to the barbershop where I always get it cut. But when I got there, the barbershop had been replaced by a hair salon. Shinobu: Hi, I used to get my hair cut at the barbershop that was here. Nicole: Yeah, they closed. We’ve been open for about a month. I can cut your hair. Shinobu: Uh...I guess that’s okay. Nicole: Why don’t you come over here and sit down. What do you have in mind? Shinobu: Well, as you can see, my hair is pretty curly. When it’s long, it looks like an Afro. I want it to be a lot shorter, but I don’t want a buzz cut. Nicole: Are you sure you want to cut it? If you keep it long, you could have great dreadlocks. Shinobu: Uh, I’m not sure that that style would work for me. Nicole: Okay, then. How about if I cut it short on the sides, leave the bangs medium length, and then keep the back long? Shinobu: No, I don’t think that would work, either. I’d like it an inch off the collar in back, above the ears, no sideburns, with a part down the right side. I really just need a trim. Nicole: Hmm…how about if I shave your head? You’d look great bald. Shinobu: No! I definitely don’t want that. You know what, I just remembered that I’m supposed to be somewhere else right now. Nicole: Oh, are you sure? I’m sure I know exactly what you want. Shinobu: I’m sure you do, but I really have to go. I left that hair salon as quickly as I could. Who knows what would have happened if I’d stayed there? She may have given me a Mohawk! ESL Podcast 216 – Outsourcing Operations Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:30 Explanations: 3:04 Fast dialog: 15:23 Bonnie: I wanted us to meet today to talk about ways to reduce our overhead. One suggestion is for us to outsource some of our operations. I’d like to hear what you think are the pros and cons of doing that. Jean-Luc: I think that, in principle, it’s a good idea. It would save us a lot of money, but I see a downside. We would lose control of some of our key in house operations. Bonnie: Well, I think that we want to focus on non-core operations, such as IT or accounting. I know that other companies have outsourced their call centers, but that would take a lot of training, especially with our call volume. Jean-Luc: I completely agree. I don’t think that the call center needs to be micro-managed, but it does take more oversight than IT or accounting for quality control, especially if we decide to go offshore. Bonnie: Okay, I think we’re thinking along the same lines. Let’s call a meeting with the rest of the staff to get their thoughts. How about next Tuesday at 10 a.m.? Jean-Luc: That works for me. I’ll send out an email out to everybody today. ESL Podcast 217 – Lost and Found Download Podcast Tags: Travel, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:23 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialog: 15:05 Airport employee: Hello, Portland Airport, Lost and Found. Lucas: Hello. I was a passenger on a SunCal Airlines flight yesterday and I think I left my keys on the plane. Airport employee: I see. To claim the item, you have to fill out a claim form. What did you lose again? Some luggage? You’ll need your claim receipt to get your luggage. Lucas: No, I lost some keys on the airplane. Keys. I think I left them on my seat. Is it possible to find out if anyone has turned them in to your office? Airport employee: I don’t know. Can you describe them? Lucas: Well, they’re on a key chain and there are eight keys on it, including a car key. Airport employee: Was there anything distinctive about the key chain? You’ll need to prove ownership if you want to claim them. Lucas: No, it’s a plain key ring. Maybe I should come down to the office to see if I can identify them. What happens to property that’s unclaimed? Airport employee: We keep it for 30 days and then we dispose of it. Don’t worry. We don’t have a policy of finders, keepers. If you lost some luggage, it’ll turn up. Lucas: No, I lost some keys! Keys! Never mind. I’m coming down right now. Airport employee: That’s a good idea. It’s easier to pick up your lost luggage than for us to send it. Lucas: Uh! ESL Podcast 218 – Getting a Driver's License Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life, Transportation Audio Index: Slow Dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 2:40 Fast Dialog: 15:04 Jane: Hey, Henry. You look busy. What's that you're reading? Henry: Oh, hi, Jane. I'm studying the driver's manual so I can finally get my driver's license. I just hope I can remember all these traffic laws. Jane: I’m sure you’ll pass the tests with flying colors, especially since you can miss a few and still pass. Just don't forget to bring your glasses with you so you don’t fail the vision test. Henry: Yeah, I know. I think the written test will be okay, but I’m really worried about the road test. I never took driver’s ed and I’m nervous behind the wheel. My brother failed his test the first time because he forgot to signal a left turn, and then he didn't yield to a pedestrian. He also screwed up on the parallel parking. Jane: It sounds like he just got nervous. A busy intersection is always tricky. So when's your appointment at the DMV? Henry: Next Tuesday. But I might just go in earlier and take the test as a walk-in. Jane: Can't wait, huh? Well, I'll let you get back to studying. Good luck! Henry: Thanks. See you around. ESL Podcast 219 – Giving Compliments Download Podcast Tags: Relationships, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialog: 13:37 A friend from work, Nia, asked a few of us over to her apartment to watch the game this Sunday and I was really nervous. I’ve always liked Nia and I was hoping we could be more than friends. My brother, Charlie, said that if I really liked her, I should be sure to give her plenty of compliments when I saw her. I arrived on Sunday and knocked on her door. Nia: Hi, I’m glad you could make it. You’re the first one here. Make yourself comfortable. Sebastian: Thanks and you look great. Red looks great on you. Nia: Oh, thanks. It’s nice to be out of work clothes. Can I get you something to drink? Sebastian: Sure. What are you having? Nia: I’m just having a beer. Want one? Sebastian: Sure. What a cool place! This is a really nice apartment Nia: Here you go. Actually, I just moved in last month and I’m still decorating. But, that’s nice of you to say. Sebastian: Wow, nice picture. Did you paint this? Nia: No, I didn’t. Someone named Picasso did. It’s just a copy. You know, I really appreciate the compliments, but what’s up? Sebastian: Up? Nothing. I’m just glad to be here. Nia: Well, I’m glad you’re here, too. Now, drink up. The others should be here any minute. Sebastian: Sure. Cheers! ESL Podcast 220 – Giving Opinions in a Meeting Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:22 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialog: 15:43 I was in a department meeting and our manager was asking for our feedback on improving our product. I had a few ideas and I wanted to get them across, but one of my colleagues was giving me a hard time. Marcelo: In my opinion, I think that we need to look at the question more from the customer’s perspective. I really feel we need to do more market research. Ellen: I tend to think that we have enough information already and it’s time to make some decisions. Marcelo: Well, the way I see it, we’ve only scratched the surface in getting to know our customers. We need to get inside their heads if we want to offer what they want and aren’t getting right now. Ellen: You may be right, but if you ask me, I just don’t think it’s worth it to sink more time and money into the type of market research you’re proposing. It’s far more than what other companies are doing. Marcelo: That’s precisely my point. I’m sure that if we can get information that other companies don’t have, we’ll be one step ahead. That’s when the manager stepped in and offered her opinion. And, I’m happy to say, she sided with me. ESL Podcast 221 – Long Distance Relationships Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 3:36 Fast dialog: 15:42 I met Diana last year when we were both working in New York City for the summer. I’m finishing college in California and Diana started her first job in Florida. Talk about a bicoastal relationship! We spent three great months together and we’ve been trying to maintain a long distance relationship ever since. It’s been really hard and I had a talk about it with my friend, Emily, who just got out of a relationship like this. Enrique: I’m always worried that for her, it’s out of sight, out of mind. Emily: I know what you mean, but is it that way with you? Enrique: No, not at all. I think about her all the time. It’s not that there aren’t temptations, but I’m committed to Diana. Emily: Don’t you get the same vibe from her? Enrique: Sometimes I do, but a lot of times I don’t. It’s so easy to get into a fight on the phone. We have misunderstandings all the time or I hurt her feelings without realizing it. And plus, I’m still in school and she’s already out working, and it seems like we’re growing apart. Emily: That’s what happened with Theo and me. We grew apart and we had less and less in common. After a year, we called it quits. Enrique: I hope that’s not what Diana wants. I’ve got to have it out with her. If she wants to end this, then I’ll just have to deal with it. Emily: It’s always better to know where you stand. Let me know how it goes. Enrique: Sure. See you later. ESL Podcast 222 – Alternative Medicine Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:06 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialog: 16:20 I have been suffering from back pain for years. I’ve tried several treatments prescribed by my doctor, but nothing has had a lasting effect. I finally decided to try alternative medicine. My friend, Amelia, swore by acupuncture. She said that her knee pain went away after only a few weeks of therapy. She was skeptical when she first started, but she knew after only a few sessions that it was working for her and that this was no New Age nonsense. She thought it might work for me, too. My co-worker, Ray, suggested that I try some homeopathic treatments. He said that taking herbal supplements that are all natural has helped him recover after getting injured on the job a couple of months ago. He took these as complementary to the traditional medication his doctor gave him. He said that even though the herbs he takes haven’t undergone clinical trials, his own experience told him that they work. I’m a little nervous about trying these unorthodox treatments, but after hearing about Amelia’s and Ray’s experiences, I’m willing to give them a try. Nothing has worked so far, so what do I have to lose? ESL Podcast 223 – A Mistake in the Hotel Bill Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 2:53 Fast dialog: 11:42 Hotel clerk: Here’s the bill for your four- night stay. Would you like the incidentals charged to your credit card? May: Incidentals? I think there’s some mistake. I didn’t order any pay-per-view movies and I never ordered room service. And, I didn’t have any spa services, either. Hotel clerk: Are you sure? We show three movies and two room service orders. May: I’m positive. Could I speak to a supervisor, please? Hotel clerk: He’s not on duty right now, but let me see if I can resolve this for you. How many of these charges were made in error? May: All of the them. Is it possible that my bill was switched with another room’s? As I said, I didn’t order any movies, I haven’t had any room service, and I haven’t visited the spa since I checked in to the hotel. Hotel clerk: I see. I’ll need to check with each of those departments to determine whether a mistake has been made. May: How long will this take? Hotel clerk: Not long, I’m sure. If you could take a seat in the lobby... May: I have a plane to catch and I don’t have a lot of time. Is there a general manager I can speak to? Hotel clerk: I’m not sure. If you’ll have a seat, I’ll see if I can get Ms. Cardenes for you. May: Thank you. I’d appreciate it. ESL Podcast 224 – Holiday Promotions Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:26 Explanations: 3:00 Fast dialog: 14:45 My boss asked me to come up with some holiday promotion ideas so that we can make inroads into the gift-buying market. For us to stay competitive, our company has to increase retail sales for this important sales cycle. My boss is expecting some innovative ideas from me. Since we’re an online business and not a brick- and-mortar store, we can’t just put signs in the window or do other types of traditional advertising. Lucky for us, though, consumers are increasingly computer savvy and are more likely than ever to buy online. That’s something we want to capitalize on. Like other companies, we’re willing to slash prices to attract holiday shoppers. We have a large inventory and we don’t have to worry about running out of stock. The trick is, how do we increase sales without resorting to gimmicks? Dressing up salespeople to look like Santa Claus may work for some businesses but not ours. I’m just hoping that I can come up with some fresh ideas to jump-start this sales season. I know that my boss is counting on me. ESL Podcast 225 – Feeling Homesick Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:47 Fast dialog: 13;27 Annie: Why the long face? Luis: I don’t know. I guess I’m feeling a little homesick. Annie: I thought you got over that. I know the adjustment was hard when you first got here, but I thought you were coping pretty well. Luis: I was. It’s just that the holidays are coming up and I won’t be able to go home because I can’t afford the airfare. I’m just longing for some of the comforts of home, like my mom’s cooking and being around my family. Annie: Yeah, it can get pretty lonely over the holidays. When I first got here, I’d get depressed and nostalgic for anything that reminded me of home. But, you know, I think I was just seeing things through rose-colored glasses. Luis: What do you mean? Annie: Well, things back home weren’t really that idyllic, but from this distance, all I could think of was the good stuff and none of the bad. Luis: I see what you mean, but I’m still bummed out. Annie: I have an idea. Why don’t we put on our own little holiday celebration? We can have it at my place and we can invite all of our friends who are on their own this time of year. We’ll each do something that’ll remind of us of home. What do you say? Misery loves company, as they say. Luis: You know, I could really go for that. You don’t mind all of the trouble? Annie: What trouble? As long as I don’t have to cook, I’m up for it. Luis: Cool. I’ll ask around to see who else wants to come. Annie: Okay. I’ll do the same. Luis: Thanks. I’m feeling better already. ESL Podcast 226 – Holiday Decorating Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment, Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:10 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialog: 18:05 Now that the holidays are here, it’s time to decorate the house. Every year, we always go all out. We buy a Christmas tree and the kids decorate it with ornaments that we’ve bought and made over the years, and with silver and gold tinsel. We also hang a wreath on our front door and I make sure that there’s mistletoe above every door. Around the chimney, we hang our stockings, and when we get holiday cards from our friends and neighbors, we put them all around the room. Outside of the house, we have lawn ornaments that we put in the front yard. People who visit our house will see snowmen (and snowwomen), reindeer, and of course, Santa Claus. The best part is the outdoor lights. I string them across the front of the house, around our trees, and in our fence. When I turn them all on, you can probably see our house from miles away. It’s no wonder that people come from all over town just to see our house at night. I have to say that I enjoy the holiday season as much as the kids...and maybe just a little more! ESL Podcast 227 – Describing Symptoms to a Doctor Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:55 Explanations: 2:38 Fast dialog: 15:17 Dr. van Eyck: Good morning, I’m Dr. van Eyck. I understand that you’re not feeling well. Nico: That’s right, doctor. I’ve had a stomachache for three days. The pain comes and goes, but I also have heartburn and I am feeling bloated all the time. Dr. van Eyck: Well, let’s take a look. Have you felt nauseous? Does it hurt when I press here? Nico: Oh yes, that hurts, and I feel nauseous all the time. But, doctor, that’s not all. I’ve also had bad headaches in the past week and I feel fatigued all the time. Dr. van Eyck: Have you had a stuffy nose, a cough, a sore throat, or an earache? Nico: Yes, I’ve had all of those. Dr. van Eyck: You have? All of them? Nico: And, there’s more. I’ve been feeling pains in my leg. Sometimes it feels stiff and sometimes I lose feeling in it. I’m having a lot of trouble walking. Dr. van Eyck: I have to say that you have an unusual combination of symptoms. Have there been any significant changes in your life in the past few days? Nico: Well, my in-laws are visiting from out of town. Do you think you’ll need to admit me into the hospital for tests? Dr. van Eyck: I’m not sure that’s necessary. Are things really that bad at home? Nico: You have no idea! ESL Podcast 228 – A Christmas Feast Download Podcast Tags: Dining Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:37 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialog: 16:22 This year, our family decided that the more the merrier and invited Adriano and his family to have Christmas dinner with us. We were thrilled when they accepted our invitation. Lucy: I’m so glad you guys could all make it. Adriano: We wouldn’t have missed it for anything. We brought a fruitcake. Lucy: Oh, thanks. Make yourselves comfortable. We’re just about to sit down to dinner. Adriano: Wow, it looks like you’ve prepared a feast. Lucy: Yeah, we did go a little overboard this year. We’ve got a turkey, a roast and a ham, and all the trimmings: stuffing, yams, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Help yourself to some eggnog. Adriano: Thanks. Did you do all of the cooking yourself? Lucy: I had some help and everybody brought different desserts. Save room for the pumpkin pie, the gingerbread house, and the Christmas cookies. Okay everybody, dinner’s ready. Adriano, would you carve the bird? Adriano: I’d be happy to do the honors. ESL Podcast 229 – Irritating Co-workers Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:55 Explanations: 2:32 Fast dialog: 13:47 Since our office reorganization, I’ve been sharing an office with Isabel. We’ve been getting on each other’s nerves. Pete: Hey, Isabel, can you cut that out? Isabel: Cut what out? I’m not doing anything. Pete: You’re tapping your pencil on your desk. It’s driving me crazy. Isabel: Okay, I will if you’ll stop slurping your coffee. Pete: I don’t slurp my coffee. And plus, how can you hear it when you’re shouting into your phone all the time? Isabel: You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re complaining about me talking on the phone when your friend Deepak stops by ten times a day to shoot the breeze? I can’t stand that guy. Pete: It’s no skin off my nose if you don’t like Deepak. Look, we have a lot of pent-up anger from working in these close quarters, and it’s probably okay to let off steam once in a while. But, it’s probably not a good idea to keep it up. I’m willing to forgive and forget if you are. Isabel: Fine. Let’s call a truce. I’ll try to be more considerate and to keep the noise down. Pete: Yeah, I’ll try to do the same. ESL Podcast 230 – A New Year’s Cruise Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment, Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:10 Explanations: 2:30 Fast dialog: 16:00 My friends and I decided to do something a little different this year. Instead of going to a crowded club or throwing a party on New Year’s Eve, we decided to take a harbor cruise instead. The cruise would be four hours long, and it included dinner, music, dancing, and a great view of the fireworks. On that day, we drove to the marina and we were among the first to board the ship. This was no little boat. It was a large ship with an upper and a lower deck. The crew helped us get on board and showed us where the life jackets were in case of an emergency. Even the captain came out to welcome the passengers. We had a great time. I didn’t get seasick as I’d feared, and we didn’t have to call out the Coast Guard, either. We had so much fun, we didn’t want to go back on shore. Finally, the captain joked that if we didn’t leave, he’d make us walk the plank! ESL Podcast 231 – The Supermarket Checkout Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 2:41 Fast dialog: 14:06 I went to the supermarket to do my weekly shopping. The cashiers at this market are usually pretty friendly, but this one must have been having a hard day. Cashier: Excuse me, sir, this lane is for 15 items or less. It looks like you have more than that. Yong: No, actually I have exactly 15. I have some coupons, too. Cashier: Just put those down on the belt and push the cart through, please. Yong: Okay. Can you tell me how much these potatoes are per pound? Cashier: I’ll have to do a price check. Do you have a club card? Yong: Yes, here it is. Cashier: Swipe it through the machine, sir. Your total is $47.52. Debit or credit? Yong: Debit. Could I get cash back? Cashier: [sigh] How much do you want? Yong: I’d like $40. Cashier: Paper or plastic? Yong: Paper, please. Cashier: Are these tabloids yours, too? Yong: Uh, yes, those magazines are mine. Cashier: Do you need any help out? Yong: No, I’m fine. Thanks. ESL Podcast 232 – Business Bookkeeping Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:55 Explanations: 2:46 Fast dialog: 15:12 I have a day job, but I recently started a small business on the side. I didn’t know anything about accounting and my friend, Roland, said he would give me some advice. Roland: So, the reason that you need to do your bookkeeping is so you can manage your cash flow. Even if you have a lot of orders, you may still have problems paying your bills. Magdalena: I see what you mean. Is this the kind of ledger I should be keeping? Roland: Yes, definitely. You want to list your debits on this side and your credits on this side. This will help you figure out important things like your break- even point, your assets and liabilities, your administrative expenses, and whether you’re staying within your budget. Magdalena: I wish I had an accounts payable department to help me with all this. I don’t even know how to create a balance sheet. Roland: It’s not that hard if you use the right accounting program. The first thing to do is to keep track of your expenses. How do you do that now? Magdalena: Oh, I have a system. I keep all my receipts in this bag. Roland: Oh. Well, it’s good that you’re keeping your receipts but you’ll have to keep better track of them. What would you do if you were audited by the IRS? Magdalena: Don’t even mention the IRS! I’ve got enough problems without worrying about them! Friday - January 12, 2007 ESL Podcast 233 – Asking for a Date Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:20 Explanations: 4:13 Fast dialog: 15:22 I admit it. I’m a player. I work in an office where there are a lot of attractive women. Take Debra, for example. I heard that she just broke up with her boyfriend last week so I decided to ask her out. Liam: Hi, Debra. How’s it going? Debra: Okay, I guess. How about you? Liam: I’m doing okay. You know, I’m going to an art show this Saturday. Would you like to come with me? Debra: Geez, I’m pretty busy this weekend. Liam: That’s too bad. How about going for a drink after work today? Debra: Well, I don’t know... Liam: Come on. It’ll be fun and we can try that new place down the street. Debra: I guess that’ll be okay, but just a drink, right? Liam: That’s all and I promise I won’t even try to buy you dinner. Debra: [laughs] Okay, then. I’ll see you after work. I ask women out wherever I see them, even ones I’ve never met before. At a restaurant, if I see a woman eating by herself, I usually say: “I just hate eating alone. Do you mind if I join you?” The other day, I saw a woman at the grocery store and tried my luck. Liam: Hi. Monica: Hi. Liam: I’ve just moved to this area and was wondering if you could recommend a good restaurant around here. Monica: That depends on what kind of food you like. There’s a good Italian restaurant on Elm Street, or there’s a good Thai place on Lyndon Avenue. Liam: Which one do you prefer? Monica: I like them both, but I’d probably go for the Italian place. Liam: In that case, would you like to join me for dinner sometime? Monica: I’m not sure. I don’t even know you. Liam: You’re right, but you seem really nice and I’d like to get to know you better. What do you say? Monica: Well, maybe. Here’s my number. Call me and we’ll talk about it. Liam: I’ll do that. I’m looking forward to talking with you again. It’s as easy as that. I don’t try to be a player. All it takes is a little charm and a little flattery, and the women will find you irresistible. ESL Podcast 234 – Seeing an Eye Doctor Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:30 Fast dialog: 14:51 I’ve been getting a lot of headaches the past few weeks and my co-worker suggested I go see an optometrist. Dr. Olho: Okay, let’s take a look. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Virginia: I used to, but I had laser eye surgery three years ago and I don’t wear them anymore. Dr. Olho: I see. Well, let’s check your vision. It may be that even though your vision was 20/20 after the surgery, it’s changed and you are now either near- sighted or far-sighted. Cover your left eye and take a look at the eye chart. Read the last line that you can make out. Virginia: I can read the fourth line down – X, C, D, O, M, A. Dr. Olho: Hmmm...okay. Cover your other eye and do the same. Good. I’m going to have you look through this machine and I want you to tell me if A or B is sharper and clearer. Okay, A or B, A or B? Virginia: A is a little blurry. I think B is better. Dr. Olho: Okay, I think that you’ve developed some far-sightedness and will need reading glasses. I’m writing out a prescription for you. When you’ve pick out a frame, give them the prescription and they’ll make your lenses. Any questions? Virginia: So, do you really think I need reading glasses? I’m not that old. Dr. Olho: I’m sorry to say that you do. Some people have to get them earlier than others. At least you’re not having any serious eye problems like glaucoma. Virginia: Yeah, I guess that’s one thing to be grateful for. ESL Podcast 235 – Parking Instructions Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Transportation Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:53 Explanations: 2:37 Fast dialog: 14:18 I arrived for my meeting at the headquarters of Woon Enterprises and I stopped at the kiosk to ask for directions. It’s a huge organization and the offices are located on a 30-acre compound, so it’s very hard to find your way around without some help. Guard: Good morning. Edyta: Good morning. I’m here for a meeting with Mark Johnson. Could you tell me how to get to the right building? Guard: Sure. Take this road and follow the bend to the right. When you see the fork in the road, take the road on your right. Follow that to the parking structure. You can’t miss it. Edyta: Okay, so when the road splits, I should veer right. Guard: That’s right. Here’s a guest parking permit. Make sure it’s visible on your dash at all times. Drive past the lot and go into the parking structure. You can park on any level and in any space that isn’t reserved. The building right next to the structure is where Mark Johnson’s office is. Edyta: Thanks, I think I’ve got all that. The guard raised the arm of the gate and let me through. As I drove through the huge compound to the parking structure, I couldn’t help thinking that this Woon must be one very successful businessman. Monday - January 22, 2007 ESL Podcast 236 – An On-Site Estimate Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 3:07 Fast dialog: 15:17 I work for a building contractor and I spend most of my workday giving on-site estimates. I mainly go to people’s homes, discuss the work they want done, inspect the site, and give them a quote. Robert: You want to expand your kitchen, is that right? Abigail: Yes, with our growing family, we need more room. Robert: It looks like it’s about 200 square feet right now. You want to double the size? Abigail: That’s the idea, but I want to get it done quickly, say within two months. Is that possible? Robert: Well, we’ve finished jobs like this before in under three months, but that’s without any delays. Sometimes getting the exact materials the client wants or finding structural problems that don’t appear until we start work can set us back. Abigail: That’s my greatest fear. I’m afraid of delays and cost overruns. Robert: Well, we try to be upfront with our clients by giving them a breakdown of the costs of the materials and labor involved in the project. We also give them a schedule of when the work will be completed. You’ll get a detailed estimate in writing, at no charge and with no obligation. Abigail: How long does it take to get the estimate? Robert: We usually mail or fax the estimate within two days. Abigail: That’s great. Let me tell you exactly what we have in mind... Friday - January 26, 2007 ESL Podcast 237 – Getting Revenge Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:36 Explanations: 3:19 Fast dialog: 15:24 Jaime: I don’t know what’s wrong with Liam lately. The guy is short-tempered and jumps down my throat about every little thing. Debra: [laughs] Jaime: What’s so funny? Debra: I have a feeling that he’s not getting enough sleep. Jaime: You don’t mean you and Liam... Debra: No way! It’s just that the women in this office are paying him back for the way he’s treated them, two-timing them and leading them on. Jaime: Are you serious? Debra: Yeah, there are quite a few women with an axe to grind and wouldn’t mind getting even with him. You’re not going to tell him, are you? Jaime: No, I won’t, but what are you doing exactly? Debra: We’re all taking turns keeping him up at night by calling his home phone and his cell phone, and we’re also ordering food to be delivered at all hours of the night. It’s no wonder he’s feeling a little grouchy. Jaime: That explains it. It’s no skin off my nose, but isn’t that going overboard? Debra: Not in the least. If you knew some of the rotten things he’s done, you’d know that it’s no more than he deserves. Jaime: If you say so. It’s certainly a good reminder that, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Monday - January 29, 2007 ESL Podcast 238 – Traveling Off-Season Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:28 Explanations: 2:52 Fast dialog: 13:05 Kavita: What I wouldn’t give to get away for a little vacation! Bill: Me, too, but we can’t afford it. Kavita: Oh, I don’t know. It’s off-season in a lot of popular places right now, so it may be doable. Bill: Maybe. We’d have to find some pretty deep discounts. There is a big advantage to traveling during the low season, though. It’s a lot less crowded. Kavita: Yeah, I like that. I’ll see if I can find a package deal that includes airfare and lodgings. That may give us the best deal. Bill: We have one thing going for us. We have flexible travel dates, which should make it easier to take advantage of any special promotions. Kavita: That’s true. I'll start looking online and I’ll let you know what I find. Bill: I know what a good bargain hunter you are, so if anyone can find a good deal, it’s you. Kavita: I’m not at all sure I can find something we can afford, but it won’t be for a lack of trying. I really need that vacation! Friday - February 02, 2007 ESL Podcast 239 – A Birthday Party Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:00 Explanations: 3:40 Fast dialog: 15:25 My sister called me at the last minute to help her with my nephew’s birthday party. She was feeling really sick and couldn’t get out of bed. I’d never given a children’s party before, but how hard could it be? Well, I found out. First, I had to go to the party supply store to get a few things. I couldn’t believe all of the stuff people could buy for children’s parties. There was an aisle with all kinds of party invitations and another one with party favors, streamers, and other decorations. Fortunately, my sister had already bought most of the things we needed earlier in the week. All I needed to pick up were some candles for the birthday cake and some helium balloons. After the party supply store, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up the birthday cake. My sister had ordered it the week before, so all I had to do was to pay for it and to make sure nephew’s name was spelled correctly on the top in icing. Two hours later, I was ready for the party. When the kids arrived with their parents, I took the birthday cards and presents they had brought, and I handed each child some party favors. I was so glad when the clown my sister had hired arrived, and she entertained the kids with games. I have never seen so many kids with so much energy! A little later, we sang “Happy Birthday,” my nephew blew out the candles, and we cut the cake. My nephew opened his presents and the kids played with his new toys. The kids had a good time and so did my nephew. I have to hand it to my sister. I don’t know how she does it. After three hours with 15 young kids, I’m exhausted and my ears are ringing! Monday - February 05, 2007 ESL Podcast 240 – Working Overtime Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:14 Explanations: 3:12 Fast dialog: 13:00 Jeremy: Hello. Miranda: Hi, it’s me. I can’t make it home for dinner tonight. I’m working overtime. Jeremy: Again? That’s the third time this week. I can’t believe your boss is making you do this. Miranda: Don’t get mad, but I actually told him that I didn’t mind. I know I’ve been working long hours, but I don’t want to turn down the work. You know that I’m getting paid time and a half, and we need the money. Jeremy: I know we do, but we’re getting by. What happened to a 40-hour workweek? You’ve been working at least 60. It’s not worth it for you to work your fingers to the bone no matter how strapped we are. Miranda: I know. I know. It’s just that morale around this place is pretty low and I’m just trying to do my part. Just don’t gripe. Okay? Jeremy: I’m not griping. I’m just worried about you. You come home after a long day, and you’re overworked and emotionally drained. That’s not fair to the kids. Miranda: You’re right, but could we talk about it this weekend? I’ve really got to go. I promise we’ll work it all out then. Jeremy: Okay, but what time are you coming home tonight? Miranda: I’m not sure, but I’ll try to make it home in time to tuck the kids in. Jeremy: All right. I’ll see you then. Friday - February 09, 2007 ESL Podcast 241 – At the Bakery Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life , Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:07 Explanations: 2:46 Fast dialog: 14:35 Clerk: Hi, can I help you? Leticia: Hi. I’m trying to make up my mind about which kind of dessert to get. Everything in the case looks delicious. Clerk: Thanks. As you can see, we have a lot of different types of cookies, brownies, cakes, and muffins over here. Leticia: Ooh, that cake looks wonderful. How many people does it serve? Clerk: This one? It has three layers, and it serves between eight and 10 people, depending on how you slice it. If you like chocolate, you may like this one over here with the frosting and sprinkles. Leticia: Oh, that looks good, too. Hmm. It’s so hard to decide. Why don’t I take the layer cake, and I’d like a dozen of these cookies, too. Clerk: Our cookies, muffins, and scones always come in baker’s dozens. Can I get you anything else? Leticia: I think I’d like a bag of those biscotti, too. Clerk: Sure, no problem. Would you like the cookies and biscotti in the same box as the cake? Leticia: No. Please put them in separate boxes, if you don’t mind. Monday - February 12, 2007 ESL Podcast 242 – The Comedy Club Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 2:53 Fast dialog: 17:23 On Friday night, I went with a group of friends from work to a comedy club. I don’t really like sketch comedy, but I do like stand- up, and the comedian who was going to perform there was one of my favorites. There were six of us and we were a pretty rowdy group. We stood in line outside, and when we got to the box office window, we paid the cover charge. The hostess showed us to a table right next to the stage and told us that there was a two-drink minimum. She took our drink orders and we waited for the opening act. The first comic told a lot of political jokes and most of them fell flat. In fact, some of the people seated in the back started to boo him and he got off the stage pretty quickly. The MC came out and tried to get the hecklers to calm down by telling a few jokes of his own, and that did the trick. The headliner finally came out and the crowd went crazy, clapping and cheering. He did some very funny improv and had us rolling in the aisles. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard! Friday - February 16, 2007 ESL Podcast 243 – Speaking to a Store Clerk on the Phone Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:31 Explanations: 3:21 Fast dialog: 15:06 Clerk: Hello. Levin’s Music. Ariel: Hello. I was wondering if you carry classical CD’s. Clerk: Yes, we have a pretty large selection. What are you looking for? Ariel: I’m trying to find the latest Reunion Island Ensemble CD. Clerk: I’m not sure we have that in stock. We have a lot of CD’s on back order. Can I put you on hold while I check? Ariel: Sure. Clerk: Okay. We have one copy of their 2005 CD left. Is that the one you’re looking for? Ariel: Yes, it is. How much is it? Clerk: Let me check the price. It’s $17.95. Ariel: That’s great. Could you hold that for me? Clerk: We can reserve it for you for 24 hours. When you come in, just go to the customer service desk. What’s your name? Ariel: It’s Ariel, A-R-I-E-L. What are your store hours? Clerk: We’re open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 9 p.m., and 9:00 to 6:00 on weekends. Ariel: I’ll be in later today to pick that up. Thanks a lot for your help. Clerk: It’s no problem. Is there anything else I can help you with? Ariel: No, that’s all. Thanks, again. Clerk: You’re welcome and thanks for calling Levin’s. Monday - February 19, 2007 ESL Podcast 244 – Critiquing Someone’s Work Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 3:06 Fast dialog: 16:13 Noriko: Have you had a chance to look over Russ’s project? Walt: Yeah, I took a look at it yesterday. If you have a couple of minutes, I can give you my two cents. Noriko: Sure. Shoot. Walt: Well, it’s not what I envisioned when we gave him the charge to come up with a new design for the brochure. The cover isn’t bad, but I’m not crazy about the rest of it. Noriko: Why? What don’t you like? Walt: Well, I think Russ is off the mark to feature our older products, rather than our new ones. When I saw what he had come up with, I thought he was out in left field. We told him to focus on the latest products, didn’t we? Noriko: Yes, we did tell him that. I haven’t had a chance to look at the brochure closely myself, but I plan to this afternoon. So you think it needs work, huh? A lot of work? Walt: Let’s just say that there’s a lot of room for improvement. I’d be happy to meet with him to give him my comments, if you think that would help. Noriko: Why don’t you hold off until I’ve had a chance to go over the brochure this afternoon. I’ll set up a meeting for tomorrow and we can both give him some feedback on how to proceed. Walt: That’s okay with me. Thanks for taking the reins on this. Noriko: It’s no big deal. I’ll let you know later today about that meeting. Friday - February 23, 2007 ESL Podcast 245 – Characteristics of an Ideal Mate Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:37 Explanations: 3:47 Fast dialog: 18:06 I’ve been trying to set up my good friend, Rachid, with one of my single girlfriends, but I still wasn’t too sure what his type would be. Tamara: So, tell me what you’re looking for in a woman. Rachid: She has to be rich and hot! Tamara: Come on! Be serious. Rachid: Okay, okay, but I don’t know why married people are always trying to get their single friends married off. Is it because misery loves company? Tamara: Stop being a smart aleck and answer the question. Rachid: All right. I’m being serious now. What do I look for in a woman? I’d like someone who has a good sense of humor, someone who is kind-hearted and easy to talk to, and is supportive of me. Tamara: What about vital statistics? Age, physical type? Rachid: She has to be pretty, but I’m not too picky about whether she’s a blond, brunette, or redhead. She should be my height or shorter, and around my age or a few years younger or older. Tamara: That helps a little to narrow down who may be a good match for you. Any deal killers? Rachid: I don’t like women who are too chatty or who are too bossy. Otherwise, I have a pretty open mind when it comes to women. Tamara: Okay, I can think of at least a couple of friends who may be willing to put up with you. Rachid: Put up with me? Are you kidding? I’m a catch! Tamara: Oh, geez. Finding somebody for you is going to be harder than I thought! Monday - February 26, 2007 ESL Podcast 246 – Understanding Addresses Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business , Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:01 Explanations: 3:53 Fast dialog: 18:14 I was away from my office and needed to send some letters to clients. Unfortunately, I didn’t have their addresses, so I called the office secretary. Christina: Hi, Jacob. I need your help getting the mailing addresses for a couple of clients. Jacob: Sure. Which ones? Christina: I need addresses for Jim Kelly and for Dr. Uemura. Jacob: Okay. Jim Kelly’s address is... Christina: I’m sorry Jacob, but my cell phone cut out and I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat the street address? Jacob: Sure. It’s 1212 South Peabody Court, Lansing, Michigan, 48908. Christina: I didn’t catch the end of the address. Did you say boulevard, avenue, or street? Jacob: It’s actually court, and the street number again is 1212. Christina: Thanks. I’ve got that. Could you also spell the street name? Jacob: Sure. It’s P-E-A-B-O-D-Y. You know what? I see a note here that he’s in North Dakota until June. Let me give you that address. Mail should be sent to him in care of or to the attention of The Letty Institute, P.O. Box 345, Fargo, North Dakota, 58102. Christina: Got it. How about an address for Dr. Uemura? Jacob: Here it is. It’s 300 Goodman Building, University of Massachusetts, 234 Hitch Way, Amherst, Massachusetts. Christina: Do you have the zip plus four? Jacob: It’s 01003-9272. Christina: Oh, I just realized that I only have Dr. Uemura’s last name. I want to include his first name, too, on the addressee line. Can you look that up for me? Jacob: I’ve got it right here. His first name is Brent. Christina: Thanks a lot, Jacob. You’ve been a big help. Jacob: Don’t mention it. Friday - March 02, 2007 ESL Podcast 247 – Asking for Recommendations Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:18 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialog: 14:33 Hotel Clerk: Can I help you with something? Victor: Yes, I was hoping you could recommend a restaurant nearby. Clerk: What kind of food would you like? Victor: I’m not picky. I’m looking for something moderately priced that’s within walking distance. Clerk: There’s a good seafood restaurant called “Galeno’s” about two blocks away. Would you like me to make a reservation for you? Victor: Thanks, but that won’t be necessary. I need to check with my guest before deciding. By the way, I’ll be in town for four days, and I’d like to see the sights. Clerk: Is this your first time here? Victor: Yes, it is. Clerk: Then, I’d suggest seeing our museums and the botanical gardens, and don’t miss the shopping district near downtown. Victor: Can I get there on foot? Clerk: I’m afraid not. You can take a taxi or a bus. We have a very good bus system. The other option is to take a tour. There are several tour companies that have day tours leaving from this hotel. Help yourself to their brochures. They’re over there. Victor: Do you have a map showing where those sights are? Clerk: Sure. Here you are. Is there anything else I can help you with? Monday - March 05, 2007 ESL Podcast 248 – Business Websites Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 3:37 Fast dialog: 17:25 I was hired to set up a website for a small bookstore and the owner knew very little about the Internet. I tried to find out what she wanted for her business website. Octavio: Let me show you some websites I’ve designed. I have them all bookmarked. Okay, this is a website for a restaurant. As you can see, the homepage is fairly simple. The menu bar on the left-hand side allows visitors to navigate around the site. Margaret: I like this layout a lot. Why are these words in a different color? Octavio: Those are hyperlinks to other pages on the website. If you click on the text or the image, you’ll be taken to a different page. Margaret: Oh, I see, so for my site, I can list the books I have for sale, and we can hyperlink each book title to a description of that book. Octavio: Yes, that’s right. You’ll probably also want a search function so that people can type in the name of a book or the author to find out if you carry a specific book. Margaret: Yes, definitely. Does it matter which browser customers use to look at my website? Octavio: No, I’ll make sure that it’s compatible with all of the major browsers out there. Margaret: Will people need to type in “www” before the web address? Octavio: No, they should be able to just type in the name of the store and the domain, which in your case would be “.com.” Margaret: Since I know so little about the Internet, do I have to learn HTML or some other type of computer language to maintain the site? Octavio: No, not at all. Your website will have content management software installed that allows you to make basic changes. Once it’s done, I’ll show you how to use it. Should we look at a few more websites to get some other ideas for your site? Margaret: That’s a great idea. Let’s do that. Friday - March 09, 2007 ESL Podcast 249 – At a Casino Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 2:36 Fast dialog: 16:45 Hanna: Where have you been? I’ve been trying to find you. I just won $80 from this slot machine. It’s not the jackpot, but now I’ve broken even. Tad: That’s really great. Maybe some of your luck will rub off on me. I’m just about to see what the high rollers are doing. Do you want to come with me to check out the blackjack tables or roulette? Hanna: I’m not that good at those high- stakes games, where people bet hundreds of dollars on a single play! I’d like to get the comps they get, but I don’t have that kind of money to gamble with. Tad: Yeah, I wish I had somebody rich to bankroll me, too. Hanna: I’ll just come and watch you play. You know, I wish I knew how to count cards. Then, I might try my hand at poker. Tad: Don’t even think about counting cards. If you get caught, you’d get kicked out of this casino in a minute. Hey, there’s a poker tournament going on over there. I want to go watch that later. But first, I want to get my hands on some chips or some dice. I’m feeling lucky. Hanna: Let’s go. Monday - March 12, 2007 ESL Podcast 250 – Cheating on a Test Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:28 Explanations: 2:57 Fast dialog: 16:38 Oscar: What are you doing? Elena: I’m getting ready for the test. Oscar: By writing the answers on a cheat sheet? You’re not going to get away with that. Elena: I got a “D” on the last test and I have to do better on this one. If I don’t get at least a “B,” I’m going to flunk this class. Oscar: You’re taking a big risk. You could get suspended or expelled! Elena: I know, but my final grade is on the line. And plus, I think that the worst that could happen is that I get an automatic F on the test. It’s not like I’m stealing a copy of the test or plagiarizing on an important assignment. Oscar: Still, there’s no telling what Mr. McQuillan will do to you if he finds out. I’d let you copy off my test if I thought we could get away with it, but he always keeps a close eye on us during tests. That’s why I think you’re going to get caught. Elena: It’s not like I have any choice, do I? It’s either cheating or going to summer school. Oscar: I still think it’s a bad idea. Elena: Then, just don’t think about it. Let me worry about it, okay? Friday - March 16, 2007 ESL Podcast 251 – Stranger on an Airplane Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships , Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 3:06 Fast dialog: 15:35 Fay: Excuse me. I’m in the window seat. Dustin: Oh, sure. Let me get up and let you in. Fay: Thanks. Dustin: Are you traveling on business? Fay: Yes, I am. I’m changing planes in Denver on my way to South Carolina, and then I’m off to Georgia on Wednesday. There’s no rest for the wicked. Dustin: That’s a lot of traveling. Doesn’t your husband or boyfriend mind? Fay: Oh, I’m not married or seeing anyone. How about you? Where are you headed? Dustin: I’m going to Jacksonville, Florida to visit my parents for a few days, but I’ll be back in Los Angeles by next weekend. Are you from L.A. originally? Fay: No, I was born and raised in Kentucky, but I’ve been living in L.A. for the past four years. What part of L.A. do you live in? Dustin: I live not too far from the airport in Westchester. Have you heard of it? Fay: That’s a coincidence! I just rented an apartment in Westchester and I’m moving in when I get back. With all of this traveling, it made sense to move closer to the airport. Dustin: That seems like a wise move. You know, since I’m in the neighborhood, let me know if you need any help moving. I’d also be happy to show you around and give you the rundown on some of the better restaurants in the area. Here’s my card. The number on the bottom is my cell phone. Fay: Thanks. That would really be nice. By the way, I’m Fay. Dustin: I’m Dustin. It’s nice to meet you. Fay: You, too. Monday - March 19, 2007 ESL Podcast 252 – A Workers Strike Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:25 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialog: 16:44 Masako: I think we should strike. We need to force management to listen to our grievances. Salvador: Hold on. I think you’re being too hasty. It’s up to our union to call a strike, not the workers. Masako: I’m not suggesting a formal strike, but we could organize a sickout. That would send a message that we mean business. Salvador: Yeah, but that may also get their backs up. We need to give collective bargaining a chance to get us the contract we want. Masako: The union has been negotiating for two months and things have stalled. We need to do something to put pressure on the company to come to our terms. At the very least, we should picket outside the building. Salvador: We should only do that if there’s a strike. We don’t want to make employees feel like they’re crossing the picket line every time they come to work. That would be bad for morale. Masako: Nobody’s going to feel like a scab if they all know why we’re picketing. Let’s call a meeting and see what everyone else thinks. Salvador: You can do that if you want, but count me out. I’m going to let the union do its job. Friday - March 23, 2007 ESL Podcast 253 – Traveling by Train Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 3:07 Fast dialog: 12:40 Katerina: Hey, Joel. Have you ever traveled by train? Joel: Only once, and that was a long time ago when I lived in Orlando. I’m not even sure where the train station is in this city. Why do you ask? Katerina: I need to go to San Francisco at the end of May for a friend’s wedding, and I’m thinking about taking a train instead of flying. Joel: That’s a long trip from Chicago, with a lot of stops. How many days does it take to get there? Katerina: I just printed out the timetable. Let me see...It looks like it’ll take about four-and- a-half days. I would depart, say, on Tuesday morning and arrive on Saturday afternoon. Joel: Can I see that? It looks like there are good on-board services, with a dining car and a lounge car on each train. Katerina: Yeah, I like that. I don’t know if I should go coach or business class. I suppose that’ll depend on the fare. I’ve heard that the sleeping cars are pretty comfortable, too, so I’m glad about that. Joel: What day of the week do you have to leave? Katerina: Let me look at the days of operation. This service runs daily, so that’s convenient. I’m going to look online to see how much it’ll cost. It’ll be nice to take a train for a change. Joel: Let me know what you find out and what you decide. Maybe I’ll look into it for my trip to Washington in September. Monday - March 26, 2007 ESL Podcast 254 – Good Hygiene Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:12 Fast dialog: 17:45 Juanita: Hey, where have you been? I was going to invite you to lunch, but you weren’t at your desk. Bill: I was at a training. Juanita: What was it on? Bill: Office hygiene. Juanita: Hygiene? You’re kidding. Your office is pretty messy but I wouldn’t say you needed hygiene training. Bill: Very funny. Each department has to go through it. You’ll have your turn next week. Apparently, the management wants to reduce the spread of illnesses around the office. They say that people are taking too many sick days and it’s bad for productivity. Juanita: So, we all have to sit through a training. What a pain! It’s not like we don’t know how to wash our hands. Bill: Yeah, I know. The trainer did a pretty good job, though, explaining how germs spread around the office. It’s easy to infect other people when you have a cold or something else that’s contagious. She said that viruses get around pretty easily. She gave us some pointers on how to prevent it, though. Juanita: Well, I use antibacterial soap all the time, so I don’t worry about it. Bill: You know, the trainer said that those soaps may not be that effective. People think they’re sterilizing their hands, but they may be doing more harm than good. Juanita: Really? I’ve never heard that before. Bill: Then you’d better go to the training. I guess you need it more than I do. Juanita: Yeah, very funny. Friday - March 30, 2007 ESL Podcast 255 – Questions About a Product Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 3:20 Fast dialog: 17:25 Paul: Could you help me? I have a few questions about this computer printer. Clerk: Sure. I’ll try. Paul: What I’m wondering is whether this machine can be used as a copier as well as a printer. Clerk: Yeah, it can. This is a multifunction machine. It can be used as a printer, copier, and a fax machine. Paul: Can you show me how that works? Clerk: Well, it’s pretty straightforward. Just hook it up to your computer and you can use it like any other printer. If you want to make copies, just put your document on the glass or in the feeder and press this button. Paul: That seems pretty simple. How do I use it as a fax machine? Clerk: Just put your document in the feeder like you would for copying, but instead of pushing the “copy” button, press the “fax” button. Make sure it’s hooked up to a phone line, of course. Paul: Okay. I think I’ve got it. Does this model come with a warranty? Clerk: All of the machines made by this company have a one-year warranty against defects. If there’s a problem with it, the manufacturer will repair or replace it. Paul: That’s good. If I change my mind or decide it’s not what I want, can I return it? Clerk: You can return the item for an exchange or a refund within 30 days. Paul: Is there a restocking fee? Clerk: No, we don’t have a restocking fee. Just make sure you have your receipt. Paul: I think those are all the questions I had. I appreciate your help. Clerk: You’re welcome. Let me know if you have other questions. Victor: No, that’s all. You’ve been a big help. Thanks. Monday - April 02, 2007 ESL Podcast 256 – Looking for Ideas Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 3:00 Fast dialog: 17:07 Ling: Ugh! Sam: What’s the matter? Ling: I’m trying to jot down some ideas for the meeting tomorrow but I’m drawing a blank. Sam: When I’ve got a block, I usually step away from it for a while and come back to it later. Then I can look at it with a fresh perspective. Ling: I don’t have time to take a break. I need to come up with something quick or I’ll have to go into that meeting empty-handed. I can’t let Danielle show me up again. At the last meeting, all of the department heads loved her ideas and they’re starting to think she walks on water. Sam: Well, I don’t think it helps to sit around worrying about it. Nothing will come to you if you work yourself up too much. Ling: You’re right. I’m too wound up to think straight. It’s like my brain is in a fog. Sam: Come on. We’ll go take a quick walk. I’m sure that’ll do the trick. If it doesn’t, I’ll help you work on your resume. Ling: Gee, thanks. I’ve known all along that you’re after my job. Sam: Me? After your job? I wouldn’t touch your job with a 10-foot pole. I couldn’t take the pressure. I prefer being a lowly employee and giving you a hard time everyday. Ling: Thanks a lot. Between you and Danielle, my days here are numbered. Sam: Come on. Let’s go before you get even more depressed! Friday - April 06, 2007 ESL Podcast 257 – Finding a Book at a Bookstore Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:33 Explanations: 3:30 Fast dialog: 15:10 Clerk: Can I help you find something? Adrian: Yes. Can you tell me where the non- fiction books are? Clerk: Are you looking for hardbacks or paperbacks? Adrian: I’m not sure. I think hardbacks. Clerk: Well, the non-fiction new releases are at the front of the store. The non-fiction section is behind the fiction shelves on your right. The hardbacks are on the top shelves and the paperbacks on the bottom ones. Is there a specific book I can help you find? Adrian: I’m looking for an old book and I’m not sure of the title. It’s something like, “The Literary Crisis.” Clerk: Do you know the name of the author? Adrian: No, I don’t. I saw it mentioned online and I actually wrote down the ISBN, but I can’t find it now. Clerk: Well, if it’s an old book, it may be out- of-print, but let me look it up in our system. If it was a bestseller at one time, there’s a chance that it’s still in print. Let me check…Okay, here it is. It was published in 1982, and unfortunately, it is out-of-print. You may want to try a used bookstore, like Bookwoman’s down the street. Adrian: Thanks, I’ll give them a try. I’m also looking for a biography. Can you tell me where they are? Clerk: Sure. The biographies are behind the reference section over there. Let me know if you need any more help. Adrian: Thanks. I appreciate it. Monday - April 09, 2007 ESL Podcast 258 – Moving in Together Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:55 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialog: 14:34 My girlfriend and I have been going out for a year and I thought it was time to have a heart-to-heart with her. Simon: I have something I want to talk to you about. Can you come over here and sit down for a minute? Paula: Uh oh. Is something wrong? Simon: No, nothing’s wrong. In fact, everything’s right. We’ve been together for a year and I’ve been happier than I’ve ever been. Paula: Me, too. Things are going great. What is this all about? Simon: I want us to move things to the next level. I want us to move in together. Paula: Simon, I love you, but we can’t do that. You know how conservative my parents are. They would never approve. Simon: They like me, don’t they? Paula: It’s not a matter of whether they like you or not. They both adore you as much as I do. But two people moving in together before they’re married goes against their beliefs and mine. Simon: But don’t you want to? Paula: I’m very happy with you, but I want things to go on as they are. We spend so much time together anyway, we’re almost joined at the hip. Simon: Are you saying you want more space? Paula: No! What I’m saying is that I don’t want to rock the boat when things are going so well. Why don’t we hold off on any more talk about moving in together. Simon: I suppose that’s okay—for now. Friday - April 13, 2007 ESL Podcast 259 – Making a Restaurant Reservation Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Dining Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:04 Explanations: 3:00 Fast dialog: 16:23 Hostess: Thank you for calling Sakia Restaurant. How may I help you? Randy: I’d like to make a reservation. Hostess: For which day and for what time? Randy: It’s for Friday, the 24th, at 7 o’clock. Hostess: How many will be in the party? Randy: There will be seven of us. Hostess: And the name on the reservation? Randy: Johnson. Hostess: And a phone number where we can reach you? Randy: 310-555-9023. Hostess: Okay. Let me repeat back to you the information I have. This is a reservation for the Friday after next for seven at 7 p.m. Is that correct? Randy: Yes, that’s right. Can we have a table by the window in a non-smoking section? I want to be away from the kitchen, if possible. Hostess: Our restaurant is all non-smoking. We can’t guarantee a window table, but I’ll note your preference. Randy: Okay, that’s fine. What’s the parking situation at the restaurant? Hostess: We have a parking lot behind the restaurant, and we also have valet parking. Do any of the guests have special needs? Randy: I’m glad you asked. I’ll need two high chairs and four booster seats. Hostess: I’m sorry, but did you say two high chairs and four booster seats? Randy: Yes, I did. I’m taking all of my nieces and nephews out to dinner. Hostess: That sounds nice. It should be lively evening. Randy: You’re telling me! Monday - April 16, 2007 ESL Podcast 260 – Business Trends Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:53 Explanations: 2:35 Fast dialog: 12:52 Today, I’m going to be giving you a brief overview of the trends that are likely to affect our industry in the next 10 years. It’s difficult to predict the fads that affect how the general public thinks and behaves. However, by looking at recent polls, we have a good idea about one area that is likely to have a dramatic influence on the way we do business down the line. The trend that I’m talking about is the environment. The biggest concern right now across major business industries here and in other parts of the world is about how “going green” will affect company outlook. The growth of environmentally-friendly products has been off the charts in the past five years, and this trend is likely to continue for at least 10 more years. If you’ll look at this chart up here, you’ll see what the major trend reports are forecasting. It’s my opinion that it’s time we sat up and took notice. Friday - April 20, 2007 ESL Podcast 261 – Describing People’s Personalities Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 3:07 Fast dialog: 15:10 Joann: Oh, are those pictures of your kids? Artem: Yes. These are my three daughters and these are my two sons. Joann: Your sons look so alike. Are they similar in personality, too? Artem: It’s funny you ask that. My wife and I are always saying how different they are from one another, even though they’re the closest in age. Sergey, the younger one, is moody and a little timid, while his older brother, Dennis, is talkative and cheerful all the time. Joann: That’s really interesting. You know, I have an older sister and we’re only a year apart, but we have very different personalities, too. When I was little, I was bad-tempered and I always fought with my brothers and sisters, while my sister was a little angel. She was always patient and generous. I really looked up to her. Artem: It’s hard for me to believe that you were ever bad-tempered. You’re so even-keeled now. Me, on the other hand, I was a selfish and stubborn kid. I’m surprised that my parents put up with me. Joann: I’m sure you’re exaggerating. All kids are a little selfish and stubborn, I think. Good thing most of us grow out of it as we get older. Artem: Well, that may be true, but according to my wife and kids, I’m still the most stubborn person in the world. They may be right. Monday - April 23, 2007 ESL Podcast 262 – Missing the Tour Group Bus Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:20 Explanations: 3:00 Fast dialog: 13:50 Kelly: Where is everybody? Man: Excuse me? Were you talking to me? Kelly: Oh, no. I was just talking to myself. Our tour group was supposed to rendezvous here at five o’clock for our return trip to the hotel. But there’s no trace of the bus and I don’t see any other people from my group anywhere. Man: You know, it’s 5:10. Maybe the bus took off already. Kelly: That can’t be! Our tour guide said that we would meet back here at 5-ish. She didn’t say precisely at 5. Man: Maybe that’s what she meant. You know, tour guides usually stick pretty closely to a time schedule. Kelly: Yes, I know, but what am I supposed to do now? I don’t have any way to get back to the hotel. Man: Do you have the number of the tour company? I could lend you my cell phone to call them. Kelly: Let me see. No, I don’t. I feel like such an idiot! Man: Wait a second. Is that your bus over there? Kelly: Where? Oh my gosh, I think it is! I must be on the wrong side of the park. If I make a run for it, I may be able to catch it before it takes off. Thanks a lot for spotting it! Man: No sweat, but you’d better step on it! Friday - April 27, 2007 ESL Podcast 263 – Getting Older Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:18 Explanations: 3:06 Fast dialog: 16:40 Angelica: Oh sorry, what was I saying? I lost my train of thought. Yann: You were telling me about the book you’re reading. Angelica: Oh, yeah. I must have had one of those senior moments. Yann: Welcome to the club. That’s what happens when you’re over-the-hill like we are. Angelica: We’re not over the hill! You may be an old geezer, but I still like to think of myself as middle-aged. Isn’t 70 the new 60? Yann: That’s what they say, but I don’t mind aging. I may be a little absent- minded now and then, but I’m not senile. What I can’t stand is being treated like I am. The other day, I sat at a table at a restaurant for 20 minutes while the waitress ignored me. She waited on all of the tables around me first, and when she finally came to take my order, she didn’t even apologize. Angelica: Ageism is everywhere. What I hate is to be talked to like I’m a child. Some people think that if you’ve got gray hair, you’re not all there. I’m as sharp as ever. Yann: I know, but do you know what we’re doing? Angelica: What? Yann: We’re griping. That’s what old people are supposed to do all the time, right? Angelica: You’ve got a point there. Let’s go do something more productive before anyone notices! Monday - April 30, 2007 ESL Podcast 264 – Preparing for a Video Conference Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:57 Explanations: 2:28 Fast dialog: 12:45 Emiliano: I’m not sure about this video conference today. It’s the next best thing to having a meeting face-to- face, but I’ve never used most of this equipment before. Fatima: It’s a piece of cake. Do you want to do a run-through with me? Emiliano: Do you mind? I’d really like to make sure that I know how to work this webcam and microphone. Fatima: I don’t mind at all. Okay, we have Internet connectivity, so streaming won’t be a problem. The speakers on both computers are turned up. Emiliano: Do you know how to adjust this webcam? Right now, it’s focused on my right ear! Fatima: That’s easy. Just use these buttons to zoom in or out, and you can tilt up or down. Emiliano: Oh, I see. That’s better. Now you can see my entire face. Are you getting audio on your side? Fatima: Yes, you’re coming in loud and clear. I think we’re in business. Emiliano: Well, that wasn’t so hard. Let’s hope it goes this smoothly this afternoon. Fatima: If you have a problem, just give me a call. Emiliano: Thanks. I really appreciate it! Friday - May 04, 2007 ESL Podcast 265 – Listening to the Radio Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:07 Explanations: 2:43 Fast dialog: 16:50 Kurt: Turn that radio down! Gloria: No way! I’m listening to a simulcast of a performance and it’s live. Kurt: Is it on campus radio? Gloria: No, it’s on the public radio station. I finally got good reception after putting this long antenna outside my window and I’m not turning it off now. Kurt: You are so low-tech. I can’t believe you’re still listening to AM/FM radio. You should get satellite radio. You get shows in hundreds of formats, and there are a lot of stations without DJs. And there’s never any static! Gloria: I like listening to the regular broadcast radio. I don’t have to pay for it and I’m happy with the stations we have in this city. You’re just a technology snob. If it’s high-tech, you love it and have to have it. Kurt: It’s true that I know quality when I see it, and I don’t settle for less. What’s wrong with that? Gloria: Nothing, but I don’t have to jump on the bandwagon. Now, be quiet. I’m trying to listen. Kurt: Fine. This is the thanks I get for trying to give you a little good advice. Gloria: Shh! Monday - May 07, 2007 ESL Podcast 266 – Making a Move on Someone Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 3:22 Fast dialog: 19:30 A.J.: What was going on with you and Tiago in his office earlier today? You two were pretty cozy in there. Gloria: What? Oh, I was a little upset about messing up my presentation in the morning meeting, and Tiago was trying to reassure me about it. A.J.: It looked like he was doing more than comforting you. He was sitting really close to you and he had his hand on your shoulder. If you ask me, he was making a move on you. Gloria: Don’t be ridiculous! Tiago and I are just friends. A.J.: Would you notice if he was? Remember Paul? He hit on you for two weeks before you noticed. Gloria: That was completely different. He wasn’t hitting on me. He was bothering me, and I actually had to file a sexual harassment complaint against him before he’d stop. You’re comparing apples and oranges. A.J.: I’m just saying that you’re not the most observant person when it comes to these kinds of things. Mark my words. Tiago is interested in you. Gloria: If he is, I’m flattered. He’s a very attractive guy. A.J.: That’s what all the women say. Some guys have all the luck. To add insult to injury, he doesn’t even know that women find him attractive. Even the other men in the office think he’s a nice guy. Gloria: What can I say? Tell me the truth. Do you really think he’s interested in me? Friday - May 11, 2007 ESL Podcast 267 – Getting a Traffic Ticket Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Transportation Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:13 Explanations: 2:50 Fast dialog: 15:56 I was driving down the street when I saw a police car behind me. Suddenly, it turned on its siren. I realized that I was being pulled over. Officer: Can I see your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance? Ray: Sure. Here you are, officer. Officer: Did you know that you were speeding? You were going 70 in a 55 mile an hour zone. Ray: I was? No, I didn’t know. Officer: You also ran a red light and your brake light is out. I see that your tags have also expired. I’m going to have to cite you for all of that. Ray: I’m sure I didn’t run a red light, and I didn’t know my brake light wasn’t working. I just renewed my registration and I’m still waiting for my new tags to arrive in the mail. Is there any way I can get away with just a warning? Officer: I’m afraid not. Ray: What’s the fine for all of those violations? Officer: That information is on the back of the citation. Here you are. Have a nice day. Ray: Thanks. Thanks a lot! Monday - May 14, 2007 ESL Podcast 268 – Get-Rich-Quick Schemes Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:21 Explanations: 3:23 Fast dialog: 17:56 Bill: What are you watching? Susan: I’m watching a really interesting TV program. It’s about how to make a lot of money quickly and easily. Bill: Are you watching an infomercial? Those things are scams! You should know better than to fall for some get-rich-quick scheme. Susan: This isn’t a scam. This program is about how make money with no capital. All I have to do is to get other people to sell these products and I’ll get a cut of the profits. Bill: That sounds like a pyramid scheme. Only a few people at the top make money, while all of the other people lose their shirts. Susan: It doesn’t seem like a fraud to me. Sit down and watch for a minute and you’ll see all of the testimonials from people who have used this system and who have struck it rich. It may really work. Bill: There’s a sucker born every minute. How much do you have to pay to learn the secrets to this system? Susan: It’s only $179.95, and I can pay in monthly installments. The program comes with a step-by-step book and video on how to get started. Bill: I think you’re wasting your time. I can think of a lot of things I’d rather spend $179.95 on. Susan: That’s your prerogative. Don’t come to me later when I’m a millionaire and you want my business advice. Bill: Don’t worry. That will never happen. Friday - May 18, 2007 ESL Podcast 269 – Health Insurance Plans Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:26 Explanations: 4:12 Fast dialog: 17:24 At my company, I have a choice of health insurance plans. We can pick between HMOs and PPOs, and I have been with the same managed health plan for the past few years. It’s the plan that has the lowest co- pays and the best coverage, and the network of doctors is fairly large. The drug coverage is good and the affiliated hospital is close to my house. Unfortunately, I’m discovering that it’s also the plan with the largest bureaucracy and patients can easily get lost in the shuffle. I have a primary care physician, but like other plans, if I want to see a specialist, I must be referred by my primary care physician. I have been trying to see an eye specialist for a few weeks. I called my doctor’s office for a referral, but the nurse told me that I needed to first make an office visit. I tried to get an appointment, but there weren’t any openings for five weeks! I tried to leave a phone message for my doctor to talk to her about my situation, but she never returned my call. I tried several more times, and still received no response. I finally decided to file a grievance. I know that I have patient rights, and that if I didn’t feel I was being treated fairly, I could file a complaint. I just hope that filing the grievance will get me a resolution to this problem. I’d like to see an eye specialist before I go blind! Monday - May 21, 2007 ESL Podcast 270 – Airport Announcements Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 3:10 Fast dialog: 15:45 I was walking through the airport to Gate 11 to catch my flight when I heard this announcement: “Attention passengers on English Air flight 232 to Boise. The departure gate has been changed. The flight will now be leaving from Gate 26.” That was my flight! I looked at the flight information monitors, turned around, and walked in the opposite direction. As I was approaching Gate 26, there was another announcement: “This is an announcement for passengers on flight 232 to Boise. The flight has been delayed due to bad weather conditions. The flight crew has arrived at the gate, but the ground crew is still de-icing the wings of the aircraft. Our new departure time is 10:50 AM.” I thought the gate agent was done, but she had another announcement to make: “I’m afraid that flight 232 is overbooked. We’re looking for passengers who are willing to take a later flight in exchange for a travel voucher worth $300. Any passenger who is interested should see an agent at Gate 26.” Oh, no, I thought. I hope I don’t get bumped from this flight. Fortunately, a few minutes later, I heard this. It was music to my ears. “We are now ready for boarding.” Friday - May 25, 2007 ESL Podcast 271 – Using an ATM Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:35 Explanations: 3:02 Fast dialog: 13:47 I went to bank this morning. Instead of standing in line to talk to a bank teller, I decided to use an ATM, but it wasn’t working. Robin: Excuse me. Could you help me? I’m trying to use this ATM machine, but it stopped working after I put in my PIN and it won’t give me back my ATM card. Bank clerk: It looks like the machine is jammed. Step over to this teller window and I can help you. What transactions are you trying to make? Robin: I want to make a deposit, transfer some money between my checking and savings accounts, and make a cash withdrawal. Bank clerk: I can make those transactions for you. Robin: Okay. Let me take this check out of the deposit envelop. And what about my card? Bank clerk: I’ll call the technician and she should be able to retrieve it for you. Robin: Thanks a lot. I guess that the machine just doesn’t like me. Bank clerk: It’s not you. Those machines just act up sometimes. Robin: In that case, I won’t take it personally. Monday - May 28, 2007 ESL Podcast 272 – Time Management Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 3:20 Fast dialog: 14:50 Ruby: I’m snowed under with work! I can’t seem to keep up with everything I have to do. You’re always so organized and efficient. How do you do it? Ian: I’m not always organized and efficient, but I’ve gotten better since I read a book about time management. I use a few tools that the book recommends, which help me to plan and to keep track of deadlines. Ruby: Do you think it would help me? Ian: Definitely. This is what I do. I keep a to-do list of all of the things I need to do. Then, I decide which tasks are high-priority and which have low- priority. I write down the deadline I’m given for the task or I assign a deadline of my own, and I make a note of the most urgent tasks. Ruby: That seems pretty simple, but how do I keep track of the progress I make on a task? Sometimes things just slip through the cracks for me. Ian: I do a couple of things. First, I keep my list updated. I check off or cross off those that I’ve done. I also put reminders for myself on my computer to help me with scheduling. It helps me to remember my appointments and to allocate my time better. Ruby: That sounds like a great system. All I need now is some extra time so I can start doing some time management! ESL Podcast 273 – Telling Secrets to Parents Download Podcast Tags: Relationships , Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:18 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialog: 15:00 Therese: I can’t believe you told Mom and Dad about me driving the car last Saturday when I wasn’t supposed to. I thought we had a deal. You wouldn’t tell on me and I’d take you and Kathy to the movies this weekend. You’re such a tattletale. Stephen: I swear it wasn’t me! Why would I tell? We do have a deal and I’ve held up my end. Therese: Forget it. The deal is off. There’ll be no movie this weekend. Stephen: Hey, I told you it wasn’t me who spilled the beans. Are you sure it wasn’t Jeffrey? Therese: Don’t try to put the blame on somebody else. I know it was you. Stephen: How? Therese: You’re a terrible liar. Stephen: Well, if I did tell on you, I didn’t mean to do it. Come on, please! I really want to see that movie this weekend. What can I do? Therese: Hmmm...that’s a good question. How about doing my chores for two weeks? Stephen: Two weeks?! No way. How about one week? Therese: You’ve got a deal. I’ll take you if you do all of my chores for a week. But I’m warning you. You’re on notice. If you tell on me one more time, you’ll be dead to me. Stephen: Yeah, yeah. I heard you. ESL Podcast 274 – Buying Stamps at the Post Office Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:30 Fast dialog: 15:55 Clerk: Can I help you? Tamika: I’d like to buy some stamps. Clerk: In what denomination? Tamika: I’m not sure. I need them for sending regular letters and for Priority Mail. Clerk: The current rate for sending a first-class letter is 41 cents. With first- class service, your letter will get there in three to seven days for domestic mail. Tamika: For the first-class stamps, how many come in a book or a roll? Clerk: There are 20 in a book and 100 in a roll. To send a Priority Mail envelope, you can get $4.05 stamps, and delivery is usually in two to three days. How many would you like of each? Tamika: I’ll take one book of the stamps and four Priority Mail stamps. Can I buy stamps to send an Express Mail envelope, too? Clerk: You can. Those are $14.40 each. Tamika: Could you add one of those, too? And how much is it to send a postcard? I don’t need any stamps for those today, but I’m just curious. Clerk: It’s 24 cents to send a postcard. Okay, that’s a book of 41-cent stamps, four Priority Mail stamps, and one Express Mail stamp. Anything else? Tamika: Could I pick the design of the first-class stamps? Clerk: Yes. You can choose from these commemorative ones or the standard flag design. Tamika: I’ll take the commemorative ones. Clerk: Your total comes to $38.80. Tamika: Here’s $40. Clerk: Here’s your change and your stamps. Have a nice day. Tamika: Thanks. You, too. ESL Podcast 275 – A Soccer Match Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:10 Explanations: 2:53 Fast dialog: 14:35 Shandy: Oh, that player just hit my boyfriend! Did you see that? That was definitely a penalty. Giuseppe: No, I didn’t. I was watching the goalie. The referee isn’t doing anything. Shandy: I can’t believe it. Why isn’t the coach talking to that referee? I’m sure the other player deliberately kicked Fabio with his cleats. Giuseppe: Hey, look! Fabio has the ball and he’s taking it all the way down the field. He shoots, he scores! That’s his second goal of the game. He’s going to win the game for the team. Shandy: What’s he doing now? Why is he on the ground? Is he hurt? Giuseppe: I don’t know. The trainer is helping him off the field. It doesn’t look serious. Shandy: That’s good, but he hates sitting on the bench. He won’t want to watch the rest of the match from the sidelines. Giuseppe: Look at the stands over there! Shandy: What’s happening? Why are they all standing up? Oh, they’re starting a wave. I thought for a minute that the fans were getting into a brawl. Giuseppe: It’s coming this way. Shandy: Okay, here we go! ESL Podcast 276 – The Stock Market Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:32 Explanations: 3:42 Fast dialog: 18:45 Heather: What’s the matter? You look terrible. Paul: Haven’t you seen the paper? The stock market went down a lot yesterday. The NASDAQ is down 100 points and the Dow is down 30! My portfolio is in big trouble. Heather: I knew you had some stock options in this company, but I didn’t know you were so heavily invested in the market. Paul: I’m invested in the bond market, in derivatives, and I have shares in a lot of companies that took a nosedive yesterday. Heather: I’m sure you have a good stockbroker who has made sure that your portfolio is diversified and you have different kinds of securities. Paul: That’s my problem. I don’t have a stockbroker. I decided to invest on my own and to go for less secure stocks hoping for a better return. I thought I could tell the difference between a bear and a bull market as well as the brokers. I guess I was wrong. Heather: The drop in stock prices won’t last. I’m sure the market will rebound. Just don’t panic and sell everything. The old saying, “buy low, sell high,” is still a good idea, I think. Paul: I know, I know. I won’t do anything stupid— that is, I won’t do anything even more stupid. I’ll wait to see what happens before taking any action. Heather: That’s a good idea. Come on. I’ll buy you lunch. Paul: Thanks. Now that I’m poor, I won’t say ‘no’ to your charity. ESL Podcast 277 – Garage Sales Download Podcast Tags: Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:17 Explanations: 3:32 Fast dialog: 16:00 One of the things I like to do on the weekends is go to garage sales. I’m a bargain hunter and collector, so garage sales are good places for me. I look in the newspapers or just follow homemade signs to find the sales in my neighborhood. Whether it’s because people are doing spring cleaning or getting ready to move, there are always plenty of sales in my area. After going to a lot of garage sales, I’ve learned a few things about getting what I want at the price I want. Bargaining on price is par for the course at any garage sale. If you don’t want to get ripped off, you’ll try to get the sellers to lower their price. I’m an early bird and I usually get to the sales before other people to get the best items. But to get the best prices, be sure to go back right before the sale ends. Most people are desperate to sell so that they don’t have to store those things again or to lug them to a charity office to give them away. That’s when people are ready to slash their prices. It’s true that there is a lot of junk and knickknacks at garage sales. But one person’s trash is another person’s treasure! ESL Podcast 278 – Meeting the Future In-laws Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:06 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialog: 15:05 Atsushi: I don’t mind telling you that I’m really nervous about meeting your parents. Scarlet: You look like you’re going to face the firing squad. It’s not going to be that bad. Atsushi: I wish I could believe that. I’m going to try to make a good first impression, but I don’t think they’re going to like the fact that I’m a professional musician. Scarlet: I’ve already told them about you, so there won’t be any surprises. Atsushi: It doesn’t help that your last boyfriend was a straight-laced college student. Couldn’t you have dated a convict before me? I’d look pretty good to your parents in comparison. Scarlet: How do you know I didn’t? You don’t know everything about me. Atsushi: Very funny. Maybe we should postpone this visit with your parents for a little while. Scarlet: No! Atsushi: I’m just putting it out there. Scarlet: We’ve put off this visit for months and my parents are really starting to wonder if you really exist. Let’s not blow this visit out of proportion. They’re only my parents. Atsushi: I know, but they may also be my in-laws soon. Scarlet: I know, but it’s not like our whole relationship is riding on this visit. I’ll still like you no matter what. And plus, my parents know I have good taste in men. Atsushi: At least I know that’s true! ESL Podcast 279 – Saying Goodbye Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:48 Explanations: 2:02 Fast dialog: 9:45 Mina: I’d better be going. See you later. Oliver: It might be awhile before we run into each other again. Mina: Why is that? Oliver: I’m going to Puerto Rico for three months starting next Tuesday. I got a job there for the summer. Mina: I didn’t know that. That’s great! I’ve never been to Puerto Rico, but I’ve heard it’s nice. Have a good trip. It’s a shame we didn’t have more time to catch up. Is your girlfriend going with you? Oliver: Yeah, she is. She got a job there, too, so we won’t have to be apart for three months. Mina: That’s good. It’s too bad I won’t get to see her before you two leave. Give her my best. Oliver: I will. Oh, I’d better get going or I’ll be late. Mina: It was good seeing you. Oliver: You, too. Stay in touch. Mina: I will. Let’s get together when you get back from Puerto Rico. Oliver: I’d like that. Bye. Mina: Bye. ESL Podcast 280 – Viral Marketing Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:34 Explanations: 3:15 Fast dialog: 15:42 Jayna: I have an idea for creating buzz about our new product. Maksym: What is it? Jayna: I think we should use viral marketing. We can spread information about the product quickly and among the most likely customers. Maksym: I really don’t understand it. How would we do viral marketing? Jayna: Well, the key is to get plugged into a few people who have large social networks already, such as bloggers and other people with popular websites. We get them talking about the product on their websites and people who visit those sites will tell their friends about it, and they will in turn tell their friends, and so on. If we use these existing social networks, news about our product will spread very quickly. Maksym: What about the cost? Jayna: That’s just it. It’s very low-cost because it works through word of mouth. Maksym: That sounds promising. Why don’t you put together a short presentation about it to present at the department meeting on Friday? Jayna: Great. I’ll get working on it right away. I think it’s going to transform the way we reach our customers. Maksym: I appreciate you enthusiasm, but let’s see how it goes over with the rest of the department on Friday. Jayna: Sure thing. ESL Podcast 281 – All-Inclusive Vacations Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 2:51 Fast dialog: 13:47 Mei: Let’s go on an all-inclusive vacation to a resort in Jamaica! Guy: I’d like to go to Jamaica, but I don’t know about going to an all-inclusive resort. Mei: It saves so much time in planning. With these vacation packages, all of our lodging is included and we don’t have to pay extra for anything. For one fixed price, we get unlimited food and drinks, and all of the activities and entertainment we want. Guy: It sounds a little too predictable to me. You know that when I travel, I like to go off the beaten track. The fun is in going out of the tourist areas to find the real character of a place. Mei: I know, but a resort has its pluses. If we pick a good resort, we’ll know that everything will be first rate. There won’t be any problems with substandard amenities or service. Guy: That may all be true, but I’m still not convinced. I’d rather keep looking until we find a good compromise that will have the predictability you want and the spontaneity that I want. Mei: Okay, but we agree on Jamaica, right? Guy: Yeah, that’s right. It’s Jamaica or bust! ESL Podcast 282 – Offending Someone Download Podcast Tags: Business , Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:43 Explanations: 3:52 Fast dialog: 17:03 I was telling my friend, Gina, a joke. I began it by saying, “An Irishman, an Englishman, and a Frenchman walk into this bar, and…” Suddenly, Gina grabbed my arm and shook her head. I turned around and our coworker, Colin, was standing right behind me. Eileen: Oh, hi Colin. I didn’t see you standing there. Colin: I guess you didn’t. Eileen: I was just telling Gina a joke... Colin: Yes, I know. I heard. I can’t believe you’re telling off-color jokes, especially at work. Eileen: I’m really sorry. Please don’t be offended. I didn’t intend to insult you. I know that you’re from Ireland. It was just a joke. Colin: It may be just a joke to you, but it’s getting a little old to me. I already have a tough time fitting in as an outsider in this company, and I’m really tired of being the butt of jokes around here. Besides, ethnic jokes reinforce stereotypes. Eileen: Please don’t be angry. Colin: I’m trying not to be oversensitive. I enjoy a good joke as much as anyone, but this isn’t the first time this has happened. The other day, someone drew a picture of me dressed as a leprechaun and put it in the break room. That wasn’t funny, and neither is this. Eileen: You’re right. We’re all being a little insensitive. As far as I’m concerned, it won’t happen again. Colin: I accept your apology and I’ll take you at your word. Eileen: Can we shake and be friends again? Colin: Yeah, sure. I guess so. ESL Podcast 283 – A Restaurant Drive-Thru Download Podcast Tags: Dining Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:37 Explanations: 3:50 Fast dialog: 16:04 I had a little time between appointments and stopped at a fast food restaurant to get some lunch. The idea was to save time by using the drive-thru, but it didn’t work out that way. Order-taker: Welcome to McDenny’s. May I take your order? Daniel: Yes. I’d like a cheeseburger, an order of French fries, and a large soda. Order-taker: I’m sorry, sir. Can you speak up and speak directly into the microphone? I can barely hear you. Daniel: Oh, okay. I want to order one cheeseburger, one order of fries, and a large soda. Order-taker: That’s four hamburgers, an order of French fries, and a sundae. Would you like anything else? Daniel: No, I mean, yes. That order isn’t right. I wanted one cheeseburger, one order of fries, and a soda. Order-taker: No problem, sir. There’s no need to shout. I can add those to your order. That’s four hamburgers, one cheeseburger, two orders of French fries, a sundae, and a soda. Your total comes to $18.95. Please pull up to the next window. Daniel: Wait! Hello, hello. There’s been a mix-up. Hello! Order-taker: Please pull up to the next window, sir. There are cars behind you and you’re holding up the line. Daniel: But you don’t understand. My order is all wrong. I don’t want five burgers! Order-taker: Well, sir, if you’ve changed your mind, just tell me your new order. There are other customers waiting. Daniel: Forget it. Cancel my order. I’ve lost my appetite ESL Podcast 284 – A Friendly Rivalry Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:33 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialog: 15:43 Veronica: I’m finishing up for the day. Do you want to walk out together? Bogdan: Yeah, that would be great, if you don’t mind waiting until I’ve finished sending this email. I’m letting Tom know that I got another account. That makes four new customers this week. Veronica: Congratulations, but isn’t that rubbing Tom’s nose in it? Bogdan: Don’t worry about Tom. He’s been getting new clients left and right. For the past six months, he’s been gloating about his big commissions. I’m just turning the tables, that’s all. Veronica: Tom doesn’t seem like the type to be smug about his successes. Bogdan: He doesn’t flaunt it, but he lets people know in subtle ways. Don’t worry. I’m going to put him in his place. Veronica: This is just too much testosterone for me. Why don’t you guys just go outside, duke it out, and get it over with. Bogdan: What would be the fun in that? This is just a little friendly rivalry. Nobody takes it seriously. Veronica: If you say so. I know not to get in the way when there are big egos involved. Bogdan: You just don’t understand guys. Veronica: You got that right. ESL Podcast 285 – A Movie Collection Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:59 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialog: 14:32 Some people collect stamps. Other people collect CDs. I collect movies. I’m a film buff and I have a collection of my favorite movies of all time. I usually buy a movie when it comes out on DVD, even if I’ve seen it already on the big screen. I have a high definition TV and I like watching movies in the comfort of my own home. I prefer the widescreen editions and the DVDs with a lot of bonus features. I pride myself on finding every Easter egg on every DVD I own. My friends think I’m crazy. Even if I already own a movie, I’ll buy it again if there’s a special edition or box set with extra bloopers or deleted scenes. Even when I’m on vacation, I look for DVDs. Last year, I was traveling abroad and I bought some DVDs. When I got home, though, I found out that I couldn’t play them in my DVD player because they had a different region code than the one we use in the U.S. I also bought a bootleg DVD on the street and the quality was terrible. I really learned my lesson on that trip! ESL Podcast 286 – Describing Facial Features Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:30 Explanations: 3:51 Fast dialog: 14:48 I was mugged while I was walking home last night. This morning, I was at the police station with a sketch artist to see if we could come up with a picture of what the thief looked like. Sketch artist: Okay, you said that this was a man in his 40’s. Can you tell me what shape his face was: thin, round, oval, or square? Anna: His face was long and thin, I think. Sketch artist: Were his eyes more round, bulging, or squinty? Anna: Well, I think they were round, but not too round, and he had bushy eyebrows. He also had a pointed nose, not a hooked one. Sketch artist: Take at look at this so far. Is this right? Anna: His nose in the sketch is a little too turned up. It was more straight. Sketch artist: What about his ears? Were they big or small? And his mouth? Did he have thin or thick lips? Anna: His ears were average size and they didn’t stick out too much. His lips were more thin than thick. Sketch artist: We’re almost done. What about his hair? Did he have long or short hair? Anna: Oh, didn’t I tell you? He’s bald. Sketch artist: Okay, then. I’m done. What do you think? Is this the guy? Anna: Wow, you’ve done a great job. Yeah, that’s him. That’s the guy who stole my wallet. Sketch artist: You know, he looks familiar. I have a feeling I’ve seen him before. Anna: I hope so. Maybe you can help find him. Sketch artist: Yeah, now if only I could remember where I’ve seen him before... ESL Podcast 287 – A Traffic Jam Download Podcast Tags: Transportation Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:06 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialog: 14:53 I was on my way to a restaurant to meet my date for dinner when I hit a traffic jam. I saw that the road was congested, but since I had to take the bridge to reach downtown, I had no choice but to stay on that road. The traffic was bumper-to-bumper. One crazy driver even tried to drive on the shoulder to get around the backup. But as it turns out, there wasn’t any way to bypass it because the backup wasn’t due to an accident, a stalled car or some rubberneckers. It was because of road construction and only one lane was open. After 25 minutes of stop-and-go traffic, I was at my wit’s end. My date was sitting at the restaurant waiting for me and I didn’t have her cell phone number. What’s more, I was really hungry. Finally, I got past the road construction and was on my way again. I drove a little recklessly, but I had to make up for lost time. I really liked this girl. The last thing I wanted was to make her think that I stood her up ESL Podcast 288 – A Business Contract Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:13 Explanations: 2:34 Fast dialog: 13:32 Violet: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me about the new contract. It’s important that both parties understand and agree to all of the terms before we can move ahead. Karik: It’s in the best interest of both of our companies for this agreement to be signed, so I’m glad to be here. How should we proceed? Violet: You and I have both read the contract, but I think it’s useful to go over the main articles to make sure there aren’t any clauses that are objectionable. If you’ll take a look at Article 1... ....... Karik: This looks in order. The stipulations we asked for are all there. Now if we can move to Article 6, I have a question about the conditions for declaring the contract null and void. Violet: I’m glad you brought that up. I know that this was a sticking point during the negotiations and I believe we’ve found an acceptable compromise. Karik: I’m sure you have. Let’s take a look. ESL Podcast 289 – Communication Problems Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:24 Explanations: 3:18 Fast dialog: 14:46 Ethel: Can we talk? Fred: Uh-huh. Ethel: I don’t think we communicate very well. We don’t talk to each other like we used to. I think we need to have a dialogue about these dysfunctional communication patterns. Fred: Hmm. Ethel: I think we need to work on our relationship. We have a strong foundation, but we have problems relating to each other. Oprah says... Fred: Hold on! Is this something you saw on the Oprah show? Ethel: Well, yes, it is. Oprah did a show about how couples grow apart after years of being together, and good communication is the cornerstone of a good relationship. Being a sympathetic listener and validating each other’s feelings are very important. Fred: Stop right there. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll communicate more with you, but you have to promise not to bring up Oprah again. I don’t want a talk show host telling me how to run my life. Ethel: She’s more than a talk show host. She’s... Fred: I mean it. I’m putting my foot down. No more Oprah. Okay? Ethel: Okay, if that’s how you feel about it. Fred: It is. Ethel: That’s fine, but I wonder what Dr. Phil would say about your hostile feelings toward Oprah. Fred: Uh! ESL Podcast 290 – Riding the Subway Download Podcast Tags: Transportation Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:10 Explanations: 3:02 Fast dialog: 14:03 Misha: I’d like to buy a token for the subway. Clerk: The subway doesn’t use tokens anymore. Misha: Oh? I didn’t know that. It’s been a few years since I visited New York. How do I pay for the fare? Clerk: You can buy a ticket for a single ride that expires two hours after it’s issued. If you’re going to be here all week, I’d suggest getting a 7-day card that gives you unlimited rides. Otherwise, I’d recommend getting a MetroCard. Misha: I’m only here for two days. How much is each ride? Clerk: It’s $2.00. If you buy a MetroCard worth more than $10.00, you get a 20% discount. So with a $10 card, you get six rides instead of five. The card allows you to transfer to buses, too. Misha: Okay. I’ll take a MetroCard worth $10.00. How is the money deducted from my card? Clerk: The turnstile automatically deducts the fare each time you go through it. Here’s your card. Misha: Thanks, but I’m not sure which line to take to Queens. Clerk: Here’s a subway map. Follow the signs to the platform of the train you want. Misha: Okay, thanks. ESL Podcast 291 – Going on a Diet Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:07 Explanations: 3:58 Fast dialog: 15:01 Decima: My scale at home can’t be right. I weighed myself this morning and I’ve gained another five pounds since last month! Sebastian: You’re not the only one. My pants are feeling tight and it’s getting harder to see my feet! Decima: Okay, I’m making a decision right here, right now. I’m going on a diet, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to shed these extra pounds. Right after work I’m going to the drugstore for some diet pills. Sebastian: You’ll want to take it easy with those pills. My wife took some diet pills last year and she did lose some weight, but she gained it right back. She found it was better to eat right by getting plenty of fruits and vegetables, and to eat more low-fat protein and fewer empty carbs. The truth is, she had been yo-yo dieting for years until she changed her diet and started exercising. Decima: Oh, no. Not exercise. I hate exercising. I’d rather fast than go to a gym. Sebastian: That’s how I feel, but I’m starting to come around to wife’s thinking. Working out helped her with her 30-pound weight-loss earlier this year and she’s kept it off. I may follow her example so I can get rid of these love handles. Decima: What kind of exercise are you thinking about? Sebastian: Nothing too strenuous. I’m thinking of walking before work everyday and maybe taking a walk at lunchtime. Decima: I suppose I could start with some walking. Maybe I’ll join you for your lunchtime walk. If I don’t do something soon, I’ll be obese in a few months. Sebastian: No, you won’t, but you’re welcome to join me. When should we start? Today? Decima: Today? No, not today. Let’s start tomorrow. Sebastian: All right. We’ll start tomorrow, then. ESL Podcast 292 – Business Insurance Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:40 Explanations: 4:05 Fast dialog: 15:42 Carson: What happened here?! Samantha: As you can see, there was an accident. Early this morning, a man driving along this street lost control of his car and ran into the front window of our store. Luckily, no one was hurt. Carson: What are we going to do? We can’t open for business with this mess. There’s glass everywhere! Samantha: I think the first thing to do is to call the insurance company. We have full coverage, so I’m sure we’re insured against accidents of this kind. As long as our policy hasn’t lapsed and we’ve paid our annual premiums, I don’t think we need to worry too much. Carson: Not worry too much? But what if this is considered an act of God and we’re not covered? Samantha: Believe me, this will be covered. When we call the insurance company, I’m sure they’ll tell you that. Carson: Okay, but we can’t open for business. We have to get an adjuster out here and it’ll take days—maybe weeks—for our claim to be paid. Samantha: That’s why we have business interruption insurance. Don’t you remember we added that to the store’s policy last year after you were in the hospital for three weeks? We got it to guard against the store having to close temporarily and the business losing money. Let’s get the ball rolling by calling the insurance company. Carson: I forgot about the business interruption insurance. Thank goodness you’re here. What would I do without you? Samantha: Just remember that the next time I ask for a raise. Carson: A raise? Oh, right. Come on. Let’s not sit here talking all day. We need to call the insurance company. ESL Podcast 293 – Being Affectionate in Public Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:13 Explanations: 2:43 Fast dialog: 11:52 Nelly: Look at that couple over there. What they’re doing is indecent! Sadat: Where? Oh, you mean those two people hugging and kissing? That’s not indecent. Nelly: They’re not just hugging and kissing. That girl is sitting on her boyfriend’s lap and they’re making out in the middle of a public place. They need to get a room. Sadat: They’re just passionate, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t you remember when you were a teenager in love? Nelly: When I was a teenager, we behaved a lot more modestly. We might hold hands or give each other a peck on the cheek in public. That’s it. Anything else we did, we did in private. Sadat: Oh, you’re not saying that you didn’t get cozy with your boyfriend as a teenager, you’re just saying you did it in private. Nelly: Right. What I object to is having to watch other people’s public displays of affection. It turns my stomach. Sadat: Don’t look now, but there’s another PDA over there. Nelly: Oh, no! ESL Podcast 294 – Living in a Condo or Co-op Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:14 Explanations: 3:07 Fast dialog: 13:56 Diane: I’m so exasperated! I’m really tired of the homeowner’s association in my condo building. Ricardo: What’s the matter with it? Diane: The people who sit on the condo association board are a bunch of do-nothings. I’ve filed complaint after complaint and they refuse to enforce the house rules. Ricardo: Well, that might not be so bad. I used to live in a co-op in New York City. The board of directors in my building was constantly issuing violations to the shareholders and we were fined for the smallest infraction. It was a nightmare. What kinds of complaints have you been filing? Diane: I’ve been complaining about my noisy neighbors. They have parties every weekend. The board said it sent letters to them, but nothing has changed. Ricardo: That’s a tough one. It’s often hard to get people to quiet down. Diane: That’s not all. The common areas aren’t well maintained, and they’re often dirty or in need of repair. Ricardo: That’s too bad... Diane: And, the clubhouse is always busy with board events when I want to reserve it. Ricardo: That’s frustrating... Diane: You bet it is. And, what’s more... Ricardo: Whoa. I think I have a solution for you. Diane: What? Ricardo: Move! ESL Podcast 295 – Playing Video Games Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:00 Explanations: 2:41 Fast dialog: 13:49 Achim: Check out this new game I just got! Marcia: Let me see. Oh, it’s a fighting game. I’m not into those. I like role-playing or simulation games a lot better. Achim: This isn’t just a fighting game. You have to use strategy for each mission. Check out these amazing graphics! Marcia: I can’t play that at my house. I have a different console. Achim: Yes, you can. It’s multiplatform. Look at the box. It says that you can use a joystick as your navigation system or a keyboard and mouse. Marcia: You know, right now I’m really into retro games. Achim: You mean last year’s games? Marcia: No, I mean really old school games, like the ones my parents used to play. Achim: You mean like Pac-Man and Pong?! Marcia: Yeah, exactly. They’re classic and a lot less violent. Achim: Yeah, but they’re so boring you fall asleep playing them. You can’t call yourself a gamer if you play those kinds of games. Give me 3-D action and some blood and gore. Marcia: You can have it. I’ll pass. ESL Podcast 296 – Bad Manners at a Business Lunch Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:44 Explanations: 4:03 Fast dialog: 16:35 Yolanda: I will never invite George to another business lunch with clients again! Sunan: Why, what happened? Yolanda: George has the worst manners of anyone I know. First of all, he was ten minutes late. And as soon as he sat down, his cell phone rang and he answered it! Sunan: Maybe it was an important call? Yolanda: From his girlfriend? It was completely unprofessional. Sunan: I know George is a little rough around the edges, but he’s not that bad. Yolanda: You don’t think so? After I introduced him to the clients, he told them that he had been up late the previous night, because one of our other account representatives didn’t finish her proposal and he had to complete it. Everyone knows not to air their company’s dirty laundry in public, especially in front of clients. Sunan: Okay, that was a blunder. Normally, George isn’t so clueless. I wonder if he was distracted. Yolanda: I don’t buy that as an excuse. And here’s the kicker: He ordered two drinks during lunch! If that weren’t bad enough, when he ordered his second one, he jokingly thanked the clients for paying for lunch. Of course our company was picking up the tab since we invited them! I was mortified. Sunan: I’ll admit that that was bad, very bad. Are you going to have a talk with George? Yolanda: I will as soon as I calm down a little. I’m seeing red right now. Sunan: Then waiting a little while is a good idea. I’d better go warn George... ESL Podcast 297 – Being Rich and Poor Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 3:27 Fast dialog: 14:44 Lynn: I’ve been trying to help Monica find an apartment, but it’s impossible to find anything affordable on this side of town and near her work. The only thing that’s within her budget would require a 50-minute commute each way! Santiago: I know. It’s become really ridiculous. I’m reading an article about how the income gap between the rich and the poor in this country is getting wider and wider. Poverty is the worst it’s ever been in cities like L.A., while you see affluence everywhere. Lynn: I know I poor-mouth sometimes, but at least I can afford the basic necessities. Santiago: Yeah, I do the same thing. I feel like such a hypocrite sometimes. The other day, I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn’t afford the fancy new car I wanted. My old car isn’t that old! I’ve only had it for five years and it still works, most of the time. I forget about people who don’t have a car and are living on food stamps. Lynn: Me, too. Looking for an apartment with Monica has really put things into perspective for me. The next time I complain about not having enough money for a pair of new shoes or to take a vacation, remind me of the great inequities of this world, will you? Santiago: Sure, only if you’ll do the same for me when I try to tell you that I really need that flat-screen TV. ESL Podcast 298 – Visiting a Museum Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:24 Explanations: 3:51 Fast dialog: 16:53 I wanted to visit the National Museum, but when I arrived, it was closed. Rudy: Can you tell me the hours of operation for the Museum? Guard: It’s open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. It’s closed on Sunday. Rudy: Thanks. I’ll be back tomorrow. ---------- The next day, I arrived at the Museum at 10 a.m. and the same guard was there. Rudy: Hello, again. Can you tell me if the Museum has any tours? Guard: The Museum has a self-guided tour. You can get information at the ticket window. Rudy: Oh, thanks. Do you know if I can use my flash to take photos in the Museum? Guard: You can take pictures, but flash photography is prohibited. Food and drinks are prohibited, too. Rudy: Oh, I guess I need to get rid of this bottle of juice before I go in. Do you know if all of the exhibits are open to the public today? Guard: The east wing is under construction, but the rest of the galleries are open. The sculpture and painting galleries are to your left, and the artifacts are to your right. Rudy: Thanks a lot. How much is the admission charge? Guard: It’s $10.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, and $5.00 for seniors and students with picture ID. The people at the ticket window can help you with that. Rudy: Thanks. Just one more question. Guard: Yes? Rudy: If I leave after I pay, can I come back in? Guard: Yes. You just have to show your stub. Anything else? Rudy: Oh, no. Thanks a lot. Sorry to have bothered you. Guard: No trouble at all. ESL Podcast 299 – An Old Love Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:17 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialog: 14:12 Juan: You’ll never guess who I got an email from yesterday. Naomi: Who? Juan: Diana Shultz. Naomi: Weren’t you two an item back in high school? So, you got an email from an old flame. Very interesting. Juan: Well, that’s ancient history. We lost touch after we went off to college. Naomi: What did she say in her email? Juan: She said she was going to be in town next month and wanted to know if I wanted to get together for dinner. Naomi: Are you going to go? Juan: I don’t know. Her email came out of the blue. Naomi: Aren’t you dying of curiosity? I know I would be. Maybe she still has feelings for you. Juan: Stop it! It’s just dinner, and I’m sure she just wants to catch up on old times, nothing more. Naomi: I wouldn’t be so sure. You’ll go, right? Juan: I might as well. If I make an excuse, she might think I’m trying to avoid her. Naomi: Good. Go and then tell me all about it afterwards. You know I have no social life, so I live vicariously through you. Juan: Stop making things up. You date more than anyone I know. Okay, I’m going, so stop pestering me. Naomi: All right, but I can’t wait to hear all about it! ESL Podcast 300 – Arriving for an Appointment Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:31 Explanations: 3:46 Fast dialog: 15:29 I arrived a little early for my sales appointment with the office manager of Lyon Industries, and spoke to the receptionist. Juri: Hello. I’m here for my 11:30 appointment with Sue Gibbons. Receptionist: What is your name? Juri: It’s Juri Lakoff. Receptionist: I’ll let her know that you’re here. [Speaking into the telephone] Sue, this is Rhonda. Your 11:30 appointment is here. Should I send him up? Okay, I’ll do that. [Hangs up the telephone] Ms. Gibbons says that she’s running a little late and is tied up in another meeting right now. She should be wrapping things up very quickly and will be free in a few minutes. Would you like to wait in the reception area right over there? Juri: Sure. No problem. Receptionist: Can I get you something? Coffee or tea? Juri: No, I’m fine. I was just wondering how many employees you have in this office. Receptionist: I don’t know precisely, but I think we have about 80. Juri: Oh, that’s a lot. Is the company planning on expanding? Receptionist: I’m sorry, but I really don’t know. I’m sure Ms. Gibbons can answer those questions for you. Juri: Right, right. I didn’t mean to pump you for information. I was just trying to get the inside scoop on the company before my meeting. Receptionist: I understand. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to answer this call. Ms. Gibbons should be finished with her other meeting in no time. Juri: Oh, sure. I didn’t mean to keep you. Sorry. ESL Podcast 301 – Buying a Men’s Suit Download Podcast Tags: Business , Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:23 Explanations: 3:41 Fast dialog: 16:23 Sales clerk: Good afternoon. What can I help you find? Bo: I’m looking for a suit for work. Sales clerk: I’m sure we have something for you. Are you looking for a traditional or contemporary suit? Bo: I’m not sure. I’d like to try on some different ones. Sales clerk: That’s no problem. Let me show you a few over here. This is a two-button pinstripe suit that’s made of 100% wool and has a flat front. What do you think? Bo: It looks nice. How about this one? Sales clerk: Oh, this is a very fine suit. As you can see, it’s double-breasted and is fully lined. The pants are pleated. Would you like to try it on? Bo: Sure. Sales clerk: Just follow me to the dressing rooms in the back. Here you are. My name is Caroline. Just let me know if you need anything. Bo [comes out of the dressing room wearing one of the suits]: I like this single-breasted one. I like the side vents. All of these suits need to be dry cleaned, is that right? I travel a lot in my job and I worry about my suits getting dirty on the road. Sales clerk: Yes, they all need to be dry cleaned, but since both of these suits are a dark color, that shouldn’t be too big of a problem. How does that feel? Bo: It’s a good fit and it’s very comfortable. Okay. I’ll take this one. Sales clerk: Certainly. I’ll ring you up. Do you need anything else? A vest, suspenders, or a garment bag to store the suit? Bo: No, thanks. I’ll just take the suit. Sales clerk: No problem. Just follow me. ESL Podcast 302 – A Problem with a Restaurant Check Download Podcast Tags: Dining Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:29 Explanations: 3:08 Fast dialog: 12:55 I waved my hand to get the waiter’s attention. Waiter: Yes? Leslie: The check, please. Waiter: Would you like any dessert, or some tea or coffee? Leslie: No, just the check. Thanks. Waiter: Here you are. I’ll ring that up for you when you’re ready. Leslie: Thank you. Oh, there seems to be a mistake on our bill. We didn’t order this appetizer. Waiter: Let me check this and I’ll be right back...Here you are. I’ve adjusted the check. I took off the appetizer. Leslie: Thanks, but there still seems to be a problem. We had a two-for-one coupon, but we’ve been charged for both meals. Waiter: I’m sorry, but you needed to present the coupon to me when you placed your order, not when you’ve finished your meal. Leslie: That isn’t stated on the coupon. I don’t want to be a pain, but could I see the manager, please? Waiter: I’ll see if she’s available...I talked to the manager and she said to make an exception in this case and to give you the discount. Leslie: Okay, thanks. ESL Podcast 303 – A Traditional Wedding Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 3:54 Fast dialog: 17:33 I arrived at my friend Karin’s wedding a little late and the ceremony had already begun. I’ve been to a lot of civil ceremonies, but it had been a while since I’d attended a religious one. They had asked a minister to officiate. When I arrived, Karin and her fiance, Jan, were standing in front of the church. Minister: We are gathered here today to join Jan and Karin in holy matrimony. If there is anyone here who knows of a reason why these two should not be joined in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. Fortunately, no one said anything. Minister: Jan and Karin, please face each other and join hands. Minister: [To Jan] Do you, Jan Casanova, take Karin Valentine, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, ‘till death do you part. Jan said, “I do,” and the minister asked Karin the same question, and she said, “I do,” as well. Minister: May I have the rings? [To Jan] Please place this ring, a symbol of your love, on Karin’s hand and say, “With this ring, I thee wed”. Jan put the ring on the fourth finger of Karin’s left hand. Karin said the same thing and put a ring on Jan’s finger. Minister: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. Jan and Karin kissed and we all applauded. Minister: Ladies and gentleman, it is my great honor to present to you for the very first time the happy couple, Jan and Karin. ESL Podcast 304 – A Potential Partnership Meeting Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 3:40 Fast dialog: 15:08 Flavio: Thanks for meeting with me. Marcia: It’s my pleasure. We’re eager to hear your ideas about our companies doing business together in the future. Flavio: Well, I wanted us to meet because I think our two companies can create great synergy. Marcia: I agree. What do you have in mind? Flavio: We seem to have core capabilities that complement each other, and I want to see how we can create a partnership that would be to our mutual benefit. Marcia: Yes, that’s why I’m here. I think we’re thinking along the same lines. Flavio: Good. I’m glad to hear that. If we can pull off a partnership, we could really dominate the market. Marcia: Yes, I think that’s true, too, but let’s get beyond the preliminaries. What kind of business model do you have in mind? Flavio: Well, that’s why I wanted to meet with you. I’d like to get your perspective on that. Marcia: I see. When your company approached us about working together, we were under the impression that you had some concrete ideas to present. Flavio: Oh, we do. I just wanted to get your suggestions before we present a formal proposal. Marcia: Let’s do this. Why don’t you send me a proposal in writing and I’ll make sure that we give it our full consideration. Flavio: We’ll do that. Thanks for your time. Marcia: Don’t mention it. ESL Podcast 305 – Describing People’s Body Types Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:38 Explanations: 3:54 Fast dialog: 15:19 Remi: We need to get these costumes sorted out. I’m not sure we have ones that will fit each person in this play. Bryan: Let’s see. We need a shirt for Hector. He’s broad-shouldered, so this one would be too small. Any luck finding one over there? Remi: No, but I think I found a dress for Lee Ann. She’s petite and thin, and I hadn’t been able to find anything that would fit someone that slender. All of the other dresses are for women with either pear- shaped or hourglass figures. Bryan: Okay, at least that’s some progress. What about Malcolm? Unlike his brother who is tall and skinny, he’s big and fat. How are we going to find one to fit him? Remi: He’s not fat! He’s stocky. He is really muscular and not at all flabby. Oh, here’s a pair of pants that would fit Pierre. These are perfect, since he’s not long-legged like all of the other men. Bryan: We’re actually doing pretty well, I think. Remi: We just need a costume for you. Bryan: Me?! What do you mean? I’m not in this play. Remi: Oh yes, you are. Ike dropped out, so they need a replacement and you’re the only one who isn’t already in the play. Bryan: Oh, no. I thought I could avoid being in the play by volunteering to help with the costumes! Remi: Sorry, but I don’t think you can get out of it this time. ESL Podcast 306 – Giving First Aid Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:29 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialog: 17:45 Jeng: What did you do this summer? Cynthia: I worked at a summer camp as a nurse’s aide. I thought we would be giving simple first aid, but you wouldn’t believe the kinds of injuries the kids came in with. Jeng: You mean like poison ivy, bee stings, bug bites, and scraped knees? Cynthia: Yeah, we had those, but we also had some pretty serious cases. For instance, the second day of the camp, one of the boys who didn’t know how to swim fell into the lake. He must have hit his head because he was unconscious when they brought him in. We couldn’t find his pulse and the nurse did CPR. Luckily, we got him breathing again right away, but that little boy had a concussion. Jeng: Wow! You’re kidding. That’s serious. Cynthia: That wasn’t all. It’s true that most of the kids came in with superficial scrapes, but some of them had some major wounds. We had to stop the bleeding and bandage them up. We had one girl who needed 12 stitches after she fell out of a tree. Jeng: Geez, I never knew going to camp could be so hazardous to your health! ESL Podcast 307 – Cable and Satellite TV Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:33 Explanations: 4:11 Fast dialog: 14:14 Marion: I’m trying to decide whether to get cable or satellite TV. Which one do you have at your apartment? Cesar: I have satellite, but I used to have cable. Marion: What’s the difference? Cesar: Not a lot. With satellite, you have to have a satellite dish installed on the roof and you don’t with cable. Otherwise, you get similar options. You can get basic channels and choose from a lot of different premium channels. I have a package that includes the basic channels and some premium movie channels, and I also have a sports package so I can watch all of the soccer matches I want. Marion: How much is the monthly fee? Cesar: I think I pay $59.99 a month, excluding the taxes and fees, but the basic service is probably cheaper. When I had cable, I had to pay a deposit for the cable box, but with satellite, I had to buy the dish outright, but it wasn’t too expensive. Marion: What I want are pay-per-view channels, so I don’t need to run to the video rental store every time I want to watch a movie. Cesar: That’s not a problem. There’s video on demand on both cable and satellite, and there are a lot of movies to choose from. Marion: That’s great. I’ll check out whether my local cable company or satellite service has better packages and make a decision this weekend. Cesar: You could always start with the basic channels and then add services as you go along. Marion: That’s a good idea, especially since I know someone who has premium channels and round-the-clock soccer. Cesar: You bet. Drop by anytime, but don’t forget the beer and popcorn! ESL Podcast 308 – Formatting a Document Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:20 Explanations: 3:56 Fast dialog: 15:11 Franz: I’ve just switched over to this program and I can’t figure out how to format my document. Can you help me? Helen: I can try. Let’s take a look. What do you want to do? Franz: I want to change the margins so that I can fit more on a page. I don’t know how to change the default settings. I also want to put this section on a separate page. Helen: Okay, you can adjust the margins by moving this up and down, or from side to side. If you want this section on a separate page, just add a page break. Franz: Oh, I see. What if I want to add a header or a footer? Helen: You go to this pull-down menu and select the header and footer option. Then, you can type in the text you want. If you want to add a page number, just insert one by selecting it from this menu. Franz: That seems easy. What if I want to change the font? Helen: You can change the font style or size by selecting the text and then making the change on the toolbar. See? Franz: Yeah, that seems simple enough. I also want to change the orientation of the page. How do I do that? Helen: Right now your document is portrait. To make it landscape, you just go to “Page Setup” and change it. Franz: That all seems pretty easy. I think I’ve got it. Helen: Good. Give it a try. If you get stuck, I can try to help. Franz: Okay, great! Now, can you go over again how to change the margins, insert a page number, change the page orientation, and add a footer? ESL Podcast 309 – Describing Distances and Giving Directions Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:26 Explanations: 3:28 Fast dialog: 15:00 Daniella: Could you tell where I can find a drugstore? Hotel clerk: Sure. There’s one up the street near the corner of Selma and Main. If you get to Abreu Avenue, you’ve gone too far. It’s set back from the street so it’s a little hard to find. Daniella: Oh, that’s okay. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Hotel clerk: You know, I just remembered that there’s a bigger and better drugstore around the block. It’s no more than a three-minute walk. Go out the main doors of the hotel, hang a left, go straight for about a quarter of a mile, and then make another left at the first street. Daniella: Okay. I think I’ve got that. Thanks. Hotel clerk: Now, if you want a drugstore with a pharmacy, you’ll need to walk a little farther. Go out these doors, walk roughly three blocks until you get to a dead end, turn right, cross the street, and you’ll see a bank. It’s kitty-corner from the bank. You should be able to walk there in five minutes, give or take. Daniella: Thanks. Thanks a lot. I think I’m all set. See you later. Hotel clerk: You know, I just remembered that there’s another drugstore... Daniella: Thanks, but I’ve really got to get going. Bye. Hotel clerk: Well, some people just don’t appreciate other people’s help! ESL Podcast 310 – Shopping for Furniture Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life , Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:20 Explanations: 3:34 Fast dialog: 14:10 Tobias: I really don’t understand why we need new furniture. After we’re married, we’ll just take the things from each of our two apartments and that should do the trick. Renee: We each have some things we can keep and use, but it would be nice to have pieces that match. Right now, we have six dining chairs, each in a different style, and none of them are in the same style as the dining table your uncle is giving us as a wedding present. Tobias: Yeah, that’s true. At least, we won’t have to shop for bedroom furniture. We’re lucky that your parents are giving us some hand-me- down things, including a dresser, two nightstands, a headboard, and a wardrobe. All we need is a bed. Renee: Yeah, we got lucky when they decided to get new furniture and to give us their old pieces. That just leaves the living room. Tobias: But we already have a couch and a love seat. Renee: That’s true, but we still need a coffee table, two side tables, and at least two table lamps and a floor lamp. Tobias: Do we really need all of that? Renee: If we plan to entertain, we do. Tobias: All right. I was just hoping to get home in time for the game this afternoon. Renee: No problem. We only have six more stores to visit after this one. Tobias: Six?! Renee: Yes, now come on. How are you going to get home in time for the game if you don’t hurry up? ESL Podcast 311 – A Mid-life Crisis Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:21 Explanations: 3:38 Fast dialog: 14:08 Bella: I think my husband is going through a mid-life crisis. Russell: What makes you think that? Bella: He just traded in his car for a very expensive sports car, and he’s filling the house with gym equipment. Russell: Uh oh, that’s a bad sign. Do you know what may have triggered this? Bella: I’m not sure, but he was passed over for a promotion at work a couple of months ago, and his new boss is 15 years younger than he is. Russell: That would do it. Bella: What really worries me is that he’s been talking about quitting his job altogether and becoming a full-time writer. He always wanted to become a successful writer. Russell: That’s sounds familiar. When my brother went through a mid-life crisis, he spent a lot of time reflecting on his life and regretting giving up music to get a full- time job. He saw himself as being washed up and he was fed up with everything. Bella: What did he do? Russell: Well, he’s probably not a good example of what your husband would do. Bella: Don’t beat around the bush. Just tell me. Russell: Well, if you must know, he got a divorce, married a woman half his age, and tried to start a rock band. Bella: Oh, no! That’s just what I was afraid of. Russell: I’m sure that won’t happen with your husband. You two have a great marriage. Bella: I thought so, too, but you never know. ESL Podcast 312 – Different Work Styles Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:42 Explanations: 4:36 Fast dialogue: 17:05 Before I started my new job, I didn’t know that I would be working so closely with another employee of the company. I was used to a lot of autonomy in my last job, and I have always been self-directed. I didn’t need close supervision and the boss never had to worry about me slacking off. To tell the truth, I was a little apprehensive about working in a team after having had so much independence. To my surprise, though, I liked the collaborative environment and I think I actually do better work because of it. Of the two of us, Delilah is the creative one. While I’m a little adverse to risk, Delilah is always challenging the status quo. She often has good ideas, and because I’m pretty resourceful, we often find a way to put those ideas to work. Delilah has great follow-through, too, and I never need to worry that things will fall through the cracks. I think the key to our success in working together is that neither one of us tries to exercise authority over the other. We respect each other’s abilities and we know when to take charge and when to back off. If you had told me a year ago that I would be working in a team environment and enjoying it, I would have told you that you were crazy. But I guess the old saying isn’t true: You can teach an old dog new tricks. ESL Podcast 313 – A Suspicious Neighbor Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:14 Explanations: 3:26 Fast dialog: 15:21 Patricia: What do you think of our new neighbor? Ray: I don’t know. I haven’t met him yet. Patricia: Me neither, but I think he’s a shady character. Ray: Why do you think that? Patricia: Well, when he was moving in, I tried to shoot the breeze with him and he was shifty. When I asked him what line of work he was in, he was very evasive. Ray: Maybe he just didn’t want to talk to a busybody when he was busy moving boxes. Have you thought of that? Patricia: I wasn’t being a busybody. I was just being neighborly. When I offered to help him, he practically kicked me out of his apartment. Ray: Okay, you must be right. He’s probably a serial killer. Patricia: I wouldn’t put it past him. Ray: Come on. My guess is that he just wants some peace and quiet. Patricia: He wants peace and quiet to do what? That’s what I want to know. Ray: I think we should just mind our own business. Patricia: You can do what you like, but I’m going over there and I’m getting some answers. If I have live next to him, I’m entitled to know something about him. Ray: Why don’t you leave the man alone? He’s entitled to some privacy. And plus, he probably won’t let you in. Patricia: That’s what you think. I’m not taking no for an answer. Ray: That poor man! ESL Podcast 314 – Buying a Digital Audio (MP3) Player Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment , Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:28 Explanations: 3:39 Fast dialog: 14:36 Clerk: Can I help you? Sandy: I’m looking for an MP3 player, but I don’t know a lot about them. Clerk: We have a large selection, as you can see. Sandy: Wow, I really don’t know where to begin. Clerk: What do you want to be able to do? Sandy: I just want something small and portable that I can use to listen to music that I rip from CDs. I also want to be able to download songs off the Internet. Clerk: Most of the players you see here can do that. One thing you have to watch out for is that some music websites are proprietary. That means that you can only listen using certain types of players. Sandy: That’s what I’m worried about. Clerk: Well, this one plays music in a lot of different file formats and is compatible with most of the major music download sites, both proprietary and open- source. It comes with an FM tuner, a built-in battery charger, and good quality headphones. Sandy: What about it’s storage capacity and charge time? Clerk: It has 30 gigabytes of memory and can hold about 7,500 songs. You get about 15 hours of music playback on one charge and it charges up in about four hours. It has a nice screen, too, that’s backlit. Sandy: It looks like what I’ve been looking for. I’ll take it. ESL Podcast 315 – Going to the Park Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:16 Explanations: 3:20 Fast dialog: 14:39 I arrived at the park a little early for our neighborhood baseball game and I needed to kill some time. I decided to take a walk along one of the trails so I could look at the scenery. Suddenly, I came across a woman sitting under a tree. Octavi: What a beautiful day to be at the park! Irene: Oh, hi. Yes, it’s a nice day, isn’t it? Octavi: You look comfortable sitting on the grass in the shade reading. Irene: It’s a quiet spot away from the playground. Octavi: Do you come here often? Irene: Not too often. I come here every so often on the weekends. Octavi: This is a great spot for a picnic. I saw a lot of people on the other side near the fountain, but this is much more peaceful. Irene: Yeah, that’s why I like it here. Were you looking for the baseball field? It’s on the other side of the park. Octavi: Yes, I know. I was just warming up with a little walk around the park. We have a baseball game starting in a half hour. Irene: I saw some people practicing when I walked past the field earlier. I haven’t seen a baseball game in ages. Octavi: Why don’t you come and watch? It should be a good game. Irene: Maybe I will. Thanks for the invitation. Octavi: No problem. Take care. Irene: You, too. ESL Podcast 316 – Business Emails and Abbreviations Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:34 Explanations: 3:38 Fast dialog: 17:11 Dear Sam, I am writing to follow up on our phone conversation re: the upcoming meeting. We’ve made good headway in our planning, having settled many of the arrangements, e.g., the date, time, and venue. However, we still need to decide on the agenda, i.e., who will speak, in what order, and for what length of time. Fortunately, we have free rein to set up the meeting as we see fit, so it’s just a matter of hammering out the details before we can invite the participants, book the meeting room, etc. I suggest that we call a second meeting and invite some of the people who will be involved in the meeting: Adam, Lin, Toshi, Cecelia, et al. With everyone there, we should be able to come to a decision about the remaining issues. If this is in line with your thinking, I’ll send out an email ASAP. Let me know what you think. Luis P.S. We also need to start planning the annual meeting, but we can wait until this one is wrapped up before we start on that. ESL Podcast 317 – Setting the Table Download Podcast Tags: Dining Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 3:43 Fast dialog: 14:33 William: This is a very special dinner. It’s not everyday that I have my bosses over for dinner. It has to be perfect. Martha: I know. Why do you think I took out our best china? Instead of worrying, why don’t you help me set the table? William: Right. I should make myself useful. Is this the best tablecloth we have? Martha: Yes, it is. It’s very fine linen. William: Oh, right, right. Okay, we need six table settings. That means we need dinner plates, salad plates, bread plates, coffee cups, and saucers. Where are the saucers? Martha: All of the dinnerware is over there. Be careful! William: I know, I know. Where’s the silverware? We’re missing the silverware! Martha: No, we’re not. All of the silverware is in this drawer. Put the dinner and salad forks on the left and the dessert fork above the plate, like this. The tines should be facing up. The knife and spoon go on the right. William: I know that. I was just looking for the steak knives. Martha: We don’t need those tonight. Here, take these wine glasses and put them on the table. William: What else? What else? Martha: Nothing. You need to take a deep breath and calm down, or you’ll be in bad shape by the time the dinner starts. William: It’s too late. I’m already a ball of nerves! ESL Podcast 318 – Writing a Love Song Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:33 Explanations: 3:23 Fast dialog: 13:33 Isaac: Can you keep it down in there? I’m trying to write a song. Brittany: You are? What kind of song? Isaac: It’s none of your business. Brittany: Come on. Tell me. Isaac: It’s for Melanie. Brittany: Oh, it’s a love song. That’s so romantic. Are you going to serenade her? Isaac: Maybe. Now leave me alone so I can write. Brittany: Don’t kick me out. Maybe I can help. Let me hear what you have so far. Isaac: Oh, all right. Here are the lyrics. There’re pretty rough. Can you think of something that rhymes with flower? Brittany: Hmm...let me see. They’re not bad, not too sappy. Let’s hear the melody...That’s nice. The chorus is catchy. Are you going to sing it a cappella? Isaac: I was going to ask Jimmy to play the guitar to accompany me, so I can make a recording of it. Brittany: Let me do it. I can play the guitar. Isaac: No way. You won’t take it seriously. Brittany: I will. I promise. I’ll make little kissing noises in the background and it’ll move her to tears. Isaac: Forget it! What was I thinking telling you about it?! ESL Podcast 319 – Being Under Stress Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 2:58 Fast dialog: 12:41 Wei: What’s wrong? You look like you’re in pain. Jason: My stomach is acting up again. Wei: It’s all of this stress. I don’t know how anyone can cope with the pressures you’re under. Jason: It’s nothing. I’ll just take a pill for my stomach. Wei: That won’t solve the problem. Look at you. You look worn out. Are you losing sleep, too? Jason: I have had trouble sleeping. Wei: It’s no wonder. At home, you have the demands of raising two kids on your own, and at work, you’re in a dog-eat-dog environment everyday. Jason: I have to admit that my nerves are shot, but what can I do? Wei: Maybe we can work something out. To start, how about if I watch your kids for a few hours this weekend so you can get some rest? Jason: I couldn’t ask you to do that. You have to take care of your own kids. Wei: So, what’s two more? Jason: If you really don’t mind, I’ll take you up on that. I could really use a breather. Wei: It’s set, then. Here, take one of these pills. If it doesn’t kill you, it’ll make you stronger. Jason: Thanks! ESL Podcast 320 – Micromanaging the Staff Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:32 Explanations: 3:39 Fast dialog: 14:08 Barry: Where are you going? Jane: I’m checking up on Rudy. I gave him a task an hour ago and I want to make sure he’s doing it right. Barry: You’re not micromanaging again, are you? Jane: Of course, not. I’m only going to observe his work and make sure that he’s following the detailed instructions I gave him. Barry: That sounds like micromanaging. If you’re always looking over their shoulders, how are you ever going to develop trust with your employees? Jane: My employees will earn my trust by being meticulous with their work. Good employees don’t mind me monitoring their progress. Barry: That may be true, but I heard Rudy and Jena talking and they said they’re feeling a little resentful that you don’t have more faith in their ability. They feel like you’re treating them as though they’re incompetent. Jane: I am not. You’re making me sound like a control freak. Barry: I just call them like I see them. Micromanaging is a bad tactic and I can see why your employees are disgruntled. Jane: I resent that. I have a very good working relationship with my employees. Barry: I’m sure you do. I was just trying to help. I’m really not trying to butt in. Jane: Fine. You manage your staff the way you think best and I’ll manage mine. Barry: Fine by me. ESL Podcast 321 – Buying a Jacket or Coat Download Podcast Tags: Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:05 Explanations: 3:27 Fast dialog: 16:32 Michael: Mom, I don’t need a new coat. I like my old trench coat. It’s comfortable, and I can use it as a raincoat and an overcoat. So what do I need a new coat for? Lisa: If you’re going to visit your aunt in Maine, you’ll need something warmer than a trench coat. This parka is nice. Michael: I’m not wearing a parka. If I’m not warm enough, I’ll wear my denim jacket under my trench coat. Lisa: That’s ridiculous. You can’t wear a jacket and a coat each time you go outside. Look, this down coat will keep you nice and warm. It has a high collar, a hood, and thick cuffs, and it’s very roomy so you’ll be very comfortable in it. Michael: It’s too long. I don’t need a knee- length coat. Lisa: Yes, you do. You’ve never been in really cold weather and when you get there, you’ll be thankful to have something so warm. Now, we also need to buy you a blazer. Michael: A blazer? What for? Lisa: Your aunt is probably going to take you to some nice places and I don’t want you to look like a bum. See? This one is nice and fitted. Michael: It’s trimmed with flowers! Lisa: Those aren’t flowers. They’re paisleys. You’ll look very nice in it. Michael: Please, Mom, don’t make me wear that. I’m begging you. Lisa: You’ll look like a nice young man in this coat and blazer. Michael: I’ll be the laughing stock of the entire State of Maine. Lisa: No you won’t. Now, we need to buy you some new underwear. Michael: Mom! Shhh! Not so loud. This is so embarrassing! ESL Podcast 322 – Picking up a Rental Car Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:28 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialog: 14:34 Ralph: I have a reservation for a car. Clerk: What is the last name on the reservation? Ralph: It’s Furcal. Clerk: Just one moment. I have a reservation for Ralph Furcal, picking up today and returning on the 19th. Ralph: Yes, that’s right. I reserved an economy car. Clerk: We do have an economy car reserved for you, but for $3.00 more per day, you can upgrade to a mid-sized car. And, for only $5.00 more per day, you can upgrade to a convertible. Would you like to take advantage of either of these offers? Ralph: No, thanks. I’ll stick to the economy car. Clerk: That’s fine. If you’ll just sign here and initial here, here, and here, please. Would you like to purchase insurance for the car? Ralph: No, thanks. Clerk: Okay, then just sign here to decline the insurance. Be sure to return the car with a full gas tank or you’ll be charged $3.00 per gallon. Remember also that you are not allowed additional drivers unless they are over the age of 25. Ralph: Okay, I’ll do that. Clerk: Here is your contract. Your car is in parking space number W34. Just show your paperwork to the employee at the gate as you exit the parking lot. Do you need a local map? Ralph: Yes, I’d like one. Thanks. Clerk: Here you are. Have a good stay in our city. Ralph: Thanks. I appreciate it. ESL Podcast 323 – Rooms in a House Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:20 Explanations: 3:32 Fast dialog: 12:54 I don’t like cats. That’s not really true. I like cats, but they don’t like me. Last week, my friend Sara asked me to babysit her cat for two days while she was out of town. Normally, I would have said no, but she was in a jam, so I said okay. As I said, cats don’t like me. When I got home from work, I couldn’t find her. I was sure she was hiding from me. I looked all over the house. I started with the bedrooms, looking in the closets and under the bed. I looked in the bathroom and even behind the shower curtain. I went downstairs and searched the basement. No cat. Next, I looked all over the living room, checking under the couch and behind the TV. I also looked in the pantry and then the laundry room, thinking that the cat must be hiding behind the washer or dryer. Still, no cat. Finally, I looked in the kitchen. There was the cat. She was sitting on the counter. Somehow she had managed to open a box of cookies and there she sat eating them all. When the cat saw me, she started mewing. I don’t speak the language of cats, but I could have sworn that she was asking me for some milk! ESL Podcast 324 – Corporate Sponsorship Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:09 Explanations: 3:14 Fast dialog: 14:47 Travis: I don’t know how we’re going to keep our free sports program going without more funding. As it is, we’re strapped and I don’t know how we’re going to continue. Megumi: I know you’ve been resistant in the past, but what about corporate sponsorship? I’m sure we can find some businesses that want to support us. Travis: I know you’re trying to help, but I’m not willing to sell out. Megumi: It’s not selling out to have sponsors. Some businesses really want to keep public programs like ours free and available to the public. Being a benefactor is their way of helping us do that. In exchange, those companies get more exposure and enhance their public image. It’s a win-win for everyone. Travis: Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to get on a high horse about sponsorship, but I don’t want product placement, business signage, and outright advertising at our games. It sends the wrong message to the kids in the program. Megumi: I don’t think it’s an all-or-nothing idea. You can limit the kinds of sponsorship you accept. Just don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. You know, it may be our only option. Travis: Okay, okay. I’ll look into it. You may be right. If it’s a choice between canceling our programs and getting sponsorship, then I may have to live with it. Megumi: Good. Let’s keep an open mind and I’m sure we’ll find something that will work. ESL Podcast 325 – Describing People’s Moods Download Podcast Tags: Relationships , Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:21 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialog: 10:50 Brett: Do you know what kind of mood Mom is in? Molly: Not really. Why? Brett: I really need a raise in my allowance and I’m waiting for the right time to ask. She’ll be more likely to say “yes” if she’s not feeling too grouchy. Molly: I wouldn’t count on this being a good time. She looked a little upset after getting off the phone with Aunt Teri. Brett: Why? Molly: Aunt Teri has been down in the dumps since Cousin Frank decided to take a job in Cambodia. He’s on cloud nine about this new job, but Aunt Teri is anxious about him moving so far away. Brett: I see. Well, I’ve got to think of some way to cheer her up. It’s a lost cause if I ask her while she’s angry, on edge, or depressed. Molly: You know that Mom is always happy to hear good news about school. Do you have anything new to report? Brett: I hadn’t thought of that. I need to come up with something. Molly: Be patient. Wait for the right moment and then strike. I speak from years of experience. Brett: Right. Thanks. ESL Podcast 326 – Finding the Right Wine Download Podcast Tags: Dining Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:18 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialog: 16:03 Antonio: Why are we stopping here? Melanie: We can’t go to the dinner party empty-handed. We need to bring a bottle of wine. Antonio: I don’t know anything about wines. You’ll need to pick a bottle. Melanie: I don’t know much about wines, either. I just know we need a good table wine. Do you think we should get a bottle of white, red, or rose? Antonio: I don’t know. Melanie: The label on this one says that it’s fruity and not too tart. This other one says that it’s full-bodied, but I think we want a light-bodied one, right? Antonio: I have no idea. Melanie: The label on this one says that it’s from a California vineyard. Is that good or bad? Antonio: I don’t know. Stop asking me. Here’s a corkscrew. Why don’t you take out the cork and we’ll have a taste? Melanie: That’s very funny. You’re not helping me at all. Antonio: I say we just bring them a six-pack. I know I’d rather have beer than wine any day. Melanie: Stop fooling around. We need to pick out a bottle of wine. Antonio: I have an idea. Let’s bring them a bottle of champagne. You can’t go wrong with champagne. Melanie: Champagne? It’s not a special occasion. Antonio: We’ll tell them that being invited for dinner in their home is a special occasion for us. They’ll be happy to hear that. Melanie: I don’t know about that. Antonio: Trust me. Grab a bottle and let’s go. We’re late! ESL Podcast 327 – Getting Caught in the Rain Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 2:54 Fast dialog: 13:28 Margo: Oh geez, you’re drenched! It wasn’t supposed to rain today. Ali: I know. I looked at the weather report last night and it was supposed to be a nice day. That’s the last time I trust those weathercasters! I hate getting caught in the rain. I’m soaking wet. Margo: When I felt a raindrop on my head this morning, I should have known that we were in for a big rainstorm. Right then, I should have gone back into my house to get an umbrella, but as usual, I was running late. Ali: I can’t believe I have to go out on sales calls today. I’m not looking forward to getting back in my car when it’s raining cats and dogs out there. Margo: Somebody in this office must have an umbrella you can borrow for the day. I’ll go see. Ali: Thanks. It looks like it’s only drizzling now. Maybe it’s letting up. Margo: Don’t count on it. It’ll be pouring again in a minute. Let me see if I can round up an umbrella and maybe even a raincoat. Ali: Thanks. I’ll be in the bathroom wringing out my clothes. What a miserable day! ESL Podcast 328 – Dishonesty at Work Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:28 Explanations: 4:08 Fast dialog: 14:35 Amina: Have you heard the latest news? Shane: No, what is it? Amina: Charlie was fired last Friday after the company found out that he had been cooking the books for over six months and had embezzled more than $50,000. Shane: Charlie? I don’t believe it! He is the most upstanding person I know. I can imagine him stretching the truth now and then, but he’s the last person I would think of as being truly dishonest. I would never think to question his integrity. Amina: It wasn’t greed that made him do it. His wife has been ill and he couldn’t pay the medical bills. I think he had the best of intentions in trying to get his wife the healthcare she needed, but it was only a matter of time before he got caught, no matter how well he covered his tracks. Shane: Well, I know he’s a bad liar and he’s not known to make mistakes, so I’m not surprised that someone caught on pretty quickly when there were irregularities in the accounting. What I don’t understand is, if he was having financial problems, why didn’t he tell anybody? Some of us may have helped. Amina: I don’t know. Maybe he felt desperate and just didn’t know what to do. I’m sure his wife being sick has been difficult for him. I don’t think the company is going to press charges, though, under the circumstances. Shane: I’m glad to hear that. That’s the last thing he needs. It’s clear that he showed poor judgment, but he’s not a criminal. Amina: That’s the general consensus. I’m thinking of taking up a collection to help him out. Do you think the company would mind? Shane: Considering he was fired, I’d keep it a secret from management, but I think it’s a great idea. ESL Podcast 329 – Being Persuasive Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:19 Explanations: 3:18 Fast dialog: 14:07 Sylvia: How would you like to take my sister, Donna, to the movies this weekend? You’d be doing me a favor. Joon: Why? What’s wrong with her? Sylvia: Nothing is wrong with her! She just broke up with her boyfriend of four years and she’s down in the dumps. She’s shy, so I thought I’d try to set her up on a date. Joon: Off the top of my head, I can think of a dozen things I’d rather do than to take out anyone’s little sister, including yours, no offense. Sylvia: You don’t know what you’re missing. She may be shy, but she’s very pretty and witty. If you met her, you wouldn’t need me to persuade you. Joon: I don’t know. I’m not convinced. Whenever someone sets me up on a blind date, they always tell me how great the woman is. She never lives up to the hype. Sylvia: I’m not going to twist your arm, but if you’re on the fence, I have two free movie tickets to that new movie you want to see, just to sweeten the pot. Joon: You do? Well, why didn’t you say so earlier? Sylvia: I’m glad I could tempt you. Here’s her number. I’ll tell her to expect your call. Be nice. Joon: I’m always nice. Don’t worry. I’ll show her a good time. Sylvia: Not too good! ESL Podcast 330 – Traveling by Bus Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 3:30 Fast dialog: 14:40 Samantha: Good morning. I had a few questions about buying a bus ticket. Do I need to buy one in advance? Agent: You can, but it’s not necessary. You just need to arrive at the terminal at least an hour before the scheduled departure time to buy your ticket. Boarding begins about 15 to 30 minutes before departure. Samantha: Can I reserve a seat? Agent: No, seating is on a first-come, first- serve basis. I recommend getting there early during peak times, but getting a good seat isn’t usually a problem with the night service buses. Samantha: I want to go from Charlestown to Myrtle Beach. Do you know how many stops the bus will be making? Agent: I think that bus makes six stops to pick up passengers en route, but you can check the schedule to be sure. That doesn’t include rest stops and meal stops. If you want to make fewer stops, you can buy a ticket for one of our express buses. Samantha: How many bags can I bring on board? I’ll have two big pieces of luggage. Agent: You’re allowed two bags. The handler can help you load them upon boarding, but you’re responsible for retrieving them when you get off. Can I help you with anything else? Samantha: No, thanks. Agent: Thank you for calling and have a safe trip. ESL Podcast 331 – Washing Clothes Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:19 Explanations: 3:40 Fast dialog: 14:43 Mina: What happened here? Is the washing machine not working? Arlo: What do you mean? Mina: Why are all of your white T-shirts now pink? Arlo: That just happens. Sometimes they turn pink, gray, or another color, depending on which clothes I put in a load. Mina: Didn’t anyone teach you how to do laundry? You’re supposed to separate your whites from your colors and wash them separately. Arlo: It doesn’t really matter. I don’t mind if they get dyed a different color. As long as they get clean and the stains come out, I don’t really care what color they are. Mina: I have some bleach that may be able to get your T-shirts white again. I better try before you put them in the dryer. Arlo: Don’t bother. It really doesn’t matter to me. I’m almost done here. I’m just waiting for one more load to finish. Mina: What kind of detergent are you using? Arlo: I ran out of detergent, so I’ve been using dishwashing liquid. It works pretty well. Mina: No wonder your shirts are as stiff as a board. Good thing you don’t own any delicates or they would be completely ruined. Before you put your clothes in the dryer, clean out this lint filter. It’s really dirty. I don’t suppose you use fabric softener. Arlo: No, I like to keep things simple and dry my clothes on a clothesline. I don’t mind if they’re a little stiff. Mina: Remind me never to ask you to do my laundry. Arlo: Life is too short to worry about laundry. ESL Podcast 332 – Profit and Loss Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:17 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialog: 14:36 Dolores: Manuel in accounting is supposed to help me with this report, but he called in sick today! I can’t believe my luck. He’s supposed to be training me in and he’s left me holding the bag. Anton: Let me see if I can help. Dolores: I’m supposed to use the information from this profit and loss statement to make some projections about the company’s future performance for our report, but I’m not sure what I’m doing. I need to plug in some numbers here, but I can’t make heads or tails of this. Anton: Well, if you look at the top of the statement, you’ll see the top line, which shows the revenue the company brought in in the third quarter of this year. Is that what you need? Dolores: Yes, I think so, but I also need to know our net income. Anton: Here is the bottom line. That takes into account all of the revenue and expenses during the third quarter. Dolores: That’s great, but I also need to know the gross profits and operating expenses. Anton: Those are in this column. See? Dolores: I guess all the information is here. I just needed to know where to look. Thanks. I couldn’t have figured it out without you. Anton: It’s not that complicated. Hopefully, Manuel will be back tomorrow. Dolores: Manuel? Who needs him! ESL Podcast 333 – Quitting Smoking Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:16 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialog: 15:11 Vera: Hi, I thought you might be out here. Geez, it’s really cold! Paul: I know, but I really needed a smoke break after that long meeting. Can I bum one off you? I left my pack of cigarettes on my desk. Vera: Sure. Here’s my lighter. What do you think about the new incentives the company is offering to employees to quit? Have you thought about it? Paul: Yeah, but I’ve smoked for 20 years. I tried going cold turkey once, but it didn’t work. I’m doomed to a lifetime of ashtrays and stained fingers. Vera: I’ve been butting heads with my boyfriend for years. He wants me to quit, but I say, to each his own. Paul: The incentives are pretty good, though, I have to admit: a cash bonus and more money towards our health plans. Vera: Yeah, I could use the cash. Have you tried one of those nicotine patches? Paul: No, I haven’t. Vera: Well...I’ll try it if you will. Paul: Do you think it would work? I think I’m a lost cause. Vera: I’m not sure, but if you’ll try them, I will, too. Paul: Okay, but I’m warning you. I have no willpower. Vera: All right, but just remember: no pain, no gain. ESL Podcast 334 – Hiding from the Police Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:40 Explanations: 3:38 Fast dialog: 14:20 I read an article in the newspaper this morning about a man who had been on the lam for 12 years. He was wanted by the police because they believed he had committed a murder. But before the man could go to trial, he bolted and left the country. He has been on the “Most Wanted” list in this state ever since. How did he get away? The police had confiscated his passport, but he wore a disguise and became a stowaway on a ship heading for China. While on the boat, he kept out of sight and was holed up in the cargo section of the ship the entire time. No one even had an inkling that he was on the ship! When the ship arrived in China, he got off and immediately assumed a new identity. At first, he didn’t have any identification and he had to go underground, but eventually, he made enough money to buy a passport on the black market. How did he get caught? He tried to reenter the United States and the security officers at the airport saw that his passport was forged. He was nabbed right away and he’ll be going to trial soon. That is, unless he escapes! ESL Podcast 335 – Getting a Car Serviced Download Podcast Tags: Transportation Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 2:57 Fast dialog: 15:30 Sophia: Is my car ready? Mechanic: I’m finished with your oil change and I replaced the oil filter. I’ve also replaced the wiper blades in your windshield wipers. But I’ve had a good look under your hood, and your car needs a lot of work. Sophia: Really? Mechanic: Yes, you have some serious problems. I bet your engine is running really rough. Your transmission is leaking, your shocks need to be replaced, and you need new brake pads. Your battery is very low and it should replaced, too. Sophia: I can’t believe it. Mechanic: It’s true. Your tires need to be rotated, too, and I also suggest getting a wheel alignment. Sophia: Well, this is all a big surprise, especially since I just bought this used car a couple of months ago. Mechanic: You did? Well, you got ripped off. Whoever sold you this car is a crook. Where did you buy it? Sophia: I bought it here! I bought this from the owner of this garage. He said that it was in tip-top shape! ESL Podcast 336 – Going Out of Business Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:26 Explanations: 3:23 Fast dialog: 14:34 Julianne: I’m really glad to be back in Macville. What happened to the market that used to be here? Helio: Oh, it went belly up. It struggled for many years. The owners tried to downsize and reduced the space they were renting, but they had to throw in the towel when they got into debt. Julianne: What a shame! It was such a nice store, and the family who owned it was always so friendly. Helio: Yeah, things have changed a lot around here. Julianne: Where is the restaurant that was next to the market? I used to eat lunch there all the time. Helio: The owners couldn’t make it profitable and after trying to get loans to bail themselves out, they ran out of options. They had to pack it in. Julianne: What’s happening here? Helio: The gift shop is going out of business. It’s having a big sale to liquidate the store. The owners lost their lease and have to close. This store has been in the family for generations, but the property owners want to tear down the building for a parking lot. Julianne: A parking lot? For what? With this economic downturn and all of these businesses going bankrupt, who will want to park here? Helio: Your guess is as good as mine. ESL Podcast 337 – Reading Comic Books Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:33 Explanations: 3:42 Fast dialog: 14:52 Lee: What are you reading? Stan: It’s a graphic novel. Lee: Graphic novel? You mean a comic book? I thought you were too old for that sort of thing. Stan: For your information, this is a graphic novel and it’s a literary art form. Graphic novels are written for mature audiences, not kids. Lee: Really? I don’t know anything about comic books. I like reading the comic strips in the newspaper, but I’ve never read an entire comic book before. Stan: You might want to check these out. Look at this bound collection, for instance. It has a storyline that’s as complex as a novel, and each panel is a work of art. Lee: It is pretty impressive looking. I’m not that interested in superheroes, though. Stan: The Superman and Spider-man comic books are great, but the graphic novels today are even more sophisticated. Some of them are still serialized like the old comic books, but many of them are self-contained like this one. Lee: Are there ones without too much fighting? Stan: There are as many genres of graphic novels as there are movies or books. I’m really surprised that someone who likes to read as much as you do knows so little about graphic novels. Lee: I’ve come across them in bookstores before, but I had a preconceived notion that they were for kids. Stan: I guess you were wrong. Lee: I guess I was. There’s a first time for everything. ESL Podcast 338 – Refusing an Invitation Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:18 Explanations: 3:13 Fast dialog: 14:06 June: Did you get an invitation to Kelly’s party? Roberto: Yes, I did. I’m going to send my regrets. How about you? June: I’m trying to find an excuse not to attend, without Kelly taking offense. Roberto: Couldn’t you just tell her that you have another engagement that night? June: I used that little white lie last time I turned down one of her invitations. I have to think of something else. Roberto: How about telling her that you have to take care of a sick relative? That one always works for me. June: I’ve used that one, too. I told her that I was looking after my mother the last time she invited me to dinner. Roberto: How about if you tell her you’re on a special assignment at work and you have to work night and day to get it done? June: That’s a little far-fetched, don’t you think? I work as a store clerk. Roberto: You’ve got a point there. June: What are you going to tell Kelly when you decline her invitation? Roberto: I’m going to extend an apology and just say that I can’t make it. June: That’s it? I’d never thought of just saying “no.” Roberto: You know the old acronym: KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid. June: You’re right. Hey! Who are you calling stupid? ESL Podcast 339 – Star-crossed Lovers Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:35 Explanations: 3:10 Fast dialog: 14:04 Romeo: What do you plan to do? Juliette: I don’t know! I can’t defy my parents. They’ve been against our relationship from the start, and I’ve been forbidden to see you. Romeo: It’s your life, not theirs. It’s time you stood up to them and told them what you want. I’m tired of being a puppet in the feud between your family and mine. Juliette: That’s easy to say, but I can’t confront my father and tell him that I want to be with you. It would kill him! Romeo: No, it won’t. He’s using guilt to get you to give me up. Don’t let him manipulate you that way. Juliette: This is tearing me apart. I can’t take it much longer. Romeo: You won’t have to. I’m leaving—without you. Juliette: No! You can’t. I can’t live without you. Romeo: Someday, we’ll be together...Cut! Where is the director? This is supposed to be the story about star-crossed lovers, not a trashy melodrama. Whoever wrote this trash should be fired! ESL Podcast 340 – Office Competition Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:28 Explanations: 3:10 Fast dialog: 14:27 Okay, everybody. Listen up. We’re approaching the end of the month. Unless you’re new here, you know that we are in competition with our rival, the East Coast office, to have the most sales this period. At the beginning of the month, we pulled ahead and it looked like we were finally going to turn the tables and defeat the East Coast office. But after the first 10 days of this month, we fell into a tie with them, and as of last Friday, we are still neck and neck. We’re now coming up to crunch time and the last thing we want is to fall behind when it looks like we may be able to top the East Coast office for the first time in two years. I’m really proud of this office for outdoing itself to get us in a position to win, and there’s no reason we should suffer another loss now. Okay, everybody, let’s put our noses to the grindstone and pull out this victory! ESL Podcast 341 – An Annoying Cell Phone User Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 3:21 Fast dialog: 14:54 Carl: I’m sorry, say that again. I couldn’t hear you over that guy at the next table shouting into his cell phone. Stephanie: That guy is so rude. We’re trying to have a leisurely conversation over a cup of coffee, and we have to out shout some inconsiderate jerk. Carl: Do you think he realizes what a nuisance he is? Stephanie: I bet he doesn’t. People don’t seem to have any idea of cell phone etiquette. Cell phones should be banned from restaurants, don’t you think? Carl: I completely agree. I don’t need to know the intimate details of other people’s lives. I sometimes wish I had a cell phone jammer. Like the other day, I was at the movie theater, and the woman sitting in front of me answers her cell phone and has a conversation during the movie! Stephanie: I would have kicked up a fuss or at least shushed her. Carl: I tried to shush her, but she pretended not to hear me. I wish...[Carl’s cell phone rings]...hold on one second. Hello, oh hi, Manny... ESL Podcast 342 – At the Butcher’s Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life , Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:10 Explanations: 2:52 Fast dialog: 14:18 Butcher: What can I get for you? Gina: I’d like a pound of ground beef, please. Butcher: Would you like the regular or the extra lean? The extra lean is a dollar more per pound. Gina: I’ll take the regular. Could you also throw in two thick pork chops and two chicken breasts? Butcher: I’m sorry, but we’re out of chicken breasts right now, but we have some thighs. Gina: Hmm...In that case, I’ll just take some ham. I’d like that thinly sliced. Butcher: Okay, is there anything else? Gina: Yes, I’d like some other cold cuts, but I’m not sure which ones. Why don’t you give me half a pound of salami and a pound of bologna? Butcher: No problem. Will that be all? Gina: No, I’d like two steaks. Do you have any that are very, very tender? The ones I bought last week were really tough. Butcher: We have T-bone, rib eye, and sirloin steaks. The rib eye is probably the most tender. Gina: I’ll take two of those. Butcher: Okay, anything else? Gina: No, I think that’s all...for now. ESL Podcast 343 – Being Alike and Different Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:28 Explanations: 3:09 Fast dialog: 14:23 Fabian: Oh, your babies are adorable. They’re like two peas in a pod. Clarissa: They may look like mirror images of each other, but they’re nothing alike. They each have their distinct personalities. Randy likes to sleep during the day and Dominic likes to sleep at night. Fabian: That’s like my babies at home. They’re polar opposites. They don’t like eating the same foods and they have clashing personalities. Clarissa: Oh, really? Does that cause problems? Fabian: Yes, sometimes it does. One is playful all the time and the other one is always pensive. They get on each other’s nerves more often than not. I can’t believe they have the same parents. Clarissa: You’re telling me! I sometimes wonder how two babies born at the same time can be so different. [barking sound] Oh, my precious little babies are hungry. We’d better get home so they can eat. Fabian: I’d better get home to mine. They’ll be crawling up the walls if I don’t get back soon with their treats! Monday - February 04, 2008 ESL Podcast 344 – At the Convention Center Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:20 Explanations: 3:33 Fast dialog: 16:33 I left my hotel early so I would arrive at the convention center in time for my presentation, but the bad traffic made me late. My presentation was supposed to start at 2:00 and it was already 1:55! To make matters worse, I had never been to this convention center before and I didn’t know my way around. I walked into the foyer and looked around. I was hoping to see a registration booth or the speakers’ room, where I was sure someone could point me in the right direction. I walked down one hallway and found the main ballroom, but it was empty. I saw a sign for meeting rooms upstairs and went up the escalator. But when I got to the second floor, I didn’t see anyone around. I looked over the landing, hoping to get my bearings, but that was no help. By this time, I was sweating bullets. The clock was ticking and I was late! Then, I woke up. It wasn’t the first time I had a nightmare like this, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. I wonder what my subconscious is trying to tell me? At least this time, I was wearing my pants! Friday - February 08, 2008 ESL Podcast 345 – The Seven-year Itch Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:54 Explanations: 3:55 Fast dialog: 13:56 Sunny: Did you hear the news? Nancy and Brian are splitting up. Igor: How long have they been married? Sunny: Eight years. I’m sure it was the seven- year itch. I bet Brian was unfaithful to Nancy. Igor: How do you know? Maybe it was Nancy who had a wandering eye. Sunny: Maybe, but it’s a shame. They were such a nice couple. Doesn’t anyone take marriage vows seriously these days? To me, it’s a lifelong commitment. Igor: If you ask me, I think our notion of marriage is out of date. Conventional wisdom is that everybody wants to be unfaithful after they’ve been married a few years. Why not make marriage a short- term arrangement? In my view, a marriage should last for seven years unless you want to renew. If you don’t, you each go your separate ways. Sunny: You make marriage sound like an apartment contract! Not everybody is as cynical as you are. I don’t think that most couples think seriously about committing adultery, and many couples stay together for life. Igor: You may live in la-la land, but I live in the real world. Sunny: If that’s the real world, I don’t want to live there! ESL Podcast 346 – Using the Restroom Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:27 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialogue: 12:56 Denzel: Excuse me, where is the restroom? Server: It’s down the hall, on your left. Denzel: Thanks. When I got into the bathroom, it was a mess. I walked into a stall and there was toilet paper all over the floor. There were no toilet seat covers and the toilet wouldn’t flush. Even the toilet seat was broken! I gave up on the stall and decided to use a urinal. I went to wash my hands, but there was no soap in the dispenser. I kept hitting the pump, but nothing came out. When I turned on the faucet, water splashed all over my pants. I looked for some paper towels to dry myself, but they were out. I tried using one of the hand dryers, but that was broken, too. I couldn’t believe what a mess this bathroom was. I just thought, what happened here? World War III? ESL Podcast 347 – Writing a Postcard Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:04 Explanations: 2:53 Fast dialogue: 13:01 I was on vacation in Yosemite and I decided to send a postcard to my friend, Elaine, who was on her own vacation in Europe. ... Dear Elaine, I arrived safely two days ago and I’m having the time of my life. I met some nice people here and we’ve been keeping each other company. The weather has been ideal and we’re off on another hike tomorrow. This is the life. Wish you were here. I hope you’re having as good a time as I am. See you soon! Vivian ... On the day I sent my postcard to Elaine, I got one from her. She wrote: Dear Vivian, I’ve had a nightmare of a trip. Our flight was delayed and we missed our connection to Oslo. I’ve been here three days and it has poured the entire time. There’s nothing to do but sit in the hotel. What a dump! It looks nothing like the pictures and it’s not at all what I expected. I even got food poisoning the first day I was here! I hope your trip wasn’t a washout like mine. I can’t wait to get home! Elaine Monday - February 18, 2008 ESL Podcast 348 – Showing Disapproval and Sympathy Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:39 Explanations: 3:33 Fast dialogue: 14:57 Maggie: Why the long face? Joe: I just heard that I won’t be rehired for next year. Maggie: That’s awful! What a rotten thing for the management to do. Joe: I’ll be okay, but Monica is losing her job, too. Maggie: Oh no, not Monica, too. I’m so sorry to hear that. Who do they think they are? How can they treat us this way? Joe: They’re management and they can do whatever they want to. Monica just bought a new house and I’m sure she’s going to have to sell it. Maggie: That’s really too bad. Listen, I know you’ll be dead set against the rest of us pulling together to talk to the management, but I think the time has come. Joe: I won’t let you or anyone else around here put your jobs on the line to try to save ours. The management will definitely take a dim view of us workers trying to speak out. Just lay low and hope that you won’t lose your job, too. Maggie: I don’t know what the others think, but I’m not going to take this lying down. If they think we’re just going to sit here and take it, then they’ve got another thing coming! ESL Podcast 349 – Taking Vitamins and Supplements Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:32 Explanations: 3:56 Fast dialogue: 14:39 The last time I went to the doctor for a checkup, she told me that I needed to start taking some dietary supplements that had the vitamins and minerals that my body needed to stay healthy. I told her that I ate a balanced diet, but she said that many people who generally ate well still didn’t get the nutrients their bodies needed every day, and that’s why she recommends taking a multivitamin. I remember taking chewable vitamins when I was a kid, but as an adult, I never thought I needed it. It wasn’t because I had any signs of deficiency, she said, but that it was better to be safe than sorry. I asked if it was possible to overdose on over-the-counter multivitamins, and she said that it was highly unlikely if I followed the recommended dosage. She said that most people’s bodies are able to tolerate and absorb the multivitamins without any problems. As I get older, she said, it’s all the more important to take care of myself. She’s right, of course. I shouldn’t neglect my health. I just wonder if I can find some of those chewable vitamins in the shape of my favorite cartoon characters. I may be an adult, but I don’t always have to act like one! ESL Podcast 350 – A Movie Review Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:25 Explanations: 2:59 Fast dialogue: 12:10 Sally: Did you see the new movie, The McQuillan Story? I’m writing a movie review for the school paper. Marcus: I went to the premiere last week. What did you think of it? Sally: I liked it. I thought it was entertaining, although it wasn’t groundbreaking, by any means. Marcus: You thought it was entertaining? I thought it was awful. I almost walked out. The acting was wooden and uninspired, and the direction was amateur. Sally: Aren’t you being too critical? It was the director’s first movie and I thought his directorial debut wasn’t bad. If there was a problem, it was with the screenplay. Marcus: Don’t get me started on the screenplay! The story was so predictable and the dialogue was pretentious. This movie is going to bomb for sure. Sally: Oh, I don’t know. I think some people may enjoy it. Marcus: If you want to do your readers a favor, you’d tell them to skip this movie and save their money! ESL Podcast 351 – Asking for a First Date Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:36 Explanations: 3:12 Fast dialogue: 11:34 Natalie: Hello. Sergio: Hi, could I speak to Natalie? Natalie: This is she. Sergio: Oh hi, this is Sergio. How are you? Natalie: Good. How about you? Sergio: I’m great. Uh, well, the reason I’m calling is I was wondering if you’d like to go out sometime? Natalie: You mean on a date? Sergio: Yeah, with me. Natalie: I’d love to. Sergio: Really? I mean, that’s great. I was thinking we could grab dinner on Friday and then see a movie. How does that sound? Natalie: Oh, I already have plans for Friday. Sergio: How about Saturday? Natalie: I’m tied up on Saturday, too. I’m free tomorrow, though. I don’t suppose you want to go out tomorrow night? Sergio: Sure, I can make it tomorrow. I’ll pick you up around 7:00. Is that okay? Natalie: Yeah, that works for me. See you tomorrow at 7:00. Sergio: I’m really looking forward to it. Natalie: Me, too. ESL Podcast 352 – Understanding Interest Rates Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:20 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialog: 15:43 Kerry: I need to take out a small business loan and I’m trying to figure out what the interest rate would be. Do you understand this stuff? Oscar: If it’s the same as a mortgage loan, then I think I understand it in general terms. The interest rate would be the percentage of the amount you plan to borrow. It’s usually calculated as an annual rate. So, for instance, a 10 percent interest rate on $100 would be $10 a year. Kerry: Okay, I see, but how is my monthly payment calculated? Oscar: As the borrower, your monthly payment depends on the term of your loan. Each month, you’ll pay money toward the principal, plus the interest you owe the lender. The bank may also assess other fees for processing your loan, so make sure to read the fine print. Kerry: Thanks. I understand it a little better now. Oscar: Are you sure you want to go down that road? You don’t want to default on your loan and ruin your credit score. Maybe there are other options. Kerry: Maybe there are, but I just don’t see any right now. I have an appointment with an accountant next week and hopefully she can advise me on the best course of action. Oscar: Good luck and let me know if I can help. Kerry: Thanks, I will. ESL Podcast 353 – Describing the Taste of Food Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Dining Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:24 Explanations: 3:37 Fast dialogue: 13:55 Steve, my new boyfriend, decided to cook dinner for me. I was really excited, that is, until I tried his cooking. Steve: What do you think of the soup? I thought: This is so bland, and what are these little lumpy things in the soup? Of course I didn’t say that aloud. Elaine: It’s delicious. It has a very interesting flavor. When Steve served the main course, a baked chicken, he asked, Steve: What do you think of the chicken? Is it too salty or spicy? I thought: Yes! It’s too salty and it’s so spicy I can hardly eat it without breathing fire. The outside of the chicken is overcooked and the inside is raw! But out loud, I said, Elaine: No, not at all! It has an interesting texture and I’m enjoying every bite. I thought: Oh, no. Is there more? Steve went into the kitchen and brought dessert. Steve: What do you think of this cake? I thought: This cake should be sweet, but it has a strange sour taste. Could there be something seriously wrong with Steve’s taste buds? But aloud, I said, Elaine: It’s yummy. It’s the best cake that anyone has ever made for me. And it was true. I didn’t care how bad the meal was. It’s the thought that counts. ESL Podcast 354 – Being Scared Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:22 Explanations: 3:07 Fast dialogue: 13:50 Emily: I’m not going into that house. It’s supposed to be haunted. Stephen: Come on. Don’t be a coward. You don’t believe in ghosts, do you? Emily: I don’t, but I’m not taking any chances. Just look at that house! It’s spooky. I’m getting goosebumps just looking at it. Stephen: You’re only freaking out because you’ve watched too many horror movies. It’s just a house. Now, come on! Emily: Why are we doing this anyway? Just because your friends dared you to go in doesn’t mean you have to. This is stupid! Stephen: I took the dare and I told them I’d spend the night in that house. If you’re a scaredy cat, you can go home right now. Emily: And let you go in there by yourself? What kind of girlfriend would I be? I’m scared to death, but I’m not going to chicken out. Okay, let’s go before I change my mind. Stephen: Really? I didn’t think you’d have the nerve. You’re braver than I thought. Don’t worry. Nothing in there can hurt us. Emily: Famous last words! ESL Podcast 355 – Finding a Bargain Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Shopping Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:10 Explanations: 2:59 Fast dialogue: 11:26 Manuel: Wow, I’ve never seen so many shopping bags in my life. I can guess where you’ve been. Georgia: I did go overboard a bit today. I went to the outlet mall and I found some real bargains. Nearly everything was discounted. I was in shopping heaven! Manuel: I can see that. Georgia: My favorite store had reduced prices for all of its sweaters, so I bought five. They were already on sale, but the store knocked another $5 off the price. I got them at half-price! I was going to buy three, but the store had a special offer: If you buy four, the fifth one is free. Manuel: But doesn’t that mean you spent more money, since you bought five sweaters when you only wanted three? Georgia: How could I resist? They were being sold at bargain basement prices. At another store, the sale items were two for the price of one. I’ve never seen things in that store so cheap. Manuel: Where are you going now? Georgia: I’m going back to the outlet stores, of course. I just came home for a little breather. There’s more shopping to be done! Manuel: Try to leave a few things for the other shoppers! ESL Podcast 356 – Starting a Franchise Business Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialog: 2:06 Explanations: 5:14 Fast dialog: 17:10 Magdalena: Thanks for meeting with me today. I’ve read through the materials your company sent me, but I still have some questions about opening a franchise. Phil: That’s what I’m here for. What questions can I answer for you? Magdalena: Well, I’m familiar with the franchise fee, but are there recurring fees not listed in these materials? Phil: That’s a good question. In addition to the annual franchise fee and the monthly royalties, we also charge a training fee and an advertising fee. Here’s a list of these and other fees. Magdalena: Oh, that’s very useful, thanks. I was also wondering what kinds of quality controls the franchises are subject to. Phil: As you know, when you start a franchise, you are buying into a proven formula for success. We offer a turnkey operation and you will be trained on how to run your business, down to the smallest details. To maintain these standards, we conduct spot checks of all of our franchises from time to time and we audit the books of each franchise once a year to make sure that our standards are being met. Only in very rare occasions do franchises lose their franchise rights because they’ve failed to meet our standards. Magdalena: What if I have problems along the way? What kind of support does the corporate office provide? Phil: We give our franchises as much support as possible. After all, it’s in our own best interest that you succeed. We provide troubleshooting and training for your management and employees. Magdalena: I think those are all of the questions I have right now. I really appreciate your time. If I have other questions in the future, can I contact you? Phil: Certainly. Here’s my card. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just give me a ring. Magdalena: Thanks, I’ll do that. Friday - March 21, 2008 ESL Podcast 357 – Describing Facial Expressions Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 2:07 Explanations: 4:24 Fast dialog: 17:21 Marjorie: I wish I could have been there when you told the managers that you were leaving the company and starting your own business! Pedro: Everyone was taken aback. Dan gave me a dirty look, of course. He’s always looked down his nose at me. As for Sanjaya, if looks could kill... Marjorie: Sanjaya? I thought if anyone would understand why you wanted to strike out on your own, he would. I honestly don’t know him that well, but I thought he was a happy- go-lucky kind of guy. Pedro: Maybe I misread him, but he certainly wasn’t grinning ear to ear. He just had a frown on his face the entire time. Marjorie: What about Wendy? How did she react? Pedro: I’m not sure what to make of her reaction. She just raised her eyebrows at me. She sort of winced when I broke the news, and then she had a poker face. I really hope she’s not angry with me. Marjorie: I think you’d know it if she were angry with you. The last time she was mad at me, she was purple with rage. So, aren’t you happy about your big announcement? I don’t get it. Why the long face? Pedro: I just wonder if I did the right thing by making an announcement, rather than telling each manager individually. I thought it would feel good to spring it on them all at once, but now I’m doubting whether I did the right thing. Marjorie: It’s no use crying over spilled milk. Forget about the announcement and focus on your new business. You’re going to be big success! ESL Podcast 358 – Surfing the Internet Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business , Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:25 Explanations: 3:19 Fast dialogue: 14:34 Isaiah: Aren’t you supposed to be working? Nancy: I just thought I would take a break and surf the web a little. Isaiah: You’d better be careful which sites you visit. You know that Big Brother is watching. Nancy: The boss told us that, but I don’t believe it. They’re not going to care if I read a blog or check out a forum once in a while. Isaiah: That may be, but I would suggest clearing your history and your cache after you do that. You never know when someone is going to be checking up on you. Nancy: Listen, I’ve installed plug-ins and downloaded programs I’m not supposed to onto this computer, and I’ve never gotten into trouble. I think the boss is just using scare tactics to keep us from messing around when we’re supposed to be working. Isaiah: Like I said, you can dig your own grave if you want to. Vivian was shopping on the Internet on her work computer a couple of weeks ago, and some questionable pop-ups opened when she moved to a new tab. She didn’t notice it, and when the boss went onto her computer to get a document while she was at lunch, he saw it. She was in hot water. Nancy: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. I know how to cover my tracks. ESL Podcast 359 – A Fist Fight Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Relationships Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:24 Explanations: 3:36 Fast dialogue: 14:39 Isabella: What are you doing?! Why are you trying to hit that guy? Tony: He deserves it. He insulted you. I’m going to knock his block off! Isabella: Stop it! Be civilized. This isn’t some free-for-all. You can’t punch a guy just because he said something offensive. Tony: Oh, yes I can. Let me at him! I’m going to clobber him. Isabella: If you take another swing at him, he’s going to have you arrested for assault. Get a hold of yourself. Tony: I’m just trying to defend my sister’s honor. What’s wrong with that? Isabella: Nothing, but violence isn’t the answer. Let’s get out of here and cool off a little. Tony: All right, but if I ever see that guy again, he’ll get what’s coming to him. Isabella: Okay, okay, let’s go. You said he insulted me. What did he say? Tony: He said you had nice legs. The nerve of that guy! Isabella: That’s it? He said I had nice legs and you tried to hit him? Tony: Isn’t that enough? He can’t say those things about my little sister. Isabella: I think we need to have another talk about you being overprotective. I’m an adult. I can take care of myself. Tony: Yes, but I’m your big brother and I’m making sure that no one messes with you. That’s what big brothers are for. You don’t have to thank me. Isabella: Thank you? Uh! ESL Podcast 360 – A Management Dispute Listen Learning Guide Download Podcast Tags: Business Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:40 Explanations: 4:06 Fast dialogue: 16:41 Jeannie: Have you heard about the new management dispute? Salih: No, what’s happening? Jeannie: Well, the CEO is having problems with the head of one of the subsidiaries. Salih: Which one? Jeannie: Lance Publishing. Apparently, the head, Bill Riker, is saying that he and the CEO differ too much in their business philosophy and they can’t agree on a future direction for the company. Salih: I really hope they can settle their dispute soon. It doesn’t do anybody any good to have so much hostility in the office. Jeannie: I hope so, too. This company can’t afford to have another high-level departure. We’ve lost so many good people already this past year. Salih: We’ve had a lot of bad press, that’s for sure. It doesn’t matter that our employment contracts have confidentiality agreements. When somebody is disgruntled, they talk, and they talk loudly and to whomever will listen. Jeannie: You’ve got that right. I just hope none of us gets caught in the crossfire. I deal with people at Lance Publishing every week. Salih: I’m with you. I’m keeping a low profile and hoping that the whole thing will blow over soon. What the CEO and the head of Lance Publishing need is a good mediator who can find some way for two incompatible personalities to meet in the middle. Jeannie: What do you think the chances are of that happening? Salih: Quite frankly, knowing the people involved, I think it has a snowball’s chance in hell! Stephanie: [Stephanie’s cell phone rings] Hello, yes, this is Stephanie. Oh hi, Leah. Oh sure. I can talk. ESL Podcast 361 – Feeling Lonely Moving to a new city can be a lonely experience. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I didn’t know anyone and it was hard to strike up new friendships. I’m a pretty sociable person, but it’s still hard meeting new people and even harder to make lasting friendships. I’ve never been a lone wolf, so being in a new city out on my own was a new experience. Sometimes I liked doing solitary things, but after awhile, I yearned to be around other people. I would go to busy places to people-watch. I would see families walking by, groups of friends hanging out together, and couples arm-in-arm, and wished I was walking along with them. When you’re feeling lonely, it sometimes feels like there’s a wall between you and everyone else, a wall that’s not easy to break down. Slowly, I started to meet people at my new job and to see them outside of work. Having this companionship and camaraderie, especially with people I had a good rapport with, was a welcomed change. In time, I made some good friends and I no longer dreaded the weekends. But, I’ve never forgotten how hard it was in those first months to be a stranger in a new place! ESL Podcast 362 – Getting In-Flight Service I pushed the call button to get the attention of the flight attendant. Flight attendant: Yes? What can I do for you? Hal: It’s very cold in the cabin. Is it possible to get a blanket? Flight attendant: We’re out of blankets, but here’s a pillow. Hal: Okay, thanks. I was asleep during the meal service. Could I get a meal? Flight attendant: We don’t have any more of the Baked Chicken. We only have the Bean Salad left. Hal: Oh, okay, I’ll take that. Could I also get a drink? Flight attendant: What would you like? Hal: What do you have? Flight attendant: The complimentary drinks are listed in our in-flight magazine. Beer, wine, and other cocktails are $4. Hal: I’ll have a diet soda. Flight attendant: We’re out of diet soda. Hal: How about just some water? What’s that? Flight attendant: That’s turbulence. Make sure your seatbelt is fastened. Hal: Could I get an airsickness bag, please? Flight attendant: I’m sorry, but we’re out of those, too. ESL Podcast 363 – Using the Telephone Charles: I don’t know how long this power outage is going to last. Do you think we should call Elizabeth to tell her we’ll be late for dinner? Jane: That’s a good idea. Do you know her phone number offhand? Charles: No, I don’t, and I can’t look it up in my address book or in the phone book without any lights. Oh, wait. I have it programmed into my cell phone. I should be able to use speed dial to call her. Oh, no. Jane: What’s the matter? Charles: My cell phone battery is dead. Jane: Maybe we can use the landline to call directory assistance. The operator should be able to give us her number. Charles: I doubt it. There must be more than one Elizabeth Bennett in our area code. Jane: You’re probably right, but I’ll try anyway. Where’s the phone? Oh, here it is. Why aren’t I getting a dial tone? Charles: Try listening through the earpiece instead of the mouthpiece. Jane: Oh, right. How do I dial 411 if I can’t see the keypad? Charles: Hey, the power is back on! Jane: Not a moment too soon! ESL Podcast 364 – Filing Taxes Ricky: Aren’t you done with your taxes yet? Shawn: No, not yet. Ricky: Can I help? Shawn: That would be great. I think I’m almost done, but it’d be great if you could look it over. This is the first year I haven’t been exempt or filed an EZ tax return. Ricky: No problem. What are brothers for? Okay, you’ve entered your earnings, including your salary and dividends. You have no dependents... Shawn: I just hope I picked the right number of withholdings. I’d like to get a tax refund, rather than have to pay. Ricky: Well, you can take the standard deduction here, but I suggest itemizing your medical expenses and your charitable contributions. It may make a big difference in the calculations. Shawn: Thanks. I’ll crunch the numbers to find out. So what do I owe you for all of this help? Ricky: That depends on the size of your refund check! ESL Podcast 365 – Putting the Children to Bed Andrea: It’s your turn to put the kids to bed. Marlon: No, I put them to bed last night, didn’t I? Andrea: Nope, I did that. Don’t forget their bedtime story. Marlon: The kids won’t let me forget it. Okay, time for bed! Go brush your teeth and put on your pajamas. It’s lights out in 15 minutes. Andrea: What are you doing? Marlon: I’m finishing my newspaper. Andrea: Aren’t you going to watch over them to make sure they’re getting ready for bed? Marlon: Nope. You have your methods and I have mine. Andrea: Okay, this I’ve got to see. Marlon: I don’t hear anyone brushing their teeth. If everyone isn’t in bed in five minutes, they’re going to get a cuddle from Norman. Andrea: Who’s Norman? Marlon: Norman is just a little scary monster I told them about. Norman eats little children who aren’t in bed when they’re supposed to be. It’s my way of making sure they stay in bed through the night. Andrea: That’s terrible! That’ll give them nightmares. Marlon: Nonsense. It won’t do them any harm. As my father told me, Norman only eats bad children. ESL Podcast 366 – Talking About Prices Rosalba: Can you believe these prices? I know we’re in a recession, but the cost of everyday necessities shouldn’t skyrocket overnight. William: I think it has something to do with the shortage of produce. I don’t know why I’m surprised that stores like this one try to gouge customers at the drop of a hat. I guess it’s par for the course – anything to make a little extra money. Rosalba: You said it! Even when there’s a good supply, the prices are never dirt cheap. Any savings the stores get are never passed on to the customers. William: I have a mind to stop buying fruits and vegetables until the prices go down. Rosalba: You mean a boycott? William: Yeah, I won’t eat any fruits and vegetables until these high prices come down. Rosalba: How long do you think you can keep that up? William: I don’t know, but let’s find out! ESL Podcast 367 – Going into the Military Chantelle: Attention! Aren’t you supposed to salute? Robert: You’re not my superior officer. Stop goofing around. I’m busy. Chantelle: You’re packing already? You don’t need to report to duty for two days. Are you afraid they’ll think you went AWOL? Robert: I just want to be prepared. Now, leave me alone so I can finish packing. Chantelle: Am I dismissed? Maybe I want to enlist, too? I think I would look good in camouflage make-up and fatigues. Robert: Being in the military is no laughing matter. Do you really think that the most desperate recruiter would want you? Chantelle: That’s not very nice. I have as much discipline as you do...about some things. You may find yourself in a foxhole with me someday. Robert: Whatever deployment you’d get, I’d make sure I’m on the other side of the world! ESL Podcast 368 – A Corporate Takeover Lee: Hello, Lee Williams. Bruce: Hi, Lee. This is Bruce Eng. The reason I’m calling is to find out if there is any news about your company’s takeover bid for Shamrock Corp. It’s been a week and I was wondering what’s happening. Lee: Hi, Bruce. I’m glad you called. I was just about to call you with an update. Here’s where we are. The offer we made to Shamrock was rejected by the board on Tuesday. Our company’s board of directors has been meeting all week to decide the next course of action. Bruce: Is there any chance that this could turn into a hostile takeover? Lee: There is a distinct possibility. Our company is hoping to avoid that since we had hoped to do extensive due diligence, but a hostile takeover may be the only option right now if we decide to move ahead with this. Bruce: Would the banks go for little or no due diligence? I thought that their support of the takeover bid was contingent on getting more information about the state of Shamrock’s finances. Lee: You’re right and that may be the stumbling block. Bruce: Okay, well, call me if you get more information. Lee: I will. You can count on it. ESL Podcast 369 – Going to Happy Hour Gary: Hey, over here. I’m glad you could make it. This place has a great happy hour. Let me get the waitress, Brenda, so we can order our drinks. Shanise: Hi, Gary. You sound like a regular. Do you come here a lot? Gary: Yeah, I like stopping by on my way home now and then to wind down. Shanise: Is there another barstool? Gary: Oh, sorry. Let me get another one for you. Have a seat. What will you have? Shanise: I’ll have a scotch, straight up. I usually don’t drink very much. Alcohol sometimes doesn’t agree with me. I’ve had a tough day, though, and I need to loosen up. Gary: Okay, one scotch coming up. Here comes the waitress. Okay, that’s one scotch for Shanise and a draft beer for me. On second thought, bring a pitcher of the draft beer, would you? Thanks, Brenda. Shanise: I’m starving. The sign outside says that they have all-you-can-eat appetizers during happy hour. Is that right? Gary: Right you are, and they have specials on everything on their menu. Shanise: I don’t usually go to happy hours, but I like this place. I’m glad you invited me to come. Gary: Would I steer you wrong? Now let’s get some grub. ESL Podcast 370 – Describing a Bad Experience Caterina: I can’t believe I let you rope me into seeing this performance. It was so lame! Oliver: Okay, you’re right, it was the pits. I had no idea it was going to be amateur hour. When I saw the ad in the paper describing this as an experimental play, I thought it might be interesting. Was I wrong! Caterina: I didn’t understand that play at all. The music, if you can call it that, was atrocious. How can anyone be expected to listen to that for more than three seconds without going crazy? I wish I could get those two hours of my life back! Oliver: Yeah, it’s left a bad taste in my mouth, too. Let’s go see something else. I want to put this whole experience behind me. Caterina: Benjamin’s Bar is having open-mic tonight. Do you want to check it out? Oliver: No way! Wild horses couldn’t drag me to another amateur show. How about a movie instead? Caterina: Okay, I’d go to a movie. Oliver: You’d better pick one, though. Look what happened when I was left to pick a play. Caterina: Forget about it. We’ll just chalk it up to temporary insanity. ESL Podcast 371 – A Scandal Caridad: Look at this! The president of McQuillan University is stepping down. He submitted his resignation this morning after an undergraduate student made allegations that they had an affair and that she’s pregnant with his baby. Nate: That’s terrible. Maybe they were in love. Caridad: In love? He’s married and has four kids, and when she first went public about the affair, he denied it and said that she had made up the whole story. Would someone in love try to cover up something like this? Nate: Who knows? The president of a major university is a person with a lot to lose. I’m not making excuses for him, but maybe he lost his head. Caridad: Of course he had a lot to lose. Anyone who is in the public eye like he is shouldn’t be playing with fire. He’s an embarrassment to his family and to his university. Nate: I still think there could be extenuating circumstances. All you know you’ve learned from one newspaper article. Caridad: That much is true, but I know one thing: Whatever happens to him, it serves him right! ESL Podcast 372 – A Bully at Work Wanda: I can’t take it anymore. I try to put up with Robert, but I’ve had enough! Dana: I’m not surprised. That guy is a big bully and it’s time somebody stood up to him. What has he done now? Wanda: This was the last straw. We’re both managers and we’re supposed to work together, but Robert looks for every opportunity to put me down in front of our employees. This morning, I presented an idea about upgrading our computer equipment and he jumped down my throat. Dana: What did he do? Wanda: He said that the idea was stupid and that he couldn’t understand how anyone could propose it. He said this in front of everybody. I was too stunned to respond, so I just stood there. Dana: That’s totally inappropriate and unprofessional. Wanda: He’s arrogant to everybody, but especially to me. He always says he’s just being honest when he makes a biting remark, but I’m realizing that that’s just his excuse to be rude. He treats everyone with contempt. I really don’t know what to do. Dana: I know people like Robert. They’re so insecure that they have to belittle everyone else to make themselves feel better. They have really poor social skills and don’t know how to have a conversation or to disagree without being a jerk. Wanda: That may be, but what should I do about him? Dana: There’s only one way to handle a bully. Wanda: How? Dana: You have to call his bluff. If he criticizes your plan, ask him to back it up with evidence or a specific reason. If you disagree with him, keep your cool, but tell him why. Most bullies back down when someone stands up to them. Wanda: Okay, it’s worth a try. I’ve been trying to keep calm and maintain a professional atmosphere in the office, so I haven’t confronted him, but I will if you think it’ll help. Dana: I do. And if that doesn’t work, tell him to act his age, not his shoe size! ESL Podcast 373 – Ordering Food Delivery Order clerk: Hello, Torino’s Restaurant. Nancy: Hello, I’d like to place a delivery order. Order clerk: Can I have your address and the major cross streets, please? Nancy: It’s 1212 Main Street, and the nearest cross streets are Speedway and Highland. Order clerk: Okay, it looks like you’re in our delivery area. What would you like to order? Nancy: I’d like an order of spaghetti. Does that come with any sides? Order clerk: You have a choice of soup or salad. Nancy: I’ll have the salad. Order clerk: Is that all? We have a $15 minimum for delivery orders. Nancy: In that case, I’ll also take an appetizer sampler plate. Order clerk: Okay, that’s one order of spaghetti and an appetizer sampler plate. You’re still $3 short. Would you like a drink or some dessert? Nancy: I’ll take an iced tea. Order clerk: All right, but you’re still a dollar short. Nancy: What can I get for a dollar? Order clerk: There’s nothing on the menu for a dollar, ma’am. Nancy: And you won’t deliver my $14 order? Order clerk: That’s our policy, ma’am. Nancy: All right, you win. Give me an order of bread. How long will that take? Order clerk: You should get your food in about an hour. Nancy: An hour?!? Order clerk: Yes, ma’am. You’ve ordered a lot of food and it takes time for us to prepare it. ESL Podcast 374 – A Graduation Ceremony Rafael: They’re playing Pomp and Circumstance and the graduates are filing in. Do you see your daughter? I don’t see my son. April: No, we’re too far from the field and everybody is wearing a cap and gown. It’s hard to see who’s who. Rafael: Oh, there’s the dean and I think that’s the commencement speaker behind her. You must be really proud of your daughter. I know I would be if my son were valedictorian. April: I’m very proud of her, but your son is graduating cum laude, with honors. Those are great accomplishments. Rafael: It’s a proud day for both of us. I just hope that the graduates will keep this a dignified ceremony. I don’t want to see any shenanigans. April: What do you mean? Rafael: Last year when my other son graduated, a group of rowdy students started singing an offensive song as the graduates went up to get their diplomas. April: Hey, what’s that over there? Rafael: Where? Oh, that’s a beach ball! How dare they throw a beach ball around while the dean is speaking! April: Don’t look now. Those students are doing something strange with their tassels. Rafael: Shame on them! Shame on every one of them! ESL Podcast 375 – A Call from a Telemarketer Doris: Hello. Telemarketer: Hello, may I speak to the lady of the house? Doris: What is this regarding? Telemarketer: I’m calling from Cheetam Cable Company and we have a very special offer. This month only, you can get a bundle of services for the low, low price of $69.99! This offer... Doris: Thank you, but I’m not interested. Telemarketer: But that’s because you haven’t heard the rest of the offer yet. If you sign up today, you will get at no extra charge, all of the equipment you’ll need to switch to our cable company. Doris: As I said, I’m not interested. I’m also on the national do-not-call registry and I want to be taken off your call list. Telemarketer: If you’re on my list, it means that you have a prior relationship with our company and telemarketers are allowed to call you. Now about that special offer... Doris: I don’t want to hear your sales pitch. I demand to be taken off your call list and I don’t want to get any more calls from your company. Telemarketer: Is that a “no” on the special offer? Doris: Yes, that’s a “no” on the special offer and a “no” on getting any more calls from your company. Do I make myself clear? Telemarketer: Yes, very clear. If you’re not interested in our special offer, I can tell you about our other services... Doris: No you can’t! [Hangs up the phone] ESL Podcast 376 – Asking About Business Hours Store owner: Hello. Karin: Hello, is this Joe’s Shoe Repair? Store owner: Yes, how can I help you? Karin: I’m calling to find out your business hours. Store owner: We’re open 24/7. Karin: Really? You’re open 24 hours a day, seven days a week? Store owner: Yes, we are, more often than not. Of course we close for major holidays. Karin: Is that all? Store owner: We also close the first and third Monday and every other Sunday of each month, except the fourth Sunday, when we’re always open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., unless we have extended hours. Karin: Oh, okay. If I brought in a pair of shoes to be fixed today, how quickly can you have them ready? Store owner: Normally, we can have shoes repaired in three or four days, but not this week. Karin: Why? Store owner: We’re closed Wednesday through Friday for renovation. Karin: Okay, what if I brought them in next week? Store owner: That’s no good either. The exterminators are coming in and we’re closed Monday through Thursday. Karin: Are you pulling my leg? Store owner: Of course not! This is a respectable business. I never joke about business. Karin: How about the week after next? Store owner: Sorry, but you’re out of luck. The week after next we’re closed for vacation. Karin: When do you actually open 24/7? Store owner: We’re always open 24/7 – with just a few exceptions. ESL Podcast 377 – Reporting a Stolen Car Kenji: Hello, my car was stolen and I want to report it. Officer: Where was it when it was stolen? Kenji: It was parked outside of my apartment building. I went outside this morning to drive to work, and it was gone. Officer: Okay, you need to fill out this form. Put down the make and model of the vehicle, the year, and the color. You’ll also need the license plate number. Do you know the vehicle’s VIN number? Kenji: No, I don’t. Officer: That’s okay. Just fill it out and we’ll launch an investigation. Kenji: What do you think the chances are that I’ll recover my car? Officer: That’s hard to say. If it was stolen by some kids who wanted to take a joyride, they’ll abandon it afterwards and you may get it back in one piece. If it was taken by professional car thieves, that’s a different story. They usually strip the cars of their parts and sell them to chop shops. You may not want your car back after it’s been stripped. Kenji: I’ll just have to wish for the best. Officer: We’ll notify you if we have some news. Kenji: Thanks. In the meantime, I’d better get used to hoofing it around town! ESL Podcast 378 – Talking About Time Juanita: What time is it? Chuck: It’s a quarter to 12. Why? Juanita: At noon, on the dot, I’m supposed to meet James. Chuck: On the dot? What if you don’t get there until a few minutes past four? Will you turn into a pumpkin? Juanita: Knock it off. I have good reason to be on time. I was supposed to meet him at the movies at 8:30 last Saturday and I didn’t turn up until 10 ‘til 9:00. We missed the first 10 minutes of the movie. Chuck: That doesn’t sound too bad. Juanita: You don’t know the half of it. The week before that, I was supposed to pick him up from work at a quarter after 5:00, and I didn’t show up until nearly 20 minutes to six. To add insult to injury, James’ boss saw that he was still in the office and gave him an extra assignment to do that night and he didn’t finish until well after 10:00. Chuck: I can see why he’s pissed off at you. Juanita: What time is it now? Chuck: It’s 12:03. Juanita: Oh my god! I’m late again! What am I going to tell him? Chuck: Tell him it was all my fault. My incredible charm made you lose track of time. ESL Podcast 379 – A Routine Procedure Julia: Aren’t you nervous about your surgery next week? Hugh: No, it’s a routine procedure. I don’t even need to be admitted overnight. Julia: But aren’t you going under general anesthesia? It’s not the same as local anesthesia, you know. Hugh: Yes, I know. This is an out-patient procedure. If the doctors don’t think I can go home the same day, they’ll just keep me under observation. Julia: All the same, there may be complications. Hugh: It’s supposed to be a low-risk procedure. If there are post-op problems, I’m sure the doctors will take good care of me. Julia: But what if they release you too early from the hospital. I’ve heard that these days doctors are under pressure to free up beds as soon as possible. Hugh: It’s true that I may be impaired after the procedure, but my daughter will be there and I trust her judgment. I’m sure she’ll make sure I’m fine to go home before I’m discharged. Julia: But what if...? Hugh: Don’t worry. Nothing bad is going to happen. If it does, you can say, “I told you so.” ESL Podcast 380 – Hiring Temp Workers Bethany: I just talked to Steve about hiring replacements for Cyril, who quit last month and for Megan, who is leaving at the end of this week. Do you know what he told me? He doesn’t want to hire permanent replacements. He wants to make do with temps! Enrique: I can see it from Steve’s perspective. The economy isn’t so good right now and maybe he’s not sure if we can afford full-time replacements. Bethany: But how am I supposed to staff the office to cover all of the work that needs to be done with temps! Enrique: Don’t undervalue temps. Many of them are very skilled and you may be surprised at how well they do. I should know. I worked as a temp right after graduating from college. Bethany: You did? I didn’t know that. But you went to a great school. I’m surprised you had trouble landing a full-time job. Enrique: Actually, I was offered a full-time job before I graduated, but I turned it down. I decided I wanted to test the waters in a few different companies before deciding on where I wanted to work. In retrospect, it was the best thing I could have done. Bethany: You didn’t miss the job security? Enrique: Yeah, I did, but there are other perks to working as a temp. I got offered permanent jobs with two of the companies I temped for. That’s how I got my first full-time job. Working there was the best way to get my foot in the door. Bethany: Well, thanks for the fresh perspective. Maybe working with temps won’t be so bad. Enrique: I hope not. And if they get out of line, just tell me and I’ll set them straight. Bethany: Yeah, right. ESL Podcast 381 – Watching the TV News Anchor: Good evening. I’m Gary Singh and this is the evening news. Tonight, we’ll have a special report from our field reporter, Monique Sanders, on the latest developments in the Eddie Litton court case. And in our feature segment, we’ll go to Arizona to interview the world’s fattest dog, weighing 210 pounds! We’ll also have this week’s weather and the latest on sports. But first, our top story: A man suspected of murdering his business partner led the police on a high-speed chase through downtown this afternoon. Reporting live from downtown Los Angeles is Tanisha Gray. Tanisha? Tanisha: Thanks, Gary. About three hours ago, the police cordoned off a half-mile area around City Hall after the suspect ran into one of the City Hall offices and took two women as hostages. After a nearly two-hour stand-off, the suspect surrendered. Neither of the two women was hurt and the suspect is now in police custody. Back to you, Gary, in the studio. Anchor: Thanks for that report, Tanisha. We’ll have more for you as this story develops. ESL Podcast 382 – Types of Hotels and Accommodations Jamal: Have you found a place for us to stay in Chicago? Erin: I’m still exploring the options. Instead of a run-of-the-mill chain hotel, I thought we could do something different. Jamal: How different? Erin: I thought we might stay in a cabin near the lake. Jamal: A cabin? That sounds a little too rustic for me. My days of roughing it in hostels or fleabag motels are over. A cabin sounds like it would be in the same league. Erin: Oh, I don’t know. There are some very nice cabins, and even if they’re less than luxurious, I don’t mind staying in a modest place. We can’t afford an expensive boutique hotel, you know. Jamal: I know that, but there are a lot of other options. We could stay in a bed and breakfast or a vacation rental. Remember the bed and breakfast we stayed in in Montreal? Erin: Yeah, that was nice. Okay, you win. I was trying to appeal to your adventurous spirit. Jamal: My adventurous spirit is still here. It just needs the right inducement. ESL Podcast 383 – Mending a Broken Heart David: Why has Joyce been moping around all week? What’s wrong with her? Victoria: She’s suffering from a broken heart. Her boyfriend broke up with her over the weekend. They had been together for two years. David: Did she tell you the gruesome details? Victoria: Not really. She just said that she’s feeling depressed and she didn’t want to talk about it, but you can see the grief all over her face. David: I can think of a way to cheer her up. I’ve always wanted to go out with Joyce. Maybe I’ll ask her out. Victoria: Wait a second. I think she’s feeling pretty vulnerable right now, and there’s no way she’s ready to date yet. I think you’re jumping the gun. David: There’s nothing better to help someone bounce back from a failed relationship than the promise of a new one. Victoria: Maybe, but I think it might backfire. If you just want a fling, she might not be able to recover from rejection – twice. David: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. I’ll just distract her from her misery for a while until she starts to recover. Victoria: Just tread carefully. David: Leave it to the master. ESL Podcast 384 – Accepting Credit Cards Danny: Are you sure we should start accepting credit cards from our customers? We’ve always been a cash-only business. Katy: I think we need to for the convenience of our customers. It won’t be as big a nuisance as you think, with this new cash register. Danny: The instructions say the merchant has to swipe the cardholder’s card at the POS. What’s that? Katy: That stands for point of sale. For us, that’s the cash register. All you have to do is take the credit card and swipe it through here, making sure that the magnetic strip is facing you. It’s simple. Danny: Do I have to write down the credit card number, the expiration date, and the security code on the back? Katy: No, the cash register does that for you automatically. It will save you a lot of time. Danny: What if the customer goes over his or her credit limit? Katy: In that case, their card is declined and we tell the customer to call the issuing bank. Danny: What if a customer disputes the charges? Katy: The credit card company will investigate, and if we have double-charged a customer or made a mistake, we’ll have to do a chargeback. We can do it easily with the cash register. Everything can be done with this machine. It’s great. Danny: What if it doesn’t work? Katy: What if what doesn’t work? Danny: What if the cash register breaks down? Katy: Um...I guess you’ll have to write down all of the information and process it when the machine is working again. Danny: Not such a timesaver, huh? Katy: But you only have to do that if it breaks down, and it won’t break down...very often. Danny: We’ll see about that! ESL Podcast 385 – Exercising at the Gym Jae: Hi, are you done with this weight machine? Sally: Yeah, I am. I was just trying it out. I think I must be doing something wrong. My muscles are aching already. Jae: Maybe I can help. I’ve been working out on these machines for a few months, so I’m pretty used to them. Sally: I just joined the gym this week. I usually do a cardio workout on a treadmill or stationary bike, and I’ve used free weights at home before. But now it makes sense to do my strength-training here. Jae: Have you thought about getting a personal trainer? When I joined, I signed up for a trainer for a few sessions and she helped me set up a good regimen. Sally: That’s a good idea. Jae: If you want help with those machines, though, I’m usually here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Sally: Thanks, I’ll definitely look out for you. I’m Sally. Jae: I’m Jae. Nice to meet you. Sally: You, too. I think I’ve sweated enough today. I’m off to the locker room. Jae: Yeah, me too. See ya! Sally: Bye! ESL Podcast 386 – Learning How to Drive Xavier: Look out! Put your foot on the brake! Brandy: I am braking. Xavier: No, your foot is on the gas pedal! Brandy: Oh. There’s the brake. Xavier: You just took 10 years off my life. I was sure you were going to hit the median or the railing. I didn’t know what I was getting into when I agreed to teach you how to drive. Brandy: Relax. I’m really getting the hang of this. Shifting gears isn’t as hard as I thought it would be, it’s cool to parallel park, and driving in reverse is fun! Xavier: Would you please keep your hands on the steering wheel, instead of playing with the radio? Keep your eyes on the speedometer and stop using the rearview mirror to look at yourself. Brandy: And you stop working yourself into a tizzy. I’m a fine driver. Xavier: I don’t think those people you’re about to hit would agree with you. Brandy: If they don’t like the way I drive, they should get off the sidewalk! ESL Podcast 387 – Describing Talent and Ability Kathy: Thanks for inviting me to see your team. Who’s your best player? Brad: That would be Sarah. She’s a natural. No one comes close to her speed and dexterity. She has good instincts and a flair for getting out of difficult situations. Kathy: She sounds promising. Anyone else I should be keeping an eye on? Brad: Mollie is a good player, too. In terms of scoring points, she can almost do it in her sleep. She’s also very good at being a leader to the other players, and she has a knack for getting along with even the most difficult teammates. Kathy: As you know, we recruit only first-rate players for the national team, and this year, we hope to be head and shoulders above any of the other teams. The days of making do with mediocre players are over. Brad: I understand that. We have a game this Saturday. Why don’t you come out and judge for yourself? I think you’ll be impressed with the talent you see. Kathy: I’m sure I will. I’ll be here on Saturday ready to be dazzled. ESL Podcast 388 – Investing Your Money Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for coming to today’s seminar. We’re going to talk about how to invest your money and how to maximize those holdings. First, we’ll talk about market trends and where to find the best opportunities right now. Getting in on the ground floor and getting the highest appreciation is what we all want. A good investor also knows when to divest, and we’ll talk about how to read the warning signs. Many of you have money in savings, but you want a better rate of return, and you’re willing to speculate a little to get it. We’ll discuss how to diversify your portfolio to minimize risk while maximizing your return. Are you ready to make some money? Let’s get started! ESL Podcast 389 – Getting a Cold Walt: What’s the matter with you? Irene: I have a bad cold. Walt: Why didn’t you stay home from work? You’re probably contagious! Irene: I had no choice. I have an important presentation this afternoon and I can’t play hooky. Walt: You can’t give a presentation in your condition. Your nose is running, your eyes are red and puffy, your voice is hoarse, and you look like you’re running a fever. Irene: Gee, thanks. I know I look terrible, but I’ll get through it. I’m taking a nasal decongestant, I’m using eye drops, and I’m taking cough medicine and sucking on throat lozenges. I should be better by the time of the presentation. Ahchoo! Walt: Oh, geez! You just sneezed all over me. You’ve contaminated me for sure! Irene: Sorry. Where’s the Kleenex? I need to blow my nose. Walt: I’m out of here! You’re a walking germ machine. ESL Podcast 390 – Dietary Restrictions and Preferences Tony: Who did you invite over for dinner Saturday? Carmela: I invited Keith, Sung, Stephanie, and Luis. Tony: You didn’t! Carmela: I did. Why? Tony: You’re going to have a hard time cooking for them. Keith is a vegan and only eats food that’s organic. Sung is lactose intolerant and his doctor put him on a low-salt diet. Carmela: Really? I didn’t know. How do you know so much about their diets? Tony: I went on a trip with them and I’ll never do it again. We could never agree on a restaurant. Carmela: What about Stephanie and Luis? Tony: Stephanie is a health nut, and doesn’t eat anything with saturated fat, added sugar, or artificial flavors. She also doesn’t eat red meat. And Luis, he can only eat gluten-free kosher foods. Carmela: This is a disaster. How am I going to cook for all four of them? Tony: Beats me. Maybe you can turn it into a potluck. At least each of your guests will have one dish they can eat. Carmela: I can’t invite my friends over for dinner and then tell them to bring their own food! Tony: Well, you wanted a solution and beggars can’t be choosers. Carmela: You’re right. Desperate times call for desperate measures! ESL Podcast 391 – Traveling and Medical Needs Delia: Oh, my feet hurt! We must have walked for fours hours straight today. I have blisters on my heels and bruises on my toes. Where are my band-aids? Yoshi: Yeah, your feet look bad. I told you not to wear new shoes on vacation, but you wouldn’t listen. Delia: Oh, yeah? Look at you! I told you to put on sunscreen, and did you? Your face and neck are sunburned. Your skin is going to be red and peeling tomorrow. Yoshi: I’ll be fine. If it weren’t for my stomachache, I’d be ready to walk another four hours. Delia: I told you not to eat food from street vendors. Yoshi: My stomach is just feeling a little irritated and I have a little diarrhea. It’s nothing serious. Delia: You probably have salmonella or food poisoning. Yoshi: No, I don’t! Don’t be ridiculous. Here are some band-aids. Now leave me in peace. Delia: Fine. I’ll let you suffer in silence. I won’t say another word. Yoshi: Will miracles never cease? ESL Podcast 392 – An Untrustworthy Co-worker Vicky: Did I imagine it or did you just give Gavin the cold shoulder? Gerard: You didn’t imagine it. I’m not too happy with him. Vicky: Why? What did he do? Gerard: He’s two-faced, that’s why. Last week, he told me he was going to put in a good word for me with the manager for a promotion. Vicky: So that sounds like a nice thing to do. Gerard: I thought so, too. But as it turns out, I heard from Elanda that he was bad-mouthing me behind my back. Vicky: Are you sure? Gerard: I’m sure. He told Elanda that he thought I had gone pretty far in the company for someone who had dropped out of college. That’s a backhanded compliment, if I’ve ever heard one. Vicky: That sounds pretty nasty. At least the manager wasn’t around. Gerard: She wasn’t, but who’s to say what he told her behind my back? Vicky: You know, the manager is pretty sharp and nothing gets by her. I’m sure she’ll put two and two together and realize that Gavin isn’t trustworthy. Gerard: I hope so. With friends like him, who needs enemies! ESL Podcast 393 – Trash and Recycling Rajid: What are you doing? Nicole: I’m putting my garbage into the garbage can. Why? Rajid: Don’t you recycle? You’re supposed to separate out your recyclables and put them in a separate bin. Nicole: I know, I know, but who has the time? I don’t have that much trash anyway. Rajid: Oh, yeah? The dump is full of food containers that aren’t biodegradable from people who didn’t have the time. Nicole: Come on. Don’t blow things out of proportion. It’s not like I’m going to save the environment all by myself. Rajid: No, you’re not, but if everybody thinks the same way you do, we’re going to use up all of our natural resources. Nicole: When did you turn into an ecologist? I don’t see you conserving energy. You have your lights on all night. I can see them through your window. Rajid: I use energy-efficient bulbs. Besides, I take my recyclables to the recycling center, I have energy-efficient appliances, and I turn down my thermostat. Nicole: I’m just saying that you’re not doing everything you can to save the environment. Okay, okay. Put your money where your mouth is and help me separate out my recyclables. Rajid: Me? You want me to help you sort through your garbage? Nicole: Since you’re the expert, I need you to show me how. Monday - July 28, 2008 ESL Podcast 394 – Describing Hatred and Anger Danica: Calm down! Stop throwing things! Have you gone berserk? Neil: Calm down?! Calm down?! You don’t know what just happened. Danica: I’ve never seen you lose your temper like this before. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened. Neil: Okay, you know that I like Samantha, right? Well, I told Malik last week. I just found out today that he’s dating her. Danica: Malik? But he’s your best friend. He wouldn’t do that. Neil: Do you think I’d be having a fit if I weren’t absolutely certain? Danica: How can you be so sure? Did he tell you? Neil: He didn’t have to. I saw him with Samantha together after work. He had his arm around her! I was ready to go off the deep end when I saw the two of them together. Danica: How do you know he wasn’t sweet- talking her for you? He could have been putting in a good word for you, you know. Neil: That’s bull! That guy is a traitor and I despise him. And I’m such a schmuck for trusting him. Danica: Well, I still think you may have gotten the wrong idea. Are you going to talk to him about it? Neil: You bet I am, just as soon as I stop foaming at the mouth. ESL Podcast 395 – Watching the Olympic Games Mary Lou: Am I too late for the opening ceremony? Jesse: No, it’s just starting. The runner is just coming into Olympic Village with the torch. Mary Lou: Oh, this is so exciting! I love the summer Olympics. Track and field, gymnastics, swimming – I can’t wait! Jesse: Oh, here come the athletes from each country, with their flag bearer in front. Look at all those gold, silver, and bronze medalists. Mary Lou: Isn’t it funny that that country only has one competitor? Jesse: No way! Can you imagine the accolades you’d get as the only athlete from your country that’s of Olympic caliber? I’d trade places with her any day. Mary Lou: This schedule says that the track and field events begin tomorrow. Jesse: Yeah, but those are just the qualifying heats. The real races don’t start for three days. What’s that? Mary Lou: My flag. I’m cheering on the U.S. team. Jesse: From the living room? Mary Lou: Sure, why not? It can’t hurt, can it? ESL Podcast 396 – Dealing in the Black Market Jasinda: Was that your friend Mitch? Thomas: Yeah, he and I had lunch today to talk about some business opportunities. Jasinda: What line of work is he in? Thomas: Well, I guess you could say he’s in the import/export business. Jasinda: Hmm…Why are you being so shifty? Isn’t his business on the up and up? He doesn’t deal in the black market, does he? Thomas: Let’s just say that he takes full advantage of a free market and there’s nothing wrong with the gray market. Jasinda: You’re not telling me he deals in stolen goods, are you? Thomas: No, no, nothing like that. Don’t be so naive. There is an entire underground economy in this country, which serves an important purpose. It gets people what they want. Jasinda: Is he a smuggler? Does he deal in counterfeit or pirated goods? Is that it? Thomas: I’m not saying another word. Jasinda: You did say that you were having lunch to talk about business opportunities. You’re not thinking of going into business with him, are you? Thomas: It was just talk. Nothing is set in stone – yet. ESL Podcast 397 – Being a Divorced Parent Oscar: How are you adjusting to being a single parent? Penny: It hasn’t been easy, but Paul and I are trying to be as civil as possible. We worked out joint custody so that Mina will get quality time with both of us. Still, it’s been an adjustment for her. Oscar: I’m sure, and for you and Paul, too. Will you get to see Mina when she’s with her father? Penny: We each have visitation rights. Fortunately, Paul and I both want what’s best for Mina, so we’re working hard to make the right decisions. Oscar: If you don’t mind my asking, how are you managing financially? Penny: Neither of us is paying alimony to the other so that was never an issue, but Paul will be paying child support since I’ll have Mina most of the year. Paul had no objections. He’s been amenable to anything that would be good for Mina. Oscar: How has Mina been reacting to the whole thing? Penny: She has been acting out, which is to be expected. Paul’s parents and my mother have been very supportive, and we’re all trying to give her as much stability as possible. Oscar: It sounds like you’re doing all you can. Penny: We’re trying our best, under the circumstances. ESL Podcast 398 – Parts of a City Tanya: We’ve been here for three days and I’m still getting lost. Darren: Here’s a map. These are the residential neighborhoods. See? This is where we’re staying. Tanya: I know, I know. But where were we today? The tour bus went down so many alleys that I lost my bearings after 10 minutes. I thought we were going in circles. Darren: Look, we drove through downtown first, past the financial district. Next, we drove past the housing projects to the historic district. Tanya: I remember all that. Darren: Okay, then. From the historic district, we drove through uptown. Got that? Tanya: Yeah, that’s where things get a little hazy. How did we get to the outskirts of town? One minute we were in uptown, and the next minute, we were at the city limits. Darren: We took one of the back roads along here. See? Now do you understand the lay of the land? Tanya: Yup, definitely. Ask me anything. I know this city like the back of my hand. Darren: No, thanks. That’s like the blind leading the blind! 399 - A Bachelor Party My best friend, Saul, is getting married. As the best man, it was up to me to plan a bachelor party he’d never forget. All of the groomsmen were chipping in, so we went all out. I invited everybody over to my apartment. Instead of going to a strip club, we hired a stripper. Before the stripper arrived, we played some drinking games and we gave Saul some gag gifts. We all started to get pretty bombed, but we weren’t thinking of the hangover we’d have the next day. When the stripper arrived, we told “her” to give Saul a lap dance. He had never had one before and he was really embarrassed! But the best part was when Saul saw the stripper: It was a man! Everyone had a good laugh, and we took some pictures so we’d have incriminating evidence. We poked fun at him for the rest of the night. And as best man, what was my most important job of all? It was not letting his fiancee find out what happened that night – at least not before the wedding! 400 - Working in a Dead End Job Agency employee: Tell me why you’d like to sign up with our employment agency. Kurt: Well, right now I’m working in a dead end job. There are no opportunities for advancement. I’m already at the top of the pay scale, so there’s no chance of another pay raise. Agency employee: Okay, I’d like to find out a little more about your employment history. Tell me about your last job. Kurt: Oh, that was a mind-numbing position. I did menial work all day and I burned out in six months. Agency employee: What about the job you had before that? Kurt: The problem with that job was that there was a glass ceiling. They would never promote a person like me. Agency employee: And what about the job you had before that? Kurt: I only took that job as a steppingstone to the next one, but it turned out to be a stumbling block instead. My boss didn’t like me and wouldn’t give me a good reference. Agency employee: Okay, so you were not happy with any of the jobs you’ve had. Kurt: No, they weren’t right for me. I don’t want to be trapped in a dead end job. I want something that will give me personal satisfaction. Agency employee: I see. Well, we’ll do the best we can. Have you considered working at an employment agency? I’m looking for a new job myself. 401 - Giving Warnings and Cautions Brett: Hi, Mom. Come in. Welcome to my new place. My roommates aren’t here right now or I’d introduce you. Mom: Hi, dear. This is...uh...nice. Brett: It is, isn’t it? I know you were a little worried about me moving out and into a house with five roommates. But as you can see, this is a nice place. Let me give you a tour. Mom: Oh, okay. Isn’t it a little cramped in the house with six people? Brett: No way! Come on. I’ll show you the rest of the house. Let’s go this way to the kitchen. Watch out for that hole in the floor. I don’t want you to trip. And don’t worry about the “Do Not Cross – Police Line” tape. It’s just a joke. Mom: This is the kitchen? Why are all of your dishes on the floor? What do you keep in your cupboards? Brett: Be careful opening them! We’re short on closet space so some of the guys keep their clothes and shoes in them. You never know what you’ll find if you open one. We just have to watch our step when we walk around the kitchen. Come on, I’ll show you the bathroom. Mom: You only have one bathroom for six people? Brett: We’re guys so we don’t really need more than one bathroom. I just have to pay attention to when people take showers if I want enough hot water for my own shower. Watch your head! Mom: Too late for the heads up! Something just fell on my head. Brett: Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a little problem with the ceiling. Mom: Look out! I think the ceiling is falling down! This place is dangerous! Brett: It’s nothing. Don’t worry. As long as we stay alert, this is a great place to live. 402 – Buying Back-to-School Supplies Svetlana: Tomorrow is the first day of junior high. Are you ready? Quinn: Sure, it’s not that big a deal. I already put some supplies in my new backpack. Svetlana: Let’s see. You have some folders, a three-ring binder, and a pen. Is that all you’re bringing to school? Quinn: I don’t have my books yet. I’ll get those tomorrow morning. What else do I need? I’m not in the second grade. I don’t need things like glue, crayons, and construction paper. Svetlana: No, but you’re missing a lot of stuff. I should know. You have a pen, but no pencils. You have no erasers or highlighters. You have a three-ring binder, but you don’t have any ruled paper or a notebook. Quinn: I don’t need all of that stuff on the first day! Svetlana: You want to be prepared, don’t you? Where are your index cards? Don’t you have a calculator? You’ll need it for your math class. Quinn: Are you kidding me?! If I carry all of that plus my books, who will carry me to class? ESL Podcast 403 – Understanding Drug Labels Bernie: Oh, I'm in so much pain! Where is the medication we got from the pharmacy? Gloria: It's right here, but we need to read the label first. Okay, these are the active ingredients and they seem okay. This warning says that we need to watch out for any allergic reactions. It also says to ask your doctor before using it if you have heart problems. Bernie: I don't. Can you just give me the medication? Gloria: I'm checking to make sure the seal under the cap isn't broken, just to be on the safe side. I also need to read the dosage information so you'll know how much to take. It says, "Adults (12 years or older): Two tablets every four hours; do not exceed 12 tablets in 24 hours." Bernie: That's fine. That's fine. Where is the prescription medication from my doctor? Gloria: Here it is. This one has several warnings. It says that it may cause drowsiness or dizziness. It also says, "This drug may impair your ability to drive." Bernie: I don't plan to drive today or any day soon. Now will you please give me my medication? Gloria: I will as soon as I get this childproof cap off. Bernie: I may be dead by then! ESL Podcast 404 – Delegating Work Anya: I don't know how I'm going to get all of this work done before I go on vacation. Estevan: What you need to do is to delegate. Stop being a control freak and get other people to help you with your work. Anya: I've tried to delegate before, but I ended up having to redo the work myself. It was no timesaver at all. It definitely wasn't worth the trouble. Estevan: That's because you have to delegate in the right way. You can't just assign a project to one of your employees. You have to give them explicit instructions and measurable goals. Anya: I did that. I gave my employee detailed instructions and she still let me down. Estevan: I bet you didn't ask her to report back to you periodically, did you? To get results, you have to tell your employees to give you progress reports. That way, you can make sure she's on the right track. See what I mean? Anya: Okay, maybe you're right. I know one thing. If I don't get some help soon, I'll be spending my vacation at my desk! ESL Podcast 405 - Buying Computer Accessories Ginger: It's really nice of you to come with me to buy my computer. This is the desktop I'm thinking about. Kevin: This is okay, but if I were you, I'd buy a laptop. It's more versatile. You can travel with it. Ginger: I'm not sure about getting a laptop. The screen is so small. Kevin: No problem. You can get a separate monitor. This is a good one. You just need a connector and a cable to hook it up to your laptop. Here's a monitor stand, too, so you can elevate it if you want to. Ginger: The speakers on the laptop aren't very loud. Kevin: You can get these great speakers. You plug them into your laptop and the sound is amazing. Ginger: I'm not sure about the battery. Kevin: It comes with a battery that lasts three to five hours, but you can always buy a spare. Of course, it comes with a power cord, too, so you can just plug it in if your battery runs low. Ginger: The keyboard is a little cramped, too. Kevin: That's what a full-size keyboard is for. You can buy a separate keyboard and mouse and attach them to your laptop. It'll be just like having a desktop. Ginger: Then why don't I just buy a desktop? Kevin: If you do, you won't be able to buy all of these great accessories. That's half the fun of buying a new computer! ESL Podcast 406 – Participating in Internet Discussion Groups Dale: I didn't know you read that forum. What's your screen name? Jessie: It's "jessiegirl," but I don't post very often. I like to lurk and follow the different threads, but I prefer to keep a low profile. Dale: Really? I post all the time. I just put my new web address on my profile, and check this out. It's my new avatar. Jessie: That's cool. I've been trying to figure out how to upload a picture for my avatar. Are there instructions in the FAQs? Dale: I'm not sure, but I can show you how to do it. Have you been following the thread about the presidential campaign? Jessie: Yeah, I had been...until today. Dale: Why's that? Jessie: I stopped reading when this one guy, "bigman," started to flame everybody, saying that anyone who didn't agree with him is an idiot. Dale: Oh, really? Jessie: Yeah, he started posting replies, writing in all caps and letting people have it. He quoted people out of context and attacked them. What a jerk! Dale: Yeah, that guy sounds like a jerk. Jessie: Hey, what did you say your screen name is? Dale: Never mind. ESL Podcast 407 - Waiting for a Man or Woman to Call Lyla: Okay, here's a hypothetical. You ask a girl for her number, but wait two weeks to call her. What gives? George: Well, that depends. Why? Lyla: Well, I met this guy two weeks ago at a party. We spent the entire evening talking and I thought we really hit it off. We had a lot of chemistry and we had a ton of things in common. He asked for my number and he said he'd call me the next day. And then, I didn't hear hide nor hair of him until yesterday, 10 days after we met. How come? George: What did he say when he called? What was his pathetic excuse? Lyla: I didn't talk to him. I wasn't home and he left a voicemail message. I haven't called him back yet. George: Why don't you just call him and find out? Lyla: He just called yesterday and I don't want to seem desperate. George: Oh, come on. He probably just lost your number and found it yesterday. Lyla: That's possible. George: Or he had to go out of town and just got back. Lyla: I suppose. George: Or maybe he was nervous about calling you and just got up the nerve. Lyla: Do you really think so? George: Maybe. Or maybe he's playing hard to get or he's just not that into you. Lyla: Oh. George: But you won't know if you don't call him back. Lyla: I guess that's true. 408 - Calling Someone You Haven’t Met About a Job Candace: Hello. Mehdi: Hello, may I speak to Candace Cho, please? Candace: Speaking. Mehdi: Oh, hello Ms. Cho. My name is Mehdi and I’m interested in applying for the job as assistant manager. Your name was listed as the contact person. Am I calling at a bad time? Candace: No, not at all. I’m the administrative assistant and I’m fielding calls for the person doing the hiring. What can I do for you? Mehdi: Well, I read the job description and I think I would be a good fit, but I was wondering if there are any special qualifications not mentioned in the description. Candace: Well, requirements are spelled out in the description, and I don’t have much to add, really. But I do know that the person doing the hiring is looking for someone to start immediately. Can you do that? Mehdi: Sure, that’s no problem. I’ll be sure to mention that in my cover letter. Thanks. Candace: If you’ve had experience managing a large staff, be sure to emphasize that in your resume. Any other questions? Mehdi: No, no other questions. Thank you very much for your time. You’ve been very helpful. Candace: Your questions show a lot of initiative. I’m sure you’ll do fine. Mehdi: Thanks, I really appreciate the vote of confidence. 409 - Describing a Musical Performance Janine: Okay, we need to find one more act for this year’s show. How many more people are waiting to audition? Calvin: There are two more. Should I call in the first one? Janine: Yup. Let’s get this over with. ... Calvin: What did you think of that performance? Janine: I thought she was flawless. She plays with a lot of passion. Calvin: Yeah, that’s true, but I wouldn’t call her a virtuoso. The piece she played was pretty rudimentary. Janine: True enough, but I still think she’s a winner. Calvin: Let’s hear the next one. ... Calvin: Well? Janine: He certainly played with a lot of flair. Calvin: He has amazing chops, I think. I haven’t seen anyone play with such artistry in a long time. Janine: Nobody can fault him on mastery of the music, but don’t you think he lacked originality and expressiveness? Calvin: No, I don’t. I think he’s a winner. Janine: It’s clear that it’s a stalemate. I want the first performer and you want the second. What should we do? Calvin: I think we should duke it out and the winner gets his or her choice. Janine: I have a better idea. We add them both to the bill. Calvin: That’s brilliant! That’s why they pay you the big bucks. Janine: I would be flattered if we weren’t all volunteers! 410 - Being Evasive Olivia: Dad, can I ask you a question? Dad: You just did. Olivia: I mean, can I ask you another question? Dad: Ask away. Olivia: Where do babies come from? Dad: What? Where did you come up with that one? Olivia: I don’t know. Dad: Let me tell you. That’s for grown-ups to know. You’re just a pipsqueak. You mind your own business and I’ll tell you when you’re a little older. Olivia: Why can’t you tell me now? Dad: No comment. Olivia: Dad, what does no comment mean? Dad: That’s confidential. Olivia: Why is it confidential? Dad: That’s personal. Olivia: Dad, just tell me. Dad: Never you mind. Olivia: But I want to know! Dad: And I want to know why I can’t get some peace and quiet in this house. Olivia: Oh, Dad. Dad: Don’t “oh, Dad” me. Just wait and see. You’ll get all the answers you want when you’re older. Olivia: But Dad, I want to know now. Where do babies come from? Dad: I’m out of answers. Go ask your mother. Olivia: I did. Mom said to ask you. ESL Podcast 411 - Eating Junk Food Frank: Hand me that bag of potato chips. Katie: Here. You mean you're still hungry after two burgers and French fries? Frank: Yeah, I am. I'm a growing boy. Where's the popcorn? Katie: I can't believe we're eating all of this junk food. I'm supposed to be watching what I eat. Frank: Forget about it. Who can watch a football game without stuffing their faces? It's an American tradition. Katie: Where did you get those candy bars? Frank: Some kids were selling them door-to-door and I thought it was my duty to buy some. Katie: It was your duty to buy 10 candy bars?! Frank: What can I say? I'm a softy. Katie: I'm getting another soda. Do you want one? Frank: No, thanks. But while you're up, can you hand me the phone? Katie: Sure, why? Frank: I'm ordering a pizza. 412 - Corporate Spying Joachim: I’m really having second thoughts about hiring a firm to do corporate spying for us. I don’t want to do anything that’s ethically questionable. Dawn: We have no choice but to do it. All of our competitors conduct corporate espionage. Joachim: I can understand spying on our competitors, but I draw the line at having us snoop on our own employees. Dawn: We wouldn’t unless our backs were against the wall. I know you’re thinking about Hewer Placket hiring investigators to find a leak in their company. I’m sure it was a hard decision for them, but they couldn’t allow anyone in their own company to leak trade secrets. Joachim: True, it was necessary, but I don’t like being deceptive with our own employees. I won’t allow wiretaps or any invasion of privacy. Dawn: Our first priority would be damage control, not privacy. In any case, we’re not making a decision to spy within the company right now. We’re only after our rival’s information. The investigators we’re hiring know the difference between legal and illegal spying. They’ll schmooze at trade shows, scour legal records, and do other things like that. They’ll know where to draw the line. Joachim: I hope you’re right. I don’t want to end up on the front page of the Times! 413 - Talking About Intelligence Andre: Mom, I can’t believe I got stuck with Matt as my lab partner in school. Josephine: Matt? Do I know Matt? Andre: He lives down the street. He’s Mr. and Mrs. Kemp’s son. He’s a total airhead. Josephine: Oh, I remember him. He was at your birthday party. Andre: Yeah, when I was nine years old! That guy is so dense! Josephine: Matt was always considered a gifted child. He seemed bright and perceptive, and his parents thought he’d go far. Andre: If you ask me, he’s not all there. Every time I look over at him in class, he’s staring off into space. He doesn’t seem like the kind who’s very quick on the uptake. Josephine: You know, some very smart people can seem spacey to the rest of us. Maybe he’s just thinking when he stares off into space. Andre: Maybe. All I know is that my science grade is riding on how we do in the lab, so I hope he shapes up. Josephine: I’m sure he will. And even if he doesn’t, you’re clever enough to still do well in the class. Andre: Thanks, Mom, but I wouldn’t bet on 414 – Common Traffic Signs Ben: Why are you squinting like that? Lauren: I left my glasses at the office. Ben: You mean you can’t see?! Lauren: I can see pretty well. What was that yellow sign we just passed? Ben: It said, “Dead End.” Stop! Turn around. Lauren: I can’t. That sign says, “No U-turn.” Ben: Okay, but we can’t keep going. Those signs say, “Do Not Enter” and “One Way.” Lauren: Okay, fine. I’ll just pull off the road and you can drive. Ben: You can’t. That sign says, “No Stopping.” Hey, you just made an illegal U-turn! Lauren: What else could I do? Anyway, we’re back on track now. Ben: Watch out for those speed bumps! You really are blind without your glasses. You’re going too fast. According to that sign, this is a school crossing zone. The posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour. Lauren: That’s only true when the lights are flashing. Is that a “Detour” sign? Ben: I can’t believe it. Will I never get home? 415 – Being Clean and Dirty Ray: My mother is coming for a visit, which means we need to do some spring cleaning this weekend. Debra: I’ll get the duster, if you’ll get the broom. Ray: I’m serious. You know how nit-picky my mother is and I want our house to be neat and tidy. Debra: Fine, fine, I understand. You don’t want her to know we live in a pigsty. Ray: I’m not saying we live in a pigsty, but the house is a little messy and dusty. It wouldn’t hurt to straighten up a little bit, that’s all. Debra: I’m willing to pitch in, but I’m not going to spend the entire weekend slaving away to get this house spotless. Your mother won’t love you any less if you’re not a neat freak. Ray: You don’t know my mother very well. Debra: I know her well enough. I don’t want to spoil her fun. If she can’t complain about our dirty house, what will she complain about? 416 – Finding a Niche in Business Hello, business students. I’m here today at your professor’s request to talk to you about the importance of finding your own niche in business. Conventional wisdom says that people in business need to diversify their skill sets so that they can be the most flexible in whatever field they decide to enter. While there is some truth to this, that’s only half of the picture. Those who diversify too much run the risk of being a jack of all trades and master of none. Not having a focused set of skills may also be seen as indecisive from the standpoint of a potential employer, and your application may fall by the wayside as a result. Having a niche will help you stand out in the crowd. In business, it’s a balancing act between having the general skills that any company will want, and also possessing specialized skills that will make you the go-to person in your organization. Keep this in mind and you’ll go far. 417 – Getting Travel Documents Joyce: We need to apply for our passports now if we want to have them in time for our trip to McQuillanland. Steven: I have a passport. Joyce: Yes, but it expired last year. You need to renew it before you can get a visa. McQuillanland requires a visa and vaccinations before they’ll allow entry into the country. Steven: Okay, okay, where is the application? I thought U.S. citizens could travel freely in McQuillanland. Joyce: That used to be true, but their policies have changed. We also need to bring our applications to their consulate in person, with all of the supporting documents. Steven: Fine. The application asks which visa classification we’re applying for. Should I check student or tourist? Joyce: Even though we’re taking a language course while we’re there, we’re asking for a tourist visa. We can stay for three months on a tourist visa. Steven: What are they going to do if we overstay our visa, deport us? Joyce: Yes they will, and you don’t want to deal with the McQuillanland authorities. They’re not known for being kind to lawbreakers. Steven: Those McQuillanlanders are my kind of people. 418 – Getting Bad Service Buck: I’m never going to that coffee house again! Star: Why? What happened? Buck: It’s the third time in a week that I’ve had lousy service. I don’t expect five-star treatment, but I do expect service industry employees to be at least civil. Star: What happened this time? Buck: I walked in and went up to the counter to place my order. The woman working there was talking to her friend, another customer. I stood there, clearly needing to be waited on and she couldn’t have cared less. Star: You mean she didn’t even acknowledge you? Buck: Are you kidding? She didn’t stop talking for one second. When she finally took a breath, I told her my order. She gave me a dirty look and finally turned around to get my coffee. She practically threw it at me! Star: Well, maybe she was having a bad day. At least you got your coffee. Buck: I got a cup of coffee, but not the kind I ordered. When I realized it, I went back to the counter and she was still talking to her friend. I interrupted her and told her that I got the wrong order. She had the chutzpah to try to tell me that I had made a mistake in telling her my order. Not only did she not take responsibility for her mistake, she tried to tell me that it was my fault! Star: That’s really infuriating. What are you going to do? Buck: One good thing about her talking with her friend for so long is that I got her name. I’ll be calling the manager to complain. Star: Aren’t you overreacting? Buck: No, I’m not. She’s lucky I didn’t pour the coffee over her head! ESL Podcast 419 – Planting a Garden Joni: Smell that! Giuseppe: Smell what? Joni: Smell that fresh air. Aren’t you glad I got you to help me plant this garden? We’re going to have so much fun today. Giuseppe: Uh huh. I’m glad to help, but I don’t exactly have a green thumb. Joni: That’s okay. As long as you can tell a shovel from a lawn mower, you’ll be fine. Let’s start by moving these pots next to the bushes. Giuseppe: Okay, your wish is my command. Joni: Oh, this bag of fertilizer is so heavy. Giuseppe: Let me get that. Joni: Thanks. I didn’t know we had so many large bags of seeds, too. Giuseppe: Do you want me to help you with those? Joni: Thanks a lot. I’ll also need someone to help me hoe this soil. Giuseppe: I guess I could do that. Joni: And how am I going to pull all of these weeds? Giuseppe: Honestly, I think we need reinforcements. Joni: Good idea. You start working and I’ll go see if I can round up more help. [She leaves.] Giuseppe: I start working while she leaves? Hmm...I think she just pulled a fast one on me. 420 - Workplace Safety Lon: What’s this? Abigail: It’s a memo about a safety inspection scheduled for next week. Lon: A safety inspection? How are we ever going to pass a safety inspection? Abigail: What do you mean? This isn’t an unsafe workplace. We’ve had a good record. None of our employees have had on-the-job injuries this year and we’ve never had a fatality. I don’t understand why you’re so worried. Lon: From what I’ve heard, the inspectors don’t just look at injury rates. They look for the smallest hazard that may be remotely dangerous. If we get cited, we may be shut down. Abigail: With all due respect, I don’t think that’s how it works. Yes, the inspector will look at our work environment and our gear and machinery to make sure there are no hazards or toxic substances. Lon: That’s what I’m worried about. Abigail: But, if they find a violation, we’ll get a chance to fix the problem. They won’t shut us down without giving us a chance to comply with their safety standards. Lon: I sure hope you’re right. Abigail: Me, too. We’ll know after next week’s inspection. 421 - Internet Dating Kevin: I know a lot of people are doing it, but I’m not so sure about trying an Internet dating service. Eun: What do you have to lose? This website says that it screens all of its members. Let’s look at some of the profiles. Kevin: All right. We have to select the criteria for a search. Let’s see...gender – “female”; location – “Los Angeles”; age range – “26 to 35.” Eun: Wow, you got 243 hits. I think you’d better narrow down the search criteria. Kevin: Okay, I’ll search for people who live within a 50-mile radius. That gives us 72 hits. Eun: Click on that one. Let’s see. This woman is 29 and she’s an accountant. She’s very pretty. Kevin: Do you think people would upload any photos that weren’t flattering? Eun: Still, I think she’s promising, don’t you? Anyway, who doesn’t tell a few white lies in their dating profile? It’s not like you’re misrepresenting yourself. If you sign up for a trial membership, you’ll have to do the same thing. Kevin: Will I? What will I need to lie about? Eun: Nothing, nothing. You’re perfect just the way you are. 422 - Shopping for Underwear Kerry: We’re almost done with the shopping. We just need some underwear for you and some unmentionables for me. Russell: It’s perfectly acceptable for women to buy men’s underwear, but do I have to go into the lingerie store? All of the women in the store laugh at me. Kerry: No, they don’t. I just need a few things. Here we are. Okay, I need a new bra with underwire, and I need a strapless one, too. Do you see any in a B cup? Russell: I’m not helping you look. I’m standing over here where nobody can see me. Kerry: Fine. Let’s see, I need some panties and a slip, too. Oh, these pantyhose are on sale. Russell: Can you please hurry up? That woman over there is snickering. Kerry: She’s only laughing because you look so uncomfortable. Okay, I’m done. Let’s go get your underwear. Russell: Thank God! I just need some new boxers with a comfortable waistband and a button fly. Kerry: I thought you liked the boxer briefs I bought before, you know, the seamless ones. Russell: I tried them, but they were too small. I think I’d actually like to try some regular briefs. Here are some over here. Kerry: You’d better look again. Those are g-strings. If you insist on buying those, it’ll be my turn to hide. 423 - Reading Food Labels I never read food labels until I started going out with Wendy. She’s studying to be a nutritionist. When we go grocery shopping, she reads every label. _____________ Wendy: You’re not buying that, are you? Ichirou: Well, I was thinking about it. Why? Wendy: Each serving size has 30 grams of fat, and 10 of those are trans fat. The sodium level is through the roof, and it’s full of carbohydrates. Do you really want to put that in your body? Ichirou: Um, I guess not. Wendy: What are these cookies doing in the basket? Ichirou: Those are my favorite. I always get them. I got the low-fat kind, see? Wendy: Even so, they’re full of calories. They may be reduced fat, but they’re not low fat. You don’t eat this kind of cereal do you? Ichirou: Yeah, I do. Wendy: Look at the percent daily values. You get nearly no nutrients and no dietary fiber, and it’s full of sugar. _____________ I really like Wendy, but I’m not sure how long I can take this. She has the best of intentions, but will my stomach ever forgive me if I keep going out with That’s the question. 424 - Being in Debt Chang: I don’t mean to be nosey, but all of those bills are red or pink. Are you behind on all of those bills? Ilya: I am, but it’s no big deal. I can catch up on them next month. Chang: You know that being late on bills is bad for your credit score, right? You also have to pay exorbitant interest if you have credit card debt. Ilya: Don’t worry about it. Everything will be fine. Chang: I’m only speaking from experience. When I first started working, I had a loan that I defaulted on and I ran up my credit cards. I had to borrow money from my family and friends to pay my bills. I was so desperate at one point, I even went to see a loan shark. Ilya: Did he lend you money? Chang: I decided against borrowing money from him after talking to my brother about it. With his help, I found a good credit counselor and got my finances under control. My two main creditors agreed to defer payment for a couple of months, but not before I sold my car and most of what I owned to raise money. Ilya: Maybe I can do that. Chang: Do what? Ilya: Work with a credit counselor so I don’t have to pay my bills. Chang: You’ve got it all wrong. It took me years to pay off those bills. I just didn’t have debt collectors calling me at all hours of the day, that’s all. A little advice: A little restraint now will save you a lot of pain. Ilya: Okay, okay. I got the message. Remind me never to pay my bills in front of you again! 425 – Serving Drinks and Cocktails Spencer: I’m practicing making drinks for the party tonight. Do you want to try one? Heidi: You’re the bartender? I didn’t know you knew how to mix drinks. Spencer: I can hold my own. Okay, name it and I’ll make it – any mixed drink or cocktail. Heidi: Okay, I’ll have a Screwdriver. Spencer: A Screwdriver? Hmm...what’s in that? Heidi: Aren’t you supposed to know, Mr. Bartender? Spencer: I’ve never made one of those before, that’s all. Try something else. Heidi: How about a Bloody Mary? Spencer: A Bloody Mary, a Bloody you want that on the rocks? Heidi: Sure, that’ll be great. Spencer: Here you are – a Bloody Mary in a highball. Enjoy! Heidi: [Makes a gagging sound] This doesn’t taste like a Bloody Mary. It tastes like you poured an entire bottle of alcohol into this. Spencer: Oh, come on. It’s not that bad. Here, I’ll add a little soda, and oh, I forgot the garnish. Heidi: I don’t think that’s going to help. Can I give you some advice? Stick to shots and drinks served straight up. Spencer: Ah, don’t lose faith in me. Let me make you one more drink. Heidi: Okay, but make it virgin. My mouth is still on fire from the last one. 426 - Talking About Product Quality Brenda: It’s fun shopping for a new cell phone, don’t you think? Yoji: Sure, but I just need one with the bare basics. Brenda: Not me. I want one that’s top-of-the-line. My old phone was cheap and flimsy, and it started acting up after only a few months. Yoji: I want something that’s good quality, but I don’t think I should have to pay top dollar for it, especially since I don’t need the bells and whistles. Brenda: The bells and whistles are the best part! Yoji: I like this one. It seems sturdy and it should last me for years. Brenda: That is one ugly phone! Yoji: I don’t care about its looks. I just want something functional and that won’t fall apart. Brenda: I’m not arguing for style over substance, but that phone is hideous. Yoji: I’ll get over it. Brenda: Yes, but I’m not sure I will! 427 – Planning a Protest Becky: I want to thank all of you for coming today. I think we all agree that we need to organize a protest... Pedro: Hold on, Becky. We all want to voice our opinion that we oppose what is going on here, but I’m not sure a protest is the answer. Becky: With all due respect, Pedro, I think a rally is the best way to do that. Pedro: That may be, but I think we need to consider a few things first. Taking to the streets means coordinating a lot of people. That means getting them to show up, to march, and to hold up signs. I’m not sure we have enough time to pull it all off. Becky: Don’t get me wrong. I’m not in favor of doing anything half-assed. If we decide to protest, we want to do it right so that we get a lot of media coverage. I’m confident that we have enough people and time to get it all done. Pedro: Okay, but another thing we should be ready for is a counter protest. The other side isn’t going to take things lying down. Becky: You’re right, and we’ll take that into consideration. Is there any more discussion before we start on the planning? No? Okay, let’s get down to business. 428 – Getting a Dream Job Tandia: Do you want these want ads after I’m finished with them? Hank: No, I’m not going to find my dream job in the classifieds. I’m going to have to get more creative with my job search. Tandia: What are you looking for? Hank: I want a job that’s rewarding and fast-paced, and with good growth potential, but all I see are dead-end jobs. Tandia: I know what you mean. I’m looking for something that’s challenging, but also with flexible work hours. All of my friends have great jobs. Why can’t I land one of them? Hank: Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, we need a better game plan. Tandia: What do you have in mind? Hank: I’m not sure, but we need to get noticed. Tandia: Why don’t you take out a billboard? That should get you noticed. Hank: Hey, that’s really thinking out of the box. Tandia: I was joking! Hank: I’m not. That’s an inspired idea. Now what should we put on the billboard? Tandia: You’re crazy! 429 – Giving Awards and Congratulations Part of my job as school principal is to hand out awards and scholarships to students. We recently had a ceremony to do just that. _________ Principal: Miguel, I want to commend you for your work this year and congratulate you for winning the science award. It is well deserved. The recipient of this year’s community service award is Monique for her outstanding achievements. My heartiest congratulations to you, Monique. I am also very proud of another one of our students, Yugo, who has been awarded the ESL Podcast award. This prestigious award honors the achievements of outstanding students. Yugo, a job well done. Finally, we are also honoring one of our teachers today. For her dedication to her students and to the school, we are recognizing the achievements of Ms. Niehbur. I cannot imagine a more deserving teacher. Please accept my sincere congratulations. 430 – Talking About Books Maggie: What did you think of the book you started last week? Kurt: Oh, I liked it well enough. Maggie: Wow, that’s a glowing recommendation. Kurt: Well, it started off with a bang and the suspense in the first half was great. I couldn’t put it down. Then, the pace changed in the second half and it was an effort to finish it. Maggie: Really? I read it a few months ago and I loved it. I thought the characterization was really good. I could really relate to the two main characters. Kurt: Yeah, that’s true enough, but the plot dragged, don’t you think? The author just couldn’t pull it off and the ending was laughable. Maggie: I really liked the ending! I can’t wait for the sequel. Kurt: Well, that makes one of us. 431 – Health in Developing Countries Silvia: What are you watching? Hermann: I’m watching a show about the health problems in developing countries. Silvia: Don’t we have enough healthcare problems here, in this country? Hermann: We do, but there are countries that have a lot more acute problems than we do. Silvia: Oh, those kids are so cute. Hermann: Yeah, but a lot of them are going to die of malnutrition and infectious diseases, things that are preventable. Silvia: I thought the biggest problem was the spread of AIDS and HIV. Hermann: Those are huge problems, no question about it, but a lot of people die of other preventable diseases, too, such as malaria, tuberculosis, and measles. Believe it or not, we’ve had immunizations for measles for over 40 years! Silvia: That’s terrible. I can see why you’re studying medicine. I wish I could be a doctor. Hermann: You could, but first, you’ll need to get over your fear of blood. ESL Podcast 432 – Using the Copier Tim: Damn it! Pam: What’s the matter? Tim: It’s this copier. My original didn’t come out of the feeder and there’s a paper jam. Pam: Let me see if I can clear it. This machine is really temperamental. Tim: Tell me about it. Pam: Okay, I found your original, but it’s stuck. I’m afraid if I pull too hard, it’ll tear. Tim: Let me try. I got it! Okay, I need to shrink the first page and adjust the contrast so that it’s more readable. Then I need to enlarge the second page. After that, I need to make 20 collated copies. Pam: Oh, oh, don’t look now, but the toner light is on. You’ll need to put in a new cartridge. Tim: Is there anything else that can go wrong with this stupid copier?! Pam: Don’t tempt fate. It could be worse. The whole thing could break down! 433 – Describing People’s Voices Adriana: Shhh, I’m trying to listen to the radio. Ralph: How can you listen to that radio station? All of their deejays have such funny voices. Adriana: That’s precisely why I like it. Take this guy, Kevin. He has a deep, husky voice that I find really sexy. Ralph: This guy? His voice is so monotone that it lulls me to sleep every time I hear it. Adriana: Well, if you don’t like his voice, how about his sidekick, Lisa May? Her voice is music to my ears. Ralph: She has a nice lilt in her voice, but it’s so high-pitched and squeaky. It can really be grating to listen to her for more than a few minutes. Adriana: Okay, if you don’t like their voices, what kind of voices do you like? Ralph: I like a gravelly voice, speaking softly and saying... Adriana: I’m not talking about your fantasies. I don’t want to know anything about those! 434 – Using Coupons and Rebates Torsten: What are you doing, clipping coupons? That’s a waste of time. Cindy: You can think what you like, but these days, we have to cut corners wherever we can. Torsten: No one actually saves much money using coupons. Cindy: That’s what you think. The last time I went to the grocery store, I saved over $20 just by using coupons. Torsten: How can you keep track of all of the expiration dates and the terms and conditions? It’s not worth the trouble. Cindy: Do you feel that way about rebate offers, too? A month ago, I bought our new TV and saved 20 percent. And yesterday, I bought a pack of DVDs for just $2. Torsten: Are you putting me on? A pack of DVDs for $2? Cindy: Yeah, it was a great offer, but it was only for one day. I had to cut out the UPC code, fill out a form, and mail it in with the receipt to the manufacturer. Then, I sent a copy of the receipt to the retailer and got another discount. That’s how I got the DVDs for next to nothing. Torsten: You might save money with rebates, but you have to sit around forever waiting for the rebate check. Cindy: It’s true that the turnaround is often 8-10 weeks, but some of the offers are worth the wait. Torsten: Do what you like, but I’m too busy to mess around with coupons and rebates. Cindy: That’s why you married a penny-pincher. If I left it up to you, we’d be in the poorhouse by now! ESL Podcast 435 – Describing Aches and Pains Nivia: Why are you walking funny? Michael: Oh, I pulled a muscle in my right leg while playing with my kids last weekend. It’s hard to walk without feeling a twinge of pain. Nivia: I’m sorry to hear that. Why are you sitting in that awkward position? Michael: I strained my back while exercising. Initially, I felt a sharp pain and I thought it was something serious, but it doesn’t hurt much now. There’s just a dull pain when I sit up straight. That’s why I’m sitting like this, leaning to the side. Nivia: That’s too bad. Why are you holding your arms that way? Michael: I got up in the middle of the night last night to go to the bathroom and bumped into the door. I got a huge bruise on my arm. It feels better if I hold it over my head. Nivia: Why are you shaking your fingers that way? Michael: I helped my daughter finish her science project for school. I – I mean we – glued over 100 wooden sticks together. My fingers are really sore and stiff, and they won’t stop throbbing. Nivia: I’m afraid to ask you any more questions. I don’t think any man could survive any more injuries than what you already have! 436 – Dealing With an Angry Client Shawna: Hello, Shawna Davis. Monty: Hello, Shawna. This is Monty Lofti at BMC. I need to talk to you about our ad that ran in your newspaper yesterday. Shawna: Sure, Monty. Was there a problem? Monty: Yes, there certainly was a problem. Instead of the picture of our model, there was a picture of a dog! Shawna: That’s awful! I wasn’t aware of the substitution. On behalf of the newspaper, I sincerely apologize for the error. Monty: I don’t think you understand the magnitude of the problem. Our slogan is: “Look in the mirror and this could be you!” Now do you get it? Our store is a laughingstock! Shawna: I can’t tell you how sorry we are for this egregious mistake. We will certainly run a correction in tomorrow’s paper, and we will run a corrected version of your ad. That’s the least we can do. Is there anything else we can do to make amends for our mistake? Monty: Yes, there is. I’d like the person responsible to be called on the mat for this. Shawna: Rest assured. We take this matter very seriously. We’ll find out who is responsible and heads will roll. Monty: Good. That’s what I wanted to hear. 437 – Having a Best Friend Lucy: I’m so excited! My friend, Marlene, is coming to town for a visit. Buddy: Have I met Marlene? Lucy: No, I don’t think so. We grew up together and we were always joined at the hip. Buddy: When I was little, I had a friend like that. We were blood brothers. Lucy: Yeah, Marlene and I did everything together and she was my confidant about everything. Buddy: She sounds like a great friend. Lucy: Yeah, she always had my back and I could always count on her to give it to me straight. Buddy: A friend like that is hard to come by. Are you still close? Lucy: Not as close as I’d like. We live in different cities and it’s hard to keep up with what’s happening in each other’s lives. Buddy: I can see that. Does she know you’re getting married? Lucy: No, I wanted to break the news to her face-to-face. Buddy: Why? I would have thought you’d want to tell her the good news right away. Lucy: Well, I want her to be my maid of honor and I’m not sure how she’ll react to the dress she’ll have to wear. Buddy: Is it that bad? Lucy: My future mother-in-law picked it out and I can’t say “no.” Here’s a picture of it. Buddy: Well, I’m glad she’s such a good friend, because if anything can break up a friendship, it’s that dress. 438 – Renting an Apartment Heather: Hi, are you the apartment manager? I saw the vacancy sign outside and I’m looking for an apartment. Sam: Yes, I’m Sam. We have one unit available right now. When are you looking to move in? Heather: The lease on my apartment is up soon, so I’d like to move in the first of the month. Sam: Okay, follow me and let me show you the unit. Each unit gets one parking space in the garage, and there are laundry facilities on the first floor. The landlord pays for the gas, but the tenant pays for all other utilities. Here’s the unit. Take a look around. Heather: Oh, this is nice. Is this a furnished unit? Sam: It can be furnished or unfurnished, your choice. Since it’s an end unit, there’s only one common wall. Heather: This apartment is exactly what I’m looking for. How much is the rent? Sam: It’s $900 a month we require a 12-month lease. To move in, you’ll need to have the first and last month’s rent, plus a security deposit. Heather: How much is the security deposit? Sam: It’s $450. Heather: Okay, I’ll think it over and get back to you. Thanks for your time. Sam: These units go fast, so if you’re interested, I suggest that you jump on it. Heather: Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. ESL Podcast 439 – Talking about Censorship The school that my daughter attends is trying to decide whether or not to ban certain books, which some parents think are inappropriate. The school called a parents meeting to talk over the issue. At the meeting, one woman said: “The books on this list are obscene! I don’t want my children reading that filth!” Another parent responded: “That’s absurd! Haven’t you ever heard of free speech? Banning books violates everything we Americans believe in.” Another parent said: “I don’t like the way this book portrays history. To me, it’s morally objectionable.” Still another parent complained: “There is too much graphic violence in these books and I won’t allow my son to be exposed to it.” A parent stood up and yelled: “People who want to ban books are fear mongering. They don’t give our kids enough credit.” The meeting turned into a shouting match. If you ask me, I’m very glad that none of the students were at this meeting. They would be learning an important lesson, but not one that any parent would want! ESL Podcast 440 – Being a Self-Made Man/Woman Edgar: What a crock! Ann: What is it? Edgar: I’m reading an article about successful business people who were self-made men and women. I don’t believe a word of it. Ann: What don’t you believe? Edgar: These people didn’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They were all born with silver spoons in their mouths. Ann: Not all successful people were born into money and privilege. Edgar: That’s true, but it gets me riled up when people who grew up at the country club claim to have had humble beginnings. Ann: Just because some people were born with a leg up doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard to get where they are. Edgar: Where would that hard work have gotten them if they didn’t have backers with deep pockets, or if they didn’t know people in high places? I know plenty of hard-working people who aren’t hobnobbing with the rich and famous. Ann: That’s true enough. Who needs the rich and famous? I’ll take my hard-working man over any of them any day. Edgar: That’s why I married you – a woman with beauty and brains! ESL Podcast 441 – Preparing Food for Cooking Marissa: How can I help? Juan Carlos: Um...why don’t you iron the tablecloth and set the table? Marissa: I already did that. I want to help with the cooking. Juan Carlos: Okay, you can scrub these potatoes, peel the carrots, and rinse these grapes. Marissa: All right, I’ll do that, but I think you’re just giving me the scut work. I want to do some real cooking. Juan Carlos: Well okay, I guess you could cut up this chicken and then chop these vegetables. After that, you can saute the vegetables in this pan. Marissa: Great! Now, how do you saute? I’ve never done it before. Juan Carlos: What?! Forget it. You can steam the vegetables instead. Marissa: Okay, just show me how. Juan Carlos: Never mind. Here, just beat these eggs and slice these onions. When you’re done, you can toss that salad. Marissa: But I want to whip up some gourmet dishes. When can I cook? Juan Carlos: That’s a good question. Ask me again when you’ve learned how! 442 – Flying on Low-Cost Airlines Sue: I just made airline reservations for our trip. Do you want to look over the itinerary before I purchase the tickets? Alex: Which airline is it? Sue: It’s McTse Air. Alex: Oh, no, I don’t want to fly on that low-cost airline! We don’t get assigned seats and all of the passengers rush the gate when boarding begins. I hate that! Sue: Not having assigned seats is a small price to pay for low fares. The service may be stripped down, but I don’t think the experience is that bad. Alex: I don’t mind a no-frills flight, but I don’t want to fly out of some tiny airport that’s an hour away. Which airport would we be departing from? Sue: It’s the Burbank Airport. Yes, I know it’s less convenient to fly out of a secondary airport, but I don’t see what the big deal is. Alex: Okay, hand it over. I’m taking over the planning for our vacation. I’m not willing to sacrifice comfort to save a few bucks. Sue: Fine, be my guest. 443 – Having a Slumber Party Russ: Mom says you’re having a slumber party next Saturday. Irene: I’m just having a few friends over for a sleepover and it’s none of your business. Russ: Don’t be like that. How many people did you invite? Irene: I’m not telling you anything. I know what you’re thinking. You want to pull pranks on us. Russ: No, I don’t. I just want to know how many giggling girls in sleeping bags I’ll have to step over to get to the kitchen. Irene: You’re not going to get anything out of me. I can see right through you. Russ: Are you going to wear your pajamas with feet? Irene: Don’t be stupid! I haven’t worn those since I was six! Russ: Can I be part of the pillow fight? Irene: No way! You’re not invited! Russ: But you’re going to stay up all night and watch movies, aren’t you? I want to do that, too. Irene: You’d better stop teasing me or I’m going to tell Mom. Russ: I’m not doing anything. I’m only trying to help you plan your party. Irene: Right! You want to help me? It’s more like you want to wreck my party. Russ: Ah, you’ve hurt my feelings. Irene: I doubt it. Now leave me alone! 444 – Planning for Retirement Paulina: Did you get your Social Security statement? I just got mine in the mail. If I keep working at this rate for the next 20 years, between Social Security and my savings, I should be sitting pretty for retirement. Carlos: Yeah, I should be okay when I retire, too. I’ve been contributing to a 401(k) through my work for years, and my company gives a matching contribution. Paulina: Really? I never bothered with a 401(k). Carlos: A 401(k) really adds up over time. I also have an IRA, which is tax-deferred, and I have my money in a portfolio that is split between stocks and bonds. All of these investments are for the long haul, of course. How about you? What’s your retirement plan? Paulina: I have money stashed away in a nice little nest egg. Carlos: Where do you have your money invested? Paulina: It’s safe and sound, don’t you worry. Carlos: [Laughs] You make it sound like you have it stashed under your mattress. Paulina: A mattress is a very safe place for your money! ESL Podcast 445 – Problems with Drugs and Medical Devices Suzanne: Don’t take that! I’m reading an article in the newspaper about all of the drugs and medical devices that have been recalled in the past year and you wouldn’t believe how long this list is. Abdul: I’m just taking something for my headache. I’m sure this medicine is fine. Suzanne: Don’t be so sure. I’m just reading about this drug that was contaminated and before it was recalled, it caused 13 deaths. Abdul: Contaminated drugs are one in a million. Now can I take my medicine? Suzanne: Listen to this. Over 400 people had terrible side effects before this drug was recalled, and a drug recalled six months ago causes birth defects. Here’s a medical device for people with heart problems that’s defective and eight people died as a result. Abdul: Okay, I’ve heard enough. Suzanne: No, wait, there’s more. You’ve got to see this list of alerts that the government issued warning people against over-the-counter drugs like the one you’re about to take. You’d better check to see if it’s on this list. Abdul: Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve been taking this for months. If there were something wrong with it, don’t you think the pharmaceutical company would have taken out full-page ads in the papers? Suzanne: I doubt it. Do you think they want to encourage litigation? Abdul: Here, you check it against that list. If you find it on there, you can say you’ve saved my life! ESL Podcast 446 – Going to a Home Improvement Store Paige: I think we can get everything we need to fix up the house in one trip. What do you think? Vern: We can try. It seems like everybody had the same thought when they woke up this morning: Go to the home improvement store! Paige: Yeah, it’s a little crowded, but I still think we can get all we need today. Vern: To do that, I think we need to split up. Let’s look at our list and divvy it up. Paige: Okay, we need to get some wiring to install the new lights. I’ll go to the electrical department for that. Vern: All right. We need lumber for the new fence, so I’ll go to the building materials department. Paige: What about the pipes and fixtures we need for the bathroom? Can you go to the plumbing department for those, while I go to the hardware department for the tools? Vern: Okay, I can do that, but aren’t you feeling tired already? I know I am. Paige: Come on. How are we supposed to be weekend warriors if we can’t even do some simple shopping? We’ll meet in the garden department afterwards, okay? Vern: Whatever you say. Paige: Ready, set, go! 447 – Heating and Cooling a Home Carla: It’s freezing in here! Why is the air conditioner on? Trent: I just finished exercising and I’m sweating like a pig. Carla: That’s no reason to turn the A/C on full blast! I’m cold. I’m turning on the heat for a little while. Trent: Are you crazy? It’s 70 degrees outside! Carla: I’m no crazier than you are. How come you can turn on the A/C and I can’t turn on the heat? Trent: I only turned on the A/C because it’s so humid outside, and it was taking a long time for me to cool down. If you’re cold, just open the windows and doors, and we’ll get some ventilation in here. It’ll heat up again pretty quickly. Carla: What should I do in the meantime? Put on my winter coat or crawl under the covers? Trent: Go sit outside. I’ll get myself a glass of iced tea and I’ll get you a cup of hot tea. How does that sound? Carla: Leave it to you to come up with the best idea of the day! ESL Podcast 448 – Making Business Contacts Phan: Hi, Montel. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me. Montel: It’s my pleasure. Phan: Since I’m new here, I was hoping you might be willing to give me some pointers on how to get new clients. To be honest, I’ve never been on this side of the fence before and I’m a little out of my comfort zone. Montel: Oh, sure, I’m glad to give you as much help as I can. Getting clients is a bit of an art, but the key is building relationships. Phan: What do you mean? Montel: Most of my clients come to me through networking. I get referrals from people who know me and know my track record. Phan: Really? I was thinking that I needed to send out some direct mail or do some cold calling. Montel: You may need to do that to start, but if I were you, I’d also spend time making connections in the business community. Go where you think business prospects may be. To woo new clients, you need to meet them first. Phan: How do I find out where they’ll be? Montel: Again, you make contacts. You’ve made the first step today by getting in touch with me. I’m going to a reception tonight and it will be a who’s who of the business community. Do you want to go? Phan: Really? You’d let me tag along? Montel: Sure, but there’s a quid pro quo. In the future, if you get invited to something like this, you invite me to go along. Phan: That’s more than fair. I think I just got my first lesson in making business connections. 449 – Using an Instruction Manual Aretha: Oh, here’s the instruction manual. I’ll read you the section on “getting started.” Carl: No, you don’t need to do that. I know how to do the installation. Aretha: But don’t you want to hear about the different functions and specifications? Carl: There’ll be time for that after everything is hooked up and we program the machine. Aretha: Okay, but the manual says that you shouldn’t plug in the power supply until you’re done with the installation. Carl: I won’t. Hmm...where is the port for this cord? Aretha: Do you want me to look it up in the manual? There’s a troubleshooting section. Carl: No, I can figure it out myself. Aretha: Look at this. It’s a diagram of the controls and this section has illustrations on how to use the different modes. Do you want me to read it to you while you’re hooking it up? Carl: No. Now give me that manual. I work alone. 450 – Getting a Bad Reputation Lance: Did you see Kim at the party last Saturday? Paulina: Yeah, I saw her. Why? Lance: She was wearing a skimpy dress and all of the men were leering at her all night. I used to think she was a nice girl. Isn’t she worried that she’ll get a reputation? Paulina: A reputation for what? Lance: For being…you know. Paulina: No, I don’t know. Lance: For being easy! It doesn’t take much for people to jump to the wrong conclusions when a woman is dressed like that. Paulina: So based on one dress she wore to a party, you’re ready to consider her promiscuous. Lance: No, not just based on that. The guys at the party were talking and one of them said he used to date her, and he said… Paulina: Now you’re listening to some sleazy guy at a party boasting about his conquest. The question is, why are you so ready to give credibility to rumors like that? Lance: Whoa, don’t go ballistic on me. I was only telling you what I heard. I thought you might be interested. Paulina: Well, you thought wrong. I used to think that women were catty, but you men are much, much worse! 451 – Buying Car Insurance Agent: Hello, Krashit Insurance. Jackie: Hi, I wanted to get a quote for car insurance. Agent: Sure, I can help you with that. I assume you want liability insurance, but what other coverage would you like to get? Jackie: Umm…I’m not sure. This is my first car. Agent: In that case, let me make a few suggestions. You’ll definitely want collision insurance. It pays to fix your car if you hit another car or run into something. Jackie: Okay, sure, I want that. Agent: You’ll also want comprehensive insurance. It pays for damage to your car. Jackie: How’s it different from collision insurance? Agent: Well, it pays for damage to your car that’s not a result of an accident, like in the case of theft, weather damage, or vandalism. Jackie: Okay, I want that, too. Agent: You’ll want property damage insurance to pay for damage you cause to someone else’s property. On top of that, you’ll want uninsured motorist insurance in case the other driver doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to pay for the damage to your car. Jackie: Umm…I guess I’ll take that, too. Agent: And I don’t think you can do without medical payments insurance. It pays for your medical bills and those of your passengers in case of an accident. Should I get you a quote for all of this coverage? Jackie: Why don’t you hold off on that? I’m not sure how I’m going to pay for all that and buy gas, too! 452 – Dealing with Unhappy Employees Asa: I don’t know how we got stuck with reviewing employee complaints. This has got to be the worst job ever. Samantha: This is important work, and somebody has to do it. Come on, let’s get started. Asa: I think it’s bad for morale to allow employees to file complaints. We’re all overworked and underpaid, and most of us are burned out. Samantha: How else are disgruntled employees going to voice their grievances? Asa: Personally, I think it’s stupid for employees to put their complaints on paper. Aren’t they worried about retaliation from the management? Samantha: I don’t think that’s going to happen. The whole point of having this system is to resolve any problems before they get blown out of proportion. It’s to everybody’s benefit to try to make this work. Asa: On the contrary, I think it makes for a dysfunctional workplace, employees thinking of things to complain about and the management with their backs up against the wall. I just don’t get it. Samantha: No, I guess you don’t. If you don’t like how things are done around here, I’ve got a suggestion for you. Asa: What? Samantha: File a complaint! 453 - Making an Emergency Medical Call Operator: Emergency operator. State your emergency. Dirk: We need an ambulance right away. Operator: What is your name? Dirk: Dirk, Dirk Omora. Operator: Can you tell me what happened? Dirk: There was a car accident. Operator: Where are you? Dirk: I’m not sure. I was driving in my car when I saw the pileup. I’m somewhere on Blossom Road. Can you trace my location? Operator: Yes, we’ll try to do that. Can you see if anyone is hurt? Dirk: One of the drivers is lying on the ground unconscious, and the other one is bleeding. There’s someone trapped in the back of her car, too. We need to rescue her before the car explodes! I’m going to see if I can help. Operator: Sir, I need you to stay on the line. I’m sending an ambulance right now, and they’ll have the Jaws of Life and other equipment to do the job. The paramedics will be there very soon. Dirk: Okay, but hurry! 454 – Hailing and Taking a Taxi My company sent me on my first business trip, and I was supposed to travel around the city in taxis. Having never ridden in a taxi before, I had problems from start to finish. First, I had trouble hailing a cab. I didn’t realize that when the taxi’s light is off that the cabbie is off duty. No wonder they took no notice of me. Then, a cab did pull over and I told him where I wanted to go. He said, though, that he wouldn’t take me because he wouldn’t be able to get a return fare! I was looking around for a taxi stand when another cab pulled over, but my troubles didn’t stop there. Cabbie: Where to? Ignacio: I’d like to go the Hamilton Building downtown. There’s a flat rate, isn’t there? Cabbie: No, we don’t have flat rates. Ignacio: But a flat rate to downtown is required by law, isn’t it? Cabbie: Do you want to go downtown or not? I’ve already started the meter. Ignacio: Where are your posted rates? Cabbie: We don’t have any. The first mile is $3.50 and each quarter mile is $2.00. Ignacio: That doesn’t sound right to me. I think I’ll try another cab. Cabbie: Suit yourself! I remembered what my co-worker told me. She said to steer clear of private cabs, like this one . The cabbies don’t have licenses and some of them will really take you for a ride – and not the kind you want! 455 - Ending a Bad Date I was on a date from hell. I agreed to go out with this guy who lives in the same apartment building as I do, but he’s turned out to be a real creep. He was nice enough at the start of the date, but then he started drinking. Now he’s drunk and I’m miserable. I wanted to let him down gently since I’d be seeing him around the apartment building, but I didn’t want to spend another minute with him. Fatima: Listen, Rob, I just don’t think we’re hitting it off. You’re a really nice guy, but I just don’t think we have much chemistry. Rob: Are you kidding? I’m having the time of my life. We’re just getting started here. Bartender, another round! I realized that I needed to be more straightforward with him in case I was giving him mixed signals. Fatima: I’m sorry, Rob, but I think this is the end of the road for this date. Thanks a lot for the drinks and I’ll see you around. Rob: What? You’re leaving? How about a goodnight kiss? Come over here and give me that kiss. I wanted to keep my cool, but when he tried to kiss me, that did it! Fatima: You’re stinking drunk and this date is over. Capisce? I got up and left. What is it about alcohol that turns Prince Charming into a frog? 456 – Sending Business Packages Maria: I need this package to arrive in Tulsa by next Wednesday. Sam: Sure, I’ll send it UPS or FedEx using their ground service. It’ll be cheaper than sending it using their overnight service and we can still track it. Is it going to a business? Maria: Yes, it is. Sam: Okay, I’ll mark that it’s going to a commercial address. Maria: That’s fine. I’ll also need these contracts to get to Tokyo by Friday. Send it to the home of the president of the company. Sam: I’ll send it DHL and use the residential delivery service. This seems like a large package for just contracts. Maria: I’m also including a gift for the president’s wife. Sam: If it’s breakable, I’ll pack it really well and then get it insured. What’s the declared value? Maria: It’s about $700. Oh, and I want this box to go to Olten, Switzerland, but just send it regular mail through the post office. Make sure I get delivery confirmation, though. Sam: No problem. I’ll just need to fill out a customs declaration form. What are the contents? Maria: They’re books. Sam: Okay, I’ll take care of it. Maria: Thanks. What would I do without you? Sam: The real question is, what would the mail services do without you? 457 – Apologizing for a Bad Date I really blew it last night. I finally asked my neighbor, Fatima, out on a date and she walked out on me in the middle of it. I didn’t blame her. I wanted to make a good impression on her, but I felt I was floundering a half an hour into the date. I decided to liven things up a bit with a few drinks. I got carried away and got stinking drunk. What an idiot! I had to call her to apologize. Fatima: Hello. Rob: Uh, hi, Fatima. This is Rob calling. Fatima: Oh. Rob: Please don’t hang up. I need to apologize for my atrocious behavior last night. I was a real jerk and I’m really, really sorry. Fatima: I appreciate the apology. Thanks, but I have to go now. Rob: Hold on one second, please! I want to explain. I thought I was boring you at the beginning of the date and that’s why I started in on the drinks. I’m not normally a lush, really! I was nervous and worried that things weren’t going well, and I thought a couple of drinks would loosen me up. Fatima: Okay, I understand that, but that doesn’t excuse the groping. Rob: Groping? What groping? Fatima: You don’t remember? You insisted on a goodnight kiss. Rob: I did? It’s all a blur. I don’t remember anything after you called me a creep. Fatima: You tried to kiss me and I walked out. Can you blame me? Rob: No, I can’t. I deserved much worse. After that, I can also understand why you’d never want to speak to me again. Is there any way I can make it up to you? Fatima: I really don’t know... Rob: I promise not to have a drop of alcohol. Fatima: I’ll have to think about it. Rob: And I’ll have both of my hands tied behind my back the entire time. Fatima: Maybe. Let me sleep on it. At least it wasn’t a “no.” There’s a glimmer of hope for a second chance! 458 – Going to the Playground My wife was out of town on business and our nanny was sick, so I took the day off from work to take care of our two kids: Livia, who is two, and Augustus, who is three and a half. I thought that going to the playground would be a good thing to do, but it turned out to be an accident waiting to happen. When we got to the playground, the kids jumped out of the car. Livia got onto the merry-go-round, pushing it as hard as she could. The trouble was, there were a couple of toddlers playing on it and they fell backwards, getting the wind knocked out of them. Augustus, on the other hand, ran straight for the swing set and almost got decapitated! Then he went over to the see-saw and almost got smashed when he tried to run under it! He ran out of my grasp and onto the jungle gym. He started hanging off the monkey bars. I caught him just in time as he fell! When I turned around, I saw that Livia had got onto the slide and slid head first into the sandbox! Good thing she wasn’t hurt. By this time, I realized my mistake. Far from a safe place to play, for two lively kids and one father, the playground was a deathtrap! 459 – Watching Political Commentary Shows Laura: I really don’t like these political commentary shows. They purportedly present both sides of an issue, but the commentator is always biased. Joon: Oh, I don’t think so. Each show invites pundits on each side of the political spectrum. In this show, for instance, the pundits each take turns presenting their arguments. Laura: You mean they each present the party line, right? I find it so predictable what each side will say, since they always invite people who have opinions that are poles apart. Joon: That’s not always true. This other show has a roundtable format. Each person listens to the others and they debate the issues. Laura: On that show, it’s not what they say, but how they say it. They treat the others’ opinions with such contempt. You can hear the loathing in their voices and they constantly talk over each other. I’m surprised you can bear to watch it. Joon: I find it stimulating. I like a good fight. Laura: I guess it’s better for them to do it on screen than on the streets! 460 – Working in a Bad Economy Shivon: This bad economy is really taking its toll. Lex: Tell me about it! My company has already laid off 20% of its workforce, and now the management is talking about cutting salaries. It goes without saying that there won’t be any bonuses this year. Shivon: What are you complaining about? At least you still have a job. Try working as a freelancer. I’ve had to cut my hourly rate to compete with all of the people flooding the job market. Lex: At least you’re still able to pick and choose your clients. I have to do what my bosses tell me, no matter what. If they say I have to work overtime, that’s what I have to do. I don’t even get compensated for it! You can bill by the hour. Shivon: What’s the good of billing by the hour if I don’t have any clients? You don’t know how good you have it. I don’t want to hear another word until you walk a mile in my shoes! Lex: Ditto! 461 – Using a Guidebook Nicki: Wow, did you buy out the bookstore?! Tony: Very funny. I just got a few guidebooks for our trip to Vancouver. I want to study up on what the must-see sights are, and then decide whether we can do some self-guided tours or need to book guided tours. Nicki: That’s very conscientious of you. The trip isn’t for three months. Tony: I know, but I want to start sketching out an itinerary now. I’m going to start out by reading the orientation chapters so I get a feel for the city. Nicki: Good, then at least one of us will know where to go and what to do. Tony: After that, I’m going to read the helpful hints in the accommodations section. I want to make sure we stay in the heart of the city with plenty of nightlife. I’ll read the section on day trips, too, in case we have some extra time. Nicki: It sounds like you’ve got it covered. Tony: I do. I also want to spend some time learning some survival phrases so I can talk to the locals. Nicki: Survival phrases? To visit Vancouver? Tony: Yeah, we won’t be able to get around without learning some French, you know. Nicki: Really? Hmm. I think you’d better keep reading. 462 – Having Doubts About Getting Married Charlotte: What are you doing in here? The entire wedding party is looking for you. Chris: Yeah, I know. Charlotte: Well, what’s the matter? You’re not getting cold feet, are you? Chris: That’s just it. I’m really having doubts about getting married. What am I doing here? I think I’m about to make the biggest mistake of my life! Charlotte: Whoa, slow down. You’re just a little freaked out right now. That’s understandable. Just don’t do anything rash. Chris: I have an irresistible impulse to run. I’ve got to get out of here! Charlotte: You’d better do some serious soul-searching before you decide to leave Kerry at the altar. It would be a life-altering experience for her and for you. She may never get over it. Chris: You’re right, but what can I do? If I go through with this, I may regret it for the rest of my life. Charlotte: Sit down and stay put. I’m going to get someone who’ll set you straight. Chris: Who? Charlotte: Kerry! 463 – Washing the Car I was driving down the road when I saw a group of teenagers holding up signs for a fundraising car wash for their school. My car was very dirty, so I pulled over and paid for a car wash and a wax. I think that the students had more enthusiasm than car washing skills. Yes, they had hoses, buckets filled with soapy water, and sponges, but they seemed more interested in getting each other wet than in getting the dirt off the car. I kept wanting to jump up and say, “Hey, you missed a spot!” but I didn’t. After washing the car, they rinsed it and dried it with towels. They also vacuumed the interior and washed the windows. At least the windows were spotless. Finally, they waxed and polished the car, and were finished. I went over to inspect the washed car. All I can say is I’m glad this was a fundraiser to support their school. If these students do as well in their classes as they did on my car, they need all the education they can get! 464 – Talking About Inventory Foreman: Okay, people. Listen up. This is your first day on the job in this warehouse and you need to know what we do here. This warehouse keeps all of the stock for the 10 stores in this region. We get merchandise from the supplier and it’s our job to organize it and store it until it goes to the retail outlets. One of the reasons our stores can offer such low prices is that they operate on the principles of economies of scale. This means that we buy in bulk and there’s a lot to catalogue and store. We even have some stock on consignment, so it’s all the more important that we’re able to keep track of any merchandise that comes through here. Any questions? Carla: Yeah, are we the end of the supply chain or do we send merchandise to other warehouses? Foreman: We are it. Merchandise comes to us from suppliers and we distribute it to the stores. Any other questions? Carla: Does merchandise ever go missing? Foreman: It better not go missing under my watch. That’s why we do an inventory twice a year. If anything is unaccounted for, I won’t be a happy camper. Okay, people, line up to get your assignments... 465 – Describing Boring and Exciting Things Ina: It was a great idea to split up to go see different movies. I really liked The McQuillanator! Paco: I’m glad to hear it. You made a better choice than I did. The biopic I saw was mind-numbing. I was bored to death! Ina: Really? My movie was great. It was action-packed and fast-paced. I was on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Paco: I wish I had been. My movie moved at a snail’s pace and what was supposed to be dramatic was just repetitive. I can’t believe I sat through that entire thing. I’m sure I nodded off more than once. Ina: That’s too bad. You should have abandoned your theater and joined me in mine. I’m still feeling the adrenaline rush. Paco: Yeah, but instead I got a good nap. What a waste of money! Ina: Just consider it a good lesson learned. Paco: What lesson? Ina: Let me pick the movies. I know a good bang for the buck! 466 – Having a Good or Bad Bedside Manner Cho: I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a doctor. Joy: I think you’ll be great. I’ve seen you with patients and you have a great bedside manner – not like Gregory. Cho: Why? What’s wrong with his bedside manner? Joy: I’ve seen him with patients and he can be really callous. For instance, I was in the room last week when he was telling one of his patients that she was taking a turn for the worse. Cho: What did he say? Joy: He just blurted it out. He told her the diagnosis, and he didn’t even try to soften the news when she asked about her prognosis. He did absolutely nothing to try to comfort or reassure her. Cho: I feel sorry for the patient. Joy: That’s the point. Gregory didn’t, and it didn’t seem to faze him that the patient was very upset and close to hysterics. Cho: That’s terrible. I’ll try to remember to be more compassionate with my patients. Joy: Don’t worry. It’s against your nature to be anything but considerate. 467 – Buying Men’s Shirts Francesca: Hurry up! Come out of that fitting room so I can see how the dress shirt fits. Eddie: The first one didn’t fit at all. The sleeves were too short and it was too form fitting. I like my shirts to be on the roomy side. I’m trying on the second one. Francesca: Come on, let me see. Okay, I think this one fits you pretty well. The collar is the right size, not too loose or tight. The cuffs on this one fall at just the right place, don’t you think? Eddie: Yeah, it’s fine. Francesca: Try on the T-shirts. Eddie: Okay, but I’m not trying on the fancy ones with a V-neck. I like my T-shirts the old-fashioned way – with a crew neck. Francesca: All right, but try on the short-sleeve and the long-sleeve ones, too. Hurry up. Eddie: Hold on, I’m changing as fast as I can. Oh, geez. I’ve heard of oversized T-shirts, but this is ridiculous. Francesca: Let me see. You’re right. You’ve got enough room in there for two people! 468 – Organizing Your Office I have a very disorganized office. My co-workers have been making jokes about my office for a long time, and my boss finally cracked down on me. He told me: “Get the office organized by Friday – no excuses!” What choice did I have? I’ve always been a pack rat. I hate to throw anything out, but I was determined to turn over a new leaf. It’s true I’ve worked in the same office for four years and have accumulated a lot of paper, but if I put my mind to it, I’m sure I could get rid of all of the clutter. There are piles of paper and files all over my desk and sorting them out won’t be easy. All I need to do, though, is to purge my filing cabinets of old files to make room for new ones. I also need to triage the papers on my desk, on the floor, and in my overflowing inbox. Then, I only need to make new files and label them. Finally, I’ll only keep those things on my desk that are essential and get rid of anything that isn’t. That’s a pretty good plan, don’t you think? I’ve already made a to-do list. Now all I need to do is start on those tasks! 469 – Rearranging Living Room Furniture Amy: I think rearranging the furniture will make the living room look more spacious. Don’t you? Jacob: Uh, sure. Amy: Can you help me move this couch against this wall? Jacob: Okay, but are you sure you want it over there? Because it’s really heavy and a pain to move. Amy: I’m sure. Let’s move the loveseat across from it. Now, can you move the recliner into the corner? Jacob: Uh! Here? Amy: Umm...a little to the left. Perfect! Jacob: Are you sure? Amy: Absolutely! Okay, the end tables go on each side of the couch, and the coffee table goes between the couch and the loveseat. Jacob: Where do you want the ottoman and where do the lamps go? Amy: Put the ottoman next to the loveseat. The table lamps go on the end tables and the floor lamp should go next to the recliner. Jacob: There’s no room for the rocking chair. Amy: Hmm…I guess the rocking chair can go into the guestroom. Jacob: What about the credenza? Amy: You’re right. This new configuration won’t work. Jacob: You mean you want to put everything back to where it was? Amy: Yup, we’re back to square one! 470 – Avoiding Show and Movie Spoilers Lee: I’m reading this article about the new season of our favorite show. It’s premiering next week. Kira: Don’t tell me anything about it, especially spoilers. Lee: But don't you want to know which guest stars will be making appearances and the plot twists that are coming up? Kira: No, I don’t! I don’t watch movie trailers and I don’t read reviews. It spoils the fun when you already know what’s going to happen. Where’s the suspense? Lee: The blogs and reviews I read all have “spoiler alerts” and I avoid reading those sections. Let me just tell you one thing I read... Kira: Stop right there! I’m covering my ears. I want to stay in the dark, completely in the dark. Got it? Lee: Okay, I won’t let the cat out of the bag, but we’re in for a wild ride this season. Kira: I’m not listening! I’m not listening! ESL Podcast 471 – Trying to Get Off the Phone Fast dialogue: 14:37 Erin: So I told Joey that I had no intention of letting him use my car again. Can you believe the nerve of that guy, after what he did? Curran: That’s terrible, but I’m going to have to let you go. I have an appointment... Erin: But I didn’t tell you what else he said. He said that running over my cat was just an accident. That’s bull. He said I should be thankful that he took Fifi to a veterinarian! Curran: Yeah, I can see why you’re mad. I think I have a call on the other line... Erin: Well, I’m glad you agree with me. I said to him that Fifi may be as good as new now, but that is no thanks to him! He’s never liked Fifi and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was gunning for her when he ran her over. He should count himself lucky he’s getting off scot-free for trying to kill my cat. I said... Curran: Sorry to have to cut this short, but I really have to get going. Erin: Oh, sure, but just let me tell you what I plan to do if he asks me again. Curran: I really want to hear all about it, but...but... nature calls! Erin: Oh, okay, call me back. I haven’t even told you what Sam told me about Ben yesterday. It’s a real shocker! Curran: Uh...right. I can’t wait to hear all about it. 472 – Feeling Nervous About Public Speaking Simone: They’re about to introduce you. You’re on next. Are you ready? Gabriel:! Simone: You don’t look so well. Are you all right? Gabriel: I don’t know. My palms are clammy, I’m breaking out into a cold sweat, and my legs feel like jelly. Simone: It sounds like a bad case of stage fright, that’s all. Just take a deep breath. You’ll be fine. Gabriel: I have butterflies in my stomach and my mouth is dry. Where can I get a glass of water? Simone: I don’t know and there isn’t time. Gabriel: Oh God, if I go out there, I’m going to freeze up or get tongue-tied. I just know it. Simone: Get a hold of yourself. You’re well prepared and you’ll do a great job. Okay, they’ve just announced your name. Get out there! Gabriel: I can’t! Simone: The entire audience is waiting for you. Pull yourself together and get out there! Gabriel: Here goes nothing! 473 - Showing Respect and Disrespect Kadir: Stop that! Stop snickering! Gabriel Voltaire is an author of great acclaim. You should show a little reverence. Melissa: Yes, but he seems to have a bad case of stage fright. I know it’s an honor to hear him speak, but it’s hard to show reverence when the man is sweating like a pig! Kadir: He’s not sweating like a pig. He’s just talking passionately about his writing. I, for one, appreciate his level of dedication to his work. Melissa: I admire his work, too, but he’s making a fool of himself. Really, who can pay attention to what he’s saying when he’s stuttering like that. Kadir: Unlike you, I can listen to the genius of his words without worrying about a little stuttering. Melissa: The man is making a spectacle of himself. I think he needs to stick to writing and give up public speaking. Kadir: Shh! That’s enough. I won’t hear another word said against him. Melissa: Whatever you say. I’ll leave you to your hero worship. For me, enough is enough! 474 - Having Trouble Sleeping Luis: So, how are the newlyweds doing? Stevie: Oh, we’re great. I’m just a little tired. Luis: Well, that goes with the territory, right? Stevie: No, that’s not what I mean. Patrick has been keeping me up with his snoring. Luis: Oh, that’s a bummer. Stevie: Yeah, it really is. I’m usually awakened soon after I fall asleep, and then I toss and turn all night. That’s not all. Patrick also talks in his sleep. Luis: Wow, that’s terrible. I’d make a beeline for some sleeping pills, if I were you. Stevie: I took some one night last week, but I woke up groggy and disoriented. I’d rather have insomnia than load up on drugs. Luis: Have you tried waking him up when he snores or talks in his sleep? Stevie: I tried that one night, but he just ended up sleepwalking! Luis: Geez, what are you going to do? Stevie: I wish I knew. Luis: It’s a little early in your marriage for separate bedrooms, but I wouldn’t rule it out. Stevie: I’ll keep it in mind. If I don’t get a good night’s sleep soon, separate bedrooms will be the least of our problems! 475 – Hiring a Hitman Gus: Are you Shirley? Shirley: Yeah, thanks for agreeing to meet me here. I’m told you’re the best sniper in the business and you can be discreet. I need a hitman who can do a job, then make himself scarce. Gus: I’m your man. Tell me about it. Shirley: There’s someone who’s been a thorn in my side, keeping me up at night, and it’s time to take him out. Gus: Taking care of problems is my specialty. I’ll need a down payment now and the balance when I finish him off. We shouldn’t meet again, so I’ll tell you later where to make a drop. Shirley: All right. Gus: Good. How will I be able to spot the target? Shirley: Here’s a picture. He’s usually in the yard in the afternoons. Gus: You want me to kill a dog?! Shirley: Right, he’s my neighbor’s dog and he keeps me up every night. Is that a problem? Gus: You bet it is. Who do you think I am? People are disposable, but dogs? They’re a man’s best friend. Shirley: Are you kidding me? You won’t take the job? Gus: Nope, I won’t. If you want to pay good money to take out a dog, then that’s your prerogative, but I have my standards! 476 – Taking Chances in Business I’ve always been a pretty cautious investor. I like my investments to be conservative and I usually invest only in sure things. Recently, though, I’ve been tempted to take more risk. My friend, Bernie, is a very successful fund manager and he is willing to let me get in on one of his schemes. According to Bernie, he has a way to take advantage of the current economic climate so that he and his investors aren’t susceptible to the same market forces affecting other investors. Barring any significant changes to the current economy, I should be raking it in before the end of the year. Bernie isn’t someone who shoots from the hip, so if he says that this investment is going to be profitable, who am I to ask questions? I’m very tempted to throw caution to the wind and to take a chance. After all, it’s only money, right? 477 – Planning a Gourmet Meal Hung: I can’t believe that the famous food critic, Julia Schilds, will be eating in my restaurant tomorrow night. I need to prepare a gourmet menu that’s going to be mind-blowing. Padma: She wouldn’t be coming here if she didn’t already know that your cuisine is considered some of the best food in the city. Hung: That may be so, but you’re only as good as your last meal. I need to think of some delicacies that will really impress her. Let’s see, I think we should offer two new hors d’oeuvres, in addition to the ones already on the menu. Padma: Are you sure the chefs in the kitchen will be able to handle making six different hors d’oeuvres? Hung: Hmm, maybe not. Padma: Why don’t you concentrate on the entrees? I’m sure you could come up with one or two new dishes that will really impress her. Hung: Okay, but I don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket. I need to have dishes in every course that are out of this world. Padma: Come on. You’re a great chef. What’s the worst she could say? Hung: Lots of things. She could say that this is a run-of-the-mill restaurant with mediocre food that she wouldn’t even feed to her cat! Padma: Okay, yes, she could say those things but she won’t. Your food will be mouthwatering and delectable, and her taste buds will thank you for it! 478 – Having Plumbing Problems Mickey: Hello, McQuillan Plumbing. Colleen: Hi, I’m having a lot of plumbing problems. Can you send a plumber out to my house right away? Mickey: Yes, we can. But first, let’s find out what the problems are. Colleen: Well, to start, my toilet won’t flush and it’s overflowing. Mickey: An overflowing toilet – check. What else? Colleen: The sink in the bathroom is stopped up and the pipes underneath the sink are leaking. Mickey: A stopped up sink and leaking pipes – check. What else? Colleen: The garbage disposal in the kitchen is making funny noises and the water won’t drain. Mickey: A busted garbage disposal – check. Is that all? Colleen: No, the faucet in the shower is stuck and I can’t shut off the water. Mickey: A stuck faucet – got it. What else? Colleen: That’s it. Mickey: You’ve got some really big problems there. Colleen: Yes, I know. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. Can you send someone out right away? Mickey: Sure, no problem. How about next Tuesday? Colleen: Next Tuesday?! Didn’t you hear me? These are emergencies! Mickey: Yes, but all of our plumbers are booked up until next Tuesday. Should I put you down for a morning appointment? Colleen: Forget it! By next Tuesday, I’ll be under 10 feet of water! 479 – Using Frequent Flyer Miles Anne: Where were you this past weekend? I tried calling you on Friday to see if you wanted to go to the movies with me. Jurgen: I was in Chicago for a long weekend. Anne: Chicago? I didn’t know you were planning a trip. I thought you were pretty strapped this month. A ticket to Chicago would set you back at least $300. Jurgen: I am pretty strapped, but I wanted to go to my friend Rachel’s wedding. I was able to use my frequent flyer miles to get a ticket. I was lucky that those weren’t blackout dates. Anne: Oh, that explains it. You’ve been traveling a lot using your frequent flyer miles. How do you rack up so many miles? I’m enrolled in the frequent flyer programs of three different airlines, but I never seem to have enough miles to redeem them for a ticket or even an upgrade. Jurgen: The trick is to get a credit card that gives you miles. For every dollar I charge on my credit card, I get one mile. Since I use my credit card for a lot of business purchases, the miles add up pretty quickly. I also use a lot of the hotels and restaurants that partner with the airlines, and doing that gives me bonus miles. Anne: Aren’t there a lot of restrictions? Do you ever have problems redeeming the miles? Jurgen: Yeah, there are some restrictions, but I work around them. There are fewer restrictions if you have elite status, but I’m a long way from that. Anne: So I need to get a credit card that gives me frequent flyer miles. Jurgen: Yeah, but a word to the wise: spend carefully. You don’t want to rack up credit card debt for the sake of racking up frequent flyer miles! Anne: Point taken. Thanks for the tip. 480 – Riding in a Carpool Roberto: Hey, Loreto. Got a minute? Loreto: I’m going to a meeting off-site, but we can talk if you don’t mind walking me to my car. Roberto: Sure, okay. I just wanted to ask if you’re interested in carpooling to work. We only live a few blocks from each other. Loreto: Thanks for asking, but I’m not sure carpooling would work for me. Sometimes I run late in the morning and I wouldn’t want to hold you up. Roberto: We wouldn’t have to commute together every day, only on those days that are convenient for both of us. Carpooling has its advantages, too. In addition to doing our part for the environment, we could use the high-occupancy carpool lanes. That’ll save time, especially if there’s a lot of traffic congestion. Loreto: Yeah, I guess that could cut down on our commute time. Roberto: We also get preferential treatment for parking on the days we carpool. Loreto: How would it work? Do we set up a schedule and take turns driving? Roberto: Why don’t I swing by and pick you up tomorrow morning and we can talk more about it? Loreto: If you don’t mind picking me up en route, that would be great. By the way, how do you know where I live? Roberto: Oh, I asked around. See you tomorrow. 481 – Listening to Music Victoria: I see that you have a really extensive music collection. J.D.: Yeah, I like a lot of different genres of music. Victoria: Do you have the new J.McQ album? He’s my favorite artist. I just got it and I like all of the tracks on it. J.D.: No, I haven’t heard it yet. Do you have it on your MP3 player? Victoria: Yeah, here, I’ve cued up the first track. J.D.: Hmm…I like the beat of the first song, but I’m not blown away by the rest of it. It’s also a really bad mix. The bass is up too high; you can hardly hear the treble. Is the whole album like that? Victoria: Yeah, I guess so. I didn’t notice. Maybe the volume wasn’t up high enough. J.D.: No, it was up high enough. Maybe he’s just not that good a vocalist and the sound engineers are trying to cover it up in the mixing. Victoria: Are you kidding? He’s an amazing singer. Come on, listen to another track. I’m sure you’ll change your mind. J.D.: No, thanks. I’d rather listen to a bunch of fighting cats than listen to anymore of J.McQ! 482 – Talking About Architecture Iktinos: I can’t believe we’re in one of the world’s most famous structures. Look at this architecture! Pinda: Yeah, great, another old building. I’m going to sit in that bay window and rest my feet while you walk around. Iktinos: Come on, come with me. Just look at these columns and beams. They’re over 2,000 years old! Pinda: Right, they’re old. Everything we’ve seen these past two weeks has been old. What’s so special about this? Iktinos: Are you trying to tell me that you don’t think this dome is impressive? It’s one of the largest in the world. Look at those cornices and skylights. I’ve never seen anything like them. Pinda: This building has a good facade, with nice balance and symmetry, but I’m so tired of looking at the same style of building, one after another. Aren’t we going to see anything else today? Iktinos: We are seeing some of the most important monuments to human ingenuity. Pinda: You’re right, but I’m too tired to walk up and down all three stories. You go. I’ll stay here on this balcony. Iktinos: What are you going to do here? Pinda: I’m going to think about how I’d remodel the building to bring it up to date. Iktinos: You’re hopeless! 483 – Using Hair Products and Accessories Danny: You’re going to the prom. How exciting! How should we style you hair? Clarissa: I’m really not sure. I was hoping you would have some ideas. Danny: I do, but first we need to see if we have the right tools. Let’s look in your bathroom. Here’s some shampoo and conditioner, but where are the gel, mousse, and hairspray? Clarissa: Here, they’re on this shelf. Here’s a hairdryer and some rollers, too. Do you think we’ll need the curling iron or the flat iron? Danny: I’m not sure, but put them here, just in case. Okay, now I need a brush and comb, and some bobby pins. We’ll need some elastic bands, too, to pull your hair back. Clarissa: Here, they’re all in this drawer. Danny: Oh, this is a pretty barrette, but we won’t need it for tonight. Okay, ready for the transformation? Clarissa: I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Danny: Okay, let the fun begin! ESL Podcast 484 – Getting a Performance Evaluation Emil: Have a seat. As you know, we need to talk about your annual performance evaluation. Is there anything you’d like to say before we get started? Sandra: Yes, there is. I’ve tried really hard this year to improve on some of the shortcomings identified in my evaluation last year. Emil: Hmm, I’m afraid that’s not reflected in this year’s evaluation. Your supervisor noted on the report that you’ve been performing below par for several months now, and your productivity is down, too. Sandra: I can’t imagine why she would say that. If I haven’t excelled on the new project, I’ve at least pulled my weight. I don’t think she can fault me on that. Emil: On the contrary, she thinks that you’ve been slacking off and not giving 100 percent. Sandra: I have had some personal issues, but I didn’t think they had been affecting my work. I guess I’ve let them bring down my performance. Emil: This was a hard decision, but we’re putting you on probation for the next three months. You’ll have another evaluation at the end of that time. If your performance isn’t up to par by that time, we’ll have to think about letting you go. Sandra: That won’t happen. I’m going to pull out all the stops to prove myself. Emil: Good. That’s what I wanted to hear. 485 – Being Clumsy Edward: Would you dance with me? Bella: Me? I’d like to, but I don’t dance. Edward: Why? Bella: I have two left feet. I’m so clumsy, first I’d step all over your feet, and then I’d stumble all over the dance floor. Edward: I don’t believe that. I bet you’re very graceful on the dance floor. You wouldn’t stumble; you’d glide across that floor. Bella: I’m the most uncoordinated person alive. When I was little, I was even more awkward. My mother hated taking me shopping because I was so accident-prone. Everywhere we’d go, I was like a bull in a china shop. I’m not like Rosalie. Look at her. She’s so elegant. Edward: Rosalie has nothing on you. Dance with me and I promise to catch you if you trip. Bella: What if I step all over your feet? Edward: You won’t get the chance. My feet will be moving so quickly, I will dazzle you with my agility and finesse. Bella: Okay, you asked for it! 486 – Having Limited Mobility Gail: Oh! Mike: Are you okay? Gail: Yeah, I’m just not used to these crutches yet. The doctor said I should start using them if I ever want to get out of this wheelchair, but I don’t have the strength to stand up. Mike: You’ll get the hang of it. Don’t lose heart. Gail: It should be easy now that my arm is out of the cast, but it just seems impossible. I feel I’m going to lose my balance each time I try to stand up. Mike: Try again, and this time lean on me and I’ll try to serve as your legs until you can find your balance. Gail: I wish I didn’t feel so utterly useless. It’s so frustrating! Mike: I know. Just keep your eye on the ball and give it another try. The next thing you know, you’ll be limping along and then running a marathon. It’s just a matter of time before you get your mobility back. Gail: Yeah, right. Okay, first things first. Let’s see if these useless legs of mine will cooperate this time. 487 - Watching Videos on the Internet Sheila: Where are you going? Rudy: I’m going to the video store to rent a movie for tonight. Do you want to come? Sheila: You don’t need to do that. We can watch nearly any movie you want online. Rudy: Oh, you mean we can pay to download it? Sheila: Yeah, we can download it, but we don’t have to pay for it. Rudy: What do you mean? You’re not using a file-sharing site, are you? Sheila: Of course, I am. Everybody is doing it. Rudy: Aside from the ethical issues, it’s so frustrating watching videos online. The ones that stream are constantly pausing to buffer. The interruptions drive me crazy! Sheila: Yeah, sometimes, but there’s usually a workaround. Rudy: Even so, the movies are usually pirated and they’re so grainy. I want to watch something in high definition. Come on, let’s go to the video store. It’ll be my treat. Sheila: All right, if you insist, but why can’t we just pay to download it right here at home? Rudy: We could do that, but where would we get the popcorn? 488 - Getting Around Regulations Michael: I have some qualms about how we’re handling these accounts. Leona: What do you mean? Michael: There are strict regulations governing what we can and cannot do, and I think we’re violating those regulations. Leona: Listen, it’s a matter of interpretation. We’re not flouting any regulations. We’re just not following the letter of the law. Michael: I, for one, think that we’ve crossed the line. I’m not against some creative accounting, but what we’re doing is bordering on criminal. Leona: Aren’t you blowing things out of proportion? The government makes laws knowing that people are going to try to get around them. There are always loopholes and that’s why they turn a blind eye to most of these types of activities. As long as we comply with most of the regulations, we’re not going to get into any hot water. Michael: I appreciate your confidence, but I don’t share it. I think we’re in for some major problems if we don’t change the way we do business. Leona: Come on, let’s go get some coffee and see what we can do about that overactive conscience of yours. 489 - Talking About Wealth Anton: Look at that guy. He’s been in town two weeks and he’s already throwing his money around. Vanessa: You know as well as I do that money talks. He’s just trying to make a splash in the business community. Anton: If that were all he was doing then I wouldn’t say anything, but he’s a social climber of the worst kind. Who does he think he is? Vanessa: He’s someone who’s used to getting his way, that’s obvious. He’s not the first affluent person to try to buy influence and social standing in a community. Anton: Yeah, but look at all of the people in this town throwing themselves at him! Vanessa: He has donated generously to the town and given to the arts. He’s even given money toward building the new community center, and it wasn’t chump change either. If he wants to be a patron in this town, who are we to look a gift horse in the mouth? Anton: Right, so spreading money around gives him the right to walk around like he owns this town? Vanessa: Is this a case of sour grapes? Anton: Ha, right! Haven’t you heard? Money is the root of all evil! 490 - Eating Spoiled Food Ryan: It’s really nice of you to make dinner for me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a home-cooked meal. Corrie: I’m happy to do it. First, though, let’s see what you have in your fridge. Ryan: I have tons of food in there. Corrie: What is that? It looks moldy. Ryan: Oh, that’s cheese. I’m sure it’s still good, if we just cut off the moldy parts. Corrie: Okay, but look at the “best if used by” date. This expired three months ago. What about this? Ryan: That’s hamburger. Maybe you could make some spaghetti with meatballs. Corrie: Not with this rotten meat. It’s definitely gone bad. Can’t you tell by the discoloration? Meat isn’t supposed to be gray. Ryan: I guess you’re right. I bet this milk isn’t any good either, is it? Corrie: Nope. It’s gone sour, and you might as well throw out this bread, too. It’s stale. Ryan: Isn’t there anything you can use in this kitchen? Corrie: Well, this oil is rancid, this butter looks tainted, the vegetables are wilted, and even your canned goods are rusted. You do have a lot of food in your kitchen, but it’s been here a long, long time. Ryan: I don’t like things to go to waste. Corrie: I guess not. I’m still willing to make you dinner, but we’ll have to do some shopping. My cooking isn’t the best, but I don’t usually give people food poisoning, and I don’t want to start now. Ryan: Okay, okay, give me a list and I’ll go to the market. Corrie: And while you’re there, I’ll see what I can do about getting rid of all of this hazardous waste! 491 - Having a Temper Tantrum Alberto: What was that ear-splitting scream?! Melissa: That little girl over there is having a temper tantrum. Alberto: Oh, great! The movie hasn’t even started and that kid is already acting up. Melissa: I hope she’s okay. She looks miserable. Maybe her parents can distract her somehow. Alberto: She’s fine. She’s just looking for attention or frustrated she didn’t get what she wanted. If parents didn’t give in every time their child wanted something, kids wouldn’t throw tantrums. Melissa: I don’t know. When my son was little, he used to throw tantrums when he didn’t know how to tell us what he needed. He got frustrated and sometimes, he would start kicking and screaming. Alberto: Well, I don’t think that’s the case here. Look at those parents. They’re going to buy the girl some candy to quiet her down. That’s just rewarding her for her misbehavior. Melissa: What would you do instead? Alberto: I would set limits so that things like this never happened. In this case, I would give that girl a spanking. It’s all about having consequences for bad behavior. Melissa: Oh, yeah? Did that work with your children? Alberto: Uh, I don’t have any kids. Melissa: That’s what I thought! 492 - Importing and Exporting Goods Giselle: Good morning, Brian. This is Giselle calling from Intergroup in Kansas City. Brian: Hi, Giselle. How are you? Giselle: I’m great, thanks. Listen, the reason I’m calling is that I wanted to touch base with you about the new proposed regulations. Have you had a chance to review them? Brian: We’ve only had time to give them a cursory look, but I think we have a grasp on what the changes will be. I don’t think that most of the new regulations would apply to our class of cargo. As long as our certificates of origin are in order and our shipping agents are well informed of the changes, we won’t have anything to be concerned about. Rest assured we’ll take care of all that. Giselle: That’s good to hear. Won’t the customs procedures be different, though? I understand that there are changes to the regulations affecting which containers we can use and how we transport our freight. Brian: No, lucky for us, all we need to do is to put some additional information on our waybills and make sure our packing lists reflect the same information. Giselle: I’m relieved to hear that. You’ve really put my mind at ease, thanks. Brian: Don’t mention it. While I have you on the phone, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions about the latest order? Giselle: No, not at all. Fire away. 493- Ordering at a Sandwich Shop Employee: Welcome to Grubway. What can I get for you? Jared: I’m still deciding. I’m trying to lose weight and I hear that eating a sandwich for lunch every day will help me do that. Do you guys have a BLT or a club? Employee: We don’t have a BLT, but we do have a ham or turkey club. Jared: Okay, I’ll take the club. Employee: Ham or turkey? Jared: Can I get half and half, or better yet, can I get double ham and double turkey? Employee: Sure, no problem. Jared: I’d like cheese on that, too. Employee: Would you like your bread toasted and the cheese melted? Jared: Uh, sure. Employee: What else would you like on your sandwich, the works? Jared: What comes with the works? Employee: It includes lettuce, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, olives, and pickles, and any spreads, condiments, or seasonings you’d like. Jared: Oh, okay. I’ll have the works, but hold the pickles and olives. I’d like mayonnaise on the side, too, please. You know what? I’d like to add some chicken to that. Employee: That’ll be $1.20 additional. Jared: That’s fine. I’d also like extra cheese, and why don’t you add some roast beef, too? Employee: Okay, I can do that. Will that be all? Jared: Yeah, but while you’re at it, throw in two bags of chips and a couple of cookies. Employee: Okay, I can ring you up down here. Jared: Hey, tell me, how long before I start losing weight? Employee: Well, that’s hard to say. You may want to look at the nutritional information chart to determine that. Jared: Nah, I can already feel the pounds coming off! 494 - Types of Story Endings Hamid: I just finished a really good book. I thought the characters were headed toward a tragic ending, but there was a twist near the end, and everything turned out well. It was so satisfying! Rachel: It sounds sappy to me. Hamid: It wasn’t sappy at all. It was just a happy ending. I know what you like. You like those disaster movies with catastrophic endings where everyone dies. Rachel: At least that would be more realistic than everyone living happily ever after. I just saw the series finale of my favorite TV show. You know what they did? They ended the series with a cliffhanger. Nothing was resolved. Hamid: That’s horrible! How could they leave people hanging like that? Weren’t you just a little mad? Rachel: No, I wasn’t. The ending stayed true to the spirit of the show. It was a dark show and the ending was equally dark. Hamid: Well, I bet they ended the series that way so they could make a movie sequel. Rachel: Yeah, maybe, but I don’t care either way. Life doesn’t end neatly and neither should a good story. Hamid: Remind me never to read any stories you write or any movies you make! 495 - Describing Winds and Storms Ali: It’s just our luck that as soon as we arrive here for our island vacation, there’s a hurricane warning! Mariela: It’s uncanny, isn’t it? On last year’s vacation, we crossed paths with a tornado and now this. Ali: Yeah, that tornado was something. I had experienced windstorms before with really strong gusts of wind, but it was nothing like that tornado. Do you remember the way all of the windows, doors, and even walls rattled? The tornado blew down power lines and uprooted trees! Mariela: That was terrifying. Do you think we’ll have another experience like that this time? Ali: I really hope not. We came for ocean breezes, but if the hurricane makes landfall, we’ll have gale winds of up to 50 miles per hour! Mariela: And we’re trapped here! What should we do? Ali: We’ll just buckle down and wait it out. With any luck, the hurricane will miss the island altogether. Mariela: With our luck, what’s the likelihood of that happening?! ESL Podcast 496 – Driving a Company Car Michael: Shall we? Robin: Oh, this is nice. Did you get a new car? Michael: No, this is a company car. Getting to drive one is one of the perks of my new job. Robin: Does your new position call for a lot of driving? Michael: It does. As the regional supervisor, I have to cover a large territory. I’ll be visiting all of the affiliates across the state. Robin: Does that mean you can drive the company car anytime, anywhere? Michael: Well, I’m only supposed to use it for official business since the company deducts the standard mileage allowance on their taxes, but there are ways to account for any extra miles I log. Robin: You mean you fudge the mileage numbers? Michael: You could say that. It’s no big deal. Everybody does it, or so I’ve heard. You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you. Do you want to go with me to San Diego this weekend? Robin: That depends. Are you taking your company car? Michael: I was thinking about it. Robin: In that case, no, thanks. I don’t want to be an accessory to whatever rules you’re breaking. Michael: Suit yourself, but what’s a company perk if you can’t take full advantage of it? 497 - Shopping for Bedding Xavier: Thanks for helping me decorate my new apartment. Hey, where are you going? Crystal: I’m going to the bedding department. Now that you have a new bed, you’ll need new bedding. Xavier: Right, okay, but can’t I just get some sheets, a couple of pillows, and a blanket? Crystal: That’s only the beginning. Oh, feel these sheets. No wonder they’re so soft. They have a very high thread count. Xavier: Thread count? Crystal: You’ll need a fitted sheet, a flat sheet, and pillowcases. Did you get a queen- or a king-size bed? Xavier: It’s a full-size bed. Crystal: Okay, you’ll need a comforter and a duvet cover, too, and this bed skirt will make your bed look really nice. Xavier: Bed skirt? Crystal: Of course! You can’t leave your mattress exposed. That would look so tacky. Xavier: If you say so... Crystal: Wow, look at these canopies. Don’t you think...? Xavier: You want to put a canopy over my bed?! No, that’s where I draw the line. 498 - Joking and Making Fun of People Dmitry: Stan is really miffed at you. All of that teasing at lunch really upset him. Charlene: What? I was just poking fun at him for trying to hit on the new, young receptionist. Dmitry: You called him an old goat. Charlene: I said that tongue in cheek. If he didn’t find that funny, then he can’t take a joke. Dmitry: What about last week when you told that joke about fat people trying to dance and you made him the butt of the joke? Charlene: Everybody knows I’m the class clown around here, and I make wisecracks about everybody. Nobody else is as thin-skinned as Stan. Dmitry: I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I suggest you watch your back. The next joke may be on you. Charlene: Why? What have you heard? Dmitry: Oh, nothing. I just think it may be time for some payback – big time! ESL Podcast 499 - Marrying a Gold Digger Liza: Isn’t Jesse wonderful? I’m so glad you got to meet him last night. Sinobu: Uh, he’s a little young for you, don’t you think? I know you’ve had boy toys in the past, but he takes the cake. Liza: He’s no boy toy! It’s true that there’s a 30-year age difference, but who cares about age when you’re talking about love? Sinobu: Well, he’s certainly dressed for the part, with all of that bling. That watch must have set him back a couple of grand, at least. Liza: Oh, that was a little token of my affection for our one-month anniversary. I just wanted him to know how much I cared about him. Sinobu: Well, he certainly knows now who holds the purse strings, if he didn’t before. I only hope he’s not preying on you. Liza: How can you say that? I’ve never met anyone more honest or sincere. Sinobu: He has you wrapped around his little finger, that’s for sure. I hope, for your sake, he’s not a gold digger, or that you see his true colors before you make it to the altar – again. Liza: Oh, I knew it was a mistake talking to you about Jesse. You’re such a cynic! Sinobu: And you’re a hopeless romantic! 500 - Taking Minutes of a Meeting I was absent at last month’s meeting, so imagine my surprise when I found out that I had been elected the committee’s secretary! As part of my duties, I have to take minutes at each meeting. Taking minutes means I have to pay attention and try my best to transcribe what each person says, or at least do my best to summarize. At yesterday’s meeting, the chair called the meeting to order and I conducted a roll call. Then, the chair went over the agenda and we discussed old business. We needed to vote on a couple of proposals from the past meeting, and it was my job to ask for a show of hands of those in favor of and those opposed to each one. After that was done, we went on to new business. We talked about the first item of business for 20 minutes when someone suggested that we table the topic until the following meeting, and the participants agreed. After another long discussion about the second agenda item, we ran out of time. The chair adjourned the meeting. Phew! That first meeting taught me a very good lesson. Never miss a meeting when new officers are being chosen! 501 - Buying Glasses Alice: Ooh, look at these! Don’t I look great? I’ve always wanted sunglasses like these. Pierre: You’re supposed to be here helping me pick out frames for my new bifocals. Alice: I don’t know why you won’t get progressives. That’s what everybody is getting these days. Pierre: I’ve always had bifocals and that’s what I’m going to get. Alice: Are you going to get metal, plastic, or rimless frames? Pierre: I’m not sure. The optician said that with my prescription, I could get any kind. Alice: Okay, try these. How do they feel? Pierre: I like the way the hinges move, but they’re too small for my head. Hey, these are nice. I think I’ll go with these. Alice: There’s no accounting for taste! Okay, but what about the lenses? There are so many options. You can get ones that reduce glare, ones that darken automatically, ones with anti-scratch coating… Pierre: I want to keep it nice and simple. I don’t need want any of those options. Alice: How about these for a backup pair? They’re designer frames. Pierre: Give me those. I should have known better than to let you tag along. What was I thinking?! ESL Podcast 502 – Storing Luggage on an Airplane Yoshi: Can you hold my jacket while I try to get my roller bag down the aisle? Tatiana: All right, but I have to roll my own bag down the aisle, you know. Yoshi: Fine, give it back to me. All of these overhead bins are full. Where are we supposed to store them? Tatiana: Look, there are two spaces in the back of the plane. You put our big bags in those bins, and I’ll put our carry-ons under the seats in front of us. Yoshi: Fine, but these seats are already cramped, and now, I’ll have no legroom for the entire flight. Great! That’s what we get for not getting seats in the emergency exit row. Tatiana: If we had seats in the emergency exit row, you’d be complaining about not being able to recline in your seat right now. At least we don’t have bulkhead seats. Stop grumbling and get moving before somebody else snags those overhead bins and we have to check those bags. Yoshi: Whose idea was it to go on vacation? Tatiana: It was mine. We both need some time to get away and unwind. Yoshi: Yeah, right, I can’t remember the last time I felt this relaxed! ESL Podcast 503 – Seeing a Dentist Dr. Chung: Hello, Luis, I’m Dr. Chung. You’re here for a check-up and a cleaning, is that right? Luis: Yes, that’s right. Dr. Chung: Okay, let’s take a look. Have you had your wisdom teeth taken out? Luis: No, I haven’t. Dr. Chung: Hmm…You may need to do that soon. You’ve had a root canal? Luis: Yes, about three years ago. Dr. Chung: Does that hurt? Luis: Ow! Dr. Chung: I guess I hit a nerve. The bad news is that you may need another root canal soon. Let’s see if you have any cavities. Oh, I think there’s one here in your left molar. You’ll need to come back for a filling. Are you experiencing any sensitivity? Luis: Yes, I am! Dr. Chung: I’m not surprised. Your gums have receded and some of the root is showing. Do you use dental floss? Luis: Um, yes. Dr. Chung: I’ll have the dental hygienist show you how to brush and floss better so you can prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Any questions for me before the hygienist starts on your cleaning? Luis: No, I’m just glad you didn’t say I need dentures! Dr. Chung: No, you don’t. Not yet. ESL Podcast 504 – Training Inexperienced Employees Kazuko: I really appreciate you helping with the training of the newbies. I couldn’t have done it without you. Martin: Don’t mention it. I remember when I was still wet behind the ears and the veterans in the company gave me the benefit of their time and expertise. They propped me up until I could stand on my own two feet. Kazuko: I can’t imagine you as a novice. Everybody here thinks of you as the cornerstone of the institution. Martin: Well, that may be, but you should have seen me in the early years. I was naive and reckless. I may be more adept at my job now, but I felt inept for years. Kazuko: I saw you talking with some of the new recruits. What advice did you give them? Martin: I gave them the same advice that an old hand gave me when I first started: Take every piece of advice you get with a grain of salt! ESL Podcast 505 – Teaching Children About Safety Ms. Sanchez: Okay, kids. I’m Ms. Sanchez, your substitute for this week. I’m taking all of you on the field trip tomorrow. Listen up. There are some ground rules we need to go over. First, each of you will have a partner and you will hold hands while we cross the streets. Student: Ms. Sanchez...? Ms. Sanchez: I’ll take questions later. Let me get through all of my instructions first. Remember, don’t talk to strangers. There are predators out there who are looking to lure children away from their family and friends and to abduct them, so don’t let your guard down. Student: Ms. Sanchez... Ms. Sanchez: As I said, I’ll take questions later. If you need to step away from the group, ask permission first. If a stranger tries to accost or waylay you, run away as fast as you can. Student: Uh, Ms. Sanchez? Ms. Sanchez: Yes? Student: I think you’ve got the wrong classroom. We’re the eighth graders. The first graders are on the second floor. Ms. Sanchez: Where are my glasses? Oh, here they are. Oh! You’re not my first-graders! Why didn’t anyone say anything earlier?! ESL Podcast 506 – Being Generous and Stingy Britney: I was thinking of hitting up Jane for a little loan. You know her better than I do. What are the chances she’ll spot me a couple hundred dollars until next month? Salvador: I think that’s a pipe dream. I wouldn’t exactly call her a cheapskate, but she’s not known for her generosity. Britney: What about Francke? He’s rolling in it. He could easily part with a couple hundred bucks without giving it a second thought. Salvador: You’ve got your work cut out for you if you think you can borrow money from Francke. He’s always been a penny- pincher and he always will be. Britney: Okay, then help me think. Who do we know who isn’t stingy? Who do we know who is big-hearted and charitable? Salvador: What the heck. Here’s $150 to tide you over until your next payday. Britney: Wow, thanks! You know, another $100 would really come in handy. Salvador: I really think you should quit while you’re ahead. ESL Podcast 507 – Guarding One’s Privacy I went to visit my old friend, Mina, whom I hadn’t seen in several years. It was one of the strangest afternoons of my life! Dan: Hi, Mina, it’s really good to see you. Mina: Dan, come in. Hurry! Dan: Uh, okay. Why do you have four locks on your door, and why are all of the curtains drawn? Mina: I like my privacy. And anyway, I think there’s a peeping Tom around this apartment building and I don’t want him to get a peek into my apartment. Dan: Oh, okay. I noticed that your name isn’t on your mailbox. I wasn’t sure I had the right apartment number. Mina: Do you think I would voluntarily give people that information? They are constantly trying to invade my privacy. All I want is anonymity, but I have to be on guard all of the time. These days, I only give out personal information on a need-to-know basis. Dan: No offense, but isn’t that a little paranoid? You act as though everybody is out to get you. Mina: Aren’t they? Haven’t you noticed? We constantly have to disclose our most personal information on forms and to anyone who comes to our door. If I didn’t know you were coming today, I wouldn’t have opened my door at all. Dan: You mean you live here in seclusion, like a hermit? Mina: Of course not! I have plenty of friends. Come and meet them all. Dan: Wow, you must have 10 birds and 20 cats! Mina: Yes, that’s right. But, rest assured, none of them will breathe a word of what you say here today! ESL Podcast 508 – Regretting Past Actions Dennis: Oh, why did I let my temper get the best of me? I never should have said those things to the new client! Nora: Don’t freak out. I’m sure you didn’t do any damage that can’t be rectified. It’s true that, in retrospect, you probably shouldn’t have called Nathan, the head of the project, a twerp. Dennis: Don’t remind me of what I said! Hindsight is 20/20. Now they’re going to think we’re running a dog and pony show. Nora: No, they’re not. Nathan was being unreasonable and you tried to sugarcoat your objections the best you could. Everybody could see that you were trying to pull your punches, but that guy just wouldn’t give an inch. Dennis: Nevertheless, this is going to have repercussions. Nora: Oh, here comes the boss now. I think she wants to talk to you. Dennis: I’ve no doubt about that. Nora: What do you suppose she’s going to say? Dennis: I know exactly what she’s going to say: “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” ESL Podcast 509 – Going on a Cruise Connie: I’m so excited! We’re finally taking a cruise. Are you sure this is the embarkation area? Robert: Yes, I’m sure. We go on board right here, see? Come on, let’s find our cabin. Connie: Okay, but I want to go up on deck as soon as possible and look around the entire ship. Do you think they’ll let us go on the bridge and meet the captain? Robert: I don’t think so. You know, I think we’re going the wrong way. I can’t find our cabin number. Connie: Let’s see if we can find the purser or a steward to help us. Oh, never mind, here it is! Wow, this cabin is really small. Robert: No worries. We won’t be spending much time in the cabin. When do we eat? Connie: We can go down to the buffet right now for lunch, and I put us down for the main seating at 7:00 for dinner. Robert: Whoa, what’s that?! Connie: That’s the ship setting sail. You’re not going to be seasick, are you? Robert: I don’t think so, but I’m really looking forward to our first port of call! Dennis: Oh, why did I let my temper get the best of me? I never should have said those things to the new client! Nora: Don’t freak out. I’m sure you didn’t do any damage that can’t be rectified. It’s true that, in retrospect, you probably shouldn’t have called Nathan, the head of the project, a twerp. Dennis: Don’t remind me of what I said! Hindsight is 20/20. Now they’re going to think we’re running a dog and pony show. Nora: No, they’re not. Nathan was being unreasonable and you tried to sugarcoat your objections the best you could. Everybody could see that you were trying to pull your punches, but that guy just wouldn’t give an inch. Dennis: Nevertheless, this is going to have repercussions. Nora: Oh, here comes the boss now. I think she wants to talk to you. Dennis: I’ve no doubt about that. Nora: What do you suppose she’s going to say? Dennis: I know exactly what she’s going to say: “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” ESL Podcast 510 – Taking a Shower or Bath I spent the day helping my friend, Babbit, on his farm. When I got home, my wife said, “You stink!” I headed straight for the shower. I ran the water, closed the shower curtain, and adjusted the showerhead. I worked the soap into a lather and scrubbed from head to toe. I rinsed off the soap and toweled off. When I went back into the living room, my wife said, “You still stink! You need to soak in a bath!” I went back into the bathroom, put the stopper in the bathtub, and turned on the faucet. I didn’t want to take any chances. I took some of my wife’s bubble bath and poured it into the bathtub. When the bath was ready, I got in. I soaked for a half hour and I washed every nook and cranny. When I went back into the living room, my wife said, “Wow, you smell as pretty as a flower!” That wasn’t exactly what I was going for, but I’d rather smell like flowers than pigs! ESL Podcast 511 – Getting Plastic Surgery George: What are you doing? Joan: I’m looking through these magazines to try and decide which plastic surgery procedures I should have next year. George: You’re not thinking of going under the knife. Joan: Yes, I am. I’ve always wanted to improve on the way I look, and I’m tired of these wrinkles and sagging skin. I want to look 25 again! George: That’s ridiculous. Nobody who is 45 can look 25. People who get Botox, have facelifts, or tummy tucks look weird. Joan: That’s because they didn’t go to the best plastic surgeons. I won’t make that mistake. Help me decide. Should I get liposuction and a nose job, or should I go all out and get breast implants, too? George: I think you’ve gone off the deep end. We’ve been friends for over 20 years and you don’t need any cosmetic surgery. You’re perfect the way you are. Joan: You can’t be serious! George: I’m dead serious, and if you get all of that plastic surgery, you’ll look like an over-the-hill Barbie doll, and I’m not going to be seen in public with you. Joan: What’s wrong with a little plastic surgery? I just want to feel better about myself. George: You don’t need plastic surgery to do that. You just need to spend more time with me and your other friends who like you just the way you are! Joan: Sagging skin and all? George: What sagging skin? Joan: I feel younger already. ESL Podcast 512 – Changing the Subject in Conversation Laura: I think that’s all we need to talk about regarding last month’s report. Let’s turn to this month’s report, shall we? I didn’t get a copy of it. Could someone hand me one? Gaius: By the way, I have just one last comment before we shift our focus to this month’s report. It seems to me that we need more information on how the Duluth office is doing. Could we ask for more info to be included in next month’s report? Laura: I’m sure we can. Incidentally, Dee is quitting and Kara will be taking her place. This is off the record, of course. Okay, now back to this month’s report... Gaius: Speaking of personnel changes, did you know that Lee is being promoted to V.P. next month? Laura: I hadn’t heard that, but I’m not surprised. She’s been in line for that job for years. Okay, we need to get back to this month’s report… Gaius: Something just occurred to me. If Lee is being promoted, what will happen to the Baseship project? Laura: I think it’s being put on the back burner for now. All right, could someone hand me a copy of this month’s report? Gaius: I don’t mean to change the subject but… Laura: I think that’s precisely what you’re trying to do. What’s the matter with this month’s report? Gaius: It’s not quite finished. It’ll be on your desk this afternoon. Laura: Is that what this tap dance has been about? All right, we’ll talk about it at tomorrow’s meeting. Next time, just give it to me straight, okay? ESL Podcast 513 – Snooping and Eavesdropping Enrique: I don’t know how you talked me into coming with you to Dan’s apartment to rifle through his papers. This snooping is stupid! If you have suspicions, you should just talk to him. Stella: Confront him without any evidence? That would be the height of stupidity. Enrique: Instead, we’re holed up in this closet until he leaves. I thought you said he wouldn’t be home until 6:00. Stella: That’s what I thought. Just sit tight. I think he just came home to pick something up. He’ll be gone in a minute. Enrique: I don’t like confined spaces. If we don’t make a break for it soon, I’m going to suffocate. Stella: Stop your kvetching. Now that we’re here, maybe we can do better than looking through his papers. We can eavesdrop on his conversations. Enrique: Have you lost your mind? Do you know what he would do to us if he found us here? Stella: No guts, no glory! ESL Podcast 514 – Describing Old and New Clothes Ellen: What are you wearing to the party? Hiro: Your guess is as good as mine. Ellen: Let’s look through your closet and I’ll help you pick something out. Hiro: Okay, but I have to warn you. I have a pretty limited wardrobe. Ellen: Let’s see, these black pants are nice, but they’re frayed on the bottom. How about these jeans? Hiro: You don’t think they’re too faded? There’s also a rip in the back. Ellen: No, I guess those jeans won’t work. I like this shirt, though. Hiro: Did you see the stain on the front? The zipper is also stuck, I think. Ellen: How about shoes? Do you have any shoes that are presentable? Hiro: Well, I always wear these, but they’re scuffed on the top and the sole is pretty worn. Ellen: Okay, desperate times call for desperate measures. Come on! Hiro: Where are we going? Ellen: We’re going to a magical place with brand spanking new clothes and where everything is flawless. Hiro: Where’s that? Ellen: The mall! ESL Podcast 515 – Starting a Blog I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a long time now, and after talking to my friend Traver, a popular blogger, I’ve decided to take the leap. Traver got me started with a basic template, but I wanted to customize the blog to give it my own flavor before launching it. I already have my first few posts ready to go, and I plan to update it a few times a week. Traver told me that it may take a little time for my blog to catch on and become known in the blogosphere. He suggested I do some basic self-promotion. He told me to register my website with the major search engines and to swap links with other bloggers writing on similar topics. He gave me some other advice to increase hits and I’m taking it all to heart. I can’t wait to get my first comments and to start talking to other people about our common interest: Our love of cats! ESL Podcast 516 – Naming and Appointing Officials Goran: Who do you think will be appointed to succeed Ramon on the board? Anne: I don’t know whom they’ll pick to fill the position, but I know who the candidates are. The higher ups have been quietly vetting three people to make sure they don’t have any skeletons in their closets. Goran: Really? Who are they? Anne: I’m not at liberty to say, but I think at least two of the candidates are people outside of the inner circle. Goran: You mean we might actually get a new board member who’s not buddy-buddy with the higher ups? Anne: All I can say is that two outsiders are under consideration. Goran: Wow, that’s huge. Can you at least tell me if the remaining candidate is the interim board member? Everybody thinks he has the inside track. Anne: I can’t tell you that. The selection is being kept under wraps until next Thursday. I’ve already let slip too much. Goran: Don’t worry. My lips are sealed. Anne: They’d better be. You know what they say about loose lips. Goran: Yeah, and I’m not sinking this ship. ESL Podcast 517 – Watching Competitive Sports Bruno: Hey, what are you doing? Give me back that remote! Tamara: The movie I want to watch is on right now. Do you mind? Bruno: Of course I mind! I’m watching the playoffs. Can’t you see that? Tamara: The playoffs? Oh, I’ll watch with you. Bruno: You? You don’t know anything about sports. Tamara: It doesn’t matter. I always root for the underdog. Our team will be victorious! Go team! Bruno: Fine, but I’m rooting for the other team. Let’s just watch the game, okay? Tamara: Your team is going to get pounded. We will be the champions! Bruno: Please, can I just watch this game in peace? I’ve been waiting for it all season. Tamara: Oooh, somebody is a little testy. I think it’s because you know you’re backing a losing team. You can’t stand being on the losing side. Am I right? Your players are running scared already. I can tell. Bruno: I’m just trying to follow the game. Tamara: Look at that! Your best player just choked. How could he have missed such an easy shot? Bruno: If you don’t be quiet, I’ll show you what it feels like to get choked! ESL Podcast 518 – Learning Self-Defense Teacher: Welcome, everybody, to this self-defense class. Today, you’ll learn how to size up a situation and how to tell the difference between a harmless situation and a threatening one. You’ll also begin to learn some hand-to-hand combat moves to defend yourselves. Amy: Oh, good. I can’t wait to learn some martial arts so I can beat up anyone who tries anything. Teacher: Well, the best thing we can do in a dangerous situation is to avoid having to fight. It’s not a good idea to confront someone pumped up on adrenaline. If you can defuse the situation or run away, that would be the best strategy. Amy: All right, but if someone is harassing me, I want to be ready to do some damage. Teacher: I’m not sure if that’s the right mindset… Amy: I always trust my instincts. If my intuition tells me that someone may be dangerous, I want to get in the first punch. Teacher: Whoa, that’s not the purpose of this class. You’re here to learn defense, remember? Amy: Yes, but you know what they say: The best defense is a good offense! ESL Podcast 519 – Describing Family Relations Eri: What’s that? James: It’s an invitation to a family reunion. Once every five years or so, someone in the family organizes one. Eri: Are you going? James: I’m not sure. It’s always a little awkward seeing extended family. Did you know that there used to be a big feud between my father and his brother? Eri: No, what happened? James: I’m not sure, but it was something that happened before they got married. My father held a grudge for years. Then, about eight years ago, they made up. There’s still no love lost between their wives, but at least there are no hard feelings between the two of them any longer. Eri: So you’ll go to the reunion? James: I’m not sure. My mother’s side of the family has always looked down on my father’s. She comes from old money and they didn’t approve of her marrying my father. It was really hard on my mother. She really looked up to her mother and they were really close before my father came along. Eri: But that’s ancient history, isn’t it? Considering how things turned out, your grandmother can’t hold it against your mother for marrying your father. James: You’ve never met my grandmother. One thing everyone knows about her is this: She doesn’t know the words to forgive and forget. ESL Podcast 520 – Getting Directions and Parking Instructions Receptionist: So the meeting is set for 2:00 on Thursday. Do you know how to get to our offices? Asha: No, I don’t. Could you give me directions? Receptionist: Certainly. We’re located on Main Street. The cross street is Udall. If you’re taking the freeway, the best exit to take is Udall East. Once you’re on Udall, head east for about two miles and when you reach the bend, veer right. If you veer left, you’ll run into a dead end. After you veer right, you’ll be on Monroe Avenue and it’s a one-way street. Our building is on the right-hand side, past the light. If you pass Elm Street, you’ve gone too far. Asha: Okay, I think I’ve got all that. Is there parking available? Receptionist: Unfortunately, there’s only street parking. There is valet parking for the building next door, but they charge $12 and we don’t validate. There are meters on the street and on the side streets, but you may need to circle the block a few times to find an available meter. Asha: All right, and thanks for the information. I guess I need to leave early to have plenty of time to find the building and to find parking. Receptionist: I tell everybody to count on getting lost and having to hunt for parking. Asha: Thanks for the heads up! ESL Podcast 521 – Describing Speech and Language Ability Blaire: Do you have any idea what he’s saying? Antonio: It’s Greek to me. You’re supposed to be the one who’s fluent. Can’t you make out what he’s saying? Blaire: I never said I was fluent. I said I could get by in the language. There’s a big difference. Antonio: Why don’t you try saying something to him? Blaire: What should I say? Antonio: How about, “I don’t have a good command of the language. Could you please speak more slowly?” Blaire: I don’t think speaking more slowing will help my comprehension. Besides, I only know a few stock phrases, and even those I can only say haltingly, if I don’t freeze up altogether. Antonio: Give me the phrase book. I’ll see if I can get through to him. Blaire: What are you going to say? Antonio: I don’t know, but we’re two fairly articulate people. We should be able to cobble together a few sentences to get our point across, don’t you think? Blaire: Okay, I’ll follow your lead, but, um, just don’t say anything last time. ESL Podcast 522 – Developing a Healthy Mind Lorelai: I just finished reading a book about how to get the most out of life. Starting today, I’m going to live life to its fullest. Luke: Oh no, not another one of your fads. Weren’t you eating only blue- and red-colored foods a couple of months ago? Lorelai: This is not a fad! I’m changing my lifestyle so I’ll be able to live a happier and more fulfilling life. Luke: And didn’t you go through a phase where you spoke only to animals? Lorelai: I’m not listening to you, and I’m not dwelling on the past. I’m living in the moment and enjoying everything around me. I’m ignoring your negativity and concentrating on appreciating the moment. Luke: What are you doing now? Lorelai: I’m practicing mindfulness. I’m repeating my mantra and calming my mind. You should try meditation. It may help you with your problems. Luke: What problems? Lorelai: We could start with your judgmental attitude and your close-mindedness. How’s that? Luke: Forget it! Nothing can get me to buy your latest hocus pocus! Antonio: Are you bringing that up again?! It’s not my fault that the entire town misinterpreted what I said! I was trying to compliment the women, not insult them. ESL Podcast 523 – Having Trouble Making a Decision Lorenzo: Have you bought a new television yet? Katia: No, I’m still looking at consumer reviews and weighing my options. I’m not sure yet what size I want or what features I need. I’m keeping my options open for now. Lorenzo: I thought your old TV stopped working three weeks ago. You still haven’t made up your mind about buying a new one? Katia: Oh, I’ve decided to buy a new one. It’s which one I’m going to buy that’s making me hesitate. There are so many options to choose from. I want to approach this logically and decide only after I’ve done the proper analysis. Lorenzo: It’s only a TV. It’s not like it’s a house or even a car. Katia: I know, but I’m the one who has to live with the decision. I’ll look at it every day, and if I don’t make the right decision, it’ll haunt me for years. Lorenzo: You know what I think? Katia: What? Lorenzo: I think you’re crippled by indecision, and you’re stalling. The sooner you make a decision and buy a new TV, the better. Katia: Hey, what are you doing? Where are you taking me? Lorenzo: We’re going to the electronics store this minute, and you’re buying a TV – today! Katia: What if I regret my decision? Lorenzo: Then I’ll buy you a new one. ESL Podcast 524 – Talking About Failure Akiko: How did your presentation go over this morning at the meeting? Gerry: It was a complete flop! Akiko: I don’t believe it. You spent weeks working on that presentation. Gerry: It wasn’t the presentation that bombed. It was my big idea. Leona called it a retread of what I presented last year, and she was not in the least impressed. Akiko: Ouch, that’s pretty harsh. What did the others say? Gerry: Overall, the response was dismal. Everyone else was trying to be tactful, but it boiled down to the fact that they thought it was pathetic. Akiko: I’m sure that’s not true. And if they didn’t jump up and down about the idea right away, they’re bound to come around after you give them more details. Gerry: I don’t know… Akiko: Come on, aren’t you the same guy who told me that you didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit’? Gerry: That was before this morning’s presentation. Akiko: Are you giving up on your great idea? Gerry: No, I guess not, but it’ll take some reworking… Akiko: Good, then you won’t give up? Gerry: I guess not. What the heck? I’m only risking more humiliation and failure, right? ESL Podcast 525 – Falling in Love Maya: What are those? Jorge: They’re pictures from our ski trip last weekend. Maya: Is there any reason you’re staring at the ones with Jessica in them? I think you’ve got a crush on her. Jorge: I’m not 10 years old. I don’t get crushes. Maya: Then, I think you’re falling head over heels for her. Jorge: Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve only just met her. Maya: I knew it was love at first sight when I introduced you at Yannick’s party. I could see the sparks fly. I couldn’t miss her blush or your silly grin. There was certainly a lot of chemistry between the two of you, that’s for sure. Jorge: I hardly talked to her at the party. Maya: Yes, but I could see her stealing glances at you all night. Jorge: That must have been a figment of your imagination. Maya: Oh, really? Jorge: Okay, I won’t deny that I’m attracted to Jessica, but I can’t speak for her. Maya: Yes, but I can. Jorge: What? Maya: She asked me about you. Jorge: When? Maya: Yesterday, at lunch. Jorge: What did she say? What did you say? Maya: That’s for me to know and for you to find out! Akiko: That’s the spirit! ESL Podcast 526 – Talking About Age Gabby: Another birthday! I’m going to stop celebrating. What’s there to celebrate – getting old and decrepit? Cherif: Are you kidding me? We’re in the prime of our lives. Who’s decrepit? I’m not. Gabby: If I’m in my prime, then why do I feel so middle age? Cherif: It’s a matter of perspective. It’s true that we’re not spring chickens anymore, but who wants all of the angst of youth? Not me. I like living these mature years without the insecurity and uncertainty of youth. Gabby: It’s not that. I don’t miss the awkwardness of my teenage years, and I definitely don’t miss the struggles I had to go through in my 20s. What I miss is the excitement of seeing and experiencing things for the first time. If I’m nostalgic, then I’m nostalgic for the innocence of youth. Cherif: Come on. There’s nothing stopping you from seeing and trying new things now. Don’t tell me that you’ve seen and done everything. Gabby: No, I haven’t. Cherif: Then you’ll come with me next Saturday, and I guarantee you a new experience. Gabby: What new experience? Cherif: Have you ever tried skydiving? Gabby: No, I haven’t and I don’t plan to now. I may be old, but I’m not ready to kick the bucket yet! ESL Podcast 527 – Describing Men’s Bodies Justin: What are you ogling at? Katrina: I’m watching those guys working across the street. Justin: Those construction workers? Katrina: Yeah, those prime examples of manhood. There’s not a flabby gut in the bunch. Justin: I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t appreciate you watching them as though they were pieces of meat. Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to objectify the opposite sex? Katrina: What? I’m not objectifying anybody. I’m just admiring their six-packs and guns. Look at those long, lean bodies. Justin: Stop it! It’s demeaning, and on behalf of all men out there, I’m really offended. It’s disgusting. Katrina: Is it disgusting to have a picture of Megan Fox on the wall in your office? Justin: That’s different! Katrina: How? Justin: It’s her personality I admire. Katrina: You could’ve fooled me. ESL Podcast 528 – Negotiating Salary Renaldo: Hello, may I speak to Simone Otto? Simone: This is Simone. May I ask who’s calling? Renaldo: This is Renaldo Garcia at Cinetect. You interviewed for a position with me last week. Simone: Oh, yes, of course. How are you? Renaldo: I’m doing well. The reason I’m calling is that I was very impressed with you last week, and I’d like to offer you the job. Simone: Thank you very much. I’m delighted to hear it. I really appreciate the job offer. Renaldo: I think we now need to talk about salary. What are your salary requirements? Simone: Well, for this type of position, I would be looking for a salary range between $60,000 and $65,000. Renaldo: Hmm, that’s a bit higher than I was thinking, given our budget constraints. Perhaps we can give you an attractive compensation package if the salary isn’t quite what you’re looking for. Simone: I’m certainly open to negotiations, though I think that the salary range I named is comparable to that of similar positions in the field. Renaldo: All right. Why don’t you consider this: I can give you a salary of $50,000 and I’ll increase your annual vacation time from two weeks to three weeks. Simone: Hmm, I’ll need to think about that... Renaldo: In this economy, it’s a salary that many people would jump at. Simone: I understand that, but I also know that I have a lot to offer your company. Renaldo: That’s certainly true, and I don’t you to walk away from this job if there’s any way we can close the gap in salary. Simone: If you’re willing to up the offer to $60,000, then I think it may be doable. Renaldo: Well, $60,000 is really the ceiling for that position. I’ll have to give it some thought and call you back. Simone: Please do, and again, thank you very much for the offer. It would be an honor to work with you and to work at Cinetect. ESL Podcast 529 – Insulting Other People Lourdes: Do you see those teenagers over there? They’re making trouble again. Nick: Those kids are just messing around. When they get bored, they’ll pipe down and go home. Lourdes: They’re really getting on my nerves, playing loud music and making all that noise. They’re a disgrace. Nick: Get away from that window before they see you. If they see that they can’t get a rise out of us, they’ll move along. What are you doing? What are you planning to do with that broom? Lourdes: I’m going to use it to wave them off. Nick: I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Teenagers can be unpredictable. You don’t know if a small slight might set them off. Insult them and you’re asking for trouble. Lourdes: I don’t care. I’m doing it anyway. Nick: Great! Now you have their attention. They’re flipping us off! Lourdes: Yeah, well, two can play that game. Take that! Nick: Are you crazy?! Lourdes: No, I’m just giving as good as I get. Look what they’re doing now! Nick: They’re mooning us! Lourdes: Well, two can play that game, too! Nick: What?! Are you nuts?! You can’t moon them back. Lourdes: Oh, no? Watch me! ESL Podcast 530 – Exterior Parts of a Car Ethan: You missed a spot. Marie: Hold on. When we made our bet for the loser to wash the winner’s car, it didn’t include the other person being there and being a pain in the neck. Ethan: I’m just here to make sure everything gets washed properly, from the hood to the taillights. Marie: Don’t you worry. See how carefully I’m washing the windshield, side mirrors, and headlights? I bet they’ve never been cleaner. Ethan: When are you going to get to the tires and the hubcaps? And I think you forgot the tailpipe. Marie: Will you get lost? I’ll do a better job without you looking over my shoulder. Ethan: I doubt that. If I weren’t here, who would remind you to clean the roof rack and the windshield wipers? I bet you would have forgotten those, for sure. Marie: I’m going to forget about this whole thing if you don’t shut up. Ethan: Nah uh. That’s not an option. When you lose a bet, you have to pay the price. Marie: Well, I’m willing to be a graceful loser if you’ll stop gloating. Ethan: Not a chance! Don’t forget the grills! ESL Podcast 531 – Describing Fabric Patterns Ruth: Now that we’ve picked out a new couch, we need to pick out an upholstery fabric. What do you think of this checkered one? Gerry: That’s an eyesore. I prefer something a little more subtle. Ruth: Subtle? What’s fun about subtle? I want something bold and that’ll make a statement. How about this one with the polka dots? Gerry: You’ve got to be kidding! That pattern is so busy, if I had to look at that every day, I’d go crazy. Ruth: All right, what do you think of this one with the stripes? Gerry: I’m not crazy about it, but it’s not as tacky as the others ones. Ruth: Okay then, you pick one out. Gerry: Fine. Let me see…Now this is a sight for sore eyes! Ruth: But that has no pattern at all! It’s a solid blue color, and a boring shade of blue to boot. Gerry: That’s right. That’s what I call a classic. Ruth: And that’s what I call dull! ESL Podcast 532 – Using an Online Email Program Luigi: What do you think of this new email program? Selma: I don’t know yet. I just started using it. The interface is pretty intuitive, but I haven’t figured out how to sort my inbox by date. Luigi: That’s easy. Let me show you. All you have to do is hit one of these buttons and it’ll sort automatically. Selma: Oh, I see. Let me try to compose a message. I’ll cc: myself and I’ll bcc: you to make sure it goes through. It looks like if I don’t want to send it right away, I can save the message as a draft. If I do send it, does it save a copy? Luigi: Yes, it should. Refresh the page and it should show up in “sent mail.” Selma: Oh, yeah, there it is. Let’s see, I can also archive messages or mark them as junk or send them straight to trash. How do I add contacts? Luigi: You can put contacts into your address book by dragging an email address into your “contacts” folder, like this. Selma: Okay, one more thing: I want to set up spam filters and some other filters to block unwanted emails. Luigi: You can do that in this window, see? Whose emails are you blocking? Selma: Yours, if don’t stop forwarding all of those stupid jokes every day. Luigi: And deprive you of the fun? Never! ESL Podcast 533 – Making Funeral and Burial Arrangements Reiko: When I die, I want a big funeral. The more mourners the better! Lucas: Not me. I’m just the opposite. I don’t want any kind of funeral or wake. I just want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered. Reiko: What? You don’t want to be buried in a beautiful casket with a big headstone? Better yet, how about being interred in a mausoleum? Lucas: You’ve got to be kidding me! Why would I all want all of that hoopla? I’m dead. What difference would it make to me? Reiko: It’s not for you. It’s for the mourners. Having a ceremony and a burial will help them grieve. Lucas: Not my friends and family. The less fuss the better for them. Most of my family is buried in simple gravesites in non-denominational cemeteries. Reiko: What’s the fun in that? Lucas: I think you’re forgetting one thing: we’re talking about death. It’s not supposed to be fun and games! ESL Podcast 534 – Types of Guns and Weapons Bobbie: I’ve always pegged you as the non-violent type. What’s with your fascination with guns and that sort of thing? Emmanuel: I come from a long line of military officers and I grew up with all of it. Believe it or not, I learned how to fire pistols and rifles before I was 10 years old, and by the time I was 14, I was a pretty good shot. Bobbie: I hope you fired at targets and not at people. Emmanuel: No, not people. We did do some hunting when I was young, but I mainly honed my skills with target practice. Bobbie: I’d like to try target practice – with a machine gun or a grenade launcher! I’m sure I’d at least hit something. Emmanuel: Yeah, right. What really interests me are the big weapons, like missiles – you know, like antiballistic missiles and torpedoes. Bobbie: You can have all of the missiles you want. I’ll be hiding in the tank! ESL Podcast 535 – Describing Speed and Pace Chiu: Come on, slowpoke, hurry up! We’ll never get to the top of the hill if you don’t get a move on. Sarah: There’s no way you’re going to get me to move at breakneck speed. I’ve gone up at least 500 steps already, and my legs are about to fall off. Tell me again why we’re trudging up this hill? Chiu: It’s the only way to the ruins and the view from there will really be worth your while. Trust me. Pick up the pace or we won’t get there before sunset! Sarah: It’s not like I’m dawdling here. I may be moving at a snail’s pace, but this is as fast as I can manage without keeling over. If you’re in such a hurry, you can sprint up there by yourself. Go ahead. Impress me with your blinding speed. Chiu: I’m not about to leave you here all by yourself. Sarah: Why? Do you feel sorry for me? Chiu: Yes, I always feel sorry for the physically challenged. Sarah: Oh, yeah? Better physically challenged than mentally challenged! ESL Podcast 536 – Using a Computer Keyboard Leslie: This keyboard is so hard to use. I can’t find where anything is! Dave: It’s a standard QWERTY keyboard. The layout may be a little different, with the function keys on the right-hand side instead of on the top, but you’ll get used to it in no time. Leslie: That’s what you think. I don’t need an ergonomic wireless keyboard. I liked my old one. Dave: Everybody in the office is getting one, so you weren’t singled out. Okay, let me give you a quick orientation. This keyboard has a built-in number pad, and all you need to do is press the “num lock” key to use it. The escape (“esc”) key is over here, and the “control,” “alt,” and “shift” keys are on the bottom. Leslie: Where’s the “caps lock”? Dave: It’s on your left. Leslie: But my old keyboard had a bunch of hotkeys. What am I supposed to do without them? Dave: You can program your function keys to act as hotkeys. Do you want me to show you how to do that? Leslie: I guess so. Since I’m stuck with this keyboard, I guess I have to live with it. Dave: That’s the spirit!